HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Board minutes 07-13-1998 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JULY 13, 1998 Chairman Merrill called the meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Building to order at 7:35 p.m. Members Bridge-Denzak Colman,Davies, Galaitsis,Planning Director Bowyer, _ and Assistant Planner Marino were present. _ **************************************MINUTES **************************************** 136. Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed the minutes for the meeting of April 13, 15 and 27, 1998. On the motion of Mr. , seconded by Mr. ,the Board voted unanimously, 4-0,to of Mr.Davies, seconded by Ms. Bridge-Denzak, it was voted unanimously, 5-0,to approve the minutes,as written. *************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS **************** SUBDIVISION OF LAND 137 Porter Lane Preliminary Conventional Subdivision Plan. direction to staff to prepare a decision: A number of people were in the audience to listen to the Board's discussion about the Porter Lane subdivision off Adams Street. Mr. Bowyer reported that the Town Zoning Officer believes that the Greek Revival cottage is not eligible to be an accessory apartment. Mr. Galaitsis and Mr. Davies said they would like to see everything possible done to save it.Mr. Davies feels Lexington should not be tearing down its older buildings for private gain, particularly those that represent significant periods of history Mr Merrill concurred. Mr. Merrill said that he talked with the developer,John Austin, and expressed the Board's dismay at the way he presented cluster alternatives to the conventional subdivision that he wishes to build. Mr. Merrill told him that the intention of the cluster concept is not just to raise density but to provide flexibility in the design, to provide open space or alternative dwelling types. Mr. Austin prefers to build a conventional subdivision. It was clear from the hearing that the residents of the neighborhood would also prefer a conventional subdivision if a development must be built. Mr. Colman expressed his desire for an alternative to a conventional development and suggested having another meeting with the developer to work something out. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 138. 22 Revere Street. Definitive 7 4.5 Subdivision Plan. ratify telephone poll: After a brief discussion, on the motion of Mr. Merrill, seconded by Mr. Colman,the Board voted 4-0-1 to: 1) grant a special permit under section 7 4.5 of the Lexington Zoning By-Law to permit the reduction in lot frontage for lot#1 from 125' to 70.63', and for lot#2 from 125' to 72.46' as shown on the definitive subdivision entitled"Definitive Subdivision Plan,22 Revere Street",dated March 13, 1998,by The BSC Group,Inc., 2) approve the decision, granting the special permit dated June 8, 1998; 3) approve with conditions the definitive subdivision plan,entitled"Definitive Subdivision Plan,22 Revere Street",dated March 13, 1998,by The BSC Group,Inc., and 4) approve the wording of the Certificate of Action, dated June 8, 1998 Mr. Galaitsis abstained from voting,as he was unable to attend the public hearing for the subdivision proposal. RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS 2 Minutes for the Meeting of July 13, 1998 RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS 139 Applications To Be Heard on June 25. 1998: Mr. Davies gave an oral review of the following applications.After some discussion, on the motion of Mr. Merrill, seconded by Mr. Colman,the Board voted unanimously to make the following recommendations. 36 Bedford Street. Ston and Shon. special permit with site plan review and special permits for signs, parking&landscape 36 Bedford Street. Ston and Shon,variance to renovate and expand The Planning Board agreed that it is in favor of improvements to the Stop& Shop complex but is opposed to granting the long list of variances and special permits requested for this proposal and took the position that this petition must be considered and acted upon by Town Meeting. The Board asked the staff to prepare a detailed response to the application in a letter to the Board of Appeals. 703 Mass.Avenue, Waldorf School. special permit to modify landscaping The Board agreed to express its support of the comments of the Design Advisory Committee. The Board had no comment on the following applications, also scheduled to be heard on July 23. 11 Locust Avenue. Grunberg.variance to build dormer 11 Locust Avenue. Grunberg, special permit to build dormer ******************** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE ******************** 140. Election of Officers: According to the Planning Board's procedural rules, an election of officers is to be held at the last regularly scheduled meeting in June.After a brief discussion, on the motion of Mr Davies, seconded by Mr.Colman,the Board voted unanimously to postpone election of officers to a future meeting. **************************** PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT *************************** 141. Recent Activity F a. Lexington Park Sketch Cluster subdivision Plan. Carter Scott/John Snell.Rollout: Mr Marino rolled out a sketch preliminary plan for the Lexington Park Cluster development, off Winter Street,that was submitted by Carter Scott on July 6, 1998. The staff