HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09-12-AC-min 9/12/2016 AC Minutes Minutes Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee(AC) September12, 2016 : ParkerRoom,Town OfficeBuilding,7:30p.m. : Glenn Parker, Chair;John Bartenstein, Vice Chair and Secretary;Kate Colburn; Mollie Garberg; AlanLevine;Eric Michelson;Andrei Radulescu-Banu;Rob Addelson (non-voting, ex officio) Members Absent:RichardNeumeier Membership Note:There is one vacancy on the Committee which has yet to be filled. Others Present:ElaineAshton, Town Meeting member The meetingwas calledto order at 7:39pm. 1.Announcements: The following events are taking place in the near future: September 13, 7:30 p.m.: The Center Streetscape Design Review Ad hoc Committee is holding a public hearing in Estabrook Hall. September 14,7:30 p.m.: Town Meeting Members AssociationInformation Session;this Committee’s report will be distributed at the meeting. September 20, noon to 8:00 p.m.: A district-wide referendum for support of a new Minuteman Technical High School facility.The only Lexington polling location is the Community Center. It is also possible to vote early at the Town Clerk’s office. September 21, 6:30p.m.: A meeting for this Committee will be posted. The Town Report photograph of the committee will be taken. Town Meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. 2.Liaison Reports: Mr. Parker reported that there was a “Chairs+1” meeting held earlier in the day, during which there was discussion about the schedule for and details associated with anticipated debt exclusion referendums needed to fund the replacements of the Hastings Elementary School (Hastings) and the Fire Station Headquarters. Assuming the Town purchases 171-173 Bedford Street, replacing the fire station will involvetwo sequential construction projects: preparing 171-173 Bedford Streetfor swing space to be used by the fire department temporarily, and replacing the current facility. Because the Town is following Massachusetts School Building Association(MSBA)requirements to receive partial funding for Hastings, a debt exclusion referendum for that project will likely need tobe held in the late fall of 2017.There is a consensus that a referendum vote on the Fire Station project should be held at the same time. In addition to requesting approval for Hastings and the fire station projects, the referendum may requestapproval for Lexington High School heating, ventilation, and air conditioning upgrades.MSBA requires that the Hastings project be a separate question. Inclusion of a facility for the Lexington Children’s Program was not discussedduring the “Chairs +1” meetingas a location for that facility has not yet been established. It was noted that in addition to the debt exclusion referendum being presented to residents, Town Meeting will be askedto appropriate funds for the projects. Thisrequires a series of approvals for the different stages involved in developing designs and then the actual construction. 1 9/12/2016 AC Minutes There was discussion about the potential need for an operating overrideat some point in the future. Although 2019 had, at one point, been identified as a year when this might be needed, it was noted that there are many variables that influence the operating budget, and it was premature to make any definitive assumptions. 3.Articles for Special Town Meeting (STM) 2016-5 Votes were taken on the articles,as follows: Article 2: Land Purchase –171-173 Bedford St: A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval of Article 2. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 Article 4: Supplemental Appropriation for School Facilities Capital Projects: A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval ofArticle 4. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 Article 5: Appropriate Funds for Police Station Feasibility Study: A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval of Article 5. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 Article 6: Amend FY2017 Operating, Enterprise Fund and CPA Budgets: A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval ofArticle 6. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 Article 7: Establishand Appropriate To and From SpecifiedStabilization Funds: In response to questions, Mr. Addelson noted that revised new growth estimatesindicate that the Town will have $200,000 more in revenue in FY2017 than budgeted. If additional new growth is recognized after the Special Town Meeting, the additional funds can be used to reduce the tax rate or allowed to flow to free cash. If allowed to flow to free cash, those funds won’t be available for appropriation until the fall of 2017 when the books for FY2016 are closed and verified by the State.A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval of Article 7. The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 There was a review of minor edits being recommended for this committee’s report to the STM2016-5. Mr. Addelson added his comments. A motion was made and seconded to approve the report, subject to editorial changes to be made by Mr. Parker.The motion passed. VOTE: 7-0 4.Adjourn The Committee adjournedat 8:21p.m. The documentsused at the meeting arelistedbelow. Respectfully submitted, Sara Arnold,Recording Secretary ApprovedSeptember 21, 2016 Exhibits Agenda,posted by Glenn Parker, Chair 2