HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013.10.03 EC-MINCARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Wednesday, October 3, 2013 Attendees: Norman Cohen, Mary Ann Stewart, Helen Cohen, Howard Jaffe, Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director, Cynthia Johnson, Assistant Library Director. Call to Order: Norman called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM Secretary's Minutes Vote: Mary Ann made a motion to accept the minutes of the June 5, 2013 meeting. Norman Cohen seconded. The motion passed. Administrative Update Financial Update Koren reported that we are on pace with our expenses on the Municipal side, 26 expended at the end of the first quarter. This fiscal year, we instituted a new book order process where we spend down the Town funds first. This will increase our efficiency at year end. On the Trustees side, the income and expenses are on track. We have not yet received an influx of funds from the Friends and Foundation. Koren distributed a report on the State Aid Expenditures for FY 13. She reviewed the expenses in detail. Most of the expenses were building related projects. There are no funds in our Municipal budget for such items. She noted that by the end of FY 14, we expect our State Aid account balance to be approximately $48,000. Koren reported on the FY 15 Municipal Budget: • There is no plan for FY 15 Capital requests. • No increase in personnel • A 10% increase in materials budget. If the Town supports more of the materials, the Foundation can raise funds for other initiatives. • We will be gathering information from peer libraries regarding municipal verses private funding of materials. We will share that information when it is available. Action Plan Koren presented the FY14 — FY15 Major Project Activities detailing future initiatives, scope of work, funding sources and strategic principles. Koren added that the intention of the document is for it to be a rolling plan that we will modify as we progress. Koren added that the plan as presented is not a traditional format. She will share any feedback received form the Mass Board of Library Commissioners. Mary Ann expressed that the plan is clear and easy to understand. Howard added that we want to engage the personality of the Library Director. If the plan is too defined, those who execute it, feel robotic. This format allows us to get the best from our staff. Trustees discussed the initiatives and their funding sources. Helen Cohen made a motion to submit the plan as presented to the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. Mary Ann seconded the motion. The motion passed. Staff and Hiring Updates Margaret Donovan has resigned effective January 2014. Koren is working on the job description. Trustees discussed the skill set the position requires. Elizabeth Dickinson will be leaving mid December. We hope to have her replacement on board by January 1, 2014. We have identified a candidate and are working to finalize. Building Update • The Large Meeting Room is complete. There are a couple of aspects of the plan that did not translate exactly into what we had in mind. Koren is working with Facilities to resolve these issues. The Tech Booth has all of the equipment in place, lighting is greatly improved and the hearing loop is working. Howard inquired if there is anything that Trustees can do to help with the process. Koren is confident that the Facilities Department will work to resolve the outstanding issues. Overall, the project was delivered on time and well done. • Phase II of the Security Camera Project has been completed. We are pleased with the results. Foundation Event Request Koren reported that the Foundation is planning their Annual Event, Cooks and Books. The Foundation would like to make it a family event with food and activities. Since the goal is to have families attend, they are seeking permission to serve beer and wine. Trustees discussed the event and the consensus is to approve the serving of wine and beer. Project Updates Website The new website went live on October 151. We are working with the Website Developer to resolve some outstanding technical issues. Kathy Santos will be taking over the project. Printing Pilot Program Koren reported that although we are no longer charging for printing, we experienced only a 13% decrease in income. The unintended consequence is that patrons are printing in color more than when there was no charge. This has increased our toner costs, although we have made some adjustments to our printers. We request Trustees to approve a new printing policy; the first 10 pages are free, .10 per page of black and white and .25 per page for color. The Trustees' consensus is to agree with the change in charges. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Koren will be meeting with Lindsay Pope - Dahlberg from the Town Procurement Department to outline a plan. She will keep Trustees posted. New Business Wi -Fi Upgrade Koren explained that the current Wi -Fi is no longer sufficient to satisfy the needs of the library users. Howard added that in ten years we have seen so much change in technology that it is no surprise that we are faced with a needed upgrade. Trustees discussed the scope of project and funding. The funds will come from Foundation money. Mary Ann made a motion to approve the Wi -Fi upgrade, Helen seconded the motion. The motion passed. Trespass Letter Koren detailed the situation causing her to issue a letter of trespass to a library user. After a detailed discussion around the circumstances, Trustees expressed that staff may require guidelines and training for the future. Koren shared that this was discussed at Staff Development Day in September. Adjournment Mary Ann made a motion, seconded by Norm Cohen to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed.