HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Board minutes 06-15-1998 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JUNE 15, 1998 Chairman Merrill called the meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Building to order at 7.35 p.m. Members Colman,Davies,Galaitsis,Planning Director Bowyer, and Assistant Planner Marino were present. Ms.Bridge-Denzak was absent. **************************************MINUTES **************************************** 128. Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of June 2, 1997 On the motion of Mr. Galaitsis, seconded by Mr Colman, it was voted unanimously 4-0 to approve the minutes, as amended. *************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS **************** PLANS NOT REOUIRING APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW 129 Form A/98-7 55 Hayden Avenue. Snaulding& Sive: The Board reviewed an Approval Not Required Plan for land at 55 Hayden Avenue. On the motion of Mr Davies, seconded by Mr. Galaitsis,the Board voted unanimously 1 To endorse the plan entitled"Plan of Land in Lexington,MA,(Middlesex County)", dated March 27, 1998,prepared by Beals and Thomas,Inc.,Westborough Massachusetts,certified by Kenneth Conte, Registered Land Surveyor, filed with Form A/98-7, submitted by Spaulding and Slye Real Estate Services,Inc. Hayden Woods LLC, applicants,as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law; and 2. To endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington,MA,being a subdivision of Lot 290 on LC Plan 19485L(Middlesex County)",dated March 27, 1998,prepared by Beals and Thomas,Inc., Westborough Massachusetts,certified by Kenneth Conte,Registered Land Surveyor, filed with Form A/98-7, submitted by Spaulding and Slye Real Estate Services,Inc. Hayden Woods LLC,applicants,as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law 130. 577-581 Marrett Road Sketch Cluster Subdivision Plan. Harry Wight. Decision: The Board reviewed and revised a draft decision, prepared by the staff, approving the sketch plan for a cluster subdivision at 577-581 Marrett Road presented to the Board at their meeting on June 1, 1998. On the motion of Mr Colman, seconded by Mr Davies,the Board voted unanimously to approve the decision. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 131. Porter Lane. The Windermere Groun.off Adams Street.Preliminary Conventional Subdivision Plan. PUBLIC HEARING: Mr. Merrill opened the public hearing at 8:00 p.m.Present for this item were John Austin of The Windermere Group,applicant, Gary Larson, landscape architect,of Larson Associates,Inc.,Zoltan Juhasz and Richard Waitt, engineers, of Meridian Engineering Collaborative,Inc. There were 55 people in the audience. Mr.Austin presented some background on the property and their general philosophy as developers. There is a Victorian-era house at 39 Adams Street and a Greek Revival cottage at 43 Adams Street.Mr. Austin said they applied for a demolition permit for the cottage and were waiting for the six-months required by the Demolition Delay Bylaw to pass.He said that no one, including LexHAB,has expressed interest in buying it. Mr.Austin presented a number of cluster subdivision plans,with up to 13 housing units, along with a preliminary plan for the six-lot conventional subdivision they would prefer to build.Mr.Merrill pointed out that the cluster plans reflected the most extreme use of cluster regulations. 2 Minutes for the Meeting of June 15, 1998 Mr Davies said that he would like to see a demonstration of a special residential development alternative within the cluster subdivision provisions. This would allow flexibility to create a lot for the Greek Revival cottage. Mr. Bowyer agreed that it would provide an opportunity for preservation of the historic house and in creased flexibility for a development of single family houses on somewhat smaller lots. Comments from the audience included impassioned pleas for as few houses as possible to be built,for open space to be preserved, especially adjacent to the bird sanctuary off Woodland Road, and for considerations for the safety of children who go to Fiske School,which abuts the proposed development. There is concern that an increase in traffic will create dangerous conditions. Mr.Merrill closed the public hearing at 10:30 p.m. 132. Old SDrina Street. Ronald Lopez and Daniel Harrineton. Concern about Stop Work Order Ronald Lopez, the developer of the Old Spring Street 7 4.5 Subdivision at 155 Old Spring Street, and Daniel Harrington,his attorney were present. They expressed their displeasure at having been issued a stop work order on April 24 Mr Lopez feels that he has done everything required of him by the Planning Board's Development Regulations, and more, and said he was dismayed both to receive the stop work order and that it was reported in the newspaper He was also unhappy that he did not know about the Planning Board meeting at which the stop work order was discussed. Mr. Merrill expressed regret that the stop work action had to be made and appreciation of Mr Lopez's timely reaction to the Board's concern. 