HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-14 HDC-minLynn Hopkins, Chair
Anne Eccles
Britta McCarthy
Paul Ross
Robert Warshawer
Hudson Meeting Room, Cary Hall
1605 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA
7:00 PM
Meeting broadcasted by
Commissioners present: Lynn Hopkins (Chairperson), Britta McCarthy (Minutes), Anne Eccles, Paul
Ross, Robert Warshawer
Associate Commissioners: Marilyn Fenollosa, Robin Lovett
Special meeting was held for discussion and action agenda items the Commission was not able to get
through during 4/7/16 HDC hearing.
1. Make photos of front elevations of house a requirement for all with views from all sides of the building
and from all public ways.
2. Informal hearings should actually be called informal "discussions" not a hearing.
All in favor.
Article approved at last town meeting.
Must be posted for 30 days, then goes to Attorney General for 90 days to review, after which it becomes
part of the Town by -laws. Expected to be effective sometime in August.
The procedure is outlined in Section 19 -4 of the bylaw. The process involves joint collaboration between
the HDC and the Building Commissioner.
Letters have been received regarding the property next to the Toyota dealership on Mass. Ave., so this
structure may be a candidate for demolition by neglect protection.
Paul Ross and Britta McCarthy suggested asking Jon Wardwell to be the HDC point person for properties
that need attention in this regard. His construction experience would be very valuable. Robin Lovett
suggested having a second person as back up and agreed to be this person.
Bob Warshawer explained the difficulties of locating cell towers. Emergency services need to be
hardwired to the police station.. 120' tall tower has been proposed. Lynn asked Bob Warshawer to gather
information and then provide the HDC with an objective summary report
Lynn Hopkins, Chair
Anne Eccles
Britta McCarthy
Paul Ross
Robert Warshawer
Meeting broadcasted by
Anne Eccles did preliminary work researching this. National Historic District and Wellesley experiences
and info were researched. She wrote up solar guidelines for HDC to consider which could be an
addendum item to HDC guidelines for future solar panel requests within the historic districts. The
National Guidelines has a "reversibility" clause so that something done to an historic property can be
undone without damaging the original structure. Reversibility is important so the historic structure will
be protected and preserved even when the technology inevitably becomes outmoded. Paul Ross agreed to
assist Anne Eccles. and Lynn Hopkins reminded commission how we have preferred the all -black panels
and the desire to cover a roof top completely and avoid unpleasant patterning. To illustrate,Anne Eccles
made a CAD model house as an ideal example for solar panels locations. Paul Ross suggested "Do" and
"Don't" side by side comparisions.
3 March 2016 - Monthly HDC Hearing.
All in favor as amended.
15 March 2016 - Special HDC Meeting
All in favor as amended.
Britta McCarthy recused herself.
At town meeting Monday, April 11, 2016, it was stated design of the East Lexington Road changes is
almost 75% complete. Article 10g, was a funding request for temporary easements. Marilyn was called
upon at Town Meeting to clarify the HDC position in the controversy that has been characterized as
traffic lights vs. roundabouts. She stated that HDC had written a letter at the early stages of design (July
2015) expressing concern about traffic lights in the Historic Districts, but since that time the HDC had not
taken a vote on the matter.
In January 2016 Marilyn Fenollosa and Lynn Hopkins, at the request of the Town engineers, visited the
Pleasant Street site to evaluate how the two schemes would impact the neighborhood. The engineers
were requesting a response on very short notice because the Selectmen were scheduled to vote on the
projects in a few days, insufficient time to post a meeting of the full commission. Marilyn and Lynn were
told in addition to the permanent land takings and relocation of stone walls and metal fencing, 37 signs
plus a pedestrian RRFB light would be required. Marilyn and Lynn wrote a letter to the selectmen as two
individual commissioners saying they felt once all of these requirements were taken into consideration,
they concluded the roundabout solution would be more disruptive to the fabric of the neighborhood than
Lynn Hopkins, Chair
Anne Eccles
Britta McCarthy
Paul Ross
Robert Warshawer
Meeting broadcasted by
the traffic lights. They stated in the letter that the entire HDC might vote differently, however, if the
choices were presented to it for consideration.
Funding for the roadway improvements was a concern for many town meeting members. Lexington is
receiving almost $6 million in Federal funding for these changes. If required deadlines are not met,
funding could be lost, not just for this year but possibly permanently. Consequently there is pressure to
keep the project moving forward.
Lynn Hopkins has emailed the Engineering and the Town Manager requesting the project return to the
HDC for a progress review of green spaces, historical markers, signage, street furniture, lighting and
paving materials.
