HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Board Minutes, 1991-11-18 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1991 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7 34 p.m. by the Chairman, Mr. Williams, with members Davison, Domnitz, Grant, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer and Secretary Peters present. 214 Review of Minutes The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of November 4, 1991. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Grant, it was voted 5-0 to approve the minutes, as amended. *********************** PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT ************************** 215. Recent Activity a. Metropolitan State Hospital Land Task Force Mr. Bowyer reported that Mr. Marino has been assigned by the Town Manager to work with the committee, and will attend its next meeting this Wednesday. Mr Williams, a member of the committee, reported that he will attend the meeting. Mrs. Davison, serving as liaison, has asked Richard Canale of the South Lexington Civic Association to attend the meeting in her place b. Northwest Corridor Transportation Town Meeting• Mr. Bowyer reported he attended the meeting which is a first step on revisions to the "Program for Mass Transit", which was last updated in 1978. The work will be done by the Central Transportation Planning Staff of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and Construc- tion He noted that Lexington is in the Northwest/Route 2 Corridor, which includes the Red Line rapid transit and the Fitchburg commuter railroad line which passes through Waltham, Lincoln and Concord. It is one of eight radial transportation corridors that move people in and out of Boston. Mr. Bowyer reported that he had suggested the study also consider ways to provide public transportation to subur- ban employment centers along the radial transportation corridors c. Minute-man Village Mr Bowyer reported that in follow-up meetings with representatives from Minute-man Village, it appeared there were three options for obtaining relief from its problems (1) file an Approval Not Required plan with the Planning Board, to divide the separately-owned condominium area from the apartment area. As there is not sufficient distance between the buildings to allow a lot line to be drawn between them without creating side yard setback violations, they will need to apply to the Board of Appeals for a variance. The Planning Board could endorse the plan and hold it until the Board of Appeals determines whether or not to grant the variance; (2) file a definitive subdivision plan (create frontage by building a road to Town standards) , but there would still be setback viola- tions; or Minutes for the Meeting of November 18, 1991 2 (3) file a zoning petition for the next Town Meeting to create an RD zoning district and deal with the setback problems in the prelim- inary site development and use plan. d Cultural Diversity Training Mr. Bowyer reported that last Wednes- day department heads took part in an all day workshop designed to increase sensitivity among Town employees in dealing with persons from varying cultures. e. Brookhaven Joseph Paul, Executive Director of Brookhaven, has discussed enlarging the nursing facilities there, with no increase in the footprint of the buildings. Mr Bowyer noted this may require town meeting action to amend the preliminary site develop- ment and use plan that was filed for the 1986 Town Meeting rezoning. f. Lexington Ridge Mr. Bowyer reported that he has been asked to review the brief that will be filed with the state Housing Appeals Committee on Wednesday, outlining the Town's position in the litiga- tion between the Town and Northgate Corporation. ************************* REGIONAL, INTERTOWN ISSUES ********************* 216. Hanscom Field. Renort on Office Building Mr Domnitz reported that the proposed office building is not exempt from the National Environmental Policy Act The developers had been aware of this and in response, three years ago, prepared an environmental assessment which concluded there was no significant impact. On the basis of this conclusion the proponents (Air Force and Lincoln Labs) have proceeded without filing an Environmental Impact Statement. Traf- fic was one of the major impacts examined. As part of their assessment, it was assumed there would be road improvements on Lexington roads, although the Town has not agreed to these improvements. Mr. Domnitz also reported that HATS was designated as primary liaison to the Town to work constructively to get the road improvements done. He questioned whether this expansion was the impetus for the proposed Growth and Development Policy Committee under HATS. At 8 00 p.m. , Mr. Williams recessed the meeting and the Planning Board joined the Board of Selectmen to hear a presentation by BSC of proposed improvements for Hartwell Avenue, that are proposed by the Town. At 8 50 p.m. , Mr. Williams reconvened the meeting in Room G-15 Mrs. Davison, Mr. Domnitz, Mr Williams and Mrs. Wood were present. Mr Grant remained at the Selectmen's meeting for another business item, and rejoined the meeting during Item 219 ********************* ARTICLES FOR THE 1992 TOWN MEETING ********************* I 217 ARTICLE A - Private Postal Services Mrs. Davison reported on her meeting with Paul Lieberman concerning his proposed amendment to the Zoning By-Law to allow private postal services in the CS, CN and CRS zoning dis- tricts. Mr. Lieberman joined the meeting and reviewed his draft article with the Board. Mrs. Wood said she did not consider this use appropriate in Minutes for the Meeting of November 18, 1991 3 neighborhood business districts and would not support the use in that district although she would support it in the two other districts. Mrs. Davison, Mr Domnitz and Mr. Williams agreed that the Board should present this article. On the motion of Mrs. Davison, seconded by Mr. Domnitz, it was voted 3-1 (Mrs. Wood voted in the negative) to request that the Board of Selectmen reserve space for this article in the Warrant for the 1992 Annual Town Meeting. 218. ARTICLE B - Pet Grooming The Board reviewed a draft of a proposed amendment to the Zoning By-Law prepared by Mrs. Wood allowing expansion of this use into the CS and the CRS zoning districts. The use was approved at the 1991 Town Meeting in the CB zoning district. Mrs. Wood noted that, at the time, the Board had said that if the proposal was adopted by the 1991 Town Meeting, the Board would offer an amendment at the 1992 Town Meeting allowing this service in other commercial zones. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Domnitz, it was voted 4-0 to request that the Board of Selectmen reserve space for this article in the Warrant for the 1992 Annual Town Meeting 219. ARTICLE C - Institutional Uses The Board reviewed a draft of a proposed amendment to the Zoning By-Law prepared by Mr. Domnitz that would increase buffer areas between residences and institutional uses in the RO and RS zones. Members discussed what setback requirements would be reasonable to require around institutional buildings. The Board agreed that Town Counsel should be asked to review the language of the draft as soon as possible. On the motion of Mr. Domnitz, seconded by Mrs. Davison, it was voted 5-0 to request that the Board of Selectmen reserve space for this article in the Warrant for the 1992 Annual Town Meeting. 220 Jumbo Houses. Dimensional Standards Mr. Williams began by expressing the difficulties he had trying to formulate dimensional controls for large houses on small scattered lots, which would produce the result of extending the regulation of over-sized houses on lots in conventional subdivisions to any vacant lot in town, without having other undesirable effects. He referred to a Boston Globe article about new regulations on homes along the coastline that tended to make houses very tall and skinny. He added that if you attempt to control size by limiting the footprint, the result could be excessively tall dwellings, that could be out of character with the rest of the neighbor- hood In Lexington this could result in a dwelling up to 40 feet high Mr. Domnitz asked if what the Board was looking for was some way to control size and lessen the impact of new houses whose appearance overpowers the neighborhood. Mrs. Wood noted that there would also have to be some way to limit the size of additions, since the result can be an over-sized home there, as well Mrs Davison suggested the amendment apply only to homes more than 50% demolished and vacant lots. After more discussion the Board agreed its goal was to reduce the impact of large homes in a neighborhood of smaller homes by establishing new dimensional controls for dwellings on single lots. Members explored several ways to achieve this objective, without coming to any agreement. In response to a question from Mr. Williams, Mr. Bowyer noted the Board's difficulty in dealing Minutes for the Meeting of November 18, 1991 4 with multiple objectives and situations and predicted that Town Meeting could also have similar difficulties with any proposed amendment. The Board concluded that there were different objectives to be met, and that it may be hard to solve one set of problems without creating other more serious ones. No action for Town Meeting was decided upon. ******************* PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE ************* 221. Meeting Schedule for December, January The Board agreed to schedule meetings for December 2 and 16, 1991, in addition to the previously scheduled meeting on December 9. They also agreed to schedule meetings for January 6 and 16, 1992. ***************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* SUBDIVISION OF LAND 222. Wrieht Street Extension. Definitive Subdivision Plan: Mr Bowyer reported that the applicant had been informed that the Board believed the plan did not comply with Town regulations and had suggested at its November 4, 1991 meeting that it be withdrawn for revisions. The applicant decided he did not wish to do this and asked that the process continue and the public hearing on the definitive plan be held. The Board agreed to schedule the public hearing for January 6, 1992. DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS — 223 CUS91/1 James Street - Man 87, Lot 45 Mr Bowyer reported that the owner, Sundar Balasuryan, has written that he wishes to begin construction of his home this fall/winter, anticipating completion in January 1992. The Engineering Department will not permit paving after 11/28, so he will not be able to install paving or plant the required street trees until the spring. The approved plan for street improvements prohibits the Building Commissioner from issuing a Certificate of Occupancy until at least the work on phase 1 (the portion of James Street in front of his lot) is complete. Mr. Balasuryan proposes to defer all road improvements, due to weather conditions, until spring. He asks that the Planning Board amend its vote of September 11, 1991 to permit the Building Commissioner to issue a Certificate of Occupancy, provided that proper surety for the completion of the required roadway improvement is posted. On the motion of Mr. Grant, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted 4-1 (Mr Domnitz was opposed) that due to weather conditions the Planning Board amends its vote of September 11, 1991 to permit the owner of Map 87/Lot 45 James Street to post surety for phase 1 of the required improvements. The Planning Board authorizes the Building Commissioner to issue a temporary Certifi- cate of Occupancy with an expiration date of May 31, 1992 provided the proper surety for the completion of both phases of the required roadway improvement is posted prior to the request for the temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Minutes for the Meeting of November 18, 1991 5 ******************* PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE ************* 224. Annual Town Report. Board Accomplishments The Board agreed this was a very quiet year since subdivision activity has almost stopped. Mrs Wood noted work was begun on revision of the Development Regulations. Mrs. Davison suggested that zoning amendments to the parking requirements for restaurants, regulations affecting religious and institutional uses, and day care centers, that were prepared by the Board and adopted by Town Meeting, be included. Mr Grant noted that the staff has begun putting together statistical data on subdivisions and 1990 US Census. The Meeting was adjourned at 10 24 p.m. Edmund C. Gran , Clerk 6