HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Board minutes 02-02-1998 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 1998 Chairman Canale called the meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Building,to order at 7:38 p.m.Members Colman,Davies, Galaitsis,Planning Director Bowyer, and Assistant Planner Marino were present. Mr.Merrill was absent. *************************** PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT ************************** 26. Mr Bowyer reported on the following recent activity a. Possible Town Acquisition of Land: The staff met with Philip Hamilton of the Conservation Commission, and the owner of a parcel of land the Town may purchase. Mr. Hamilton will follow up with Town Counsel Norman Cohen. b. Historic Survey Data: Mr. Bowyer reported that he had met with David Kelland, Chairman of the Historical Commission who told him that John Austin has applied for a demolition permit for a circa 1845 Greek Revival cottage at 48 Adams Street. The Demolition Delay By-Law is currently preventing its demolition for at least six months. The Historical Commission has been engaged in surveying historical properties in Lexington. They provided a disk with data from the Comprehensive Cultural Resources Survey Mr. Marino will add the data to the real estate database. The Commission would like to be notified when a subdivision that must include a public benefit is brought before the Planning Board.Mr.Davies suggested giving the data to local realtors as well. c. Middlesex Hospital Property Mr Marino reported on a public hearing the Waltham Board of Survey and Planning will hold on a subdivision planned by Perseus New England on land formerly owned by the Middlesex County Hospital.He and the Conservation Administrator went to see the plans,which show a five-lot residential subdivision.The developer sought to have the local zoning,which required that any use be public,vacated.The courts invalidated that exclusive provision of the City of Waltham zoning district and will require that single family housing be a permitted use. d. 519 Marrett Road,Butler Property A sale is pending on the property at 519 Marrett Road,which was rezoned to RS,One Family Dwelling in 1996.A prospective buyer had questions for the staff recently about what he could do with the property ************************ ARTICLES FOR 1998 TOWN MEETING ************************ 27 Preparation for the February 9 Hearings for Proposed Zoning Amendments: Mr. Bowyer reported that the staff is preparing wording for article presentations and the reports to Town Meeting on the Board's proposed zoning amendments. They urged collaboration with the Board member responsible for each article. *************ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS *************t SUBDIVISION OF LAND 28. Garfield Street Extension.Completion of Proiect.Release Covenant: Mr.Marino informed the Board that the Town Engineer has indicated in a memorandum,dated January 7, 1998,that the"as-built"plans of the Garfield Street Extension subdivision have been approved,and that all required community facilities in the subdivision have been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the Town's standards.After a brief discussion,on the motion of Mr.Davies,seconded by Mr.Galaitsis,the Board voted unanimously to release the developers,Ronald and Nancy Gold,from the provisions of the covenant dated October 27, 1995. 29 94 Adams Street 7 4.5 Subdivision. Set and Accent Surety Release One Lot: Mr. Marino informed the Board that the developer of the 94 Adams Street 7 4.5 subdivision wishes to deposit surety with the Town in 2 Minutes for the Meeting of February 2, 1998 order to have a lot released. The surety is necessary to ensure completion of the work on the lot and of the other requirements of the approved subdivision although both lots have frontage on public streets. After a brief discussion, on the motion of Mr.Davies, seconded by Mr Galaitsis,the Board voted unanimously 4-0: 1 That because Brent Road is an existing public street, it provides adequate frontage and community facilities; 2. That the amount of surety for the 94 Adams Street subdivision be set at$24,860.50;that this amount includes: the total remaining"Cost to Construct," a contingency, an allowance for escalation of construction costs and an allowance for the Town's administrative costs,and is the amount necessary to hold until the completion of the community facilities and the subdivision; 3 If the subdivision is not completed by February 2, 1999, or if little or none of the work that remained, at the time this surety was posted is completed by that time, and the current costs of the amount of work to be completed,have increased,the amount of surety will be increased to reflect the costs of completing the work and the developer will be required to furnish additional surety to the Planning Board; 4 To accept surety in the amount of$24,860.50 in the form of Lexington Savings Bank passbook number 1208317; and 5. To release lots A and B. PLANS NOT REOUIRING APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW 30. Form A/98-1. The Board reviewed an Approval Not Required Plan for land at 42-44 Adams Street. On the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Mr