HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015.01.07 EC MIN CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Attendees: Norman Cohen, Kate Ekrem, Joe Pato, Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director, Emily Smith, Assistant Library Director. Call to Order: Chairman Norm Cohen called the meeting to order at 4:0O PM Secretary’s Minutes Vote: Kate made a motion to approve the Minutes of the December 3, 2014 meeting. Joe seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Financial Update Koren reported on the Municipal side that our expenses are on pace. We are 48.75% expended on the staff line items at midyear due to vacancies. The Laptop Classroom was full funded by the Lexington Rotary Club. The initial request was for $15,000 however the actual cost was $23,000. Dan Busa and Dan Eagle from Rotary informed us that they will fund the entire amount. Norman inquired about the Shire donation. Koren reported that the Foundation received the check although we have not yet received the funds. Administrative Staffing Update Koren introduced Emily Smith, officially on board as Assistant Library Director and Technology Head as of December 22. New Business Building Reconfiguration Update Koren will meet with Carol Mahoney on Friday with staff to discuss the Internal Reconfiguration Project. Colin Smith spent some time observing the library patrons and staff to get a feel for operations. His firm has been working drawing plans. We hope to have something to present to Trustees by mid-February Historic District Appointment Norman reminded Trustees that we submitted two names to the Historic District Commission however they were not approved. Trustees discussed appointing Britta McCarthy as a full member, she is currently the library’s associate appointee. Joe and Norman will continue to seek potential candidates and will hopefully have something for the March meeting. Joe moved to nominate Britta McCarthy for the Historic District Appointment for the current vacancy. Kate seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Tuition Reimbursement Koren detailed a tuition reimbursement request from Amy Horning in the amount of $1493.44. We have funds to award up to $1,500 annually to a staff member for tuition reimbursement. Koren outlined Alissa Lauzon’s request to attend a conference in San Francisco and to cap the amount at $1500 since these two requests will deplete our staff development funds. Joe inquired if anyone else is in the pipeline to attend conferences? Trustees discussed the staff development requests deciding that they would fund additional expenses up to $2500 for Alissa’s request. Joe made a motion to approve up to $2500 for Alissa to attend the American Library Association Conference in San Francisco. Kate seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Kate made a motion to approve the tuition reimbursement for Amy Horning in the amount of $1493.44. Joe seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Old Business Endowment Distribution Kat MacDonald begs forgiveness for not having the present day value spreadsheet available for today’s meeting but hopes to have the figures for the next Trustees meeting in February. Koren asked the board to cancel the January Full Board Meeting scheduled for the 21st since there are no pressing agenda items. The consensus of the trustees is to cancel the meeting. Koren updated Trustees on the progress of the Internal Reconfiguration Group. We will be engaging the public through focus groups and an online survey. Joe asked if in previous surveys if the public suggested reconfiguration. Koren noted that additional study rooms and easier navigation were common requests. Koren invited trustees to attend the Chinese Cultural Day scheduled for Saturday, January 24 from 1 -3:30 at the library and 7 – 9 PM at Lexington High School. Adjournment A motion was made by Kate Ekrem to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Joe Pato. The motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Andrea Morrison