HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-16-CONCOM-min TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Monday May 16, 2016 6:30 P.M. Parker Room, Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Ave Chair Phil Hamilton opened the meeting at 6:32 pm in the Parker Room of the Town Office Building Commissioners Present: Dick Wolk, Phil Hamilton, Joyce Miller, Duke Bitsko, Alex Dohan, Kevin Beuttell Others Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator and Casey Hagerty, Conservation Department Assistant 6:32 Issue Emergency Certificate: Sewer Main Issue in Dunback Meadow Conservation Area Mr. Flamang explained that a broken sewer line was in Dunback Meadow. He stated that the engineering department is seeking an Emergency Certificate to do resolve the problem. Motion to issue an Emergency Certificate made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 6:35pm Update on Enforcement Order: Bina Farm/John Carroll, 55/31 Allen Street Mr. Hamilton explained that the applicant has provided us with some more information regarding the restoration plan as well as the stormwater management plan. Motion to continue the enforcement hearing to 5/31/2016 at the applicant’s request made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mrs. Dohan. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Issue Amended Enforcement Order for Restoration/Corrective Actions: 28 Carriage Dr. Ms. Mullins explained that they provided the commission with information regarding the erosion controls as well as the stabilization at the end of the down spout. Grading details and a stabilization plan were also provided. Motion to release the cease and desist made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mrs. Miller. Vote: 6- 0 in favor. 6:39pm Approve Request for Insignificant Plan Changes at 143 Maple Street, DEP File No. 201-979, BL 937 Ms. Mullins explained that the commission requested at the last meeting that drainage calculations be submitted for the requested plan change. The engineer did provide calculations. Motion to approve the plan change made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mrs. Miller. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Plan change request at 2 Opi Cirlce 59tCźƌĻbƚ͵ЋЉЊВЏЍͲ.\[ВЋЋ Ms. Mullins explained that the contractor wants to shift the driveway slightly which will actually reduce the amount of impervious cover. Motion to approve the plan change made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Plan change request at 3 Douglas Road 59tCźƌĻbƚ͵ЋЉЊВБЊͲ.\[ВЌВ Ms. Mullins explained that the owner wishes to move the driveway as well as move the electrical underground. That work will be done within the area that is already being disturbed. Motion to approve the plan change made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mrs. Miller. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 6:42pm Order of Conditions, DEP File No. 201-1015, BL 972, 435 and 439 Lincoln Street, Request by Applicant to correct standard Special Condition 24g. to remove tri-party requirement with the State for the Conservation Restriction for lending purposes John Farrington, Attorney Mr. Farrington explained that they are requesting to take the state out of the Conservation Restriction for lending reasons. He explained that they are requesting a two way agreement between the town and the condo association. This agreement would be in the operating manual for the condos. Questions and comments from the commission: The commission asked if this type of agreement would be less binding than the traditional agreement the commission uses with the state. Mr. Farrington explained that the commission would still have the same amount of monitoring power as in the traditional agreement. He also explained that to change the agreement, the association would still have to appear in front of the commission. Motion to amend the Order of Conditions made by Mrs. Dohan and seconded by Mrs. Miller. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 6:46pm Schedule site visits for 5/31/2016 meeting Site visits were scheduled for Thursday 5/26/2016 at 5:30pm 6:50pm Approve minutes from 12/14/2015 meeting Motion to approve the minutes made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mrs. Miller. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Approve Minutes from 5/2/2016 Minutes will be approved at the next meeting. 6:52pm Land Use Permit Application- Bowman School Adventure Run Ms. Mullins explained that this is the same event that the commission has permitted for the past few years. Part of the run takes the participants through Dunback Meadow. Motion to approve the Land Use Permit made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 6:53pm Appeals Update: 10 and 12 Rangeway , DEP File No. 201-1012, BL 969, DEP SORAD and Civil Complaint Update o Ms. Mullins reported that the DEP site visit was held after it was initially postponed. The DEP is now doing their investigation. She added that the appeal under the by-law is being reviewed. End of Rangeway, DEP File No. 201-968, BL 926, DEP SOOC Update o Ms. Mullins explained that the DEP has gone back and forth about whether this site must comply with the stormwater regulations. 