HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-06-20 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Office
Building, was called to order at 7 37 p m by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with
members Sorensen, Williams, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner
Nordby and Secretary Peters present. Mrs. Klauminzer was absent
170 Approval of Minutes The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the
meeting of April 11, 1988 On the motion of Mrs. wood, seconded by Mr Soren-
sen, it was voted 3-0-1 (Mr. Williams abstained) to approve the minutes, as
The Board reviewed the minutes for the meetings of April 13, 25, 27 and May 2,
1988. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, it was voted 2-0-2
(Mrs Wood abstained as she had not been present at the meetings of April 13, 25
and May 2, 1988; Mr Williams also abstained) , to approve the minutes, as
**************************** REPORTS *****************************************
171. Planning Director
a. Ridge Estates II The Board heard a summary of a letter from Theodore
Freeman, dated June 13, 1988, responding to the Board's June 7, 1988 letter
on Ridge Estates II Copies will be distributed prior to the next meeting
b. Completion of old Subdivisions Mr Bowyer reported he has written to
the developers of Pheasant Brook and Pitcairn Place, asking that they
complete construction of the subdivision road so they can move toward
acceptance of the streets by the Town. In the future, letters will also be
sent to the developer of Tidd Circle and North Emerson, and any other
subdivision that can be moved along towards completion and acceptance by
the Town
172 Form A/88-10. Percy Road, Baird & Kinneen The Board reviewed a plan
showing the division of Lot 16, Town property map #39, creating two lots (Lot C
and a combination of Lots B1 and D2) with the required frontage and lot area.
On the motion of Mr Sorensen, seconded by Mrs Wood, kit was voted 4-0-0
to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass (Middlesex
County)", dated March 25, 1988, revised June 15, 1988, by the BSC Group -
Bedford, Inc , certified by Norman I. Lipsitz, Professional Land Surveyor,
by Douglas Baird, with application Form A/88-10, as it does not require
approval under the Subdivision Control Law
173 Grassland Subdivision. Robert Phelan. Acceptance of Conditional Surety
Release of Lot 2 Only The Board discussed a letter received from Robert Phe-
lan, the developer, which seeks the release of Lot 2 on which a house has been
Meeting of June 20, 1988 2
under construction since last winter, and the owner is ready to move in, having
already sold his old house.
Mr. Bowyer reported the problems, that arose when the error in the survey work
done by Hayes Engineering was discovered, seemed to be working toward a satisfac-
tory resolution. There have been several meetings with representatives of the
Town and Hayes Engineering. At least one acceptable solution has been identi-
fied and other ideas are being review that would provide all of the retention
area of the current wetlands. The estimate from BSC of the amount of work on
the wetlands remaining to be completed is approximately $36,000, with an addi-
tional $25,000 for other drainage work bringing the cost to complete to around
$65,000. He recommended this should be the amount of surety established to
insure completion of the subdivision while releasing Lot 2 only.
Mr. Phelan reported there would be a meeting with the Conservation Commission on
June 28, 1988 to settle any problems they had with the subdivision. He added he
would be glad to post surety for all 6 lots, with permission to release the one
lot due to the hardship of the new owner that needs to move in, as soon as
On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted uninanimously
1) to set the amount of surety at $65,000,
2) to accept in surety a bank passbook for that amount,
3) to release lot 2 only and
4) to instruct ;the Planning Director not to issue the release of lots
document until the surety is received in the form of a bank passbook.
174 Graystone Subdivision. Boyd/Smith. decision on tune of surety to accept
Mr. Bowyer reported this situation is a little different than what the Board
usually has before it, in that the regular road work and utilities are completed
to the point that the remaining surety and covenant could be released. In this
case, trees and landscaping were planted this past spring, a;nd the usual prac-
tice is to go through one growing season and one winter to ensure the trees and
plantings are still healthy after a full year.
The Board reviewed a draft letter to Boyd/Smith, dealing with two methods to
ensure that any planting not lasting the year will be replaced. The Board
agreed to establish a special surety, of not less than $5,000, to cover any loss
of planting material after a year.
On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr Williams, it was voted unanimously to
approve the letter with the addition of a note stating that the surety held
by the Town shall not go below $5,000.
