HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-10-25-CLARKE-minJonas Clarke Middle School 17 Stedman Road • Lexington, Massachusetts 02421 Anna W. Monaco, Principal Mary B. Barry -Ng, Assistant Principal Jonathan R. Wettstone, Assistant Principal Office: (781) 861 -2450 Fax: (781) 674 -2043 Jonas Clarke Middle School School Site Council Meeting October 25, 2016 7:OOAM Main Office, Jonas Clarke Middle School 17 Stedman Road Lexington, MA 02421 Agenda In Attendance: Anna Monaco, Principal; Mary Barry-Ng, Assistant Principal; Jonathan Wettstone, Assistant Principal, Rachel Bird, Teacher, Christina Cohen, Parent; Angela Chang, Parent; Naomi Priver, Parent; Cathy Swan, Parent; Jennifer Roney, Parent I. Welcome II. Review and approval of September 2016 Meeting Minutes • Minutes approved II. Communication w/ the Parent community a. Feedback on Virtual BTSN • Teacher feedback - some of the teachers have more background and comfort with technology • With the instructional tech specialist (ITS) - we were able to provide support and some positive learning about technology on the parts of teachers. • Learned a variety of ways (iMovie, Screencast, Camtasia) • Teacher - were there a lot of parents that came on Oct 6th? • A. Monaco - approx 75 families came to the open house (just a guess) o only 50 responded to the survey. (review of survey results) o 74% did not tour school on BTS night o 26% did tour the school on BTS o Lots of siblings came with families that did arrive o Low stress • A. Monaco - review why people did not watch videos (survey responses) o Did not know where link was o Did not have time • A. Monaco - Did you find it beneficial? • A. Monaco - Additional comments • Parent - Will this format continue? o Not sure, over capacity that night, parking, etc. o Also, might be something for new students & 6th grade only o Parent - then do 7th and 8th another night? o A. Monaco - Some teachers teach all three grades, that would be a bit of a concern. o Parent - This can be the only time a parent actually gets to see and talk to a teacher o Parent - Suggestion about how her daughter's school runs a night like this. (Parents in auditorium and teachers present on stage, parents stay in place and teachers rotate in and out). • Do not see the classrooms • Do not get to speak directly with the teacher • Parent - How many parents come to conferences? Do they all come? o Not enough slots as it is for all parents o Will release the conference schedule soon and provide the time in which parents will be able to sign up. • Teacher - nice part about BTS night, usually a Thursday schedule, and only see teachers that child has that day. So with virtual BTS night - see all child's teachers because all have videos • Parent - what about bussing teachers or parents from LHS? o We reviewed this idea, just did not appeal to either parents trying to get here from work and teachers trying to get home at the end of the evening. o What about only having one parent (per grade) attend? • A. Monaco - overall: face -to -face was missed. Parent and teacher feedback was similar in this regard. b. Communication around after school opportunities • Parent - After School Clubs o If students don't listen to announcements, can miss out on these opportunities. Diamond has a very comprehensive "club page" with contact names, dates, etc. This way students interested in joining another activity /club would be able to view the club page. • A. Monaco - we could organize a page similar to Diamond's in order to provide more communication. c. Emergency vs. Non emergency information • Parent - Superintendent's Beyond Measure phone call threw some parents for a bit of a loop. Used to getting emergency messages. • A. Monaco - we have a system called Blackboard that allows for phone calls. The Superintendent was really just trying to make all members of the LPS community aware about this opportunity. • Parent - is there a way for parents to opt for text or phone? (For example, emergency messages go to phone, but text would be informative.) • A. Monaco - this is good feedback for the Superintendent. On the LPS webpage, Lexington Listens is a feedback link on any issue in the LPS. The information goes directly to the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent Sandra Trach. They are analyzing what information is requested and shared to improve relationship. • A. Monaco - shared how /when she uses phone vs. text to inform parents. Yet, still wants to ensure ALL parents are informed about specific events /information that is needed. d. Starting an Email group for Clarke • Parent - At least four other schools have an informal Google Group discussion. Every year parents asked for this. Would this be possible? o Concern for moderation of comments o Understand this could be a good piece for communication • A. Monaco - did mention to the PTO for upcoming meeting in November. Mrs. Monaco will share her concerns with the group, but does understand their could be value. • Parent - Is there overlap with other forms of communication? • Parent - (Can I touch back on clubs ?) I have heard a few stories about racial incidences? Are there any clubs here that have this? At (daughter's school) there are clubs that offer this support. • A. Monaco - We do have a METCO social worker that does work with all students around race and culture. • Teacher - There are also opportunities at WIN. (Art & ESL teacher) (World Geography Teacher) III. Beyond Measure Film Discussion • A. Monaco - Film and book had some differences. Way the film portrayed the school that was trying to implement this new initiative. The real struggle was shown and they highlighted it was a tremendous cultural shift. • Parent - Also appreciated how the project based piece forces the social piece and the collaboration along with the learning. Some comments parents had shared are that some parts of the curriculum (e.g. memorizing capitals of countries) are really more rote memory and not learning and project based. • A. Monaco - there is a shift going on. The project -based learning is one step further than that. The kids are discovering the content on their own and the teacher guides their research and exploration. • A. Monaco - in middle school, we have the luxury of taking risks - it is not the high stakes high - school. One idea was taking a mini -team and try to experiment with idea of "opt in." • Parent - some group projects can be poorly constructed and place the burden of the work students - yet one student ends up doing all the work. • A. Monaco - LEF provides a community grant and we are considering this idea of Project Based Learning and proper training for teachers interested in making this move. • A. Monaco - Lexington Learns Together (November 8th - all day professional development) we (M. Barry and Anna Monaco) offering a session entitled, "Could we be homework free ?" The idea here is to discuss the topic and identify the struggles and benefits. • A. Monaco - Reflecting on Beyond Measure - we in Lexington are recognized as leaders. We have quite a bit of power in making a difference. Author of Beyond Measure (Vicki Abeles) acknowledged this as well. IV. Questions, Comments, Concerns • Parent - When do parents have to be CORI checked and /or fingerprinted? • Parent - Does the CORI check also incorporate the SORI (sexual offenders) check? • Anna Monaco - Will check on this with HR and get information. V. Next meeting date — Tuesday November 22, 2016 7:OOAM VII. Adjourn : 8:09 am