16 Summer Street, DEP File No. 201-996, BL 953, Civil Complaint Update o Ms. Mullins explained that there was some confusion about the defendants in this case. She stated that the administrative record is being reviewed. New Hearings and Meetings 6:57pm DET 16-16 RDA, Bridge School, 55 Middleby Road Owner/applicant: Town of Lexington Project: Modular Classroom additions Documents: Engineering Report 5/16/2016, RDA Package 4/26/2016, Stormwater Management Plan 4/26/2016, Plans 4/26/2016 Fred King, Project Engineer Mr. King explained that they are filing an RDA to demonstrate to the commission that the work that will be taking place at the Bridge School will be over 100ft from wetlands. He explained that the entire project would be in compliance with the stormwater standards and there will be decrease in impervious surface. Mr. Hamilton entered the engineering report into the record. Questions from the commission: The commission questioned who is responsible for caring for stormwater treatment systems on school property. Ms. Mullins explained that it is a combination of the school department and the facilities department. She explained that the town is working on creating a manual for this type of work. Motion to issue a negative determination with conditions made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mrs. Miller. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 7:07pm DET 16-17 RDA, Fiske School, 35A Colony Road Owner/applicant: Town of Lexington Project: Modular Classroom additions Documents: Engineering Report 5/16/2016, RDA Package 4/26/2016, Stormwater Management Plan 4/26/2016, Plans 4/26/2016 Fred King, Project Engineer Mr. King explained that the project at Fiske is similar to the project at the Bridge School. He explained that they were going to be over 800 ft. away from the wetlands. He explained that the soils at this site are good for infiltration and they would be able to meet the stormwater requirements. Mr. King stated they will be adding a roof drain infiltration system as well as deep sump catch basins. Mr. Hamilton entered the engineering report into the record. Questions from the commission: The commission asked for some details regarding the recharge system. Mr. King stated he would add another access port to the plan. Motion to issue a Negative Determination with Conditions made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mrs. Miller. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 7:18pm DET 16-18 RDA, 503 Lowell Street Owner/applicant: Eric Amundsen and Brindha Muniappan Project: Proposed excavation associated with a basement remodel Dale Swanson, JF Basnett and Company Mr. Swanson explained that there are two parts to the proposed project. The first would be to excavate an area to accommodate for a window well. The other element would be to add a sump pump that would drain the basement in case of flooding. The pump would drain to a catch basin in the front of the home. He stated that the catch basin is outside of the 100ft buffer. Mr. Hamilton entered the engineering report into the record. Mr. Swanson responded to the engineering report explained that he will address the erosion control issue. He explained that there will be no stock piling of materials on site. He also explained that the sump pump is outside of the 100ft buffer. Questions and comments from the commission: The commission explained that they are wary of approving sump pumps without knowing the pump rates. The commission explained they are concerned about what will happen if the pump cannot handle the probable load. 7:36pm Mr. Langseth arrived. The commission explained that in order to approve the sump pump they will need to see engineering calculations. Motion to continue the hearing to 5/31/2016 made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mrs. Dohan. Vote: 7-0 in favor. 7:41pm DEP File No. 201-980, BL 938 140 Adams St, Amend OOC Applicant: Orr Homes Owner: Project: Modification to approved drainage plan Scott Smyers- Oxbow Associates and Fred Russel- Project Engineer Mr. Smyers explained that the commission met a few weeks back and decided that the applicant would need to file an Amended Order of Conditions. He explained that the driveway was built slightly larger than proposed and a patio was built in the rear of the house. Mr. Russell explained that he has done the calculations for the additional impervious surface and has stated that the additional impervious surface will be mitigated for. Questions and comments from the commission: The commission asked where the driveway was draining too. Mr. Russell stated that the driveway was draining to the existing infiltration system. Motion to close the hearing made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mr. Langseth. Vote: 7-0 in favor. 7:46pm DEP File No. 201-973, BL 931 66 Munroe Rd., Amend OOC Applicant/owner: Ying Chen Project: Tree removal Roger Cook- Landscape Architect Mr. Cook explained that as he was creating a restoration plan for 66 Munroe Rd. he noticed seven trees that were deemed to be in failing health. He stated that the seven trees would need to be taken down. Questions and comments from the commission: The commissioners who attended the site visit explained that the trees were in failing health. The commission asked how the trees in the wetlands would be removed. Mr. Cook explained that they will use a crane that will be situated in the driveway. Motion to close the hearing made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 7-0 in favor. 7:51pm DET 16-14 RDA, 11 Marshall Owner/applicant: Huixing Yuan Project: Removal and replacement of an existing gravel driveway with pavers Ms. Mullins explained that this applicant has withdrawn their petition. 7:51pm DEP File No. 201-985, BL 915 10 Philip Road, Amend OOC Applicant: Copley Design Owner: Conroy Trust Modification: Amend Drainage Design After the fact Documents: Engineering review Dan Orwig- Copley Design Mr. Orwig explained that they have looked at a plan at 15 Hunt Road and incorporated that design into their project. Mr. Orwig explained that they have been in contact with the Engineering Department and have modified their O and M plan. Mr. Hamilton entered the engineering report into the record. Questions and comments from the commission: The commission asked for some more information regarding how the brick will be held into place. Mr. Orwig explained that there will be a key way in the brick. The commission requested that the filter fabric be removed. Motion to close the hearing made by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote 7-0 in favor. Motion to approve the Amended Order of Conditions made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mrs. Dohan. Vote: 7-0 in favor. 8:02pm DEP File No. 201-962, BL 920 145 Grove St., Continued Notice of Intent Owner/Applicant: Shmuel and Anat Katzelnik Project: Reopen hearing on the proposed rain garden construction to manage driveway runoff Al Gala- Project Engineer and David Sperduto- Wetlands scientist Mr. Sperduto explained that this is a project to improve the driveway. He explained that there is a depression in the driveway that has caused some pooling by the house. The proposed project would involve sloping the driveway away from the garage towards a rain garden. He explained that some trees have been added to the plan and test pits have been dug. Mr. Sperduto also stated that a planting plan was provided. Mr. Gala explained that this rain garden is not for bio retention purposes or pollution retention, but mostly for groundwater dispersal. The critical root zones for the trees has been examined and there would be specific instructions for the contractor regarding cutting tree roots. Mr. Sperduto stated that the driplines are smaller than the critical root zones. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission asked if the crest of the spillway was armored. The applicant stated that the armor starts at the crest, but they will add armor to the crest. The commission discussed the history of flooding at this house. The commission discussed whether more trees should be planted as part of this project. The commission discussed the original Order of Conditions that was issued for this property and whether the on-going conditions were being complied with. Mr. Sperduto stated that he would get in contact with the home owners and create a plan to comply with the Order of Conditions. The commission requested that engineering calculations be provided for the rain garden. The commission requested that an arborist be present during the time when the tree roots are being cut. The commission requested that FENO markers be placed along the 25ft buffer. Motion to continue that hearing to 5/31/2016 at the applicant’s request made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mr. Langseth. Vote: 7-0 in favor. 8:39pm Reports Ms. Mullins explained that the first excavation has taken place, but it appears that another excavation will need to take place because the levels are still above a reportable level. The commission was reminded that the Hennessy Barn Open House is Tuesday June 7, 2016 at 5pm. Ms. Mullins explained that Hanscom Air Force Base needs to make some changes to their vegetation management program. She stated that the weather made the clearing difficult so they will be doing cable logging. This process will be less intrusive than other methods. 8:46pm Motion to adjourn made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 7-0 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Casey Hagerty Conservation Department Assistant Approved 6/13/2016