HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Board minutes 10-02-1995 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 2, 1995 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Chairman Davison, with members Canale, Davies, Merrill, Planning Director Bowyer, and Assistant Planner Marino present. Mr. Grant came in during Item 152. *************************** PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT ************************* 150. Recent Activity. a. Bill to End Reeistration of Landscape Architects: Mr. Bowyer reported that a letter from State Senator Robert A. Haven informed the Planning Board that the bill to eliminate state registration requirements for a number of professions, including landscape architects, had been defeated. The Board had previously expressed its opposition to the measure in a letter to legislators. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************ PLANS NOT REOUIRING APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW 151 Form A/95-9. Locke Village: The Board reviewed an Approval Not Required Plan for land at 661, 663, 665 Lowell Street. On the motion of Mr. Canale, seconded by Mr. Grant, the Board voted unanimously, 5-0, to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated December 28, 1994, prepared by Meridian Engineering Collaborative, Inc., Peabody, Mass., certified by Michael J. Juliano, Professional Land Surveyor, with Form A/95-9, submitted by Peter C.J Kelley and Richard F Perry, Woodhaven Realty Trust, applicant, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control {f Law LJ ************************************** RECESS ***************************************** The Planning Board recessed at 7.40 to join the Selectmen's meeting being held in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Members of the Metropolitan State Hospital Land Reuse Task Force were also present to hear State Senator Lucile Hicks report to the Selectmen on the filing of legislation authorizing disposition of the Met. State Hospital land. At approximately 8:15, the Planning Board reconvened in Room G-15. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************ PLANS NOT REOUIRING APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW 152. Form A/95-8, 94 Adams Street. Winnetucket Realty Trust: The staff gave an oral review of an Approval Not Required Plan for land on Brent Road and Adams Street. Mr. Bowyer said that the Zoning F By-Law states specifically that lot frontage is measured in a continuous line along the side line of the right- of-way In the Form A plan proposed, the distance along the sideline of the street is not sufficient. Mr. Bowyer stated that therefore, the staff believes the plan cannot be endorsed. Mr. Bowyer told the Board that not endorsing this plan does not mean that the property cannot be subdivided. Mr. Canale noted another section of the Zoning Bylaw provides that frontage must be measured in a continuous line and jogs and irregularities in the line can not be included. In the ensuing discussion with the applicant and his attorney, the Planning Board expressed its desire to be very careful of setting a precedent about frontage on the stub dead end of a street and encouraged them to pursue other alternatives. On the motion of Mr. Canale, seconded by Mr. Davies, the Board voted unanimously, 5-0, to not endorse Form A/95-8 and to approve the draft decision as amended. 2 Minutes for the Meeting of October 2, 1995 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 153 Winship Common Subdivision. Street name: The Board reviewed a letter from Mark Moore Homes, Inc. requesting that the street to be built at the Winship Common subdivision be named Litchfield Road. On the motion of Mr. Canale, seconded by Mr. Davies, the Board voted unanimously to approve the name "Litchfield Road." - ************************ ARTICLES FOR 1996 TOWN MEETING ************************ 154 RD Rezoning. 536-544 Lowell Street. Marriott Corporation: Present for this item on the agenda were approximately 45 residents who live near the site of Marriott Corporation's proposed assisted living facility at 536-544 Lowell Street. Chairman Davison read a draft letter from the Planning Board to Lino Bernardi, Marriott's project leader for the proposed assisted living facility on Lowell Street. The letter responds to Marriott's presentation to the Planning Board on September 11 It summarizes the Board's reaction to the proposal and explains that this is a very early stage in the rezoning process and that the Planning Board will begin consultations with other Town officials to gain the benefit of their expertise and views. It will also seek the neighborhood's input. Anthony Galaitsis, 7 Burroughs Road, Street, spoke in behalf of some of the neighbors. As spokesman for a newly formed committee of neighborhood residents, Citizens Concerned about Zoning Policy, he read a statement listing a number of objections the nearby residents have to Marriott's plans. A copy of this statement has been sent to Planning Board members. More residents spoke in opposition and asked that they be kept closely informed of the steps in the process. Hugh Lightman, 537 Lowell Street, asked if there are traffic studies comparing current patterns with historical projections and the facility's impacts. Mrs. Davison and Mr. Merrill urged the neighborhood and the applicant to engage in as direct a dialogue as possible to exchange information and concerns. Mrs. Davison said it is upMarriott g to to sell this proposal. Mr. Grant reminded everyone that the Planning Board is not the proponent for this project and does not control the schedule. The Board reviewed a draft letter to Lino Bernardi. On the motion of Mr. Canale, seconded by Mr. Davies, the Board approved the letter to Lino Bernardi, as amended. The Board also reviewed and approved draft letters to Town boards, committees and other interested groups asking for their input on affordable housing and transportation issues. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************ SUBDIVISION OF LAND 155 Schoolhouse Lane, Review of Landscaping Plan: Based on individual visits to the site of the Schoolhouse Lane subdivision, Board members concluded that the landscaping done on the site is not in accordance with the landscaping plan approved by the Planning Board. The Board discussed a range of measures that could be taken to remedy this situation. It agreed that some compensatory planting is necessary and looks forward to seeing a proposal from the developer. The staff has sent a letter to developers who regularly work in Lexington, reiterating the requirements of Lexington's Development Regulations with respect to designer certificates. J 3 Minutes for the Meeting of October 2, 1995 RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS 156. Annlications To Be Heard on October 12. 1995. Mr. Merrill gave an oral review of the following applications: 166 Bedford Street. B Street Bagels, Inc., special permits to operate a bagel and sandwich shop The Planning Board agreed to recommend that a complete review of the parking calculations for all uses in the building be done by the Building Commissioner. It should be determined: 1) if the existing and proposed parking layout conforms to the parking standards, and 2) whether the allocation of parking spaces for the property and among the individual uses is sufficient. It should also be determined how this new use will affect the traffic for businesses currently in the building and the building next door. The Planning Board also agreed to urge the Board of Appeals to: 1) consider measures for mitigating the effects of additional traffic turning off and onto a busy street, according to Section 12 of the Zoning By-Law, and 2) require landscaping to the maximum extent practicable according to paragraph 10.1.3 The Board had no comment on the following applications, also scheduled to be heard on October 12. 19A Oakland Street. Bruce Hauptman, M.D., special permit to continue to use a small cottage on the property as a part time office 191 Snrine Street. 191 Spring Street Trust, modification and confirmation of a special permit granted on 12/20/88. 110 Grove Street. Mark Moore Homes, Inc., special permit to allow driveway to serve as common driveway for 110 and 108 Grove Street 6 Park Street. Michael and Marilyn Fenollosa, variance to replace existing 6-foot fence ************************************** REPORTS *************************************** 157 Planning Board. Subcommittees a. HATS. Mr. Canale reported that HATS is looking into hiring a consultant to help them in the GEIR update process. b. Selectmen's Morning Meeting: Mrs. Davison informed the Board that she attended the morning breakfast for Town board and committee chairmen. Preliminary FY1997 Town budget figures were revealed. ********************************* EXECUTIVE SESSION ********************************* On the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Mr. Merrill, by individual poll of the members, the Board voted unanimously to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation against the Town. The Board agreed to return to open session only for the purpose of adjourning the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11.20 p.m. .� 4 �� I Frederick L. Merrill, Jr., Clerk