HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Board minutes 07-27-1998 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JULY 27, 1998 Chairman Merrill called the meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15,Town Office Building to order at 7.35 p.m.Members Bridge-Denzak Colman,Davies, Planning Director Bowyer,and Assistant Planner Marino were present. Mr Galaitsis arrived before Item 152. ************************************** MINUTES **************************************** 145 Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of May 18, 1998. On the motion of Mr Colman, seconded by Mr. Davies, it was voted unanimously 4-0 to approve the minutes, as amended. Mr Galaitsis was not in the room at the time of the vote. *************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS **************** SUBDIVISION OF LAND 146. Porter Lane Preliminary Subdivision Plan. The Windermere Groun. Decision: The Board reviewed and revised a draft decision, dated July 27, 1998,prepared by the staff. On the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Ms.Bridge-Denzak,the Board voted unanimously, 5-0,to approve the letter. 147 Lexington Park. Carter Scott/John Snell.Revised Sketch Cluster Subdivision off Winter Street. Discussion with the Annlicant: Present for this item were Carter Scott and John Snell, applicants,Michael Weinmayr, of Weinmayr Associates, landscape architect, and John Noonan, of Noonan and McDowell, engineer. Mr. Weinmayr presented a revised sketch plan, dated June 25, 1998 for land off Winter and Sullivan Streets, explaining that it reflects changes based on comments and suggestions the Planning Board made in their letter dated February 23, 1998. Mr Scott explained the new layout of the buildings and roads.An acre of additional land has been added to the site but the number of dwelling units has remained the same as in the previous plan. This was in response to the desire of the surrounding neighborhoods for less density More open space will be left along the perimeter of the site because the buildings will be set back further The new road layout allows enough sight distance for traffic entering and exiting the new street.Fencing and landscaping will be added to screen the neighbors' view Mr Scott named a number of possible public benefits that include re-paving tennis courts,cleaning out an area where leaves have been dumped over the years, improving drainage at the field, and providing $1,000 each to abutters within 80 feet of the perimeter to plant screening vegetation. The plans show 21 one-to four-bedroom houses and 2.8 acres(30%)of open space. Twelve of the 21 housing units are attached. He described several adjustments that will be made to comply with requests from specific abutters. Questions and comments from the Planning Board included compliments and thanks to the design team for responding so positively to their previous direction and for working with the abutters.Mr. Davies questioned the height of the houses.But he also spoke positively about the developers' methods, as did the other Board members. Mr Galaitsis expressed concern that the preponderance of four-bedroom units will produce more impact than is desirable. Mr Merrill asked where the one-bedroom units are. The answer was that they are accessory apartments, or rental units. Mr Merrill commented that the Planning Board will hold the bar high for this development. Mr Bowyer said that relative to accessory apartments,there have not yet been many in new construction in Lexington. Orchard Crossing was the first development in which these"intergenerational housing"units were `' built and they sold quickly 2 Minutes for the Meeting of July 27, 1998 Comments and questions from the audience had to do with water runoff problems,traffic impacts and density Mr. Merrill pointed out that there are many new jobs in the suburbs now,which contributes to the amount of r traffic through Lexington. The design seems to be headed in the right direction but the density is still too high. Neal Boyle,23 Pineknoll Road, said that the Planning Board should put pressure on our state legislators to do something-about-the-traffic-on=Bedford-Strut.- - - - - — 148. 