HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-01-COA-minTown of Lexington Council on Aging Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 1, 2016 2:30pm - 4:OOpm Lexington Community Center, Dining Room Present: Nancy Adler (chair), Betty Borghesani, Ellen Cameron, Gerry Howell, Marion Kilson, Harry Mackay, Barbara Rediker, Julie -Ann Shapiro Staff Members: Kelly Axtell, Sheila Butts, Hemali Patel, Charlotte Rodgers Opening of Meeting: Nancy Adler announced the first engagement in the Community Center to a congratulatory round of applause for Hemali Patel. Review of May Minutes: Deferred until August meeting. Staff Reports and Program Updates: Kelly Axtell reported on successful meetings with every Lexington Fire Department group regarding Human Services referrals. Such meetings will recur every 2 -3 years. She also spoke of the new outreach initiative with the EACH (Enhanced Asian Community on Health) organization that is conducting evidence -based health programs in Mandarin in the Villages. Hemali Patel reported on upcoming summer trips and plans to hold two fall panels —one on Lexington non - profit organizations and one on housing. Charlotte Rodgers noted that Dana Home Foundation Reception was being held later in the day where Human Services will receive three grant awards: renewals of funding for transportation and the dietician position and new funding for a volunteer coordinator position. Charlotte then presented a follow -up on the Tuesday /Thursday lunch issue beginning with a review of the senior lunch program since March 2015 and her research into senior lunch programs in other towns. She noted the need for program flexibility in the use of the dining room for special lunches, movies, large OWLL classes. After reviewing various dining options, the multigenerational cafe concept with volunteer support seems most attractive and may be piloted during the coming year when the volunteer coordinator is in place. Meanwhile, Lexingtonians may bring their own lunches for patio dining and /or dining room dining when the room is available. Considerable discussion followed Charlotte's presentation. OWLL Report: Marion Kilson reported that the OWLL program planners working with Hemali Patel have scheduled seven 2016 fall courses and seven 2017 spring courses. In addition, OWLL program planners met with a small group of interested students to brainstorm curriculum and special event possibilities. Overview of Human Services /60+ Focused Programming: Charlotte Rodgers presented a detailed written report on the hours devoted to categories of programming— evidence based 197.5, support and wellness services 309, OWLL programs 258.5, one time educational seminars 77.5, special events 90.5, weekly drop -in groups 2,100, total hours: 3,033. In the fall, Charlotte mentioned that Human Services staff would present informative descriptions of their jobs at COA Board meetings. Sheila Butts provided participation numbers for senior wellness programs during the first year at the Community Center totaling 1,153 Election of Officers: Before presenting the slate of officers prepared by the Nominating Committee, Nancy Adler thanked Barbara Rediker for her service to the Board as she retires from it. Nancy then presented the slate of officers for the coming year: Co- chairs: Betty Borghesani and Julie Anne Shapiro Vice - chair: Ellen Cameron Secretary: Marion Kilson The Board voted to accept the slate as presented. Thank You: Noting the successful and interesting transition from the Senior Center to the Community Center during the past year, Nancy Adler thanked board members, supportive staff, and Lexington seniors for their involvement. Nancy's singular contributions as chair to the COA Board were acknowledged with applause. Barbara Rediker expressed her appreciation for being able to participate on the COA board in these exciting transitional times for seniors in Lexington and around the country. Charlotte Rodgers mentioned that Nancy Adler as she steps down as COA Chair will be serving as a member of the Community Center Program Committee. Then all joined in a celebratory sharing of cake and conversation. Next COA Board Meeting: August 3, 2016 Respectfully submitted Marion Kilson, Secretary pro tem. Human Services/ 60 + focused programming —Fall 2015 - Spring 2016 Evidence Based —197.5 hours Powerful Tools Matter of Balance Community Essential Skills Parkinson Tai Chi Aging Mastery Support and Wellness Services — 309 hours Bereavement Support Group Parkinson Support Group Caregiver Support Evergreen Group Memory Cafe Dietician Talks Ask the nurse Blood Pressure Clinics Low Vision Group MBTA- Charlie Card Flu Talk + clinics OWLL Programs — 258.5 hours One Time Educational Seminars - 77.5 hours Shifting gears driving program Property tax discussion (x2) Virtual Programs (x3) Medicare Info (x2) Pharmacy Outreach Audiology Long Term Care Seminar (x2) Housing Panel Non - Profit Panel Silver Sneakers walk Downsizing Seminar Osteoporosis LFD talk Brain Wellness Workshop Financial Panel Live Your Life Well Special Events - 90.5 hours Special lunches (x 12) Wine tasting Chocolate tasting Wilson Cooking Demo (x2) Ice Cream Social Holistic Program Power of Flowers(x2) De- stress Program (x4) CPR training Coffee W/ Staff COA meet & Greets Veterans Coffees Ongoing Weekly Drop -in Groups - 2, 100 hours SHINE (x2 weekly) Money Matters World Affairs Senior Movie Computer Group Current Events Senior Dining Total Hours = 3,033 hours ** Does not include monthly trips * ** Includes 30 minute set up and 30 minute clean up