HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-08 PLANNING BOARD
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room 111, Town Office Build-
ing, was called to order at 7 38 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with members
Klauminzer, Sorensen, Williams, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Plan-
ner Nordby and Secretary Peters present.
219. Review of Minutes The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the
meeting of August 22, 1988. On the motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mrs.
Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously to approve the minutes, as amended.
Mr. Sorensen left the meeting prior to Item 216, to attend Board of Appeals
hearings in Estabrook Hall.
***************************** REPORTS **************.c*************************
220. Planning Director
a. Land Development Law course at Middlesex Community College Ms. Nordby
will take the course. Any Board members interested were asked to contact
the planning office.
b. Hanscom Field Expansion Mr. Bowyer reported on a meeting held this
morning by the four towns abutting Hanscom Field, to discuss expansion
plans. Attending from each town were a selectmen, a town manager or execu-
tive secretary and a planning director or administrator. They discussed
the scope of the work proposed that should be covered by the Environmental
Impact Report to be prepared by the Air Force. Lexington's town manager
will prepare a report on the meeting for the HATS II meeting next week.
c. Capital Budget At the Town's department head's meeting yesterday
morning the Town Manager announced plans to organize a capital budget
committee to develop new budget procedures for capital improvement program-
ming. The planning director will be a member.
d. Ridge Estates II, update Mr. Bowyer reported the planning department
has received the as-built plans requested from the developer, and are
currently evaluating the differences between the required right-of-way and
existing elevations in the field. Charles Brenner, 109 East Emerson Road,
expressed his concern as to when work on the sidewalks and other land-
scaping would be completed. He also asked if the report of the applicant's
engineer, William Bergeron, was available to the public. Mr. Bowyer said
he would refer the matter to Town Counsel.
Roberet Paroskie, 115 East Emerson Road, asked if the residents would play
any part in any final decisions. Mrs. Uhrig responded that a meeting will
be scheduled by the Planning Board, with the developer and the residents
invited, to reach the best possible resolution of remaining differences,
once the technical questions have been resolved.
Minutes for September 8, 1988 -2-
e. 191 Spring Street: The Town Manager and the Planning Director met with
Boston Properties yesterday morning to discuss remaining substantive pro-
blems the developer had with conditions listed in the Planning Board recom-
mendation to the Board of Appeals.
221. Planning Board, Subcommittees
a. Lexington Center Committee Mrs. Wood reported on their meeting today
at noon, which she attended. They have completed a count of all existing
parking spaces in the center, and it was reported 60 of these spaces will
be lost when the Bikeway is completed. It was anticipated there would be a
shortage of parking once the new building was completed and open for busi-
ness. A need for more intensive enforcement of parking regulations by the
police was discussed.
It was also reported that the Board of Appeals SPS hearing on the proposed
Grace Chapel Christian Fellowship Building will be heard sometime in Octo-
ber. It was noted the Town currently leases 30 parking spaces in the
existing parking lot. The Lexington Center Committee has invited the
church, as well as the Planning Board, to join them for a discussion of
their plans.
The Planning Board will review the application for the SPS at their meeting
on September 19, 1988.
b. HATS II Mrs. Urhig reported the full committee will meet September
15, 1988, at 7 30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room.
222. Ridge Estates II, East Emerson Road, set surety The Board reviewed a
memo from Ms. Nordby, dated 9-8-88, recommending surety for completion of road
construction be set at approximately $69,000. On the motion of Mr. Williams,
seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted 4-0-0 (Mr. Sorensen was away from the meet-
ing), to set surety at $70,000.
223. North Street Development, set surety The Board reviewed a memo from Ms.
Nordby, dated September 8, 1988, recommending surety for completion of road
construction be set at $57,350. On the motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mrs.
Wood, it was voted 4-0-0 (Mr. Sorensen was away from the meeting), to set surety
at $60,000.
224. Pheasant Brook, Phase II, sketch plan At their meeting of September 19,
1988, the Board will briefly review the latest sketch plan filed on July 25,
1988 by Robert Cataldo/Sheldon Corp. They asked that the previous plan also be
available for comparison. They noted that this viewing is prior to staff re-
view, and discussion with the developer-applicant and neighbors will be sched-
uled for a subsequent meeting.
Mrs. Uhrig reported that the Conservation Commission will walk the site Sunday,
September 18, 1988 at 11 30, and that the Planning Board is invited to join
Minutes for September 8, 1988 -3-
Mr. Sorensen rejoined the meeting at this time.
225. Turnburry Estates, Hill Street, direction by Board Developers Otis Brown
and Leonard Colwell informally presented a revised sketch plan, showing smaller
building footprints and greater site perimeter setbacks, which they felt addres-
sed objections the Board had with their most recent preliminary plan. Mr. Brown
reported they had met with Ms. Nordby, George Samaha of the Engineering Depart-
ment, and Tree Warden Paul Mazerall, and that the revised plan incorporated
their recommendations.
It was reported that Mr. Mazerall felt that the existing dense tree coverage on
the site might eliminate the need for the normally required number of street
trees, and that he would prefer to make his recommendations later after he can
see how much the site is disturbed by construction. The Board suggested that
perhaps ground cover or shrubbery might be used in place of street trees, where
required by construction disturbance.