175 Orchard Crossing. off Lowell Street. McNeil & Castielli, decision on defin-
itive plan The Board reviewed a draft Certificate of Action and a draft Special
( Permit with Site Plan Approval for the subdivision, making minor corrections
On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs Wood, it was voted unanimously
I ; to approve the definitive plan of the Orchard Crossing subdivision On the
motion of Mr Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously to
approve the Certificate of Action for the Orchard Crossing Subdivision, as
Meeting of June 20, 1988 3
corrected. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted
unanimously to grant the Special Permit with Site Plan Review for the combined
conventional and cluster subdivision called Orchard Crossing
176. 90 North Hancock Jeffrey Hodgdon, decision on definitive plan
The Board reviewed a draft Certificate of Action for the two lot subdivision at
90 North Hancock Street, making minor corrections On the motion of Mr. Soren-
sen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted 4-0-0 to approve the definitive subdi-
vision plan On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs Wood, it was voted
unanimously to approve the Certificate of Action, as corrected.
177. One Tracer Lane, Tracer Lane Realty Trust. decision on definitive Plan
The Board reviewed and corrected a draft Certificate of Action for the commer-
cial subdivision One Tracer Lane.
On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr Sorensen, it was voted 4-0-0 to
disapprove the definitive subdivision plan for One Tracer Lane, without preju-
dice. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted 4-0-0
to approve the Certificate of Action, as corrected.
178 Valley Road. Massucco. release of surety The Board reviewed a memo from
the Town Engineer stating that the applicant had done more work than was
required to bring the condition of the road up to adequate grade and construc-
tion On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr Williams, it was voted 4-0-0
to release the surety held by the Town for completion of the work. Mr Williams
suggested, and the board agreed, to send a copy of the engineering memo along to
the applicant, since they did more work than required and they should be aware
this has been recognized by the Town
179 191 Surinz Street, PUBLIC HEARING. repetitive petition Mrs. Uhrig opened
the hearing at 8 45 p.m. by reading the legal notice, explaining that the Board
was required to hold a public hearing to hear why the applicant should be per-
mitted to resubmit his application for a rehearing before the Board of Appeals
when less than two years have elapsed. She noted that Section 16 of the Massa-
chusetts Laws, Chapter 40A, requires that all but one member of the Planning
Board consent to this decision before the Board of Appeals may rehear the
Attorney Frederick DeAngelis, representing the applicant, stated there had bee
specific and material changes in the conditions upon which the previous unfavor-
able action was based. He noted the Board of Appeals had unanimously found this
to be so John McKee, of Symmes, Maini and McKee briefly reviewed the changes,
mainly the reduction in the total square footage of the buildings and the elimi-
nation of one parking garage
The Board agreed there had been specific and material changes in the plan that
more than meet the tests established by the Appeals Court in a similar case
Joy Buchfirer, representing the South Lexington Civic Associates, stated they
were pleased to see the overall reductions that had been made However, they
hope the Planning Board will recognize there is a new traffic by-law and every
thing in their power to enforce it.
Meeting of June 20, 1988 4
James Lambie, 22 Shade Street, commented that the traffic studies he has seen
for the new plan are very much the same as those presented before, to the over-
all traffic volumes have not changed significantly.
In response to a question from Caleb Warner, 546 Concord Avenue, whether or not
the mechanical penthouse on Building #1 was visible from Spring Street, it was
stated it was not visible.
Mrs Uhrig declared the hearing closed at 9 02 p.m.
On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted 4-0-0
that without making recommendations on the merits of the plan, the new plan
is sufficiently different from the plan previously denied by the Board of
Appeals that a resubmittal would not constitute a repetitive petition.
Mr Bowyer noted that the proposal is vested under the 1986 Zoning By-Law, and
technically is subject to the provisions of the 1986 Zoning By-Law He added
that, nevertheless, he thought the Town ought to work to the maximum extent pos-
sible to carry forward the spirit of the zoning regulations now in effect
180 Hearinzs scheduled for July 124. 1988 Mrs Wood gave an oral review of
the following hearings to be heard by the Board of Appeals
57 Bedford Street, R. Wl. Connelly Associates, SP, to attach a 5' by 6'
sign on the front of a commercial building. The Planning Board agreed to
take the same position on this application as it did on a similar petition,
by the Hunneman Company for 80 Hayden Avenue, heard by the Board of Appeals
on September 10, 1987. They continue to be opposed to the use of such a
large sign advertising space for rent in a building They suggest the use of
more traditional ways, such as advertising in newspapers and business trade
publications, be used. Such a large sign is incompatible with the visual
appearance of other commercial buildings in the area.
