HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-10-17 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office
Building, was called to order at 7 38 p.m. by Mrs. Uhrig with members Klaumin-
zer, Sorensen, Wood, Assistant Planner Nordby and Secretary Peters present. Mr.
Williams arrived prior to item 271.
270. Form A/88-16, Waltham Street, Robert Phelan The Board reviewed a plan
showing the division of Lot 74, shown on Town Property Map 24, into four lots
each conforming to the frontage and lot area requirements of the RO zoning
district. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was
voted 4-0
to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. (Middlesex
County)", dated September 30, 1988, by The BSC Group - Bedford, Inc. ,
certified by Roger M. Corbin, Registered Land Surveyor, with Form A/88-16
by Robert E. Phelan, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision
Control Law
271. Philbrook Terrace, Robert Phelan, Release of Lot 1 Ms. Nordby reported
that a solution to the drainage problem has been accepted by the Engineering
Department, and the Conservation Commission has released the restrictions on the
lot. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted 5-0 to
release Lot 1.
At 7 45 p.m., the Planning Board recessed the meeting to join the Selectmen in
their meeting room on the second floor for Items 272 and 273.
272. Grace Chapel, SPS, Forest Street, Construction of a Christian Fellowship
Building Board of Selectmen Chairman, Jacquelyn Smith, noted that issues of
parking and traffic concerns have involved the Board of Selectmen in this appli-
cation, now before the Board of Appeals. Margery Battin summarized the meeting
of September 22, 1988, when representatives from Grace Chapel met with the
Center Advisory Committee to describe their proposal.
George Kent, representating Grace Chapel, said they have changed architects , and
were revising their plans to incorporate comments and suggestions received to
date on the application. They hope to present a plan more compatible with the
neighborhood by responding to some of their objections, but they do not intend
to withdraw the application.
Meeting of October 17, 1988 -2-
**************** COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND POLICIES *************************
273. Minute Man National Historical Park Plan The two Boards also discussed
the "Planning Board Position on Draft General Management Plan Minute Man Nation-
al Historical Plan". It was agreed that representatives from each of the two
boards and a representative from the Conservation Commission would meet subse-
quently to pull together the Town position.
At 8 59 p.m. the Planning Board reconvened their meeting in Room G-15, Town
Office Building. Joining the Board for discussion of Items 274 and 275 were
Conservation Commission members John Oberteuffer, Joel Adler, Lisa Baci, Jere
Frick, Richard Wolk, Chairman Joyce Miller and Kevin Mendik, Conservation Admin-
istrator; also present were Richard Spiers, Director of Public Works , George
Samaha, representing the Engineering Department, and Frank DiPietro, from The
BSC Group - Bedford.
274. Barrett Road, Rolling Oak Realty Trust, Sketch Plan The group reviewed
the sketch plans for the subdivision. Mrs. Miller said the plan has not yet
come before the Commission. She noted their main concern would be to keep the
development/road as far as possible from Clematis Brook, also known as Beaver
Brook. They were particularly concerned with salt run-off, given the steep
drive-ways proposed.
The Planning Board felt the density was too high, given the amount of wetland
and steep slopes. They noted, in a cluster plan, density was not established by
right. They also agreed the road must go through to Wellington Lane. Ms.
Nordby reported her preliminary calculations showed there was insufficient
common open space as required by the By-Law for a cluster plan. Both the Plan-
ning Board and the Engineering Department questioned whether the road layout met
Town standards.
The Planning Board will invite the developer to make a presentation of the
275. Pheasant Brook, Robert Cataldo, Preliminary Plan Mrs. Miller reported
the Conservation Commission had denied the first submission, and had proposed
two cul-de-sacs, one off Maple Tree Lane and one off Butterfield Road, since
they felt the through road shown on the plan was too devastating to the wetlands
through which it passed. They noted that in one area, near Lot 1, the road was
only five feet from wetlands, and must be moved. They recommended, that if the
road was required to be a through road, the Planning Board should allow a nar-
rower road than required by the Development Regulations.
Mr. Spiers reviewed the options for the installation of a sewer system. He
recommended against a sewer system that would require a pumping station, since
maintaining this would likely become a Town problem eventually. He also recom-
mended against tying into the MDC system since this would require digging rough-
ly a 20 foot trench, which would devastate the site. He felt the least damaging
solution would be to raise the level of the road for part of its length, to
allow a gravity sewer system to tie into the end of Maple Tree Lane.
Meeting of October 17, 1988 -3-
In response to a question to Mr. DiPietro, as to how much of the Street would be
affected by this solution, he responded that their calculations estimated the
road might have to be raised a maximum of 3 1/2 feet at the peak for a length of
approximately 400 feet.
Mr. Samaha discussed the Engineering Department's views on gravity sewer systems
vs. systems requiring pumping stations, and he had questions about what kind of
waivers from Town road standards would be asked for by the developer.
The Planning Board agreed they would require a through road connecting Maple
Tree Lane and Butterfield Road. Mr. Williams suggested consideration be given
to to allowing a narrower paved portion of the roadway, given the site problems
there. They agreed they would not consider waiving construction of a sidewalk
along the roadway, since there would be children walking along the road to the
Harrington School.
276. 627-669 Mass. Ave., Boyd/Smith, Sketch Plan The Board discussed the two
sketch plans presented the first, a conventional subdivision plan showing four
buildings, each containing two dwelling units; and the second, a cluster plan
showing two buildings containing two dwelling units and four buildings contain-
ing single units for a total of six buildings. Joel Roos, representing the
developer, asked for direction as to which plan they should proceed with.
The Board agreed 1) they preferred the cluster plan except that Unit 1 should
be relocated off the prominent hill, and they recommended that it be reattached
to Unit 4; 2) that they would consider allowing a 20 foot wide pavement as long
as it is stated in the deeds that the road must remain a private road; and 3)
there must be better delineation between the Town owned property and the devel-
opment, and recommended the use of stone walls and/or some type of fence, such
as a split-rail type. They also recommended Mr. Roos present a plan incorporat-
ing these suggestions before he proceeds to developing a preliminary plan.
**************************** REPORTS *****************************************
277. Planning Board, Subcommittees
a. Grace Chapel, SPS Mrs. Wood recommended, and the Board agreed, that a
letter be written to the applicant recommending they request that their
Board of Appeals November 10 hearing be postponed since there will not be
adequate time for the Town boards and commissions to review the revised
plans which will not be available until the end of this week. The Board
agreed that if they chose not to request the hearing be postponed, the
Planning Board recommendation would be based on the application previously
b. Planning Board meeting schedule The Planning Board agreed they would
meet on October 31, November 7, 14, 21 and 28, 1988.
The meeting was adjourned at 10 52
Eleanor Klauminzer, Clerk