Anne Eccles' main concern is that the HDC never really had a say as a group. Doesn't understand how we
didn't get to speak to this as a panel or compete HDC board.
Lynn Hopkins suggests we use this as a learning opportunity in order to have a greater say proactively
with the town on planning matters such as this within the HDC districts. Marilyn Fenollosa suggests Peter
Kelley address how the HDC could perhaps be more involved going forward.
Peter Kelly said he felt he was being maligned for bringing up the July 2015 letter expressing HDC
concern regarding the consequences of traffic lights along the avenue. Although the vote was about
temporary right of way funding, Peter saw this as the only opportunity to speak up. He said he feels we
are going down a bad path for town of Lexington.
Britta McCarthy, Mass. Ave. Lexington resident: 1. In support of Pleasant street light. Street too
dangerous. 2. Felt the Board of Selectmen created a public relations mess and that they should have
collaborated with the HDC on this project from day one - Mass. Ave. being one of the most important
elements of historic Lexington. Please address changing process to bring HDC and Board of Selectmen
together sooner.
Peter: Additional concern: Marrett Rd and Mass Ave - internally illuminated sign. 200 feet is limit for
jurisdiction - in limit?
Town going downhill - will look like new Arlington. Opportunity to make changes is past. HDC was not
given another opportunity to speak and be involved in the project after the January hearing. Skeptical of
process being open to debating all options and considering possible solutions - Consultant says what do
you want the outcome to be and they'll get you there.
Marilyn: Our letters were being misconstrued. The problem is we are reactive not proactive. Should have
been an informal hearing where Board of Selectmen came to HDC a long time ago before getting into
design process
Lynn Hopkins, Chair
Anne Eccles
Britta McCarthy
Paul Ross
Robert Warshawer
Meeting broadcasted by
Lynn: there will be public hearings going forward about this and HDC can attend. When there is a scheme
to present, we can attend, when there's something we wish to address, we can ask Board of Selectmen
and /or Engineering to come speak to us. Board of Selectment doesn't have to respond but we can ask.
HDC was criticized for not doing this in the past.
Will ask Board of Selectmen to come before HDC with Woburn St design as it stands for review.
Paul Ross has recused himself.
Update: Project has been continued twice. At the most recent hearing we were waiting for clarification
from town council on the preservation restriction that exists between historical society and town. We have
received that clarification: HDC responsibility has not increased and we may address character and
design but not the size of the structure. Zoning variance has been challenged by the neighbor, but this too
is not HDC responsibility.
Britta McCarthy asked for Lynn to limit comments to 5 minutes and limit to no comments regarding
what's not in HDC jurisdiction.
Ad Hoc committee has been created. Anne Eccles will represent the HDC. Timetable is longer than
before, with first tier deliverables Sept. 15, 2016.
Lynn Hopkins disclosed that Robin Lovett is married to chair of Disabilities Committee, but has declined
to recuse himself and will be objective.
In an opinion column in the Minuteman Victoria Buckley, chair of Disabilities Committee (DC), and
Nancy Adler. Council on Aging, stated that the Historic Districts Commission supported concrete with
brick border hybrid sidewalks. Lynn Hopkins sent a response to the Minuteman, Ms. Buckley and Ms.
Adler stating that no such vote had been taken and the statement was in error. Emails between Ms.
Buckley and Lynn have been exchanged.
Joint meeting with DC and HDC has been suggested. Goal of joint meeting - to be responsive to each
other. Not sure we'll reach consensus.
Ms Buckley is on AdHoc committee, so perhaps this is the best venue for the dialogue.
Bob Warshawer: In midst of change of approach by folks who live in Lexington. People are not liking
change. Minutemen paper not fact checking. Bricks are not just a little bumpy, but also not continuous,
not laid properly or properly maintained.
Lynn Hopkins, Chair
Anne Eccles
Britta McCarthy
Paul Ross
Robert Warshawer
Meeting broadcasted by
Anne Eccles: disagrees and feels folks are open to some change.
Paul Ross: interesting and nice to join together and show respect and exchange thoughts.
Marilyn Fenollosa: did have joint meeting for Cary Library. Does it make a difference?
Lynn: Pittsburgh study so compelling because so scientific. Shouldn't be one person making a decision.
Should bring science into this.
Robin: Brought up cost factor due to quantity of surface.
Britta: Avenue importance and its character trumps all in town of Lexington.
9:OOpm - End of meeting.
Motion to adjourn all in favor.
Minutes by Britta McCarthy