113-115 Concord Avenue.Mr. &Mrs. Kazazian. Sketch 7 4.5 Subdivision Plan. Discussion with the Applicant: Present for this item were Ronald Wood, landscape architect of Guidelines, Inc., and Frederick W Russell, Professional Engineer,and George and Anahid Kazazian,the applicants. Mr Wood first presented a plan for a conventional subdivision,as required by the Zoning By-Law He then presented two alternative sketch plans showing a 2-lot subdivision under Section 7 4.5 on 1.9 acres adjacent to the Kazazians' home. The Kazazians are trying to create the feeling of a small"residential compound"and this is the plan they wish to execute.A common driveway providing access to both new houses is proposed. As a public benefit,the Kazazians propose to improve a portion of the sidewalk on Concord Avenue. Mr Davies expressed approval of the design concept as did the other Board members. The Board encouraged them to talk to their neighbors. Mr. Bowyer suggested putting the public benefit money in an escrow account and then combining it money from another subdivision being planned in the area,Valod's Way at 356 Concord Avenue,to make one larger public improvement. The Board agreed that the Kazazians could proceed directly to the definitive plan stage. 149 94 Adams Street. 7 4.5 Subdivision off Adams Street.Use of public benefit funds: Mr Marino reported that he has been in communication with Peter Kelley and Richard Perry,the developers of the 94 Adams Street subdivision, and with the abutters to the site, about the use of the money marked for the public benefit portion of the proposal.He received a letter from the abutters stating that they want the money to be used to correct the long-standing water drainage problem in the area. Stephen Fish,Brent Road,reported that 50 neighbors prefer the drainage improvement work to be done according to a study by Judith Nitsch Engineering.Mr Colman said he was troubled that the study work was not coordinated with the Conservation Commission, nor did the residents keep the Planning Board apprised of progress on the issue, both requirements set forth in the special permit. Mr Bowyer urged the neighbors to apply to the Conservation Commission as soon as possible and work out a plan of action. It was agreed that they would work with the Conservation Commission,the developer and their engineer to get the work done. 150 Met State Hospital Land Reuse: Mr Bowyer reported on the most recent(July 14)Met State Access Subcommittee meeting. He said it was clear that the Request for Proposal process should be started and that Lexington should be very instrumental in it.As the process progresses from reuse plan to implementation, Lexington needs to set priorities to present to the Joint Task Force. He said has given thought to this and will produce something for the Board to review 151. Board of Anneals Hearines on July 23. 1998,Report: Mr Davies reported on the Board of Appeals meeting of July 23, 1998 at which Stop and Shop's proposal to renovate and expand the store on Bedford Street was heard by the Board. He said that Stop and Shop made a very skillful presentation. The Board of Appeals thought the proposal was a good one and approved it unanimously seeming not to mind the procedural questions raised by the Planning Board in its recommendation. Mr Merrill pointed out that Spaulding and Slye was subjected to two Town Meetings to get approval of an addition to their building. The Board agreed that they believe the Board of Appeals is thereby usurping the Town Meeting's jurisdiction and undermining the Zoning By-Law Mr Davies asked that this subject be taken up at the upcoming"retreat" on August 3. Minutes for the Meeting of July 27, 1998 3 152. Mr. Colman. Compliments to the Lexineton Minuteman: Mr. Colman commented that he very much appreciated the thorough coverage of Stop and Shop's renovation petition in the Lexington Minuteman, especially the fact that the Planning Board's recommendation to the Board of Appeals was printed in full. He would like to write a letter to the Minuteman, on behalf of the Board, commending them for accurate and complete coverage of Planning Board meetings,with special thanks for the occasional,but important, complex Town Meeting articles,Planning Board reports and letters such as their recommendation on the Stop and Shop proposal. The rest of the Board concurred. On the motion of Mr. Colman, seconded by Mr.Davies,the Board voted unanimously to authorize Mr. Colman to write the letter commending the Minuteman. 153. Old Smith Farm Preliminary Cluster Subdivision plan.James Gaklis. Rollout: Mr. Marino rolled out a preliminary plan for the Old Smith Farm development,off Wood Street,that was submitted by James Gaklis on July 24, 1998. The staff has not reviewed the plan in detail yet. The time for action on this plan expires on September 7, 1998.The Board briefly discussed the development saying they like it but want to help make it better. The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. 61414\-- Steven L. Colman, Clerk