HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Board minutes 04-13-1998 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF APRIL 13, 1998 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Building,was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Chairman Merrill,with members Colman,Davies,Planning Director Bowyer, and Secretary Tap present. Ms.Bridge-Denzak arrived during item 89 Mr. Galaitsis was absent. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS 84 Applications To Be Heard on April 16 and 30. 1998: Mr Galaitsis being out of town on business,the Board reviewed written comments he had prepared on the following applications: Vacant lot abutting 32 Burlington Street. Sanborn,variance to exempt the lot from lot size and frontage requirements The Board agreed to recommend denial of the petition. They agree with the Zoning Officer's determination that the two lots have been combined by application,and by the building of a garage on the lot line.These are two of the three criteria for combination of lots described in the 1983 Guidelines for Combining Lots prepared by Palmer and Dodge. The Board authorized the staff to prepare a letter to the Board of Appeals citing the Massachusetts case lot about not granting variances for lot area or frontage. The Board agreed to make no comment on the applications below 55 Ledgelawn Avenue,Cusanello and Manickas,variance to add a bay window (Mr Davies disqualified himself from reviewing this application and left the meeting room for this item as he is working with the applicant on the design of the bay window He rejoined the meeting after the Board decided to make no comment on the application.) 64 Pleasant Street, Warren,variance to build a garage 137 Mass.Avenue,Domino's Pizza, special permit for take out food service 1666 Mass.Avenue. Scoop's Ice Cream,special permit for take out food service SPECIAL PERMIT WITH SITE PLAN REVIEW 85 Spaulding & Sive. 55 Hayden Avenue. Reauests for Field Changes: Mr. Bowyer reported that Spaulding & Slye has requested two field changes in connection with their building addition at 55 Hayden Avenue. They wish to change the type of outdoor light fixtures they will use and to move a free-standing sign. The Board had reviewed supporting material that Thomas McGarrigle, Spaulding & Slye, provided along with the request. The material indicated that the new light fixtures meet the requirements of the outdoor lighting amendment to the Zoning By-law passed at Town meeting on April 1, 1998. Mr. Davies commented that the use of metal halide lamps would be an improvement over the original lights proposed in the plan. The Board asked the staff to verify that the lamps are shielded so as to prevent overflow light. Regarding the re-location of the sign,the Board members agreed that they found no difficulty with the proposed new location. ************************* ARTICLES FOR 1998 TOWN MEETING ************************** 86. Follow-up on Planning Board Articles a. Article 13. Street Acceptances. Currier Court: Mr Bowyer reported that a stone inscribed with a memorial to Nishan Semonian has been placed on the landscaped island on Currier Court. Mr. Semonian was a previous owner of the land on which the Currier Court Subdivision was built in recent years. Currier Court, the street, is slated to be accepted as a Town way this year at Town Meeting. The stone memorial presents a problem in that 2 Minutes for the Meeting of April 13, 1998 the trustees who sold the land to John Sarkis, the developer, and who had the stone placed on the island, did not seek the approval of the neighbors or the Planning Board. Several of these residents have voiced their displeasure , about the memorial. Mr Sarkis has stated in a letter to the Board that as the agent-ofthe trust he is intent on resolving_this matterto the satisfaction of all parties. After a brief discussion, the Board agreed that the memorial should not delay the acceptance of the street by Town Meeting. Currier Court is slated to be accepted this year It will be a matter for the Board of Selectmen to deal with. b. Article 35. Technical Corrections. possible notice of reconsideration. height of crawl space. cellar: Mr Davies explained that he talked with George Burnell, Town Meeting member from Precinct 7, who would like the Board to change the proposed seven-foot basement height threshold to 6 feet 8 inches. He explained how the State Building code defines"habitable" space. Mr. Burnell arrived at the meeting at this time and joined in the discussion. The Board agreed to bring up the subject at the 1999 Town Meeting. Mr Burnell agreed not to serve notice of reconsideration on the article. c. Article 40. Outdoor lighting interpretation to be applied to 3, 4 family dwellings: Mr. Bowyer said that the Board received a letter from David Kanter, Town Meeting member from Precinct 7, asking if the new Section 14, Outdoor Lighting,will apply to multi-family buildings like those at Drummer Boy Condominiums and Fiske Commons. He said it appears that it does and corrective language should be introduced at next year's Town Meeting. d. Article 32. Regulations for Wireless Communications: Mr. Bowyer also reported that the Board received an inquiry from Jane Gharibian, chairman of the Selectmen's Cable Television and Telecommunications Committee, about the regulations to implement the wireless communications antenna amendment. Mr. Colman said he would call Mrs. Gharibian. ***************** COORDINATION WITH OTHER BOARDS, COMMITTEES ***************** 87 a. Historic Districts Commission Regulations: Mr. Davies said he has had a request from Mrs. Gschwendter,to be on an ad hoc committee that the HDC is setting up to write its regulations. He accepted, explaining that it fits in with his duties as Planning Board representative to the Historic Districts Commission. 87 b. Hennessy Field Ad Hoc Committee: Mr. Merrill reported that he was asked by the Town Manager if the Planning Board wants to be represented on the Hennessy Field Ad Hoc Committee, set up by an amendment to Article 46 made by Judith Uhrig,Town Meeting Member from Precinct 4. Mr.Merrill informed him that the Board would like to be represented.The Board agreed that Mr Colman would be the primary liaison and Ms. Bridge-Denzak an additional liaison. 87 c. Letter of Commendation for the Staff: Mr Merrill also reported that the Planning Board has unanimously agreed to write a letter of commendation of the staff to go to the Board of Selectmen and the Town Manager Mr. Colman read the draft of the letter he had prepared. On the motion of Mr Colman, seconded by Mr Davies,the Board voted unanimously to approve the letter Mr.Davies said it expresses the Board's thanks for the work the staff did on the Board's 1998 zoning amendments. Mr Merrill noted that the Planning Board made a good showing at Town meeting this year. The letter recognizes that without the staff,the Planning Board could not have brought the amendments before Town Meeting as successfully The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m. i/C1. ( Steven L. Colman,Clerk