has not reviewed the plan in detail yet.The time for action on this plan expires on August 5, 1998. b. 113-115 Concord avenue Sketch 7 4.5 Subdivision Plan. George and Anahid Kazazian.Rollout: Mr. Marino rolled out a sketch plan for the 113-115 Concord Avenue 7 4.5 development off Concord Avenue that was submitted by Frederick Russell on June 26, 1998. The staff has not reviewed the plan in detail yet.The time for action on this plan expires on July 26, 1998. c. Resignation of Assistant Planner.Recruitment of Replacement: Mr Bowyer reported that Mr. Marino had initially resigned to take a position with the Town of Wilmington but the Town Manager has offered him a new position with the Town,that of Economic Development Officer.He will remain in his present job until his successor starts work or until January 1999 Mr. Bowyer outlined the procedures and numerous considerations in recruiting a new assistant planner. *************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS **************** PLANS NOT REOUIRING APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW 142. Form A/98-8.Fox Run Lane and East Street.Robert Phelan: The Board reviewed an Approval Not Required Plan for land at Lot 1 Fox Run Lane and 260 East Street. On the motion of Mr. Galaitsis, seconded by Mr. Davies,the Board voted unanimously to endorse the plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land in Lexington, MA",dated May 19, 1998,prepared by Meridian Engineering Collaborative,Inc.,Danvers,Massachusetts, Minutes for the Meeting of July 13, 199$ 3 certified by Michael J. Juliano,Registered Land Surveyor,with Form A/98-8, submitted by Robert E.Phelan, applicant,as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law 143 Form A/98-9 44 Winter Street. Carter Scott and John Snell et al: The Board reviewed an Approval Not Required-Plan-for-land-at 44=W-inter-Street.On-the=motion=of-Mr---Galaitsis,-seconded-b-y-Mr.Davies,-the-Board voted unanimously to endorse the plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land in Lexington,MA,Middlesex County, Southern District", dated May 122 1998,prepared and certified by Arthur R. Giangrande,Registered Land Surveyor, Somerville,MA,with Form A/98-9, submitted by Robert Carter Scott,John Snell et al, applicants, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law **************************** REGIONAL,INTERTOWN ISSUES *************************** 144. HATS: a. Four Town Plannine Group.Update: Mr. Bowyer reported that the 4 Town Planning Group has continued its investigation of establishing a subregional entity with some regulatory or veto power over developments with regional impact. That entity would review proposals for land within the common planning area.The Group feels that some entity is needed that has more authority than MAGIC(the sub-regional organization that is a subset of MAPC)but less power than the Cape Cod Commission. MAGIC,the sub-regional group organized around Route 2,has a process for reviewing projects above a certain threshold size that have a regional impact. MAGIC is advisory in nature. Bedford and Concord were not enthusiastic about this concept. The Group is considering some time of zoning overlay of the common planning area. That would involve devising some common regulations for the areas within the common planning area.Each of the four town meetings would then have to adopt similar zoning amendments.A build out analysis in each of the four towns would be a useful exercise because it would give some idea of the possibilities for economic development on other land as well. Mr Marino has developed data that indicates a potential for commercial teardowns. MAPC gives a small amount of time each year to support the member communities. The towns could raise additional money and hire them as consultants to do the work. b. HATS Noise Workshop: Mr Galaitsis reported on a recent meeting of the Noise Workshop Group. Topics discussed at the meeting included: How does one measure noise and associate annoyance with it?The Noise Abatement and Mitigation Group reported on its progress.Abatement: How can the noise be reduced at the source?(This involves working with the airplane itself.)Mitigation: How can the effect at the receiver end be improved besides staying indoors?Two tasks emerged: 1)Identify deficiencies of the present method of measuring noise. 2) Come up with a new way to describe the annoyance of people. c. Met. State Hospital Land Reuse: Ms. Bridge-Denzak reported on the July 8 meeting of the Met State Hospital Land Reuse Task Force. The City of Waltham presented its plans for a golf course on its portion of the Met. State site.DCPO has offered them the possibility of crossing site boundaries in order to facilitate the design of the course but was not satisfied with the lack of access by a through road.Mr Bowyer said that Waltham is single-mindedly pursuing the golf facility and has taken the position that since all the development will be in Lexington, all the traffic should be taken care of by Lexington. Mr Bowyer noted that the various maps and plans presented thus far at these meetings are drawn at different scales and orientations,which makes comparing and understanding them difficult. He suggested developing a standard base map for the towns to use The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. t Gds Steven L. Colman, Clerk