HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-BOS-min Selectmen’s Meeting February 1, 2016 A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, February 1, 2016, at 7:00 p.m., in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Mr. Pato, Chairman, Mr. Cohen, Ms. Ciccolo and Ms. Barry; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk were present. Public Comment Mr. Flynn, 1 Hunt Road, asked the Selectmen to review questions raised on June 10 that still have not been answered before they move the Streetscape Project forward. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports Mr. Cohen reported that the Chinese New Year event was held on Saturday. Several Selectmen attended and over $70,000 was raised for the Library. th Mr. Pato reported that the National Parks are celebrating their 100 anniversary and th recommended residents visit National Parks. There is also a program for all 4 graders to get into National Parks for free. There will be special activities throughout the year and residents should check out the National Parks website. Town Manager Report Mr. Valente reported that he attended the promotion ceremony of Lt. Col. David Dunklee January 29, 2016. Representatives from all four communities attended. Mr. Valente has worked with Col. Dunklee in the past and looks forward to working with him in the future. Munroe Center for the Arts Request Regarding New Roof Mr. Griffiths, Chair of the Munroe Center for the Arts Board of Directors, explained that the Munroe Center for the Arts (MCA) initiated a roof project with the Town that was estimated to cost $140,000, but the actual cost is now estimated to be $280,000. The MCA had proposed that the Town issue debt to cover the cost of the project with the MCA repaying the Town the amount of the annual debt service until the debt is retired. MCA does not believe it will have the cash flow to repay the debt service for the estimated cost of $280,000. The Town will work on options to discuss prior to the Annual Town Meeting. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 1, 2016 Neighborhood Traffic Analysis Presentation on the Worthen Road/Massachusetts Avenue Intersection The Transportation Safety Group (TSG) provided an update on the traffic improvements being developed for the Worthen Road/Massachusetts Avenue intersection, including several proposed interim measures for implementation while further design work on the long-term options moves forward. Mr. Cannon, Assistant Town Engineer, and Mr. Kucharsky, Planner, reviewed the background of the project since October 7, 2014, the development of concepts for signals and roundabouts. Proposed interim measures include: replacing existing Yield sign with a Stop sign at the right turn off of Worthen Road onto Massachusetts Avenue; install “No Parking Anytime” signs along the first 125 feet of Parker Street (both sides) to improve sightlines; relocate the existing “No Parking Here to Corner” sign along Massachusetts Avenue from its existing location to the entrance of the Inn at Hastings Park lot; and install a “NO U-TURN” sign on the north end of the traffic island on Worthen Road. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to approve the proposed interim measures, as presented, and to approve adding to Chapter 192-18 (Traffic Rules and Orders of Lexington, Schedule) the following amendments: Location From To Regulation Lexington Center A point 100 feet A point 20 feet Rescind Pool Parking Area easterly of Worthen northerly NO PARKING East Road Worthen Road 100 feet north of Massachusetts Rescind East Massachusetts Avenue NO PARKING Avenue Worthen Road Lincoln Street Stratham Road Rescind East NO PARKING Worthen Road Massachusetts 350 feet northerly NO PARKING East Avenue Proposed Parking Regulation – Bridge Street/Hammerhead Location The Transportation Safety Group (TSG) proposed a “No Parking” designation at the hammerhead location of Bridge Street. A resident on Bridge Street notified the Fire Department about vehicles parking overnight at this location and his concerns that this would impede access for emergency vehicles. Fire, Police and Engineering support this proposal to keep the area clear for emergency access. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 1, 2016 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to approve adding to Chapter 198-18 (Traffic Rules and Orders of Lexington, Schedule) the following amendment: Location From To Regulation Bridge Street The northerly end A point 40 feet NO PARKING southerly both sides Quarterly Financial Report Ms. Moore, Budget Officer, reported on FY2016 revenues and spending through December 31, 2016 for the general and enterprise funds’ operating budgets. Currently spending and revenue are in line with projections. The exception is the License and Permits (building) fees are over projections because of three major items: 95 Hayden Avenue (Shire), 4 Hartwell Place and 113/115 Hartwell Avenue. Mr. Addelson also mentioned that court fines have exceeded estimates and he will be looking into what is driving the increases. Review FY2017 Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan Mr. Valente asked the Board if they had any questions or concerns about the Program Improvement Requests (PIR) recommended or not for the FY2017 budget. The Board will be asked to approve the budget at the February 22 meeting. Ms. Barry asked about the $120,000 for pavement markings. Mr. Valente explained that was for the bike sharrow program the Town was beginning to implement when reconstructing roads and put the thermos plastic sharrow markings on the pavement. The Bicycle Advisory Committee has recommended that the markings be included on other streets. The cost is estimated to be $120,000 per year to maintain the markings. Ms. Barry requested that the Board receive a copy of the Bicycle Advisory Committee list of recommended streets for markings. Ms. Ciccolo has received emails and calls regarding the sharrow marking and they are disappointed there is no room in the budget. Since the Town is trying to make the roads more bike friendly, it is important to add the markings. She would like to see if it can be added to the budget for FY2017. Mr. Pato has also received feedback from residents. He thinks it makes sense to take a pause to review the effectiveness of the sharrows and also the integration of complete streets. He would like to see the Town be able to sustain markings over time, but is willing to do the analysis over next year and bring back next year. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 1, 2016 Ms. Barry asked about the $5,000 landscape maintenance at the cemetery. Mr. Valente responded that the request was for the Munroe Cemetery to be mowed more frequently. Ms. Barry would advocate for that since the Munroe Cemetery deserves more attention. Mr. Cohen stated there are many worthy PIR’s that are supported, but that this year there are so many large capital projects the Town cannot support more programs. So under the circumstances, he will not vote to change any of the Town Manager’s recommendations. Mr. Kanter, Precinct 7, would like to see crosswalks repainted more frequently, as needed. Initial Discussion of School Debt Exclusion Vote Mr. Pato explained that May 3 is the target date for the debt exclusion vote. That is the last Tuesday before contracts need to be signed, depending on the debt exclusion vote. He asked the Board to pencil in the date on their calendar. The deadline for the Selectmen to call a debt exclusion vote for May 3 is March 29. Mr. Valente explained that questions for a debt exclusion vote do not include dollar amounts. The state statute does not allow. He provided a list of all possible candidates for a debt exclusion vote and also likely candidate projects for inclusion that include dollar amounts. Candidate projects include March 21, 2016 Special Town Meeting 2016-3 and projects with design funds that have been expended as part of the School Capital Project Master Plan. Pelham is included as a possible candidate project for a debt exclusion question. Ms. McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, suggested that the Hastings School project should be included on the debt exclusion so that the project can move forward when ready. Mr. Pato responded that the Town will need to go through the MSBA feasibility and design processes, so the Town does not know at this time whether it will be a new or renovated school, before he would consider including it on the debt exclusion vote. Mr. Cohen agrees. State statute requires that four out of five Selectmen must approve Debt Exclusion questions before they are put on the ballot. Also residents need to know the cost of the project and if the question is put out for a certain amount and the actual dollars needed are much more the Town may have to vote again for the additional funds. The Board will also need to decide whether the vote by Town Meeting for the Hastings School Project will be contingent on the Debt Exclusion vote passing. Mr. Valente asked the Board to consider two motions: one for approximately $4 million for the summer work that needs to be done at the two middle schools since the contract needs to be signed by the end of March in order for the work to be done over the summer, which is before the Debt Exclusion vote; a second motion would be for the rest of the middle school construction projects, which can include an option that it be contingent on the Debt Exclusion vote passing. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 1, 2016 Even if the larger authorization is not approved by Town Meeting, the Selectmen could decide whether it is included on the Debt Exclusion vote. Town Meeting could put extra limitations on the authorization. The Selectmen should have a joint meeting with the School Committee to discuss the options and also potential questions. Mr. Kanter, member of the capital Expenditures Committee, asked if there would be a vote on the Minuteman High School funding. Mr. Valente responded that the Minuteman School Committee has to vote to authorize debt, then the 16 communities have 60 days to decide whether they want to reject the Minuteman School Committee vote. Communities who approve the authorization do not have to vote and after the 60 days it would count as an approval. Center Streetscape Questions At the Board’s meeting on January 25 the Selectmen discussed the Center Streetscape project and had a number of questions so the discussion was deferred to February 8 when Mr. Kelley would be available. The Selectmen were asked if they had additional questions they need answered before the February 8 meeting. Ms. Barry is waiting for cut-through traffic data for both sides of Massachusetts Avenue. Since there is a lot of controversy around the Woburn Street intersection, she asked if it was possible for Engineering to quickly separate out the intersection piece and move forward with the rebuilding of the roads and sidewalks. She feels the project needs to move forward. She also asked for an answer on the request for value engineering and how that would be handled before town meeting. She asked for clarity in what will be brought to town meeting and wants to make sure that the Board has done what it said it would do after the project did not pass Town Meeting last year. Mr. Pato’s recollection is that Engineering was asked to look at the project again, to publicize and have public meetings and then shape the project around all the comments/concerns that were heard. The project would also be put together into phases based on the dollar amount that fits into the capital planning. The proposed project is from the Woburn Street intersection to the Town Office Building complex. He believes the intersection is problematic and wants an approach that makes the intersection safer. He suggests asking Engineering to give a breakdown cost for the project. Ms. Ciccolo thinks it would be helpful to know the level of effort to get the design ready and what the different phases would be to complete the entire project. Also need to have cost estimates for the aesthetic design elements and the safety elements. The project should focus on safety issues and the current failures of the infrastructure. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 1, 2016 Mr. Pato would like a breakdown of costs that shows safety items separate from aesthetic items. He would like the information to better understand the scope of the project before a recommendation is made to Town Meeting. Mr. Cohen is concerned about the right turn lane at Waltham Street that needs to be addressed to make it safer for pedestrians crossing at the corner. Mr. Pato provided safety data in the Selectmen’s packets which will need to be considered in more detail. Mr. Kanter, Capital Expenditures Committee member, let the Board know that they are meeting with the Town Manager and Assistant Town Manager for Finance tomorrow to discuss value engineering. Mr. Valente stated that the traffic calming will not be ready for the February 8 Selectmen meeting. Engineering is expecting the consultant’s report at the end of February. Value engineering will also not be ready for the February 8 meeting but after meeting with the Capital Expenditures Committee Engineering will have a better idea of what kind of information they are looking for. Asked about progress with interacting with the utilities regarding undergrounding, Mr. Valente responded the utilities have been contacted and know what the Town is looking for. The Town is now waiting for a response. Approve Charge and Members for Community Center Program Advisory Committee Mr. Valente explained that the purpose of this Committee is to advise staff on programming, community use and prioritizing the various users of the facility. The Committee will include seven members: two community members, a member or designee of the School Committee, the Recreation Committee, the Council on Aging, the Youth Services Council, and Cary Memorial Library. The Director of Recreation and Community Programs, the Human Services Director, and the Community Center Director will serve as ex-officio non-voting members. The Committee members will serve two year terms and appointments will be made May 30 of each year. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to adopt the charge for the Community Center Program Advisory Committee and to approve the Town Manager’s appointments of John Zhu, Archana Singhal, Dr. Dan Palant, Lisah Rhodes, Nancy Adler, Nancy Shepard and Alessandro Alessandrini to the Community Center Program Advisory Committee. Selectmen Schedule Discussion The Selectmen discussed upcoming meetings. There will be a joint meeting with the School Committee on February 8 after Town Meeting ends. The Selectmen should plan for a Selectmen Selectmen’s Meeting – February 1, 2016 meeting on February 29. The Planning Board wants to come before the Selectmen before the Annual Town Meeting to discuss Planning Board articles. The Selectmen will hold May 17 and 19 for a public meeting with the Sustainable Lexington Committee, Mothers Out Front, Lexington’s Legislators and utilities. The Selectmen will schedule Selectmen meetings for May 2 and 16. They also requested that a goal setting date be scheduled so Selectmen can schedule vacations over the summer. Selectmen Committee Appointment/Resignation Communications Advisory Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to appoint Timothy Zack to the Communications Advisory committee for a term to expire September 30, 2018. 20/20 Vision Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to accept the resignation of Matthew Pronchick from the 20/20 Vision Committee, effective immediately. Sign Warrant for the March 21, 2016 Special Town Meeting and Approved Revised Article 7 for the Annual Town Meeting Warrant Article 4 (PEG Access and Cable Related Fund Acceptance) was added to the March 21, 2016 Special Town Meeting 2016-3 warrant to take care of new regulations on how Town Meeting should budget for Cable PEG Access. This article allows Town Meeting to accept the new regulations. Article 7 (Establish and Continue Departmental Revolving Funds and Special Revenue Fund) of the 2016 Annual Town Meeting warrant has been revised to create a new special revenue account for the PEG Access funds. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to sign the March 21, 2016 Special Town Meeting (2016-3), allowing for minor changes as recommended by Town Counsel. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to amend Article 7 in the 2016 Annual Town Meeting warrant, as presented. Lt. Governor Polito Visit to HATS Meeting on February 25, 2016 Mr. Pato stated that Lt. Governor Polito is scheduled to participate in the next HATS (Hanscom Area Towns Committee) meeting on February 25. HATS asked if there are any regional issues that the Boards would like to see placed on the agenda. They also asked if there is a broader cross section of representatives that want to participate in the session. If the Selectmen have any issues they want included on the agenda forward them to Mr. Pato and he will put the request into the HATS Chair. If a quorum of Selectmen want to participate the meeting will be posted. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 1, 2016 Ms. Ciccolo stated that about a year ago she was appointed to a Massport Community Committee as Lexington’s representative. The Committee has had a hard time getting started because of quorum issues, but did meet last week with about 30 participants. They had a hard time wrapping their mind around what they should focus on. She would like to attend the HATS meeting and thinks that HATS can provide some insight that she could bring back to her Committee. She is also interested in seeing Regional Transportation on the agenda. Mr. Pato stated that Regional Transportation will be part of the agenda. Also MBTA and Road Transportation will be discussed over the next several months. The HATS agenda will also include a discussion about the Governor’s legislative agenda for municipal government reform. Consent Agenda Town Celebrations Committee Request – Approve Sending Sponsorship Letters Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the request of the Town Celebrations Committee to send out sponsorship letters, as revised. Approve One-Day Liquor License – Lexington BBQ Festival Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve a one-day liquor license for the Lexington BBQ Festival to serve beer and cider at the Lexington Battle Green BBQ Festival on the Farmers Market Fairgrounds on May 20, 2016 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., May 21, 2016 from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and on May 22, 2016 from 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 by roll call to go into executive session to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property (20 Pelham Road and two other parcels of land for municipal use) and to reconvene in open session only to adjourn. Further, the Chairman declared that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to adjourn at 9:35 p.m. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Selectmen’s Meeting February 8, 2016 A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, February 8, 2016, at 6:00 p.m., in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Mr. Pato, Chairman, Mr. Cohen, Ms. Ciccolo and Ms. Barry; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk were present. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports Mr. Pato reiterated that the Selectmen will not be taking public comment on the Center Streetscape item tonight. The prior notice stated that comments would be received until January 25. He apologized that the notation regarding no comments was omitted from the February 1 agenda. Mr. Pato congratulated staff and committees involved in the Hartwell Avenue solar project for getting the project on the State que before it was closed. Public Hearing – Intent to Layout Victory Garden Way as Public Way Mr. Pato opened the hearing at 6:06 p.m. Mr. Hadley, Director of Public Works, stated this was a public meeting to hear public comments/ concerns regarding Victory Garden Way becoming a public way. The road meets all town standards. The Selectmen will vote to layout Victory Garden Way at their meeting on February 22 and Town Meeting Members will approve the Street Acceptance during the 2016 Annual Town Meeting. The hearing was closed at 6:08 p.m. Special Town Meeting 2016-1 and 2016-2 – Article Positions The Selectmen took positions on the Special Town Meeting 2016-1 articles. They all support articles: 2.Amendments to the Regional School District Agreement of the Municipal Regional Vocational School District 3.Appropriate for Hastings School Feasibility Study 4.Establish, Rename and Appropriate to and from Specified Stabilization Funds There is no need to take positions on Special Town Meeting 2016-2 at this time. Selectmen’s Meeting - February 8, 2016 Discuss Date for Debt Exclusion and Review Questions The Board will be meeting with the School Committee at 7:00 p.m. on February 10, prior to the 7:30 p.m. Summit 5, to discuss the Debt Exclusion date and questions. The Board should provide any additional concerns and/or questions prior to the joint meeting with the School Committee. Review FY2017 Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan Program Improvement Requests The Selectmen were asked if they had any further adjustments to request before the Brown Book was voted by the Selectmen at their February 22 meeting. Ms. Ciccolo is concerned with continuing to maintaining the current bike markings. Ms. Barry asked about the list of streets provided by the Bicycle Advisory Committee. Mr. Valente explained that the list of Existing Bike Lanes and Sharrows will continue to be maintained. The Public Works is proposing that the list of Proposed Bike Accommodations be split into three and 1/3 of the streets be marked over three years and maintained the same way. It is expected that the cost will likely become part of the Public Works budget and the Town Manager has suggested that the proposed bike accommodation list be put off for at least one year. Ms. Barry asked since the Town is trying to do Complete Streets whether the proposed bike markings could be included in some way. Mr. Pato shares the disappointment but felt waiting for one year was appropriate when looking at the operating budget. The existing markings will be maintained. He suggests looking at Complete Streets and prioritizing issues and have a policy to move forward. He is in favor of phasing the work in. Mr. Cohen agrees with Mr. Pato. There were so many worthy budget requests presented that were well thought out and would be useful, but there are too many capital issues this year. Mr. Ciccolo is pleased that the existing markings will be maintained, but would like to prioritize bike safety next year at the latest. She also suggested that grant opportunities should be looked into. Recommended Appropriation to the OPEB Trust Fund Ms. Barry recused herself from this discussion since her husband is an employee of the Town. Mr. Pato stated the Board’s policy has been to maintain a measured amount as a percentage of the normal contribution of OPEB benefits (medical for retirees in the future). The contribution is Selectmen’s Meeting - February 8, 2016 composed of two parts: Medicare Part D (a refund from Federal government) and our own contribution coming from money out of Health Claims Trust Fund. In previous years the Finance Committees have looked to lower amounts. He asked if the Board was comfortable with the recommended appropriation of $1,513,318 to the OPEB Trust Fund. Mr. Kanter, Capital Expenditures Committee member, reiterated that he has no problem with Part D Medicare funding and whatever coming out of remains from the Health Claims Trust Fund, but he urges the board not to go beyond that at this point. Mr. Valente confirmed that the proposed sum does not go beyond the two sources of funds. The Selectmen were comfortable with the recommended appropriation. Recommended Appropriation To the Capital Stabilization Fund Mr. Pato explained that the Town has been growing the Capital Stabilization Fund to use to defer expenses on large capital projects. The Town has been using the Fund to mitigate the increases in excluded debt service for the Bridge/Bowman and Estabrook Schools which came earlier than expected and a little was used to pay capital expenses for the high school modulars that are within levy payments. The Selectmen approved the recommendation to appropriate $4,996,947 to the Capital Stabilization Fund. Recommended Appropriation from Capital Stabilization Fund Mr. Pato explained that this recommended appropriation fits with keeping the escalation of payments within the target per year on excluded debt. The Selectmen approve the recommendation to appropriate $751,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund. Revenues Currently Unallocated Mr. Pato explained that the revenues currently unallocated is anticipated to be $983,261 and the recommendation is to let the funds sit as unallocated at this time pending any need in the fall or other adjustments needed. The Selectmen approve the recommendation to leave $983,261 in revenues as unallocated. Approve Proposed Half Staff Flag Policy Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to approve the proposed Half Staff Flag Policy. Selectmen’s Meeting - February 8, 2016 Sign State Election Warrant Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to sign the warrant for the March 1, 2016 Presidential Primary. Accept Deed for Purchase of 241 Grove Street-Wright Farm Mr. Valente explained that the Town is scheduled to close on the purchase of 241 Grove Street (Wright Farm house and barn) on Thursday, February 11. Action by the Board is required to accept the deed and authorize the Town Manager to sign the related closing documents. He provided the Board with a redlined version of the proposed Quitclaim Deed that the Board is being asked to sign. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 that the Board, being a majority of the undersigned members of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, hereby approve and do hereby accept this Deed of land as evidenced by the Deed to the Town of Lexington, acting by and through its Board of Selectmen and that will be recorded herewith, substantially in the form presented with final changes to be made and approved in the discretion of Town Counsel. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to authorize the Town Manager to take all actions on behalf of the Board of Selectmen that are reasonably necessary or advisable, in the judgment of the Town Manager, to complete the purchase of 241 Grove Street, Wright Farm Parcel 2, in accordance with the Purchase and Sale Agreement and the applicable Town Meeting Vote, including without limitation signing closing forms, documents and settlement statements. Approve LexHAB Acquiring House at Keeler Farm Mr. Cohen explained that the Selectmen indicated to LexHAB that they approve the purchase of the Keeler Farm house but LexHAB now needs the Selectmen to vote authorization for the purchase so LexHAB can pursue the purchase. The cost for the house is $185,000 and the money will come from Home Funds and Community Preservation Act affordable housing funds. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to authorize LexHAB to pursue the purchase of the Keeler Farm house. Deliberate and Vote Center Streetscape Project The Selectmen reviewed the memo they received from Mr. Livsey, Town Engineer that includes a number of clarifications to inquiries received from the Board and Capital Expenditures Committee. Selectmen’s Meeting - February 8, 2016 Mr. Valente updated the Board on responses received from Eversource and Verizon for undergrounding wires from Lexx to the Woburn Street/Massachusetts Intersection. Eversource estimates the cost to be $1,085,000, which does not include connecting property owners to the street. They would need a deposit of $100,000 to start the engineering design process. Verizon estimated $300,000 to $500,000 for the underground work and would need a deposit of $30,000 to start engineering design. The statute requires property owners to pay for the connection to the street, but it would be an option for the Town to do the connection, but would be an additional cost. Ms. Barry found this information helpful. She does not think the undergrounding of the wires can be done at this time. Ms. Ciccolo feels the Town would need to pay for the connection of all the property owners. She would not be in favor of doing the undergrounding. Mr. Pato believes the costs for undergrounding are insurmountable in the current climate. He asked the Board to think about how to structure the project going forward. If the Board decides not to bury the utilities, Phase 1 could include the Woburn Street/Massachusetts Avenue intersection to Edison Way or from Grant Street to the Depot entrance. Because of the current concerns on sidewalk materials, doing the Woburn Street to Edison Way as Phase 1 might make sense. Ms. Barry wants to make sure all the Selectmen are on the same page with what portion of the project to do first since the Woburn Street/Massachusetts Avenue area of the roadway is in the poorest condition and needs to be addressed first. Mr. Cohen thought there were major elements to the project that needed consensus like the sidewalk material, the possible bump outs with right turns and the traffic signal at Woburn Street intersection. The Selectmen all agreed that Phase 1 should include the Woburn Street/Massachusetts Avenue intersection to Edison Way. Ms. Barry suggested that an ad hoc committee be appointed to review the design elements/ concepts. She suggested that the committee include stakeholders from the following committees: Center Committee, Historic Districts Commission, Historical Society, Commission on Disability, Planning Board, Tourism and Design Advisory Committee. Staff members from Engineering would also be included. The committee charge could include a set of specific guidelines and also a deadline to provide recommendations. This would help give Town Meeting assurance that money will not be spent until the committee returns with recommendations. She feels it is important to get this committee going quickly and she asked for input from the Board on members, guidelines and process. Selectmen’s Meeting - February 8, 2016 Mr. Pato suggested that the suggested stakeholders should provide two nominations each and the Board will appoint one of the members and also the Chair. The Board may also want to pick a Facilitator from the nominations who they feel would be well suited. The Board members will think about the function of this committee and also whether there should be Liaisons, including a Selectmen Liaison. Ms. Barry and Ms. Ciccolo will work on drafting the charge to bring to the Selectmen at their February 29 meeting. The goal is to have the committee members in place and working before the Annual Town Meeting begins. Ms. Ciccolo believes the project will be a failure if a traffic light is not installed to improve safety for everyone. Town Meeting should have a choice of whether to install the traffic signal or not. She would not favor any funds being spent at the intersection if a traffic light is not going to be installed. If Town Meeting votes down the traffic signal Phase 1 of the Center Streetscape Project should be from the Police Station to Edison Way. Ms. Barry agrees Town Meeting needs to weigh in and agrees that no funds should be spent at the intersection but feels there may need to be work done at the Woburn Street/Massachusetts Avenue Island to make sure the plantings are kept low. Mr. Pato met with Field and Garden Club regarding the landscaping of the island and asked them to address the height of the plantings and keep them closer to ground so they do not block visibility. He agrees that Town meeting should vote whether the traffic signal should be included in the project. He believes that the evidence shows that the geometry of the intersection needs change and there are more and more activities happening in the area that residents are trying to get to safely in different modes of transportation. The earliest this project could begin is 2017. The proposed $2.7 million would effectively be driven by what capital expenses fit that budget and what are the locations that make sense from a road perspective to make the transition. Engineering will need to confirm what the $2.7 million project will look like pending Town Meeting vote on the traffic signal. Ms. Ciccolo asked for clarification on what can or cannot be done if Town Meeting votes to have no traffic lights at the Woburn Street intersection. Mr. Cohen asked about the timing of the Ad Hoc Committee and a decision on materials for sidewalks. Mr. Valente thinks the sidewalks materials are close to being defined for the Cary Memorial Building campus and that is what would be used in the center. Mr. Cohen had some concern about moving forward with Phase 1 and not addressing the issue of right-hand turn lanes at Edison Way and Waltham Street. Selectmen’s Meeting - February 8, 2016 Ms. Barry asked if it would be appropriate to have a trial. Mr. Pato stated the right hand turn from the Post Office to Edison Way would need to accommodate morning commuters who park on Edison Way and the Depot Lot. Since Mr. Kelley was not at the meeting, the Board did not want to vote the recommendations. The Board will continue the discussion and make a decision on February 10 after the Summit 5 meeting. No public comment will be taken on February 10. Consent Agenda Approve One-Day Liquor License – LHS Boys Baseball Boosters Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to approve the request of the LHS Boys Baseball Boosters for a one-day liquor license to serve beer and wine at the Parent Night Out Fundraiser on Saturday, March 5, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., at the Depot Building, 13 Depot Square. Approve One-Day Liquor License – EFGB (Education Francaise Greater Boston) Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to approve the request of EFGB for a one-day liquor license to serve wine and beer at the EFGB Gala and Fundraiser Event on Friday, April 1, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., at the Depot Building, 13 Depot Square. Community Center Program Advisory Committee – Designate as Special Municipal Employees Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to designate members of the Community Center Program Advisory Committee as Special Municipal Employees. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to adjourn at 7:35 p.m. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Board of Selectmen and School Committee February 10, 2016 A joint meet with the School Committee was held on Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Public Services Building Training Room 221, 201 Bedford Street. Mr. Pato, chair, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen, Ms. Ciccolo and Ms. Barry; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; Mr. Addelson, Assistant Town Manager for Finance, and Ms. Chabot, Assistant to the Executive Clerk, were present. Also Present: School Committee (SC) members: Ms. Steigerwald, chair, Ms. Coppe, Mr. Alessandrini; Ms. Crocker, Mr. Hurley; Dr. Czajkowski, Superintendent of Schools; Mr. Goddard, Director of Public Facilities. The Selectmen joined the School Committee meeting which was already in progress. Mr. Pato called the Board of Selectmen meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. He explained that the Board will be meeting in joint session with the School Committee until about 7:25 p.m. at which point we will recess to go downstairs to begin the Budget Summit which will start at 7:30 p.m. Ms. Steigerwald provided a quick update on what was discussed before the Selectmen joined the meeting. She talked about immediate action the Superintendent is taking with regard to schools. Dr. Czajkowski explained that a letter was going out to kindergarten parents about the over enrollment and capacity issue and that we are in the midst of trying to reassign students as part of the redistricting plan. Ms. Steigerwald commented that this approach aligns with the work that is happening with the superintendent’s group and the Applied Geographics consultant, where they are making the decision to utilize all available space. To summarize redistricting for fall 2016, they are looking at filling the 2 or 3 available classrooms at Estabrook, and potentially one classroom at Hastings. Dr. Czajkowski continued by reporting that she is entertaining the possibility of buffer zones, although she has not made any decisions at this point. She is holding two public forums for parents, one on Saturday March 12, 2016 at the Estabrook School and another on Wednesday March 16, 2016 at Clarke Middle School, where she will be able to provide some options and scenarios that she is looking at with the hope and intent to have this solidified and bring a recommendation regarding reassignment to the School Committee in May of 2016. In response to Mr. Hurley’s question, Dr. Czajkowski stated that a central registration system in future years would be very helpful. Ms. Steigerwald reported that next, the School Committee discussed the peer review process findings. Mr. Goddard felt that the peer review process did not recommend any changes that would result in savings. Discuss Date for Debt Exclusion and Review Questions Selectmen’s Meeting with School Committee – February 10, 2016 Mr. Pato explained that at their meeting on February 1, 2016 the Board discussed Tuesday, May 3, 2016 as the most likely available date. The Selectmen have not called a debt exclusion vote at this time, but want to make sure there is enough advance notice so that the date remains feasible. With a May 3 date, the Board would have to call the election no later than Tuesday, March 29, which they would do at their Monday night meeting on March 28. Mr. Pato pointed out that this is also somewhat dependent on what action Town Meeting takes at the March 21, 2016 Special Town Meeting. rd Ms. Steigerwald reported that the May 3 date works for the School Committee. Mr. Pato explained that second, the Board is looking to collaboratively reach the strategy of what questions to place on the ballot and whether or not they are independent questions or collective. He referred to a table which indicates all the projects that are candidates for debt exclusion votes and a second table of candidates for the debt exclusion this May. He pointed out that the Hastings project and the High School HVAC project are not on the list of what the School Committee would probably expect are the natural candidates. This is something on which the Board would like feedback. He explained that more information would be needed to describe the scope of the project clearly to the voter so that they are an informed participant at the polls. Ms. Steigerwald asked the School Committee if they would rather have the LHS HVAC project put out to voters twice - design component and then construction - or wait and put the whole question out at one time. The School Committee’s preference is to wait and put the whole project out to the voters one time when there is more information. The School Committee agreed that the Diamond and Clarke projects should be posed as one question and that HVAC for Diamond be included at the same time. Mr. Pato reminded the group that the Board is looking for feedback but a lot of this is dependent on the action that Town Meeting takes. After some discussion Ms. Steigerwald concluded that the School Committee did not have a quick answer for whether they want to ask the Selectmen to consider putting out the design money for the different projects as part of this debt exclusion. When discussing whether the modulars for Bridge, Bowman and Fiske should be included, Ms. Coppe and Ms. Crocker agreed it would be best to defer to Mr. Addelson and the Board of Selectmen to decide. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:28 p.m. A true record; Attest: Diana B. Chabot Assistant to the Executive Clerk Summit Meeting 5 Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Appropriation Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee February 10, 2016 A Summit was held on Wednesday, February 10, 2016, at 7:30 p.m. in the Public Services Building Cafeteria, 201 Bedford Street. Mr. Pato, chair, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen, Ms. Ciccolo and Ms. Barry; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; Mr. Addelson, Assistant Town Manager for Finance, Ms. Moore, Budget Officer and Ms. Chabot, Assistant to the Executive Clerk, were present. Also Present: School Committee (SC) members: Ms. Steigerwald, chair, Ms. Coppe, Mr. Alessandrini, Ms. Crocker, Mr. Hurley; Dr. Czajkowski, Superintendent of Schools; Appropriation Committee (AC) members: Mr. Bartenstein, Ms. Colburn, Ms. Garberg, Mr. Levine, Ms. Masterman, Mr. Neumeier, Mr. Radulescu-Banu; Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) members:Ms. Hai, chair, Ms. Barnett, Mr. Cole, Mr. Kanter, and Ms. Manz. The Board of Selectmen and School Committee had previously been meeting upstairs, recessed and are resuming their session. The two finance committees called themselves to order. Financial Committees Reports on FY17 Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan Mr. Valente reported that this item was to give an opportunity to both financial committees to provide comments to the Board of Selectmen regarding the proposed budget. He pointed out that the Board of Selectmen did add back in to the proposed capital plan the construction of an exercise room at the main Fire Station for $80,000. Ms. Hai reviewed where the Capital Expenditures Committee came out on the recommended FY17 capital budget. She reported that the CEC had requested that the Selectmen put the Fire Station exercise room back in for this fiscal year as opposed to deferring it and thanked them for doing that. Ms. Hai reported that the CEC is not in support of including the following projects: Grain Mill Alley, Granite Forest at Lincoln Field, Antony Park, and the Lexington Arts and Crafts. They defer their position on the following until there is more information: Munroe roof, Center Streetscape, and Pelham Road. Other than that, they support the Town Manager’s recommendations. In closing, Ms. Hai pointed out that the CEC was against deferring the Hartwell Avenue transportation improvement. Mr. Bartenstein reported that the Appropriation Committee has not had a meeting specifically with the purpose of providing group comments on the FY17 Preliminary Budget. He commented that the committee is generally satisfied with it as it stands. Mr. Pato stated that the Board will be voting the FY2017 Recommended Budget and Financing Plan on February 22, 2016. In their discussions so far the only change the Selectmen have made is the fire headquarters build out of a fitness room. Summit Meeting #5 – February 10, 2016 Mr. Cohen commented that on February 11, 2016 there is a meeting of the Community Preservation Committee and he understands there will be some changes to the request for the Grain Mill Alley improvement project. He thinks it is premature for us to discuss whether we are for it or against it. Ms. Hai responded that if a different proposal is brought forth they would of course consider it. Discussion – Potential Items for Debt Exclusion Vote Mr. Pato explained that this item is a continuation of the joint meeting that the Selectmen had with the School Committee discussing potential items for the debt exclusion vote. He reiterated his introductory comments that at the February 1, 2016 meeting of the Board of Selectmen they contemplated the possibility of calling a debt exclusion vote. Due to scheduling constraints the likely date is Tuesday, May 3, 2016. The Board has consensus of the School Committee and consensus of the Selectmen that would be the date, though it is not yet called. The last date that the Selectmen would have to call the debt exclusion vote would be by