HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Board minutes 07-24-1996 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JULY 24, 1996 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7.38 p.m. by Chairman Davison, with members Canale, Colman, Davies, Planning Director Bowyer, and Assistant Planner Marino present. Mr Merrill was absent. *************************** PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT ************************** 143 Recent Activity a. 627 Massachusetts Avenue. Definitive Subdivision Plan. Carter Scott. Rollout: Mr Marino rolled out a defmitive subdivision plan for the 627 Massachusetts Avenue development that was submitted by Carter Scott on July 15, 1996. The staff has not reviewed the plan in detail yet. The time for action on this plan expires on November 27, 1996. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* SUBDIVISION OF LAND 144 Denver Street. Definitive Subdivision Plan. Robert Phelan, PUBLIC HEARTNG: Mrs. Davison opened the hearing at 7 48 p.m. Present for this public hearing were Robert Phelan, applicant, Paul Phelan, owner of the property, Gary Larson, landscape architect of Larson Associates, Richard Waitt of Meridian Engineering, and a number of interested neighbors and persons, including Joyce Miller, chairman of the Lexington Conservation Commission. Mr Waitt presented a compliance plan for land adjacent to 10 Denver Street and 15 Bellflower Street showing Denver Street as a through street from Cedar Street to Bellflower Street. He described the long history of this development proposal, which began in 1992. He then presented an alternative plan for a one-lot subdivision that shows a stub dead end road on a low bridge over the wetland area. He described the type of bridge that is proposed to be built and the drainage system. Mrs. Miller explained that the bridge will obviate the need to replicate damaged wetlands. The Board asked a number of questions having to do with the proposed stub dead end street, utilities, the applicant's plan for protecting existing vegetation, and the impact on the neighborhood. Janice Bryan, 48 Allen Street, asked why the Planning Board grants waivers of their Development Regulations rather than disapproving the application. Other members of the audience asked questions about the frontage requirement, the configuration of the road, and stated their thoughts about the proposed development. Most of them were concerned that it would unfavorably alter their neighborhood. 145 Revision to Policy on Subsection 7 4.5 The Board reviewed and revised a draft document entitled Procedure to Implement Section 7 4.5, Frontage Reduction in Small Subdivisions On the motion of Mr Canale, seconded by Mrs. Davison, the Board voted unanimously, 4-0, to approve the wording of the policy, as amended. 146. 22 Revere Street. Whitney Realty Trust. Sketch Subdivision Plan. Presentation: Present for this item were Gary Larson, landscape architect, of Larson Associates, and Daniel Whitney, applicant and owner of the land. Mr Larson presented a sketch plan for a subdivision under Section 7 4.5, Lots in a Small Subdivision. The owner proposes to maintain the existing home at 22 Revere Street and construct one dwelling on the rear lot and offer a public benefit instead of building a standard subdivision street. Mr Whitney proposes to donate 26,000 square feet of land to the Town for conservation land as the required public benefit. This land will provide a buffer for the bikepath which passes close by the Whitney property 2 Minutes for the Meeting of July 24, 1996 The Board questioned Mr Whitney about the retention of the existing structure which the compliance plan shows as being demolished. David Williams of the Conservation Commission, identified Mr Whitney's ' property near the bikepath as a very critical piece of conservation land. Mr Canale asked Mr Whitney if he would consider a restriction to protect the land along the bikepath. Mr Whitney said he is willing to do that. DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS 147 Valley Road. Preliminary Street Construction Plan. Mark Barons. Presentation: Mark Barons, President of New England Construction, Inc., the applicant, Edmund Grant, attorney, and Thomas Flynn, engineer of T.A. Flynn Associates, were present for this item. Mr. Grant described the plan which would improve to adequate grade and construction a portion of Valley Road in front of a corner lot at Valley Road and Myrtle Street, both unaccepted streets. The Building Commissioner has ruled that the lot is grandfathered and buildable. Questions from the Board dealt with: the width of the road, how many houses the improved street will serve, if he would extend the paving farther if the road can be narrower than shown on the plan, and drainage. Michael Sacco, Valley Road, complained that when he built his house on Valley Road with only 75 feet of frontage, he had to pave 300 feet of Valley Road. He encouraged the Board to require the applicant to start where the improvements that he himself was required to make end and to improve to the end of Myrtle Street and to patch the large pothole in Valley Road. 148. 94 Adams Street. Woodhaven Realty Sketch Subdivision Plan. Direction to Staff to Prenare Decision Mr Bowyer informed the Board that the Conservation Commission issued an Order of Conditions for this property based on a plan that showed construction of one new house. An appeal has been filed on the order of conditions. The Board agreed that there should be only two structures on the site. They believe that applicant should either add on to the existing structure and build one house or tear down the existing house and build two new houses. Mr Davies asked if there was a particular buyer for the carriage house. The Board also want to see access from only one road, either Brent or Adams, but preferably from Brent. The Board would like to see the public benefit defined more clearly The developer offered to give money to be used to examine and improve the hydrology of the area but the amount of money is lower than the Board's guidelines. Mr Bowyer suggested that the Board wait until the engineering department has determined the cost of road and until input from other boards and committees has been received. The Board agreed that the applicant should be directed to next submit a preliminary plan, if not another sketch plan, and then a definitive plan. Some members of the Board thought that a public benefit would be to construct a bikepath through the site that would connect two bike paths in the neighborhood. 149 Old Staring Street. Mel Mattocchia. Sketch Subdivision Plan. Decision: The Board reviewed and revised a draft decision, dated July 22, 1996. After some discussion, on the motion of Mr Canale, seconded by Mr Davies, the Board voted unanimously, 4-0, to approve the decision, as amended. Minutes for the Meeting of July 24, 1996 3 RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS 150 Applications TO He Heard On August 8, 1996 Mrs. Davison gave an oral review of the following applications: 343 Bedford Street, Philip and Vicki Lanoue, variance to replace side entrance The Planning Board would like to be assured that every effort will be made to save the cedar tree adjacent to the porch. 223 East Street, Sallie Haywood, variances to build two-car carport The Planning Board agreed that the applicants have not demonstrated that they meet the statutory criteria for granting a variance, i.e., that they would suffer substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, owing to circumstances relating to the soil conditions, shape or topography of the land or structures if a variance from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law is not granted. The Board agreed to make no comment on the applications below also scheduled to be heard by the Board of Appeals on August 8, 1996. 2 Leroy Road, Alejandro Chu, special permit to add two gable dormers 6 Sherman Street, Michael and Sally Lehman, special permit to add second story 9 Woodcliffe Road, Jonathan Rawle, special permit to add second story The meeting was adjourned at 11.20 p.m. 64144jil Frederick L. Merrill, Jr., Clerk