Galaitsis,the Board voted unanimously to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington,MA(Middlesex County)" dated January 16, 1998,prepared by Medford Engineering and Survey,Medford,MA.,certified by Angelo B.Veneziano,Professional Land Surveyor,with Form A/98-1, submitted by Mary B. Chiesa and John Chiesa, applicant, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law I( 31 Form A/98-2. The Board reviewed an Approval Not Required Plan for land at 23 Slocum Road. On the l motion of Mr Davies, seconded by Mr. Galaitsis,the Board voted unanimously to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington,MA(Middlesex County)" dated November 14, 1997,prepared by H&R Survey, Arlington,MA, certified by Clifford E.Robert,Professional Land Surveyor,with Form A/98-2, submitted by Alice Molvar, applicant, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS 32. Applications To Be Heard on February 12. 1998: Mr.Davies gave an oral review of the following applications: 31 Oakland Street,Boswell,variances to add a covered porch and two-car garage The Planning Board agreed to recommend caution with respect to the existing trees. It believes that tree wells will be required to save the trees. In addition, the garage could be slightly narrower to avoid crowding one tree. 121 Massachusetts Avenue, Suburban Floor and Wall Craft,variance to install awnings The Planning Board believes that any signage should be confined to the building itself. It will recommend that no signage should be permitted on the awning. The Board agreed to make no comment on the applications below 91 Grove Street, Chaudhury, special permit to add second story to dwelling 91 Grove Street, Chaudhury,variance to enlarge and cover the front porch Minutes for the Meeting of February 2, 1998 3 **************************** REGIONAL,INTERTOWN ISSUES *************************** GEOGRAPHIC 33. Intersections in South Lexington.Report on the Meeting of January 22: Mr. Canale reported on a meeting of representatives of the South Lexington Civic Association with the Town Manager, Selectman Leo McSweeney and the Richard Cook of BSC, traffic engineers. He described some potential improvements to the traffic level of service at some intersections in South Lexington that were discussed. The next meeting of the group will be on February 5, 1998. Mr. Canale suggested that some Planning Board members attend that meeting, as he will be out of town. *************ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************** SUBDIVISION OF LAND 34 Lexington Park Sketch Subdivision Plan, off Winter Street. Carter Scott/Jack Snell.Presentation by the Developer Robert Carter Scott, and John Snell,the applicant,Michael Wienmayr, landscape architect, and Richard Bechtel, architect,were present. Mr. Weinmayr presented plans that show eighteen dwelling units and a network of open space connected to existing open space around the development site.A new street, off Winter Street, with two cul de sacs is proposed to provide access.Built with a southerly orientation to maximize solar gain,the houses,a combination of attached and detached single family units, are traditional in style to blend with the surrounding neighborhoods. He described the process that will be followed to preserve existing trees and their plans to augment existing trees with new plantings,particularly along neighboring properties. Carter Scott noted that their plans respond to the stated goals of the cluster subdivision regulations in that they provide much open space,reflect total site planning sensitive to the natural features of the land and offer a variety of housing types. They are planning units ranging from one-bedroom apartments to two-three- and four-bedroom houses. Two or three of the units will be rental units. Regarding the required public benefits,they propose to pave a basketball court, enhance the path,provide a guardrail along the street and donate land to the Conservation Commission so that it is clearly open to the public. Questions from the Planning Board dealt with the three-pod concept of houses arranged around cul de sacs,the amount of paved surface,parking for vehicles,the number of garages.The Board urged the developers to work closely with the neighbors as they proceed with their plans. Mr Scott pointed out that so far the abutters have expressed desires for the project that are counter to the aims of the cluster subdivision regulations. A number of abutters were present to ask questions and to voice their concerns about traffic safety and the visual and other impacts of the development. The developers agreed to check the sight distance for the new road for compliance with engineering standards and to provide cost estimates for the public benefits offered. 4 Minutes for the Meeting of February 2, 1998 ************************ ARTICLES FOR 1998 TOWN MEETING ************************ 35 Article 32.Wireless Communications Antennas: The Board reviewed the fourth draft of the proposed amendment to control siting of wireless communications antennas in town. 36. Article 40. Outdoor Lighting: Mr. Davies provided the latest wordi of the propos mendment,which was reviewed. The meeting was adjourned at 11:46 p.m. 1 / / John L. Davies,Clerk