HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Board Minutes, 1991-04-29 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MINUTES OF APRIL 29, 1991 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7 34 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Wood, with members Davison, Domnitz, Grant, Williams, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner Marino and Secretary Peters present. 95. Review of Minutes The Board reviewed the minutes for the meeting of April 8, 1991. On the motion of Mrs. Davison, seconded by Mr. Williams, it was voted 5-0 to approve the minutes, as written. ************************** REPORTS ************************************** 96. Planning Director a. Orchard Crossing. Lot 16 Mr Bowyer reported an amended definitive subdivision plan was filed for a four lot subdivision on Lot 16 in the Orchard Crossing subdivision. b. Recent Meeting and Conference Attended by the Planning Director Mr. Bowyer, as a member of the Community Review Board established under EOCD, attended its meeting last Wednesday. He reported on the require- ments for a Local Housing Development Action plan. On Thursday and Friday of last week, he attended and participated in the Massachusetts Association of Planning Directors' Annual Retreat. He will report on some significant recent court decisions, that were discussed at the retreat, at the Board's next meeting. *************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS *************** RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS 97 Hearings Scheduled for Mav 16 1991 Mr. Williams gave an oral review of the following applications to be heard by the Board of Appeals. 18 Winchester Drive, Achille Messac, SP, to install a satellite dish on the roof of a single family dwelling. The Board agreed it did not have sufficient information to comment on the merits of allowing a satellite dish on the roof in this instance. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Domnitz, it was voted unanimously to recommend that any decision by the Board of Appeals be based on the signal reception characteristics of this particular property without taking a position on the merits of allowing satellite dishes to be located on roofs. The Planning Board agreed it did not wish to see a precedent established that would encourage future applicants to apply for the installation of satellite dishes on roofs. 7 Bedford Street, Julie Shauman, renew SP, to continue to use a portion of a residence as an office for five years. The Board had no comment on the application, except to recommend a three year renewal of the special permit as a more appropriate length of time. Minutes for the Meeting of April29, 1991 2 - i 321-A Woburn Street, Themistoklis Galatas, d/b/a/ Pizza Express, SP, to operate a fast food and take out food service, with eight seats for customers The Board had no comment on the application except to recommend that one of the conditions in the decision should be that trash barrels, regularly emptied, are provided outside the establish- ment. The Board also agreed to make no comment on the following applications 8 Abbott Road, Donald Booker, variance, from 20 foot setback to allow a two story addition. 271 Lincoln Street, Dean Curtin, to install a free standing sign. 46 Downing Road, John and Anne Wilson, variance side yard setback for continued use of a two story addition SUBDIVISION OF LAND 98. Dates for Public Hearings a. Orchard Crossing. Lot 16: The Board agreed to hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 29 at 7 00 p.m. on a definitive plan to amend the special permit and certificate of action previously granted for the Orchard Crossing subdivision. b. Holderness Court. Lot Line Change The Board discussed whether changes in the setback lines between Lots 2 and 3 and Lots 7 and 8, constituted a major change in the approved subdivision plan, and would require that a public hearing be held. On the motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mrs. Davison, it was voted 4-0-1 (Mr. Domnitz abstained) that the changes were minor and a public hearing was not required. 99. INFORMATIONAL MEETING. Munroe Village. Preliminary Plan: At 8:03 p m. Mrs. Wood began the informational meeting by reading portions of the notice sent to abutters. Roger Corbin of BSC - Bedford, representing applicant Robert Cataldo, presented the proposed cluster development plans. They propose a 410 foot long roadway for seven dwelling units. The development will be serviced by existing sewer and water lines. He noted the only change from the previously denied preliminary plan was a slight resiting of the dwellings, and a revision of the wetland line. Conservation Commission Chairman Joyce Miller, who was present, said in response to a question from Mr. Domnitz, that the Commission had no policy regarding the setback from the wetland line, but generally required around 35 to 40 feet She said that the Commission and a botanist had relocated the wetland line after an on-site visit. She added that the open land would be a real asset to the Town. Mr. Grant noted that what can cross the conservation restriction of record is under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission. He thought a more detailed hydrological study