HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Board Minutes, 1991-10-28 t
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office
Building, was called to order at 7 35 p.m. by the Chairman, Mr. Williams, with
members Domnitz, Grant, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer and Assistant Planner
Marino present. Mrs. Davison was absent. Mr. Grant arrived during Item 198.
197. Review of Minutes (occurred following Item 199 below) The Board
reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of October 8, 1991. On the
motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Grant, it was voted 3-0-1 (Mrs. Wood
abstained since she had not attended the meeting) to approve the minutes, as
********************* PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT *****************************
198 Recent Activity'
a. LexHAB Search for Scattered Lots: Mr. Bowyer reported that LexHAB
has contacted the Town Manager's office asking that sites be identified
on which LexHAB can continue its collaboration with the Minute-man
Regional Vocational Technical School in the construction of affordable
housing during the 1992-1993 school year. Minute-man School has asked
that the design be changed from a single family home to a wood frame
building on a small lot which could be a two-family or a congregate type
of building The Planning Department, with the assistance of the Engi-
neering Department, will review the data base of Town-owned lots to
develop a list of isolated lots that could be used.
Mr. Bowyer observed that this request poses a zoning dilemma for the
Board of Selectmen. The lots available will be far smaller than the
125,000 square foot minimum required for an RD, Planned Residential
District rezoning. However structures with more than one dwelling unit
are not permitted in the single family zoning districts where the lots
are located. Use of the local initiative "friendly" comprehensive
permit procedure may be the best route available to accommodate this
change in building type. The use of the comprehensive permit procedure
is a matter the Board of Selectmen have yet to address
199. Form A/91-11. Joseph Comee Road and Butterfield Road. The Board
reviewed a plan showing a change in a side yard lot line, with both Lot 34A
and Lot 35A continuing to have more than the required frontage and lot area
for the zoning district. Mr. Domnitz commented that it should be the Board's
responsibility to ensure that the owners of both lots are aware of the change
in the lot line. The Board agreed to require that in the revised Subdivision
Regulations all parties involved in the change of a lot line sign the applica-
tion form.
Minutes for the Meeting of October 28, 1991 2
On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Williams, it was voted 4-0 (Mrs.
Davison was absent)
to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land Located in Lexington,
Massachusetts (Middlesex County)", dated October 1, 1991, by Meridian
Engineering Collaborative, Inc. , certified by Donald E. Bowen, Jr. ,
Professional Land Surveyor, with application Form A/91-11 by Richard &
Beth Fentin, as the plan does not require approval under the Subdivision
Control Law.
*********************** COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ****************************
200. Land Use Change in the 80's: Mr. Marino presented a series of slides in
graph form showing land use changes in Lexington from 1980 to 1990. He noted
that the presentation represents work in progress, and will appear soon in a
written report.
201. Analysis of the 1991 United States Census:
a. Receipt of First Printed Material from the 1990 US Census Mr.
Bowyer reported that the first printed material from the 1990 US Census
has been received. He outlined a series of five reports that would be
prepared based principally on Census material that would show Lexington
in relation to adjoining cities and towns and historically.
Mr. Marino presented a series of slides in graph form on the information
just received from the 1991 Census dealing with median age, male/female
ratio and total population in Lexington since 1900. He again noted that
this presentation represents work in progress
Mr. Williams commented that this information, as well as the information
presented on land use changes in Lexington, may be of interest to many
people and urged Reporter Susan Fisher of the Lexington Minute-Man to
report on the presentations.
b. Geographic Information Systems Mr. Bowyer reported that last
Friday he and Mr. Marino had attended an APA conference on geographic
information systems. A GIS can be quite expensive because it involves
translating aerial photographs into computer images and are connected to
a data base of information about real estate. Lexington already has the
makings of a good real estate data base because of the collaboration of
the assessor's office with the planning department and the building
department. Lexington already has a good set of maps based on 1987
aerial photographs and it is unlikely that the additional expense of a
computer based GIS can be justified at this time.
*************** PLANNING BOARD PROJECTS, POLICY MAKING **********************
202. Planning Board Priorities for Programs. Pro.iects The Board discussed
its priorities for Board projects that need to be worked on in the upcoming
year Each member listed, in order of priority, what projects or programs he
or she considered most important. (A table showing the ranking of projects by
individual members will be included in the minutes of a future meeting when
the rankings of Mrs. Davison, who was absent, can be included. )
Mr. Bowyer reported that compliance with the Town Manager's mandate that
departments submit proposed 1993 Fiscal Year budgets showing a 2% and a 20%
reduction from the 1992 Fiscal Year budgets approved by the Town Meeting would
Minutes for the Meeting of October 28, 1991 3
mean the Planning Department would have to reduce personnel somewhat for the
2% reduction and substantially for the 20% reduction. He said the Department
budget would almost certainly be cut but he did not know how much yet. He
added that in the future all members of the Department would not be present
for Board meetings because of the budgetary effects of their attendance,
particularly that of the Department Clerk.
************************ ARTICLES FOR 1992 TOWN MEETING *********************
203. Potential Zoning Amendments
a. Board of Anneals concerns The Board discussed a letter, dated
October 9, 1991, from Board of Appeals Chairman, Ann Scigliano, which
expressed concern over some signs in business districts. She cited
problems with the number and size of signs and whether the word "remov-
able" is intended to mean short-term, since such signs tend to become
Also mentioned in the letter were concerns about violations of Section
5 5, Bed and Breakfast Home, of the Zoning By-Law, pertaining to the
number of bedrooms allowed for this use; the stipulation that "food for
a fee may be served only to overnight guests;" and the renting of space
to non-guests for social events.
The Planning Board thought these two concerns do not deal with policy or
intent of the By-Law and should be handled as enforcement problems.
With respect to suggested amendments to the sign provisions of the
Zoning By-Law, the Board preferred to undertake an overall revision of
the sign section rather than deal with individual provisions. It was
agreed to invite the membership of the Board of Appeals to a meeting
after the first of next year to discuss revisions to the sign provi-
sions, the landscaping/screening provisions and other issues in which
the Board of Appeals may be interested.
b. Commitments Made at Meetings Last Suring
1) Off-Street Parking - The Board agreed they would not bring any
zoning amendments on off-street parking to the 1992 Town Meeting.
2) Pet Grooming - Mrs. Wood will draft language based on Board commit-
ments made at last year's Town Meeting for this year's Town Meeting.
3) Private Postal Service - The Board was inclined to leave it up to
the proponents to bring their proposal to the 1992 Town Meeting. Mrs.
Wood noted she would not agree to extending the use to the CN commercial
district. The staff was asked to contact the proponent.
c. Jumbo Houses Mr. Williams urged that some provisions be added to
the Zoning By-Law extending the restrictions on jumbo house provisions
in subdivisions to single lots in Lexington, to minimize the impact of
large houses on small lots too close to abutters. Discussion centered
on zoning techniques for dealing with large buildings close to the lot
line and this proposal would have to be well thought through and
presented. Skillful presentation is also needed because the Town
Meeting has historically shown sympathy to owners of small nonconforming
lots and has resisted the Board's attempts to change Lexington's easy
Minutes for the Meeting of October 28, 1991 4
treatment of construction on undersized lots. The Board agreed not to
bring changes in jumbo house provisions to the 1992 Town Meeting.
************************* REPORTS ********************************************
200. Planning Board. Subcommittees
a. Central Transportation Planning Staff Town Meeting. A poll of the
Board revealed that no Board member present would be able to attend this
conference on November 12 in Waltham. It was agreed to ask Mrs. Davison
if she would be able to go and listen for the Board.
b. Metropolitan State Hospital Mr. Williams reported that the article
in the Minute-man left him uncertain as to what plans the Selectmen have
for the Metropolitan State Hospital Land Task Force Committee, on which
he has served for several years.
c. Lincoln Laboratory. Mr. Williams reported on a call he had from
Jere Frick of the Conservation Commission about a large building being
built containing approximately 900,000 sq. ft. at Hanscom Field. Mrs
Wood noted that this building is located on federal land and will be
offered to Lincoln Labs on a long term lease. Mr. Williams asked why
the Town had no opportunity for input especially when the increased
traffic will impact Lexington streets. Mr. Grant noted this is a
project which the US Air Force appears to be considering requesting
payment in lieu of taxes to the HATS Committee when the new Growth and
Policy Committee of HATS is established.
Mr. Domnitz questioned whether an Environmental Impact Statement had to
be prepared for the project and was informed by Mr. Williams that Town
Counsel had informed the Town that it was not required.
The meeting was adjourned at 10 40 p.m. •(
Edmund C. Grant, Clerk