The Board discussed how to guarantee that once a plan was approved, future
additions would not increase the size of building footprints and intrude into
any setbacks approved. Mr. Sorensen suggested, and the Board agreed, that a 50
foot easement around the perimeter of the property be granted to the Town, in
which nothing can be built, except as shown on an approved plan; the Easement to
run with the land and be recorded at the Registry of Deeds. In response to a
question from Mrs. Klauminzer, Mr. Brown said they were proposing a condominium
development with a private road.
At this time the Board interrupted discussion of Item 225 to conduct the elec-
tion of Planning Board officers and resumed their discussion following the
*********************** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION **************************
226. Election of Officers Mrs. Uhrig asked for nominations for officers of
the Planning Board to serve until the Board's next scheduled election.
Mrs. Klauminzer nominated Mrs. Uhrig for chairman. There were no other nomina-
tions, and the Board voted unanimously to elect Mrs. Uhrig chairman.
Mrs. Klauminzer nominated Mrs. Wood for vice-chairman. There were no other
nominations, and the Board voted unanimously to elect Mrs. Wood vice chairman.
Mrs. Wood nominated Mrs. Klauminzer for clerk. There were no other nominations
and the Board voted unanimously to elect Mrs. Klauminzer clerk.
Mr. Williams left the meeting at this time.
225. (cont.) Turnburry Estates The Board continued their discussion of this
item and agreed that any increase in building footprints should be limited to
15% for any one unit, with an aggregate of 10% increase in footprint for the
whole development.
Minutes for September 8, 1988 -4—
On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted 4-0-0 (Mr.
Williams had left the meeting) to so inform the developer that the Board will
require the 50 foot perimeter easement and the limitations on increases in
building footprints that were discussed and agreed to by the Board earlier this
*********************** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION **************************
227. Planning Board Dirction, Objectives Mr. Bowyer expressed concern that
the amount of time that is being spent on review of subdivisions, Board of
Appeals hearings and SPS applications leaves little time for planning projects.
He suggested that, at the least, the review of new applications of sketch and
preliminary subdivision plans be slowed down in order to catch up with the
backlog of SPS and subdivision applications.
Mrs. Uhrig said that she was concerned with the community's perception of the
Planning Board's role in Town government; and the perception that things take
too long to be processed by the Board. The Board expressed their concern about
not being informed as soon as a plan or SPS has been filed, and it was agreed
that as soon as an application for subdivision approval has been filed with the
Board, or an SPS has been received by the staff for review, it be presented to
the Board in an informational procedure.
The Board agreed that completion of the Development Regulations, especially the
commercial section, as well as a rewrite of the proof plan section, must have
one of the highest priorities on the work list; that TMMA be invited to appoint
a liason to meet with the Board when proposed articles for the next Annual Town
Meeting are discussed; and that no major revisions to the Zoning By-Law be
proposed for next year's Annual Town Meeting.
It was also agreed to close the agenda Thursday at noon; to drop packets off at
the Police Station Thursday evening; to schedule two business meetings and one
planning meeting per month and to deliver a copy of the agenda to Adams Russell
for broadcast on cable television.
***************************** COMMUNICATIONS *********************************
228. Letters from Forest / Muzzey Street Neighbors of Belfry Club land The
Board discussed two letters to the Board, dated August 29 and September 1, 1988,
from residents in the area, suggesting that a trade be made in which the Town
would find another Town-owned site for the proposed Grace Chapel Christian
Education building, and locate affordable housing on the Belfry Club land owned
by Grace Chapel. The Board directed the staff to respond to the letter from Mr.
Buss gang.
229. Hearings scheduled for September 29, 1988 Mr. Sorensen gave an oral
review of the following applications being heard by the Board of Appeals.
1709-1727 Mass. Avenue, Estate of Abram Salter, SP, to reestablish a res-
taurant and take out service known as the Bel Canto Restaurant. Mr.
Minutes for September 8, 1988 -5-
Sorensen noted the previous special permit allowed 110 seats, while this
SP asks for 130 seats. If this increase in seats is permitted, it will
reduce the parking allowed for the rest of the businesses in the building.
Mr. Bowyer commented that the uses formerly in the building before the fire
required about 75 parking spaces and the aggregate parking demand for the
new uses could not exceed that number. Mr. Sorensen was very concerned
that subsequent tenants would not be aware the restaurant had used up a
higher percentage of the those parking spaces and would pressure the Town
to allow types of occupancy for which there would not be enough parking
spaces. He suggested the Board recommend the SP be approved with the same
conditions as approved in the previous SP.
On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted
4-0-0 (Mr. Williams had left the meeting) to recommend the SP be granted
either 1) with the condition that the number of seats be the same as in
the previous permit, or 2) the number of seats could be the 130 requested
if a satisfactory document is produced and recorded that more of the park-
ing spaces will be allocated to the restaurant and fewer to the remainder
of the building with the result that potential occupancy of the other floor
space in the building may be more limited, and that all tenants and occu-
pants must be so informed.
On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted 4-0-0,
(Mr. Williams had left the meeting) to make no comment on the following
1709-1727 Massachusetts Avenue Estate of Abram Salter, SP, to modify the
required width of a driveway, and
145 East Street , Morrow Crossing, Albert Murphy, revision of SP to add an
enclosed porch.
The meeting was adjourned at 11 15 p.m.
Eleanor Klauminzer, Clerk