was needed. Mr. Williams said he liked the siting Minutes for the Meeting of April 29, 1991 3 of the homes on the revised plan. Mrs. Wood asked what benefits the Town would receive from approving the cluster plan. Mr. Cataldo replied the Town will get five acres of open land for conservation purposes. A discussion followed about the location of the conservation restriction in existence from the Pheasant Brook I Subdivision. Mr. Cataldo said he thought the language of the restriction permitted a driveway and utilities to cross the brook. Andrew Cupp, 17 Woburn Street, discussed the apparent loss of springs in the area; the dangerous condition of Woburn Street at that intersection; and asked why the subdivision could not exit onto Massachusetts Avenue. Traffic safety concerns about Woburn Street were expressed by several other members of the public. David Dickens, 170 Woburn Street, commented that the sidewalk is on the opposite side of Woburn Street, and that children in the subdivision would have to cross Woburn Street to reach it. He also asked if an environmental statement could be required. Other questions included who would pay to have telephone poles moved, if required, and the length of visibility at the intersection as calculated by BSC. Mr. Cataldo reported the Town Engineering Department will do another traffic study. The informational meeting was closed at 9 24 p.m. Later in the evening, a majority of the Board directed the staff to prepare a decision disapproving the preliminary plan. Among the reasons for disapproval were the cluster is too dense with seven dwellings; there are no longer any benefits to the Town re affordable housing as originally proposed; conserva- tion restriction issues; the Engineering Department memo saying more data is need in the hydrological report from the applicant; and the effect of the access easement that had been given to Gold Star Nurseries on the proposed open space. 100. INFORMATIONAL MEETING. Taylor Lane. Preliminary Plan At 9 26 p.m. Mrs. Wood began the informational meeting by reading portions of the notice sent to abutters. Landscape Architect, Gary Larson, of Larson Associates representing Applicants Peter Kelly and Richard Perry, presented the proposed subdivision. He reviewed the site analysis, utilities plan, proof plan and site plan. He added they would request waivers for a 21 foot roadway, a hammerhead turn- around, and a rounding with a curve of less than 25 feet (section 6 5.3. ) of the Development Regulations. Mr. Domnitz asked if they would lose a house lot if required to move the road to conform to the section 6 5.3. Mr. Larson said no, because as a last resort, they had a commitment from the abuttor on that side to sell the necessary parcel, but would rather not have to do this. In response to other questions from the Board, he reported the applicants plan to build the homes, and the path to the railroad right-of-way would be covered with stonedust. William Jenks, 11 Revere Road, whose rear lot line abuts the property, asked what the rear lot line setback was, and was told it had to be a minimum of 25 Minutes for the Meeting of April 29, 1991 4 feet. James Zisson, 16 Lois Lane, asked what the lot sizes were, and thought that the 415 foot long roadway limited access to the bike path. The informational meeting was closed at 9 59 p.m. Later in the evening, a majority of the Board directed the staff to prepare a decision approving the subdivision. There followed a discussion about the granting a waiver allowing a 21 foot roadway when the Development Regulations call for a 24 foot roadway on a street that will be accepted by the Town in the future. Mr. Bowyer noted that if this was the Board's thinking then the Regulations should be revised rather than granting waivers. It was agreed the Board would look favorably on waivers allowing a 21 foot paved roadway, a radius less than 25 feet at the intersection of the street with Revere Road, and the construction of a hammerhead turnaround. 101. James/Wright Streets. Sketch Plan. Two-Lot Subdivision Assistant Planner Marino presented the sketch plan, showing a full circle turnaround, for which they are requesting a waiver for a hammerhead turnaround. Later in the evening the Board gave direction to the staff to prepare a decision approving the sketch plan for the two-lot subdivision. It suggested it would be in favor of a reduction in pavement width to 21 feet, and the construction of a hammerhead turnaround. ********************** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE ************* 102. Schedule for Upcoming Planning Board Meetings The Board agreed to schedule meetings for the following dates Monday, May 6, 1991 - 7 30 p.m. - Room G-15, Town Office Bldg. ; Monday, May 20, 1001 - 7 00 p.m. - Room G-15, Town Office Bldg. ; Wednesday, May 29, 1991 - 7 00 p.m. - Room G-15, Town Office Bldg. ; and Monday, June 10, 1991 - 7 30 p.m. - Room G-15, Town Office Bldg *********************** REPORTS ********************************************* 103. Planning Board Reports. Subcommittees a. Center Business Committee Mr. Williams reported the committee will dedicate its nine new benches on Discovery Day. The meeting was adjourned at 11 03 p.m. 9411 �� (Ad/ t0A David G. Williams, Clerk t'S17