HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-09-TREE-minLexington Tree Committee Minutes of the Meeting, June 9, 2016, 7:30 a.m. DPW, 201 Bedford Street, Room 125 1. Meeting opened at 8:00 am after some informal discussion. Karen Longeteig was appointed as scribe. All seven members of the committee were present: Senning, Frey (chairman), Longeteig, Wood, Sofen, Paul, and Kuljian, plus Planning Board liaison Virginia Johnson and Supt of Public Grounds Chris Filadoro. Engineer David Cannon attended at 9:00 a.m. The minutes of the previous meeting, May 12, 2016, were approved with the addition of the selection of possible dates for the Tree Summit, of October 18 or October 20, in the evening. 2. Bylaw Tree removal applications and activity: Chris said he would get the numbers to the scribe. 3. Spring tree planting: Jewel requested that when committee members designate a tree for a certain site, that they notify Julie LaFlamme so she can update species availability. At present, the Pagoda Dogwoods are all placed; we have left 8 Pin Oaks, 6 London Planes, 2 Hophornbeams, 1 Red Oak, and 4 Basswoods. Discussion of best way to keep records so all concerned parties have access: Google Docs was mentioned as a good possibility. Gerry and Karen will try to set up a Google doc and get people trained on it. Our inventory should also be on -line. Chris Filadoro said that any site that had already been checked out by DigSafe has been planted at this point. He said there were some complaints from his staff about designated sites, that there wasn't enough room or were too close to obstacles. He reminded Tree Com members to check the whole setback site for room, and not to be afraid to say "No, it won't fit." He also said the stock was particularly good this year (all from Schichtels, except for Pagoda Dogwoods which came from Wagon Wheel Nursery.) Chris said that he will continue planting "spring" trees through the summer until all were planted; they were better off in the ground than languishing in the DPW yard. 4. Tree Inventory contract: As the contracts would be over $10,000, the Procurement Office has to send out the packets. An addendum was prepared with the requirements for mapping. Some alternatives may exist depending on whether the Inventory is classified as a "study" or a "service." The goal for bids out is end July. 5. Tree removals at 11 Brent Road and 6 Augustus Road: The former address was discussed at the last tree committee meeting; the demolition at 6 Augustus Road does fall under the ByLaw. 6. Visitors' Center tree replacement: Some Town Admin officials actually like the space better without a tree, as the Center is more visible. The replacement or remodeling of the Center is also up for debate. The Committee resolved that when the site of the Visitors' Center is settled, we in turn will revisit the replacement of the Beech tree. In other Center tree business, the much - coddled Sourwoods at the end of the parking lot did not survive the winter. Chris and Jewel are making plans for their replacement with a hardier species. 7. Mass Ave reconstruction in East Lexington: the construction will involve removal of 4 healthy trees and a couple of hazards, but the planting of 68 new trees. The state wants to plant 1.5" trees, whereas our Bylaw recommends 2.5" to 3 ". Dave Cannon gave us copies of the current engineering plans including placement and species of trees, and asked us to look it over. He has to respond by June 24th. In addition, there is a Historic Districts meeting which will address this topic on June 14tH A subcommittee of John, Nancy, and Karen was formed to review the plan.' [See endnote.] Dave also gave us information about the Prospect Hill sidewalk construction, where they will narrow the auto portion of the road to enable a curb and sidewalk. Gerry will draft a letter to the Selectmen voicing our appreciation for the Engineering Department and Public Grounds Department for ensuring that the Tree Committee is included in these discussions. 8. Tree Planting on Mass Ave between Bloomfield and Percy: This is the area where a new sidewalk was paved edge to edge despite the Tree Committee's proactive objections. Now, a homeowner whose home is located in the center of that section has been unresponsive to emails asking agreement for planting setback trees on his property. The Committee voted that, if setback plantings cannot be arranged, the Tree Committee will ask DPW for sidewalk cutouts, at ca. $300 each. 9. Tree trimming by Power Company: Indefinitely postponed (Chris had to leave the meeting). 10. Center Streetscape Design Review: John is our designated member of that Committee. They are open meetings, and he will pass on the date and time to the rest of the Tree Com. The board of the Mason's property on Mass Ave has approved the Town's planting of trees as setback trees behind the stone wall. This area is currently occupied by very old and failing Sugar Maples. It is an opportunity for us to improve the Mass Ave streetscape by helping the Masons committee decide which trees should stay and which should be replaced. They will pay for the old trees' removal. 11. Warrant articles for Tree Bylaw changes: the May 17 meeting was postponed to July 20th at 7:30 pm at the home of Karen Longeteig. 12. Commemorative Tree plaques needing attention: Gerry, John, and Jim vowed to attend to this right after this meeting, starting with a survey. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m. Respectfully Submitted, Karen Longeteig The subcommittee met for 2 1/2 hours directly after this Tree Committee meeting. They found several serious problems with the species and placements of trees on the plan. Small trees were "placed" where there was room to grow tall, noble trees, and tall trees were placed under wires. In addition, about half the trees were specified as Pagoda Dogwoods, which are salt- sensitive and should never be planted as street trees. We marked up the plan with our revisions and recommendations and John submitted it to Dave Cannon the same day.