133 Currier Court.off Webb Street, Stone Monument: The Board discussed briefly the stone memorial to Nishan Semonian that the former owners of the land at the Currier Court subdivision placed in the cul de sac's island without the permission of the residents. The residents want it removed. On the motion of Mr. Galaitsis, seconded by Mr. Colman,the Board voted unanimously to refer the matter to the Board of Selectmen. *************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS **************** DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS 134 Earl Street. Definitive Road Improvement plan. Mark Barons, Decision: The Board reviewed and revised a draft decision on the definitive street construction plan for a portion of Earl Street, dated June 15, 1998, prepared by the staff. On the motion of Mr Davies, seconded by Mr. Colman,the Board voted unanimously that it: 1 determines that Earl Street, an unaccepted street, insofar as it provides frontage for lots#162A and#163 on Town property map number 72,as shown on plans entitled "Low Pressure Sewer Force Main and Details, Site Construction Plan,Permit Site Plan of Land, and Landscaping Plan L-3" prepared for Daniel C. Tocci, 405 Waltham Street, Suite 313,Lexington,MA, and Joanne Kerwin, 40 Earl Street,Lexington MA,by Meridian Engineering and Andover Engineering, filed on April 9, 1998, is not presently of adequate grade and construction,but will be of adequate grade and construction if the improvements shown on the above referenced plans are made; 2. approves the plans entitled "Low Pressure Sewer Force Main and Details dated 5/12/98, Site Construction Plan dated 5/12/98,Permit Site Plan of Land dated 5/12/98, and Landscaping Plan L-3 dated 2/12/97,by Meridian Engineering,Andover Engineering, and Landtech Associates, as the definitive street construction plan; and 3 approves the wording of the draft decision dated June 15, 1998; and 4. authorizes either Robert A.Bowyer,Planning Director,or Joseph A.Marino,Assistant Planner to endorse the plans and sign the decision. Minutes for the Meeting of June 15, 1998 3 RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS 135. Annlications To Be Heard on June 25. 1998: Mr. Colman gave an oral review of the following applications. On the motion of Mr Colman, seconded by Mr Galaitsis,the Board voted unanimously to make the following comments on the petition below 1010 Waltham Street. Brookhaven, determination that conversion of 2 units is a minor revision The Planning Board agreed to recommend that the proposed revision be reviewed for compliance with the Preliminary Site Development and Use Plan approved by Town Meeting. Depending on the outcome of that review a public hearing on a revision to the previously approved special permit with site plan review or even an amendment to the Preliminary Site Development and Use Plan may be needed. The Planning Board makes these comments in the interests of following the right procedure for review of the proposal. The comments should not be interpreted to question the fine service that Brookhaven provides or the merits of the proposed changes. The Board authorized the staff to detail its reasons in a letter to the Board of Appeals. The Board agreed to make no comment on the following applications: 17 Denot Square,Artisans Way, special permit for a sign 55 Ledeelawn Avenue. Cusanello/Manickas, special permit to expand second story of dwelling Mr. Davies disqualified himself from consideration of this item and left the room while the Board discussed the application. He is the architect for the applicants. On the motion of Mr. Merrill, seconded by Mr Galaitsis,the Board voted unanimously,3-0,to make no comment. 87 Adams Street, Sicari,variance to replace front entrance f87 Adams Street. Sicari, special permit to add a dormer t 37 Hiehland Avenue. Gillis,variance to allow deck to remain as constructed 313-321 Marrett Road. Camblex Realty Trust, variance to reduce the number of parking spaces and increase the number of compact parking spaces 313-321 Marrett Road. Seattle's Best Coffee, special permit to operate a take-out, fast-food service 1628 Massachusetts Avenue. Pet Mania Gifts, special permit for sign The Board also agreed to make no comment on the applications below scheduled to be heard by the Board of Appeals on July 9, 1998 Lot on Earl Street.John Daley,appeal of a decision of the Zoning Office 15 Brandon Street,Hegarty, special permit to add full-shed dormer to dwelling 700 Waltham Street.Carroll,renewal of special permit to continue uses allowed under the previous permit The meeting was adjourned at 11.10 p.m. Ae--ei, ,A444141 Steven L. Colman,Clerk