On the motion of Mr Williams, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted
unanimously to recommend the special permit not be granted
Vacant lot on Albemarle Avenue, Edward J. Herman, appeal of the decision of
the Building Commissioner, denying a building permit for the construction
of a single-family dwelling on a lot that had been combined by use with an
adjoining lot. On the motion of Mr Williams, seconded by Mrs Wood, it was
voted unanimously to concur with the findings of the Building Commissioner
425 Woburn Street, Donald Deily, appeal of the decision of the Building
Commissioner The Board concurred with the Building Commissioner's ruling
that the lighting need be screened only when direct beams fall on the
abuttor's property
55 Oak Street, Ellen 0. Hall, SP. to allow a temporary accessory apartment in
the basement The Board felt it should be made clear that it is not the
intent to allow the accessory apartment on a permanent basis and that it will
be limited to such period of time as Ms Hall may need They agreed
Meeting of June 20, 1988 5
that the conditions and continued need for the accessory apartment should
be reviewed on a regular basis whenever the special permit must be renewed.
On the motion of Mr Sorensen, seconded by Mrs Wood, it was voted unani-
mously to recommend the special permit be granted in view of the special
circumstances presented by the applicant.
12 Moon Hill Road, Walter & Renee Juda, SP, accessory apartment in an
accessory structure. The Board was pleased that Article 41 was approved by
Town Meeting this year, enabling the Juda's to use the upper story of the
garage for an accessory apartment. ON the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by
Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously to recommend the special permit be
granted, and to thank the Judas for waiting until after the Town Meeting
vote to file their application
1095 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington Shell Service Center, appeal from a
decision of the Building Commissioner denying the operation of a mini snack
mart as an accessory use at the service station. the Board noted that this
was already a nonconforming use in a residential area, and to allow an
expansion of a nonconforming use in a residential district would be in
direct conflict with the objectives and provisions of the new Section 6 of
the Zoning By-Law recently adopted by the Town Meeting On the motion of
Mrs Wood, seconded by Mr. Williams, it was voted unanimously to strongly
support the decision of the Building Commissioner and recommend the appeal be
396 Waltham Street, Mobil Oil Company, SP, to demolish and reconstruct a
gasoline service station with no service, only for the selling of gasoline,
in the CRS District; and to replace an internally illuminated free standing
sign The Board agreed they were opposed to this special permit being
granted, because the entrances and exits are too close to the intersection
and could cause problems with the flow of traffic through the intersection.
On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr Sorensen, it was voted unani-
mously to recommend the special permit be denied, and that the applicant be
advised to restudy the plan, with the idea that the curb cuts closest to
the intersection be eliminated, that the access to the station should be at
the furtherest point away from the intersection, that the size of the
building be smaller and nearer its current location and that the size of
the canopy be reduced.
*********************** ARTICLES FOR 1988 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING ***************
181. Pine Meadows
a. Progress report on Impact Study Mr Bowyer summarized the content of
the four articles for Special Town Meeting on July 8, 1988. (see attached
warrant. ) He reported the impact study the staff has been preparing would
use the same kind of data for town houses and single family houses in any
scheme. He added there needs to be more information on what type of af-
fordable housing will be proposed. Until they get more information, it
- will be assumed that half of the affordable units would be moderate income;
half of the affordable units would be low income, and that all of the
affordable units will be rental; half of the affordable units will be three
bedroom, and half will be two bedroom.
Meeting of June 20, 1988 6
b Advisory Committee Proposal In response to questions from Mrs Uhrig,
Mr. Williams reported that the action at Town Meeting, on the proposal of the
Pine Meadows Advisory Committee, if approved, would allow for a private
package for a developer and a development package to the Town for affordable
housing; and the Town would lease the operation of the golf course
The Committee has agreed to support 70 dwelling units, 54 market rate units
and 16 affordable units, for the site, with the neighborhood representatives
protesting the inclusion of so many affordable units. In response to a
question from Mr Sorensen, Mr. Bowyer reported the fall-back position for
Moore Homes, if nothing passes, will probably be 96 to 100 single lots and no
golf course.
************************** REPORTS *****************************************
182. Planning Board. Subcommittees
a. Lexington Center Revitalization Committee Mrs Uhrig announced their
next meeting would be held on June 30, 1988 at Noon. Mrs. Wood will try to
The meeting was adjourned at 9 45 p.m
(737a2-4 (7. Zi
Martha C. Wood,