HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09-26-GCC-min Greenways Corridor Committee September 26, 2016 Parker Room, Town Office Building Lexington, Massachusetts Members Present: Peggy Enders, Eileen Entin, Don Grant, Bob Hausslein, Susan Kenyon, Keith Ohmart, Mike Tabaczynski Votes : Minutes 6/16/2016: Approved Reports/Updates : • Brochure Distribution: Susan reported that 4 student volunteers distributed brochures over the summer. As of this date about 12,000 brochures (of the 15,000 that were printed) have been distributed. Susan has 4 volunteers to distribute brochures this fall. At this point she has met with two of them. • Grove St.: The builder has submitted plans to the planning board. There are no plans for the Town to purchase the property. No new action on the committee’s part is required at present. • MA DOT Right of Way/Montessori School Conservation Restriction: The request for a right of way is moving forward slowly. Carol Kowalski, on behalf of the Town, will submit a formal re- quest to the DOT to use the access road. Mike and Keith will continue to follow this. • DCR Lot 1 Trail Development: Keith and Mike are working with the Brookhaven Nature Com- mittee on an application to DCR to put in a trail. The Conservation Commission will provide a letter of support. • Route G Installation: During the inaugural walk on Route G on Sept 25, we determined that a few additional directional signs would be advisable. Bob will take care of these. Mike will ad- just the Route G map to concur with the signed path through Lower Vine Brook. • Shire Trail Update: Final construction will occur on Oct 7 with the help of a corporate group from Shire. This trail could be linked to the new development on Lincoln St. abutting the Cam- bridge Watershed property and Cranberry Hill. The committee will discuss the possibility of a new route in this area at a future meeting. • Route B around Clarke Middle School: Eileen reported that because of the construction go- ing on at Clarke, we need to provide a different way to get from Brookside to the entrance to Dunback Meadows. Bob and Eileen will look at the options and install temporary signs. Keith will check the A route at Diamond, which is also undergoing significant construction, to see if any temporary route modifications are required. Ongoing : • Route F extension/Minuteman National Park trail signs. Keith will contact John Livsey to set up a meeting to discuss possible ways to get across Rte 2A in light of any possible Town plans for improvements around Old Mass Ave/Rte 2A. New Business: • Filling vacant committee seat: Paul Knight has resigned from the GCC Committee. Keith asked the committee to think about possible replacements and the kinds of skills that would fit with and enhance those of the current committee members. • Supporting the Sustainability Fair: LexGWAC will hold a the Sustainability Fair on Oct 29 at the high school from 10 am – 4 pm. The GCC will have a table at the Fair. Keith will send around a request for volunteers for three slots: 10-12, 12-2, 2-4. • Maintenance on non-conservation properties: We need to work with the Town to develop a long-term maintenance plan for non-conservation parcels that are part of an ACROSS route, such as Laconia St (Rte G) and Fremont St (Rte F). Pending Items: • Lincoln St neighborhood input. A Lincoln St resident contacted Keith about providing neigh- borhood input for future ACROSS routes. The neighborhood would like to help build trails for biking and walking in their area. Mike suggested that the group provide a written proposal re- flecting their ideas, which can be used as the basis for a meeting between the neighborhood group and the GCC. • Garfield St abutter indemnity: No new information about this. • Generic Town property sign: Mike continues to work on this. • List of Town property easement examples: Keith will contact Stew Kennedy to see if he has such a list. • Proposed Zoning B-Law amendments regarding subdivision trail access: Item tabled pend- ing further discussion after reviewing the recently passed State municipal regulations omnibus legislation. Next Meeting : October 24, 2016, 4:30-6:00pm, location TBD Future meeting dates: Nov 28, Dec 19 Future Agenda Items: • Filling empty seat on GCC committee • Development of next ACROSS route perhaps incorporating the Shire Trail • Discuss brochure reprint options for 2017 Respectfully Submitted by Eileen Entin, Acting Secretary