HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Board minutes 10-07-1996 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1996 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7.40 p.m. by Chairman Canale with members Colman, Davies, Davison, Merrill, Planning Director Bowyer, and Assistant Planner Marino present. *************************** PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT ************************** 187 Recent Activity a. Valley Road/Myrtle Street. Definitive Street Improvement Plan. Mark Barons. Rollout: Mr Marino rolled out a definitive street improvement plan for a portion of Myrtle Street, that was submitted by Mark Barons, New England Construction Company, on October 1, 1996. The staff has not reviewed the plan in detail yet. The time for action on this plan expires on November 15, 1996. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* SUBDIVISION OF LAND 188 Johnson Farm. Definitive Subdivision Plan William Hamilton. PUBLIC HEARING: Chairman Canale opened the public hearing at 7.45 p.m. Frederick DeAngelis, attorney for the applicant, introduced Gary Larson, landscape architect, of Larson Associates, Richard Waitt, engineer, of Meridian Engineering Collaborative, William and Stephen Hamilton, of Lincoln Park Realty Trust, the applicant. Twenty people were in the audience. Mr DeAngelis stated that the definitive plan before them addresses issues the Planning Board and Engineering Division raised at the preliminary plan stage. Mr Larson gave a brief history of the project, then presented plans showing a four-lot conventional subdivision with three new dwelling units on a cul de sac. One lot contains an existing dwelling. Shown on the plans are primary and secondary limit of work lines. Within the second line, no grading will occur and no vegetation will be removed save for the trimming and cleaning up of brush. Grading and clearing in the subdivision will be minimal according to the Board's request. Trees near this site work will be protected by posts and fencing. The dwellings will be sited appropriately in relation to the topography of the lots, per the Board's instructions. Mr Larson described the drainage system and other engineering details. Questions from the Planning Board included: why are tree wells not shown on the plans, what is the definition of brush, what will the drainage swale look like? Questions from the audience had to do with the placement of the houses, who owns the finished infiltration system, is there is legal force to the limit of work lines, access to Willard's Woods and the possibility of installing a "children playing" sign. Mr Hamilton answered that the need for tree wells will be determined while work is in progress; brush is basically weed growth, but he suggested a Board member come to the site when the brush is being cleaned up to determine what will be saved, he will put in a deed restriction to enforce the two limit of work lines. Also, he will provide a letter to Elizabeth Corey, 117 Burlington Street, allowing her access to Willards Woods through the subdivision land. The hearing was closed at 8.33 p.m. 189 627 Mass. Avenue. Definitive Subdivision Plan. Carter Scott. PUBLIC HEARING: Mr Canale opened the public hearing at 8.39 p.m. Carter Scott, the applicant, and Michael Weinmayr, landscape architect, were present. There were four people in the audience. Mr Scott gave a brief history of the subdivision site which is in the East Lexington historic district. He is seeking approval of a subdivision under Section 7 4.5 of the Zoning By-Law The plan shown is a combination of a previously filed sketch plan and an alternative cluster plan prepared by Meridian Engineering Collaborative and Michael Weinmayr, landscape architect. The 2 Minutes for the Meeting of October 7, 1996 subdivision consists of the Morell-Dana House and the barn/carriage house. Both will remain in their present setting and share a driveway The barn will be converted into a dwelling unit. Public benefits offered include a deed restriction on open space known as the horse pasture, restricting the size of the renovated barn, and cleaning Sickle Brook and an area around the pond. Questions from the Planning Board had to do with the monetary value of the public benefit offerings. The Lexington Housing Authority submitted as a nomination for a public benefit a request to have some work done on their house and its grounds at 561-563 Massachusetts Avenue. Laurence Kipp, 517 Massachusetts Avenue, asked why Mr Scott is going to clean up Sickle Brook. Mr Scott explained that the work is part of the public benefit resulting from a subdivision under Section 7 4.5 of the Zoning By-Law Mr Kipp applauded. The public hearing was closed at 9.09 p.m. 190. Denver Street. Definitive Subdivision Plan. Decision: The Board reviewed a draft decision prepared by the staff, dated August 7, 1996. On the motion of Mr Davies, seconded by Mr Colman, the Board voted unanimously, 4-0, to approve waiver one. On the motion of Mr Davies, seconded by Mr Colman, the Board voted unanimously to approve waiver two. On the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Mr Colman, the Board voted unanimously to approve waiver 2. On the motion of Mr Davies, seconded by Mrs. Davison, the Board voted 3-1, Mr Canale opposed, to approve waiver four On the motion of Mr Davies, seconded by Mr Colman, the Board voted unanimously to approve waiver five. On the motion of Mr Davies, seconded by Mr Colman, the Board voted 3-1, Mrs. Davison opposed, to approve waiver six. After further discussion of the draft decision, on the motion of Mr Davies, seconded by Mr Colman, the Board voted, 3-1-1, Mr Canale opposed, to. 1) approve the definitive subdivision plan, entitled "Denver Street", dated May 22, 1996; 2) approve the certificate of action, dated October 7, 1996, as amended, 3) grant a special permit with site plan review (SPS) for a planned residential development/conventional subdivision; and grant other special permits as cited in the decision; 4) approve the decision granting the special permit with site plan review (SPS), and granting other special permits as cited in the decision, dated October 7, 1996, as amended. Mr Merrill abstained as he was not present at the public hearing. DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS 191 Oakmount Circle. Richard Curtin. Definitive Street Improvement Plan. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING: Present for this item were Richard Curtin, the developer, Harley Anderson, owner of the lot, and Malcolm McDowell, engineer, of Noonan& McDowell. There were 21 people in the audience. Mr McDowell presented a definitive street construction plan for a portion of Oakmount Circle that would provide frontage for 28 Oakmount Circle. He said this plan addresses the Planning Board's concerns stated in their letter of direction after reviewing the preliminary plan. It achieves the Planning Board and neighbors' goal of having minimal impact on the existing road. He described the drainage systems and the materials to be used in construction. According to his calculations, there will be no increase in storm water run off. Questions from the Board had to do with concerns about the need for tree removal and blasting to construct the drainage system. Mr McDowell said that a substantial number of trees would have to be cut down and blasting will be necessary The Board asked about the possibility of using a porous surface on the road. Minutes for the Meeting of October 7, 1996 3 Concerns voiced by abutters to the site also included tree removal and blasting, especially the effect of blasting on Granny Pond, an increase in traffic which would pose a danger to children; and who will maintain the privately owned road. Eric Wetlaufer, 28 Oakmount Circle, pointed out that the Granny Pond Trust owns the road. Attorney Patricia Nelson noted that there is an incorrect reference on the plan to the book and page in the Registry of Deeds. In response to anxiety expressed by the neighbors about the effect of blasting on their houses, Mr McDowell said that State law requires a pre-blast survey of nearby properties. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 192. 577 551 Marrett Road. Butler Realty Sketch Cluster Subdivision Plan: Direction to staff. The Board discussed the Butlers' plans for a nine-unit cluster subdivision on Marrett Road. Most members found them adequate though they will urge the developer to substitute a smaller, less expensive unit for one of the townhouses. They will seek a scheme that requires less pavement. Mrs. Davison said that as the first example of the new cluster regulations to be proposed, people will be watching this development closely to see if diversification of the available housing stock truly is a result. She is concerned that the rather large townhouses envisioned by the developer of this site do not answer the needs of many older Lexington residents who need a smaller house. Robert Phelan, a local developer, was present and spoke in praise of the cluster format as it provides additional choices for builders. 193 94 Adams Street. Woodhaven Realty- What Expenditures May Oualifv As A Public Benefit: The Board discussed a letter, dated September 23, 1996, from Woodhaven Realty The letter asks the Planning Board to consider, as the public benefit required by Section 7 4.5 , the time Woodhaven has waited for Board action on their plans to build at 94 Adams Street and their costs for preparing plans. Mr Marino said there is no plan before the Board at this time. It is Woodhaven Realty's turn to act. The Board agreed to write to the applicant and invite him to submit another sketch plan that addresses the concerns the Board pointed out on their first sketch plan and to suggest some public benefits. RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS 194 Applications To Be Heard on October 10. 1996: Mrs. Davison gave an oral review of the following applications: 6 Plymouth Road, Richard DiFronzo, variance to replace and extend front entrance and eave overhang The Planning Board made no recommendation on this application but agreed to comment that it will be important to landscape the new entryway and replace trees that were removed when the driveway was installed. The Board had no comment on the following applications, also scheduled to be heard on October 10, 1996 4 Morris Street, special permit to add second floor over portion of dwelling R Holton Road, Frank Ferguson, variance to add a bulkhead 324 Marrett Road, Cumberland Farms, request for determ tion that the-proposed replacement of the existing GULF and price sign is a minor revision / r The meeting was adjourned at 11.26 p.m. / // Gam' John L. Davies, Clerk