HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-10-03 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1988 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7 34 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with members Klauminzer, Sorensen, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Plann- er Nordby and Secretary Peters present Mr. Williams was absent. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ***************** SUBDIVISION OF LAND 254. 627-669 Mass. Ave., Boyd/Smith, Sketch Plan Joel Roos, representating the developer, presented two plans for the property, located in the RT zoning district. The first was a conventional "proof plan" showing four buildings, each containing two dwelling units , and an existing old barn, converted into a garage. The second was a cluster plan, showing six buildings, two of the buildings containing two dwelling units, and four buildings containing single dwelling units. Mr. Roos said they preferred the cluster plan because the impervious surface ratio was calculated to be less than in the conventional plan; more trees could be saved; the design adapted better to the contours of the site; and the path to the open space worked better. Mr. Sorensen recalled the previous preliminary plan had been denied in large part because the developer had proposed five buildings containing eight dwell- ing units. In the denial the board had suggested the number of buildings be reduced to four. He noted that this plan showed six buildings for the eight dwelling units. Mr. Roos invited the Board to visit the site. The Board will walk the property Saturday morning, October 8, 1988 at 8. 00 a.m. 255. Ridge Estates III, Theodore Freeman, Release of Lot 6. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted 4-0-0 to release lot 6. ********************* COMPRENENSIVE PLANNING AND POLICIES ******************* 256. Nat'l. Park Service Plan for Minuteman Nat'l. Park - Presentation Mrs. Uhrig introduced Robert Nash, Superintendant of Minute Man National Historical Park. Accompanying him were Robert Holzheimer, Planner, North Atlantic Regional Office - Boston; Fred Szarka, Chief of Interpretation, Minuteman National Historical Park; and Lauren McKean, Outdoor Recreational Planner, North Atlantic Regional Office - Boston. Mr. Nash commented that the goal of the park expansion was to present the April 19 story as it happened by reestablishing the historic road. He noted preliminary research has indicated there is enough remaining land from Mer- riam's Hill in Concord to Fiske's Hill in Lexington to expand the park along Route 2A, with some changes to the road. He added they had decided the old master plan was obsolete and that they will begin developing a new plan this summer. Prior to that they are holding a series of meetings with neighbor- hoods affected, and are meeting with various Town Boards in the affected towns. He described a plan for the development of a pod system or a "string of pearls" along the Great Road, as Route 2A was called in those days , to Minutes for October 3, 1988 -2- better highlight historic sites that lay along the road. He said that the most affected neighborhoods in Lexington, were in the Hayward Pond area, the area near Old Massachusetts Ave. and the remains of Wood Street. They hope to acquire the necessary land on a willing seller-willing buyer basis, and esti- mate this is not a plan that will be completed in the next ten years. Mr. Holzheimer reported on two meetings with residents of the Hayward Pond area; the first was a general meeting with approximately 30 residents attend- ing, and the second was with six representatives of the neighborhood, selected at the first meeting. He described the second meeting as a brainstorming session, at which the residents developed five different solutions to the problem of providing alternate access for the Hayward Pond neighborhood area. In response to a question from Mr. Bowyer asking what response they were looking for from the Town of Lexington, Mr. Holzheimer said they hoped to have a general reaction to the plan as well as to hear of any omissions. They also supported the suggestion of Mrs. Uhrig to explore ways of including the Lex- ington Battle Green under the Minute Man National Park, so that there would be continuity for visitors in the April 19th experience. Mr. Bowyer suggested the park group do more research in title examination and understanding of property rights there. They should then consider the Hayward Pond site as a whole, concentrating on the natural features and the need to provide two means of access from Wood Street, to see if a reorientation of the existing houses to face a relocated or new street , or the relocation of some homes entirely, could not result in a better solution for all concerned. Ms. McKean referred the Board to the most recent "Correspondent", dated May 1988, which outlined the development plan. She noted they were in the public review and comment period of the plan, where issues are determined, and then work on alternatives solutions will begin. Following will be a formal period in which all comments and concerns must be analysed and documented for the public record. Mrs. Uhrig invited comments from Mrs. Jacquelyn Smith, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and Town Manager Richard White. Mrs. Smith noted that after the neighborhood issues were settled, she would have concerns about the increase in traffic in the Old Massachusetts Road area. She reported the three HATS representatives from the Town, Jack Eddison, of the Selectmen, Judith Uhrig and Joyce Miller, of the Conservation Commission, will prepare the joint Lexington response to the Park proposal, for a coordinated HATS response. 257. Planning Board - Selectmen - Town Manager Issues Mrs. Uhrig suggested the Planning Board discuss other subjects , with Mrs. Smith and Mr. White participating. Mrs. Uhrig suggested that a joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board be scheduled to discuss housing issues. Mr. White proposed, and the Board and Mrs. Smith, speaking for the Selectmen, agreed that a joint meeting of the Boards be held next Wednesday, October 12, 1988 from 7 00 p.m. to 10 00 p.m. to discuss housing issues. FL . Mr. White spoke on the completion of his first year as Lexington's Town Manag- er, as it related to the Planning Board. He said he wished the Board to be aware of how pleased he was with the Planning Director's work, especially the Minutes for October 3, 1988 -3- Joint Report on Housing, prepared for the 1988 Town Meeting, and the informa- tional material on Pine Meadows , prepared for the July Special Town Meeting this summer. He lauded the Planning Board for "taking planning seriously", mentioning the completion of the Housing Segment of the Comprehensive Plan; work on the Guidelines for RD/CD Development; and the updating of the Develop- ment Regulations. He stated his support for comprehensive planning and offer- ed his assistance for better coordination among boards, committees or Town employees, or in any other way he could be of use to the Planning Board. ********************************* REPORTS *********************************** 258. Planning Board, Subcommittees a. Lexington Center Committee Mrs. Wood reported their next meeting ` has been scheduled for noon on October 13, 1988, and that she will be unable to attend. 259. Planning Director a. APA Membership Mr. Bowyer explained he had sent in dues payments for the Board members for a special membership category of APA. He explained the framework of the American Planning Association. b. APA Conference Mr. Bowyer reported he would be attending a two day conference on "State Mandated Comprehensive Plans" in Newport, R.I. on October 17 and 18, 1988. c. Planning Director's Schedule Mr. Bowyer reported he is scheduled for surgery the end of October, and will be unavailable after that for approximately two weeks, followed by two more weeks of convalesence. The meeting was adjourned at 10 59 p.m. 11111101--L..'" "AA-'Tic) Eleanor Klauminzer, Clerk