HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-10-24-GCC-min Greenways Corridor Committee October 24, 2016 Parker Room, Town Office Building Lexington, Massachusetts Members Present: Alex Dohan, Peggy Enders, Eileen Entin, Don Grant, Bob Hausslein, Susan Kenyon, Keith Ohmart, Mike Tabaczynski Other Attendees: none Votes : Minutes 9/26/2016: Approved Reports/Updates : • Keith gave a brief overview of the recent public Planning Board workshop. • GCC will provide a letter of support for ongoing work on the Brookhaven Trail. • The Shire Trail is essentially complete. Only some grading and signposts are needed to make the connection from the new trail to the Fire Road. Many Shire volunteers helped through the Boston Cares program. • Discussion of meeting time/location. Should there be a change for 2017? It appears that meeting somewhere in the Center works well for all, though perhaps a different room than Parker. Fourth Monday, 4:30-6:00pm, still seems to work well. Ongoing Business : • Some discussion of new Committee member possibilities to fill Paul Knight’s seat. • Route F extension - no update at present, but the construction along Mill Street is beginning, which is good news for our potential trail. • Sustainability Fair - we will have a table and coverage slots have been filled. New Business: • Keith, Mike, & Alex met with two residents of a Lincoln Street neighborhood group that is in- terested in improving bike/ped safety in the area. It was agreed that we would lend support as they work with the Town on this project. • Brochure update is due, now that Route G is open. The current supply will be depleted by spring. There are no funds currently available for developing new brochures, which would cost in the range of $3000 for update work and printing. The website can be updated regu- larly, but paper maps are good exposure. QR codes to link to new maps are also a possibil- ity. • In seeking funds, we can look to the Community Endowment for Lexington, and possibly the Tourism Committee. It would be nice if the Town would pay for the maps. We can work with the Bicycle Committee if collaboration would be useful. Melissa Tintocalis oversees the Visi- tor Center & perhaps we can work with her. Recreation could also be interested. Funds in the Rick Abrams Trust may need to be used for ACROSS kiosks, so should be held back un- til we know if they will be needed. • Can we post maps in the Conservation kiosks where ACROSS passes by? Could we also post weatherproof maps at trail junctions? • Route H - will utilize the new Shire Trail and connect through Hayden Woods and Idylwilde, looping through Coppersmyth Way off Route B. Eileen will coordinate an exploratory walk in the next week or two. • Permissions will be needed from Conservation for signage through Idylwilde and Hayden Woods, and from the Town for the Bridge School area and Coppersmyth Way. Pending Items: Municipal Law update List of Town easements (Keith will email existing list) Generic Town property signs (Mike) Proposed zoning bylaw amendments re subdivision trail access Seasonal trail maintenance on non-Conservation properties Next Meeting : November 28, 2016, 4:30-6:00pm, location TBD Future meetings: December 19, 2016, 4:30-6:00pm, location TBD Proposed 2017 meeting dates: Jan 23, Feb 27, Mar 27, Apr 24, May 22, Jun 26, (Jul 24), (Aug 28), Sep 25, Oct 23, Nov 27, Dec 18 (3rd Monday) Future Agenda Items: None at this time beyond continued trail investigation and development Respectfully Submitted by Alexandra Dohan, Secretary