HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015.05.06 EC Min CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Wednesday, May 6, 2015 Attendees: Norman Cohen, Kate Ekrem, Margaret Coppe, Joe Pato, Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director, Emily Smith, Assistant Library Director, Pat Goddard, Public Facilities and Jeanne Krieger, Foundation. Call to Order: Chairman Norman Cohen called the meeting to order at 4:0O PM Secretary’s Minutes Vote: Howard made a motion to approve the Minutes of the April 15, 2015 meeting. Joe seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Norman moved the Reconfiguration Discussion out of order. Koren reviewed the preliminary plan for the reconfiguration project as well as the updated cost estimates. We expect to have hard and soft costs by the fall. Pat Goddard of Public Facilities explained the next steps which include working with the architect over the summer to develop concept and cost estimates. This will not require much support from Facilities. Howard asked if those are appropriate next steps. Pat said this is typical for a project that you want to move forward. Once we know the scope of the project Pat will have a staff person oversee the construction. Koren suggested that some of the items can be done separately. Pat agreed that phasing the work can often minimize disruption. Margaret asked if the building will be closed for any time. The goal is to stay open as much as possible but we may have to close for a few days. Koren related her conversation with Alan Fields regarding the unrestricted Endowment Funds. We can record the payout as a loan with the intent to repay. The fund is robust enough to fund the project and important enough for the Trustees to consider. Jeanne reported that the Foundation is prepared and willing to create a line of credit rather than a loan which will be returned with interest over five years. Alan suggested that the interest be nominal. Norman suggested that the funds withdrawal be phased over a period of time. At the end of the summer we will prove a suggested timeline to Alan for liquidation of funds. Howard asked how we will pay back the funds. Will we capitalize on high yields and draw or draw as needed? And will we return the funds at a fixed interest or what it would have returned? Trustees discussed the payback. After discussion Koren requested that Trustees approve an expenditure of up to $40,000 to cover the cost of the architect fees for the concept development phase of the project which is to take place over the summer. Margaret made a motion to approve up to $40, 000 for the architect fees. Kate seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Administrative Update Koren detailed the sidewalk project which will take place on June 5th while we are closed for staff day. Joe inquired about June 5th. Koren explained that we will be closed the entire day since there will be jackhammering due to the sidewalk replacement. Staffing Update Peggy Bateson will be retiring at the end of June. There will be a reception for her in the Commons Area on June 22. Staff recommended starting a fund for a building sign on Mass Ave. The staff will take cup a collection. Koren suggests that we name the Circulation Workroom in her honor which basically is the cost of the plaque. The consensus is to move ahead. Linda Sullivan is also retiring at the end of June. Amy Horning form the Children’s Department is leaving for a professional position at another library. We will be interviewing for Nancy Marshall’s position soon. The new hire will take over the art galleries and will partner with the Community Center. We upgraded all of the promotions except for two. Koren shared some of the personal staff challenges. Howard asked if there is any way the Trustees can support staff. Koren will let staff know that the trustees are thinking of them. Financial Update Koren reported that as of the end of April we are 81.42% expended in personal services, we are under expended due to the many staff vacancies. On the Trustee’s side, the incoming fines and fees are where we expect to be. We are close to our income estimate as year-end approaches. Koren explained the recent incidents of trespassing patrons due to behavior. Trustees discussed the issues around trespassing students. New Business Fish Tank Removal The fish tank cost about $4200 per year to maintain. The wall is the perfect location for a large online catalog since there is data. We would like to invest in a modern tank in the Children’s Room and forgo the one the main level, after a discussion, the consensus is to move ahead with the fish tank removal. Koren reminded staff to stop by the Friends Volunteer Appprectiaon event at 4 Pm on May 3 in the Large Meeting Room. Since there are no new agenda items, the consensus is to cancel the May 20th full board meeting. Koren is hoping to look at updating the trustee by laws. Kate made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Joe seconded the motion, the motion passed unanimously.