HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Board Minutes, 1994-11-14 i i PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF NOVEMBER 14, 1994 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by Vice Chairman Canale, with members Domnitz, Grant, and Merrill, Planning Director Bowyer, and Assistant Planner Marino present. Mrs. Davison was absent due to the illness of her husband. 222. Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of October 31, 1994 On the motion of Mr. Domnitz, seconded by Mr. Grant, it was voted 3-0-1 to approve the minutes, as amended. Mr. Merrill abstained from voting as he was not present at that meeting. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS 223 Hunt Road. Definitive Street Construction Plan: Mr. Bowyer reviewed briefly the stages that this plan has gone through since the last meeting when the sole remaining issue was drainage. The Engineering Department reviewed the current plan and finds the revisions to the drainage system acceptable. On the motion of Mr. Grant, seconded by Mr. Domnitz, the Board voted unanimously 1. that Hunt Road, as it provides frontage for lots #7A and 6B on Assessors Map #48, is not presently of adequate grade and construction but will be of adequate grade and construction if the improvements shown on the plan entitled Definitive Construction Plan prepared by Ditto and Associates for Richard Curtin and Vincent Mula, dated September 19, 1994, are made; 2. to approve the plan entitled Definitive Construction Plan prepared by Ditto and Associates for Richard Curtin and Vincent Mula, dated September 19, 1994, as the definitive street construction plan, with waivers from the Standards for Grade and Construction of Unaccepted Streets Relative to New Dwellings, as set forth in its decision; 3 to approve the plan entitled Landscaping Plan, prepared by John G. Crowe Associates, Inc., for Richard Curtin and Vincent Mula, dated September 27, 1994, , 4 to approve the wording of the draft decision dated November 14, 1994; and 5 to endorse the plan entitled Definitive Construction Plan prepared by Ditto and Associates, dated September 19, 1994, and the plan entitled Landscaping Plan prepared by John G. Crowe Associ- ates, Inc., dated September 27, 1994, both prepared for Richard Curtin and Vincent Mula. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 224 Schoolhouse Lane, Acceptance of Covenant and Other Documents: The Board reviewed a draft motion prepared by the staff. On the motion of Mr. Domnitz, seconded by Mr. Grant, the Board voted unanimously to: 1. accept the covenant executed by Richard F Perry and Peter C. J Kelley, Trustees of Clematis Realty Trust, dated October 27, 1994, 2. endorse the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Definitive Site Development Plan, Schoolhouse Lane, Lexington, Massachusetts"dated May 16, 1994, and, 3 sign sheet number three, Property Rights Plan of Land, and authorize Robert A. Bowyer, Planning Director, or Joseph A. Marino, Assistant Planner, to sign sheet numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 225 Granger Pond Way Withdrawal of Application for Defmitive Plan: Mr. Marino informed the Board that the application for approval of the defmitive subdivision plan filed on October 21, 1994 is incomplete and incorrect. The application for the zoning approval for a cluster subdivision had not been Minutes for the Meeting of November 14, 1994 2 filed. The applicant has submitted a request to withdraw the plan. On the motion of Mr. Grant, seconded by Mr. Merrill, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request from Gary Larson in behalf of the Windermere Group, Inc. to withdraw their application for approval of the definitive plan for Granger Pond Way, filed on October 21, 1994. 226. Munroe Village. Definitive Plan. Reauest for Extension of Time: Mr. Marino reported that Sam Sleiman, civil engineer, has submitted a request for an extension of time for the Planning Board to act on the application for approval of the definitive subdivision plan for Munroe Village, off Woburn Street. On the motion of Mr. Domnitz, seconded by Mr. Grant, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request dated November 4, 1994, from Sam Sleiman, requesting an extension of time for the Planning Board to act on the Munroe Village Definitive Subdivision Plan. The extension of time is for 90 days from February 2, 1995 or 45 days from the date a revised plan is submitted, whichever occurs first. 227 10 Summer Street. Acceptance of Covenant and Other Documents: The Board reviewed draft documents prepared by the staff. On the motion of Mr. Grant seconded by Mr. Merrill, the Board voted unanimously to: 1 accept the covenant executed by Barbara T Zack, of 10 Summer Street, Lexington, MA, dated November 8, 1994, and 2. endorse the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Definitive Subdivision Plan, 10 Summer Street, Lexington, Massachusetts"dated May 31, 1994 3 sign sheet number five, Property Rights Plan of Land, and authorize Robert A. Bowyer, Planning Director, or Joseph A. Marino, Assistant Planner, to sign sheet numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 228. "Zee Street" Preliminary Plan. Decision: The Board reviewed a draft decision prepared by the staff. On the motion of Mr. Merrill, seconded by Mr. Domnitz, the Board voted 3-0 to approve the requested waiver from section 1 of the Development Regulations. Mr. Grant abstained as he represented Steve Sack at the closing on his abutting property On the motion of Mr. Merrill, seconded by Mr. Domnitz, the Board voted 4-0 to: 1) approve the preliminary subdivision plan, entitled "Zee Street", dated August 18, 1994, and 2) approve the wording of the decision, dated November 14, 1994 229 Garfield Street Extension. Preliminary Plan. Direction to Staff for Decision: The Board reviewed a draft of a decision on the application for approval of the Garfield Street Extension preliminary subdivision plan dated November 7, 1994 The Board agreed to delete reference to granting a waiver to treat Garfield Street as a "Minor Residential Street" and to have the decision read that the Board has determined that it is a "Minor Residential Street" and to make corresponding changes in the references to the numerical provisions of the Development Regulations. The Board agreed to add a sentence in the part of the decision dealing with the waiver from paragraph 1, Sidewalk. At its October 31 meeting, four members of the Board had agreed to grant that waiver that will permit the street to be constructed without a sidewalk instead of with a sidewalk on one side of the street. The sentence will read: "In lieu of a sidewalk, the applicant will be required to construct a path for public use on an alternate alignment, from the end of the street's pavement to connect to the existing path in another location" The applicant will need to make a proposal on how that connection can be made. At its October 31 meeting, the Board was split 2 to 2 on the following requests for waivers. Mr. Merrill, who was not present at the October 31 meeting, said he was not in favor of granting any of those waivers. Three members of the Board, Messrs. Canale, Domnitz and Merrill are now recorded as not in favor of granting the following requested waivers. Mrs. Davison and Mr. Grant were recorded at the October 31 meeting as being in favor of granting those waivers. 3 Minutes for the meeting of November 14, 1994 At its October 31 meeting, the Board was split 2 to 2 on the following requests for waivers. Mr Merrill, who was not present at the October 31 meeting, said he was not in favor of granting any of those waivers. Three members of the Board, Messrs. Canale, Domnitz and Merrill are now recorded as not in favor of granting the following requested waivers. Mrs. Davison and Mr. Grant were recorded at the October 31 meeting as being in favor of granting those waivers. 1., Minimum Pavement Width. To permit the pavement width to be 16' instead of 20' 2., Travel Lanes. To permit two 8' travel lanes instead of two 10' travel lanes. 4., Turnaround for Dead end Street. To permit an alternative layout that includes a temporary easement instead. 9., Utilities. To permit above ground utilities. The Board agreed the requested waiver from paragraph, Street Trees, is not required because paragraph allows use of existing trees. The Board agreed that the decision should include reference to other features of the proposal that do not comply with the Regulations in addition to the waivers already requested. The applicants should either bring those features into compliance or they may request a waiver which the Board may either grant or disapprove. These include: 1. The design standards for a "Minor Residential Street" in subparagraph that require a 6' landscaped planting strip on both sides and a shoulder on one side of the street; in subparagraph regarding shoulders; and in subparagraph that requires the paved section of a street to be constructed with a 2" binder course and 1-1/2" surface course of bituminous concrete. 2. The alternative plan does not have a drainage plan and does not comply with many of the requirements of subsection 3.6.5 Storm Water Management. Mr. Domnitz noted that subparagraph, Drainage Easements, requires that drainage rights be secured by the developer because the proposed drainage system will discharge water onto land outside the subdivision boundaries. Since that is Town owned land, permission will be needed from the Board of Selectmen acting for the property owner and from the Conservation Commission under the Wetland Protection Act. The Board discussed whether the applicant might want to file another preliminary subdivision plan because of the number of design issues still unresolved. Mr. Domnitz suggested the applicant could file an application for approval of a definitive plan and the issues could be resolved at the Planning Board mid-term review The decision should outline the choices. The staff will prepare a new draft decision for action at the November 28, 1994 meeting. ************************ ARTICJ.FS FOR 1994 TOWN MEETING ************************ 230. Special Permit to Waive Frontage: The Board reviewed the fifth draft of the proposed amendment, dated November 1, 1994. Mr. Domnitz pointed out that, although the staff memorandum noted that the lot frontage for the new lot at 10 Summer Street was less than two thirds of the required frontage, the average frontage of both lots in that subdivision was about 75 percent of that { normally required. He favored retaining the requirement that minimum lot frontage could not be reduced to less than 75 percent of that required. The Board agreed to conduct its public hearing on a draft permitting the minimum lot frontage to be reduced to not less than 60 percent of that required. That would be the most permissive the Board Minutes for the Meeting of November 14, 1994 4 might consider. The Board could then select a higher, more restrictive percentage later in its presentation to Town Meeting. The Board agreed to delete the third paragraph proposing a sunset provision for the amendment. ********************************* **** REPORTS **** ********************************** 231. Planning Board. Subcommittees a. Minuteman Commuter Bikeway Committee: Mr. Canale reported that the Bikeway Committee has reorganized and will now include all Lexington bike paths in its considerations. The meeting was adjourned at 10:01 p.m. Frederick L. Merrill, Jr., Clerk