Tuesday March 29, 2016, and they would do it at their Monday night meeting on March 28, 2016. Mr. Pato referred to a spreadsheet of all the projects that are candidates for debt exclusion votes. He explained that the top table is all of those projects that are candidates for debt exclusion votes and the table below is candidates for debt exclusion vote in May 2016 as discussed by the Board of Selectmen and largely affirmed by the School Committee. There is one item that the School Committee still wants to think a bit more about what their recommendation would be, the design funds that were appropriated at the March 2015 Special Town Meeting for the schools, as well as the $5 million that was appropriated at the December 2015 Special Town Meeting. Mr. Pato explained that the Hastings School construction project under the MSBA path is not on the list of candidates for debt exclusion votes in May 2016 and the rationale for this. The feedback the Selectmen have gotten from the School Committee is that they want to make sure that we keep the middle school projects including the HVAC at Diamond as a single question. Mr. Pato asked for feedback from the finance committees. Mr. Kanter would include the LHS HVAC project as a candidate for debt exclusion vote in May. Ms. Colburn suggested pulling out the portions of the $4 million appropriated in March 2015 and the $5 million appropriated in December 2015 that pertain to Clarke and Diamond and include that in the current debt exclusion. Mr. Levine believes that the Pelham Road acquisition should be absorbed within the levy limit. Mr. Hurley does not believe that Pelham belongs in the operating budget. In his opinion, now is the time to borrow as much money as we can for as long as we can because interest rates are low now but will likely continue to go up. School Committee Plan for Future School Capital Projects to Meet Enrollment Growth Dr. Czajkowski provided a presentation of School Facilities Capacity Projects. She believes that with the 2 modulars at Bridge, Bowman and Fiske as well as the first phase of reassignment using available classrooms at Estabrook and Hastings, we should be able to handle the projected enrollment growth until the new Hastings is brought on board in 2019. Dr. Czajkowski also Summit Meeting #5 – February 10, 2016 discussed strategies to employ if enrollment outpaces capacity, operating cost implications, opportunities for flexible use, future options and other cost implications. Schedule Date for Summit 6 Mr. Valente explained that the reason for having Summit 6 is that on Monday, March 7, 2016, Mr. Goddard expects to have revised figures on the middle school projects which Mr. Valente assumes all four committees would need to hear about. The Selectmen can hear Mr. Goddard’s report on Monday, March 7 and the School Committee can hear it on Tuesday, March 8. Mr. Cohen pointed out that the finance committees could attend either of those meetings. End of Summit – Board of Selectmen Meeting Continues The School Committee, Capital Expenditures Committee and Appropriation Committee adjourned at 9:10 p.m. The Board of Selectmen reconvened at 9:15 p.m. Deliberate and Vote Center Streetscape Project At their meeting on February 8, 2016 the Board discussed a number of questions and ideas with respect to the Center Streetscape project. Mr. Pato asked for Mr. Kelley’s opinion this evening since he was unable to attend on February 8th. Mr. Pato printed up an outline of six major questions that need to be decided on and provided it to the Board. Ms. Ciccolo is opposed to doing any costly repairs in the Woburn Street intersection unless the traffic signal is addressed. Mr. Livsey described what could be done if there was an intent to do a bigger project later at the intersection. They would do very similar work to what was done on Mass. Avenue from Waltham Street to Meriam Street, which is expected to last about 4-6 years. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-1 (Mr. Kelley opposed) to bring a Center Streetscape project to this year’s annual Town Meeting that will be narrowed down in subsequent motions tonight. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to direct Ms. Barry and Ms. Ciccolo to draft a proposed charge to bring back to the Board on February 22 for an ad hoc design advisory committee for the aesthetic elements of the project. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 1-4 (Mr. Kelley in favor) to pursue undergrounding utilities on Mass. Avenue from the Woburn Street intersection through Wallis Court. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-1 (Mr. Kelley opposed) that the first phase of the project begin on the east side of the Center from somewhere around the Woburn Street intersection to an appropriate ending point. Summit Meeting #5 – February 10, 2016 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-1 (Mr. Kelley opposed) to ask Town staff to develop language for a motion that gave Town Meeting an option to vote on the project with the reconstruction of the Woburn Street intersection with a signal and geometry change and a chunk of roadway going to the west from there; or, the minimal treatments to the intersection along the lines of what Mr. Livsey has described and the logical extent of roadway that progresses from there. Our financial target for this is the $2.7 million of bonded work and the extents are governed by that cost and by where the logical engineering stop points are. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to conduct a trial of narrowing Mass. Avenue between Grant St. and Edison Way and eliminating the right turn lane from Mass. Avenue to Edison Way. Executive Session – Exemption 6 – Update on 20 Pelham Rd. Purchase Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call at 10:46 p.m. to go into Executive Session to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property, 20 Pelham Road and to reconvene in open session only to adjourn. Further, the chairman declared that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Town. Ms. Ciccolo recused herself from the executive session as her family owns property that directly abuts the Pelham Road property. Documents Presented 9.School Facilities Capacity Projects - February 10, 2016 – Budget Summit V 10.Questions to the Board of Selectmen for the Center Streetscape Project prepared by Joe Pato, dated February 10, 2016 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 11:09 p.m. A true record; Attest: Diana B. Chabot Assistant to the Executive Clerk Selectmen’s Meeting February 22, 2016 A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, February 22, 2016, at 6:00 p.m., in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Mr. Pato, Chairman, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen, Ms. Ciccolo and Ms. Barry; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk were present. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports st Ms. Barry congratulated the Lexington Minuteman on their 1 place for election coverage. Mr. Kelley acknowledged that he should not have sent an email to the Selectmen regarding the Woburn Street Intersection. He requested time on the March 14 agenda to present options for the intersection. Mr. Pato explained an email response regarding public comment at the February 1, 2016 Selectmen meeting. Greenways Corridor Committee – ACROSS Lexington: Accomplishments to Date Mr. Ohmart, Chair of the Greenways Corridor Committee reported that 5 ½ routes have been completed totaling approximately 20 miles. Connections have been created from 11 conservation properties, 7 recreation/other open space properties, 4 schools and community connections to Town Center, LexFarm, Cary Memorial Library and Minuteman Bikeway. The Committee has distributed 12,000 map brochures in 2015, including 4,000 through the Lexington Public School Backpack program. A route map app covering Routes A-D is available on-line. Future plans include up to 10 additional routes totaling approximately 25 additional miles. The goal is to have a route within ½ mile of every house in Lexington. The Selectmen congratulated the Committee all the great work they have done. Vote to Transfer Busa Property to LexHAB Mr. Valente, explained the purpose of this item is for the Selectmen to transfer the custody and control of approximately 20,000 square feet of the Busa Farm property to LexHAB for the construction of community housing units. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0: At a duly called public meeting of the Lexington Board of Selectmen on February 22, 2016, the Board voted as follows with respect to that certain land containing approximately 20,198 square feet and shown as “2A” on that certain plan entitled “Lowell Street, Lexington, Massachusetts, Assessor’s Map 20/Parcel 38 Subdivision Selectmen’s Meeting – February 22, 2016 Plan of Land Approval Not Required”, prepared by GCG Associates, Inc., dated February 5, 2014 and recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds as Plan 108 of 2015 (the “Property”), which is a portion of the land described in a deed to the Town of Lexington recorded with the Middlesex South Registry District of the Land Court as Document No. 1519938, noted on Certificate of Title 245508 and filed in Book 1378, Page 43 (see also Order of the Land Court to Withdraw from Registration dated July 17, 2014 and filed with the Middlesex South Registry District of the Land Court as Document No. 1676321, noted on Certificate of Title No. 245506 and recorded with said Registry of Deeds at Book 63955, Page 12 to authorize the Town Manager to take all actions on behalf of the Town that are reasonably necessary, in the judgment of the Town Manager, to complete the transfer of the custody and control of the Property to the Lexington Housing Assistance Board, Inc., including without limitation delivering closing funds and signing deeds, closing forms, closing documents, and settlement statements. Approve Sale of Bonds and Notes Mr. Addelson, Assistant Town Manager for Finance, stated that on February 17, 2016, the Town sold $10,383,000 of general obligation bonds and three bond anticipation notes totaling $1,128,905. The bond issue was comprised of multiple purposes. The notes are for three purposes including $634,000, $315,000 and $179,905 for the final phases of financing of the Cary Memorial Building renovation, Community Center renovation and Bridge/Bowman renovations, respectively. Moody’s conducted a credit review of the Town in anticipation of the bond and note sales and affirmed the Town’s Aaa rating. Nine bids were submitted for the bonds. The bids, based on a calculation of true interest cost (TIC) ranged from a high of 1.24% to a low of 1.05%. The low bidder was J.P. Morgan Securities. A component of the low bid was a premium payable to the Town of $1,119,595. $270,949, $29,651 and $723,594 of the premium are attributable to the general fund, wastewater fund, and water fund, respectively. Three bids were submitted for the $1,128,905 of bond anticipation notes ranging from a net interest cost 0.95% to a low of 0.47%. The low bid included a small premium of $6,683 and was submitted by Eastern Bank. The Board is being asked to vote to accept the bid for the bonds by J.P. Morgan Securities and the bids for the bond anticipation notes by Eastern Bank. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 that the sale of the $10,383,000 General Obligation Municipal Purpose Loan of 2016 Bonds of the Town dated February 25, 2016 (the “Bonds”) to J.P. Morgan Securities LLC at the price of $11,497,181.88 and accrued interest is hereby approved and confirmed. The Bonds shall be payable on February 15 of the years and in the principal amounts and bear interest at the respective rates, as follows: Selectmen’s Meeting – February 22, 2016 Interest Interest Year Amount Rate Year Amount Rate 2017 $1,593,000 2.00% 2022 $610,000 2.00% 2018 1,570,000 4.00 2023 605,000 4.00 2019 1,515,000 4.00 2024 600,000 4.00 2020 1,505,000 4.00 2025 590,000 4.00 2021 1,455,000 4.00 2026 340,000 3.00 Further Voted: to approve the sale of a $1,128,905 2.00 percent General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes of the Town dated February 26, 2016 and payable July 15, 2016 (the “Note”) to Eastern Bank at par plus a premium of $6,683.12. Further Voted: that in connection with the marketing and sale of the Bonds, the preparation and distribution of a Notice of Sale and Preliminary Official Statement dated February 10, 2016 and a final Official Statement dated February 17, 2016, each in such form as may be approved by the Town Treasurer, be and hereby are ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted. Further Voted: that in connection with the marketing and sale of the Notes, the preparation and distribution of a Notice of Sale and Preliminary Official Statement dated February 10, 2016 and a final Official Statement dated February 17, 2016, each in such form as may be approved by the Town Treasurer, be and hereby are ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted. Further Voted: that the Town Treasurer and the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby are, authorized to execute and deliver Continuing and Significant Events Disclosure undertakings in compliance with SEC Rule 15c2-12 in such forms as may be approved by bond counsel to the Town, which undertakings shall be incorporated by reference in the Bonds and Note, as applicable, for the benefit of the holders of the Bonds and Note from time to time. Further Voted: that we authorize and direct the Treasurer to establish post issuance federal tax compliance procedures in such form as the Treasurer and bond counsel deem sufficient, or if such procedures are currently in place, to review and update said procedures, in order to monitor and maintain the tax-exempt status of the Bonds and Notes. Further Voted: that each member of the Board of Selectmen, the Town Clerk and the Town Treasurer be and hereby are, authorized to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be determined by them, or any of them, to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing votes. Approve Zero Interest Sewer Loan from the MWRA Mr. Addelson explained that the Department of Public Works will be soliciting bids for a study to identify and quantify sources of infiltration and inflow into sewer lines in the Phase 7 area Selectmen’s Meeting – February 22, 2016 (sewer basins 8 and 12). The work is scheduled to begin this spring at an estimated cost of $326,000 with a final report to be completed by December 2016. This work will be financed with a $326,000 loan/grant from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority of which $81,500 is the loan portion that will be loaned to the Town at a zero interest rate. The Board is being asked to approve the loan portion against Article 12a of the 2014 Annual Town Meeting, the annual authorization for wastewater system improvements. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 that the sale of the $81,500 Sewer Bond of the Town dated February 29, 2016, to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (the “Authority”) is hereby approved and the Town Treasurer is authorized to execute on behalf of the Town a Loan Agreement and a Financial Assistance Agreement with the Authority with respect to the bond. The bond shall be payable without interest on February 15 of the years and in the principal amounts as follows: Year Installment Year Installment 2017 $8,150 2022 $8,150 2018 8,150 2023 8,150 2019 8,150 2024 8,150 2020 8,150 2025 8,150 2021 8,150 2026 8,150 It was further voted that each member of the Board of Selectmen, the Town Clerk and the Town Treasurer be and hereby are, authorized to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be determined by them, or any of them, to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing vote. Vote the FY2017 Recommended Budget and Financing Plan Mr. Addelson, Assistant Town Manager for Finance, provided the Board with summary of the proposed changes to be made to the white book before the brown book is printed. These proposed changes are as requested by the Board at their previous meetings. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the FY2017 proposed budget and capital plan, for recommendation to the financial committees and Town Meeting. Discuss Debt Exclusion Date and Questions Ms. Ciccolo recused herself from this item discussion since her parents are abutters to the Pelham Road property. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 22, 2016 Mr. Valente explained that at a recent School Committee meeting and Financial Summit V on February 10 there were initial discussions about the form of a potential debt exclusion question for the school facilities capital projects. There are three possible options: single question, two questions – one for school projects and one for the Pelham property, and three questions – one for the elementary school projects, one for the middle school projects and one for the Pelham property. The form of the questions are dictated by law and do not include dollar amounts. The target date for the debt exclusion is May 3 and the date the Board would need to call the debt exclusion vote is March 28. Mr. Kelley would be in favor of three separate questions. Mr. Pato stated that the School Committee requested that the two middle schools be included in one question. Mr. Pato would like to hear from advocates whether the questions should be bundled or not. Since Ms. Ciccolo recused herself from any Pelham discussions, Mr. Kelley asked for confirmation on the need for 2/3 of the Board to vote the questions. Mr. Valente will confirm. Mr. Cohen asked that Ms. Ciccolo check with the Ethics Commission regarding whether she has a conflict or not. Review Draft Policy for Complete Streets Mr. Valente explained that at the 2015 Annual Town Meeting, Article 35 was approved expressing the Town’s interest in applying complete Streets principles to future road, sidewalk and other transit related projects. Complete Streets are designed and operated to provide safe and accessible accommodations for all users of Lexington roadways and travel systems. Further, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) recently released details of a grant program that will provide funding to municipalities that have adopted a complete Street policy. The proposed policy is the first step required to apply for the MassDOT grant program. A minimum of 80 points are required for a Complete Streets policy to be approved. Ms. Ciccolo has a few editorial changes that she will provide to staff. This policy will also provide opportunity for grants. Ms. Barry thanked the staff for putting together the draft policy; she also will provide a few editorial changes to staff. On Page 2, under #1, it was suggested that the words “retail developments” could be changed to “private property”. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 22, 2016 Mr. Pato also has some small grammar changes but is pleased with the balanced policy that captures what the state is looking for but does not paint the Town into a corner. Mr. Paul, Tree Committee, stated there was no mention of trees in the proposed policy and felt there should be some general wording regarding trees added. Mr. Pato felt it is important to reinforce that trees are not just decoration and should be recognized in some way. Staff will revise the policy and bring back another version to the Selectmen on February 29. Review Proposed Charge for Center Streetscape Design Review Ad Hoc Committee Ms. Barry asked the Board if they had any comments on the proposed Ad Hoc Center Streetscape Design Review Committee. Mr. Kelley suggested that the Lexington Field and Garden Club be added as a member instead of the Historical Commission. Mr. Pato responded that the Lexington Field and Garden Club is a private organization and all other proposed members are Town committees. Ms. Ciccolo appreciates the importance of landscape features, but the proposed charge includes the Tree Committee. The design elements recommendations should include maintenance and upkeep. It is proposed that the Membership include a member of each of the following committees: Bicycle Advisory Committee, Center Committee, Commission on Disability, Design Advisory Committee, Historic Districts Commission, Historical Commission, Planning Board, Tourism Committee and Tree Committee. The Committees will be asked to provide two nominations and the Board will appoint one member. The Board will also appoint a non-voting Chair and the Selectmen were asked to provide recommendations to the Selectmen’s Office staff. Mr. Pato pointed out that several of the proposed committee members have experience in landscape design so the Lexington Field and Garden Club should remain a non-voting Liaison. Mr. Kanter requested the deliverable dates. Ms. Barry responded that Tier 1 deliverables are due by May 1, 2016 and include sidewalk materials and lighting style; Tier 2 deliverables are due June 15, 2016 and include edging, roadway features, stone walls, granite posts, bollards and interpretive markers in pavement, structural soil and infiltration basis; Tier 3 deliverables are due by October 1, 2016 and include amenities, thin planters, interpretive elements and trees. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 22, 2016 The charge was amended as follows: add “maintenance and upkeep” to the list of design elements to make recommendations on; change “Historic Districts Committee” to “Historic Districts Commission” in the list of membership committees. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to form the Ad Hoc Center Streetscape Design Review Committee and approve the charge, as amended. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to designate members of the Ad Hoc Center Streetscape Design Review Committee as special municipal employees. Article Positions/Presentations Needed The Selectmen were asked what articles they would like presentations on prior to Town Meeting. Mr. Pato suggested presentations on the following articles: Article 8 – Appropriate the FY2017 Community Preservation Committee Operating Budget and CPA Projects Article 14 - Appropriate for School Zone Traffic Calming (Citizen Article) Article 16 – Appropriate for Advice and Analysis-Getting to Net Zero Article 28 – Accept Chapter 59, Section 2D of the MGL (Citizen Article) Article 29 – Amend General Bylaws – Neighborhood Conservation Districts Articles 32 and 33 – Amend General Bylaws – Trees (scheduled for February 29) Article 34 – Amend General Bylaws – Guns Article 35 – Lexpress Resolution (Citizen Article) Also the Planning Board will be invited to attend the February 29 and March 7 Selectmen’s Meetings to answer Board questions on all of the planning articles (Articles 36 to 45). The Selectmen should let the Chair know if there are additional articles they want presentations on. Approve Patriots’ Day Events Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the following Patriots’ Day events: 1.Lexington Minute Men a.Use of the Battle Green on Sunday, April 3, 2016 for a Reenactment rehearsal from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. b.Use of the Battle Green on Saturday, April 16, 2016, for the Parker’s Revenge Reenactment from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. c.Use of the Battle Green on Sunday, April 17, 2016, for the Reenactment of the Hancock Clarke/Paul Revere Ride at approximately 9:00 p.m. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 22, 2016 d.Use of the Battle Green on Monday, April 18, 2016, for the Reenactment from 1:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. nd 2.Lions Club - 102 Annual Patriots’ Day 5-mile Road Race on Monday, April 18, 2016, and use of the Battle Green at the end of the race from approximately 11:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 3.Town Celebrations Committee a.Patriots’ Day Morning Parade along Massachusetts Avenue from the Munroe Cemetery driveway west to Bedford Street to Harrington Road to the Battle Green starting at approxi8mately 7:30 p.m. b.Use of the Battle Green for the Patriots’ Day Ceremonies at approximately 8:15 a.m. c.Patriots’ Day Afternoon Parade beginning at approximately 2:00 p.m. on Massachusetts Avenue from Maple Street through Lexington Center, left onto Worthen Road and ending at the town pool parking lot. d.Historical Society/Lexington Minute Men – Closing of Bedford Street from Massachusetts Avenue to Hancock Street and Hancock Street to Adams Street to all but resident emergency traffic from 10:30 p.m. on Sunday April 17, 2016 to 12:30 a.m. on Monday, April 18, 2016 for the reenactment of the arrival of Paul Revere and William Dawes at the Hancock-Clarke House. Approve and Sign Eagle Congratulation Letter for Trevor Daniel Eckler Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 – 0 to send a letter of commendation congratulating Trevor Daniel Eckler for attaining the highest rank of Eagle in Boy Scouting. Selectmen Committee Resignation – Arts Council Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to accept the resignation of Emily Passman from the Council for the Arts, effective immediately. Approve Common Victualler License for Trés Petite Creperie Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve a revised Common Victualler License for Trés Petite Creperie, 1707 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 2, with the following hours: Monday-Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Consent Agenda Adjustments and Committees of Water and Sewer Charges Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the following commitments and adjustments of water and sewer: Commitment of Water and Sewer Cycle 9 Billing January 2016 $220,736.47 Commitment of Water and Sewer Final Water Bills January 2016 $1,266.86 Adjustments of Water and Sewer Charges as Recommended by WSAB ($24,095.65) Selectmen’s Meeting – February 22, 2016 Vote to Layout Victory Garden Way as a Town Way Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to layout Victory Garden Way as a Town Way, as proposed. The Selectmen recessed at 7:10 p.m. to go to Town Meeting; they resumed their meeting at 8:40 p.m. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to go into executive session to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property, 20 Pelham Road, and to reconvene in open session only to adjourn. Further, the Chairman declared that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Town. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk