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Lexington Housing Partnership Board (HPB) Meeting Minutes for September 28, 2023
Attendees: Cindy Arens (Sustainable Lexington liaison), Nanette Byrnes, Harriet Cohen (Clerk), Jeri
Foutter (Chair), Jill Hai (Select Board liaison), Margaret Heitz, Charles Hornig (Planning Board), Paul
Linton, Wendy Manz, Bob Pressman, Melanie Thompson, Betsey Weiss, John Zhao (COA)
Absent: Sarah Morrison (LexHAB)
Guests: None
The Housing Partnership Board (HPB) meeting was chaired by Jeri Foutter and minutes were taken by
Harriet Cohen. The meeting was held remotely via Zoom teleconference.
1. Call to Order: Housing Partnership Board Meeting
Ms. Foutter called the meeting to order at 7:30. The roll was called.
2. Special Residential Development (SRD) Six Units or Less - Payment in Lieu Discussions
Ms. Manz pointed out that the Payment-in-Lieu discussion is moot. The Payment-in-Lieu issue
was voted on at the Planning Board meeting on Sept. 27. The Planning Board discussed the
amount of the Payment-in-Lieu at length and then voted to approve the Payment-in-Lieu at
$325/square foot.
Ms. Manz noted that communications from Ms. Manz and Ms. Weiss regarding the Payment-in-
Lieu message was sent to individuals rather than to the HPB mailing list. No action was
requested from the Housing Partnership Board. Mr. Hornig pointed out that this could be
considered a violation of the Open Meeting Law. The HPB will be cognizant of this in the future.
Mr. Pressman asked, given the lack of applications for Open Space Residential Developments
(OSRDs), whether it was likely that SRD applications would be received. Mr. Hornig said that
SRDs are more attractive than OSRDs. He added that, based on his information, it is likely that
SRD applications will be made to the Planning Board.
Ms. Weiss thanked the Planning Board and the Planning Department for their excellent work.
3. Vote on Real Estate Transfer Fee (RETF) Working Group Motion of Support
In preparation for votes relative to recommendations on the RETF, Ms. Heitz offered members
of the HPB the opportunity to state their view on the RETF.
Mr. Hornig stated that he thought there were better ways to provide funds for affordable
housing and that he is opposed to recommending that the Select Board endorse the bill.
Ms. Thompson expressed her concerns about recommending endorsement of a bill that is not
Mr. Zhao said that Mr. Linton had provided an overview of the RETF at the Council on Aging
earlier in the month. Because of the timing of the overview at the COA and the motion tonight,
Mr. Zhao did not have a formal recommendation from the COA on the RETF. His feedback, both
from the discussion at the COA and personally is that they are supportive of affordable housing,
specifically including affordable housing for seniors. They are also concerned about the impact
of the fee on seniors who may have to move into assisted living.
Mr. Pressman said that we should consider that houses in Lexington have a high value because
of the school system, recreation services, and the generally high quality of services from the
Town. Mr. Pressman offered his opinion that it would be reasonable for sellers to have a modest
payment when they sell their house to give back to the Town for the high value of their home
due to the services provided..
Mr. Pressman also responded to the comment from Mr. Hornig that there are better ways to
provide funding by noting that there will likely only be limited CPA funds for affordable housing.
Ms. Manz said that since this provides an opportunity for affordable housing and we could
determine later if and how to implement that she is in support of the HPB endorsing the RETF to
the Select Board.
Ms. Heitz supports both motions. Lexington should consider all options for raising money for
affordable housing. Housing in Lexington should be available to people with a range of incomes,
which is not possible now. The HPB should recommend to the Select Board that they endorse
the RETF bill. This will help the bill make progress in the state legislature. If changes are made to
the bill that are inconsistent with Town values, the endorsement can be revoked. Staying on the
sidelines will do nothing for affordable housing. Ms. Heitz endorses the recommendation that
the Select Board create a special committee to study if and how a transfer fee will be
Ms. Hai had previously asked about the interplay between the surcharge home rule petitions
and the RETF bill. The second motion, which recommends that a study committee be
established to study the possibly implementation of the RETF would be the appropriate vehicle
for understanding the interplay. This addresses the concern that Ms. Hai had expressed earlier.
Mr. Pressman pointed out that, based on a realtor’s list in the Lexington Times of the 139
Lexington home sales in the first 6 months of the year, the median selling price was $1,775,000.
A senior exemption ought to take into consideration the resources that the senior citizen
Mr. Hornig responded to Mr. Pressman’s comments by saying that, rather than asking the
limited set of property owners who sell their property in any given time period to pay for the
benefits received, the Town should charge all property owners for that benefit. Mr. Hornig also
noted that if the Town wants to build more affordable housing, that the Town should allocate
additional money from Town funds to that cause. The Town could also allocate land that was
gifted to it for affordable housing.
Ms. Heitz moved the following motion: to recommend that the Select Board endorse passage of
the statewide Real Estate Transfer Fee Bill (H.2747/S.1771), an act granting a local option for a
real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing.
Ms. Cohen seconded the motion.
In favor: Mr. Pressman, Ms. Weiss, Ms. Cohen, Ms. Heitz, Ms. Manz, Mr. Linton, Mr. Zhao,
Ms. Byrnes, Ms. Foutter
Against: Mr. Hornig
Abstaining: Ms. Thompson
Ms. Heitz moved the following motion: to recommend that if the RETF bill passes the Select
Board appoint a committee (similar to the Affordable Housing Trust study committee) to study if
and how to use the RETF option and with what parameters.
Ms. Cohen seconded the motion.
In favor: Mr. Pressman, Ms. Weiss, Ms. Cohen, Ms. Heitz, Ms. Manz, Mr. Linton, Mr. Zhao,
Ms. Thompson, Ms. Byrnes, Ms. Foutter
Against: Mr. Hornig
Abstaining: none
4. Update on Property (formerly Land Acquisition) Policy Recommendation School Committee,
Historical Commission and Conservation comment
The School Committee had some questions on the proposed policy, but the Planning
Department will need to confirm Ms. Weiss’ responses. They have been too busy to do so. Ms.
Weiss said that she will be putting in an application for a part-time housing resource to the
Community Preservation Committee.
Ms. Hai recommended that the HPB write a letter recommending a part-time housing resource.
The budget is being considered and such a letter would be timely.
Mr. Pressman reminded the HPB that one of the goals submitted to the Select Board was for a
housing resource.
The target is for a final draft of the policy to be reviewed and voted on by the HPB at the
October meeting.
5. Vote on Housing Partnership Board Town Report
The HPB reviewed and discussed the town report and suggested some edits.
Ms. Weiss moved that we accept the proposed reports with the edits made at this meeting.
In favor: Mr. Pressman, Ms. Weiss, Ms. Cohen, Ms. Heitz, Ms. Manz, Mr. Linton, Mr. Zhao,
Ms. Byrnes, Ms. Foutter, Ms. Thompson, Mr. Hornig
Against: none
Abstaining: none
Ms. Foutter took a screenshot of those on Zoom to submit as the HPB picture for the Town
6. Updates
Community Preservation Committee: Mr. Pressman: the CPC had their first meeting. Carolyn
Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance, showed a draft chart of revenues and balances.
She will bring a final version to the next CPC meeting. She anticipates a lower state match this
year than last as there have been fewer transactions in the past year than last year.
The CPC also discussed the funding of the Affordable Housing Trust and LexHAB. The CPC
discussed whether, given LexHAB’s change in status, LexHAB can receive pre-funding or could
only expect to be making certain kinds of applications only to the AHT. That discussion did not
finish. The CPC recommended that the Lexington Housing Authority, the AHT, and LexHAB meet
to discuss CPC recommendations. On Oct. 10, the CPC will have a discussion with the 3 entities
The AHT said that they would like to get between $3.2M and $4M dollars in CPC funding.
Recreation has identified a need for $2M in funding. Last year, Mr. Malloy said that this year the
Town would seek $5M for the Stone Building. There is also a suggestion that the CPA should pay
part of the cost of redoing the children’s room in the library. It is unlikely that there will be
enough CPA money (current and anticipated) to fund all of these and other projects.
Mr. Linton noted that there are many demands on the Town and the CPC for affordable housing
and he is concerned that affordable housing will continue to be crowded out.
Planning Board: Mr. Hornig noted that the Planning Board completed the regulations for SRDs
and are waiting to see if there are applications. The Planning Board expects there will be
LexHAB: Ms. Morrison provided the following update via email:
Upcoming Events
1. Saturday, October 28, 5-7pm ‘HOME’ art exhibit at the Nye Gallery, 130 Waltham Street- a
collaboration between LexArt and LexHAB- up through Nov. 19
2. Thursday, November 2, 5-7pm ‘HOME’ Housing Roundtable at the Nye Gallery with
representatives from the Planning Board, Regional Housing Services Organization, LexRAP,
LexHAB, and more
3. Thursday, November 16, 5:30-7:30 ‘HOME’ Fundraiser to celebrate and support LexHAB’s
mission at the Nye Gallery: art, wine, appetizers with raffle. Please spread the word. $25 a ticket
1. LexHAB executed a contract with MA Clean Energy to fund decarbonization initiative- looking
for consultant to assess buildings and develop short- and long-term sustainability plan
2. LexHAB is in progress on installing heat pumps in majority of buildings thanks to Mass Saves,
looking for funding for greener building materials and building system upgrades not included in
Mass Saves work
3. LexHAB is beginning new solar panel installation
4. LexHAB is preparing application to CPC
5. LexHAB is working with Town to draft a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in
preparation for transition to 501(c)(3)- Home Rule petition still pending.
Lexington Housing Authority: there was no update.
Council on Aging (COA): Mr. Zhao: At the Sept. 6 meeting, Mr. Linton presented on the RETF.
The presentation was well received and there was a robust discussion.
The COA had invited Assistant Planning Director Sheila Page, to present on the bike path and the
pedestrian safety program. The COA encouraged Ms. Page to get additional input from seniors
regarding the pedestrian safety program. The COA also had some recommendations to address
senior concerns with the safety program.
Sustainable Lexington Committee: Ms. Arens had one addition to Ms. Morrison’s report. In
regard to adding solar panels to LexHAB properties, LexHAB is eligible for a tax rebate on the
installation of the solar panels. The rebate will cover 30% of the cost of the project, plus another
20% rebate because the project is benefitting low- and middle-income households. In total,
LexHAB should receive half the price of the project in rebates.
LexHAB, the LHA, the high school, the LABB program and the METCO program will have an
evening at the high school on Oct. 25 to provide information on housing in Lexington. Ms. Arens
and Maggie Peard will participate to educate people on discounts for electricity and gas bills for
those with limited incomes.
There are discussions about expanding Lexpress so that more community members have access
to transportation.
Affordable Housing Trust (AHT): The AHT presented on the Lowell St. feasibility study at the
Select Board meeting on Sept. 18. Ms. Heitz attended the most recent meeting. The AHT is
moving to both collect and spend money on affordable housing.
The AHT discussed the housing feasibility study presentation. Ms. Heitz attended that
presentation. Mark Sandeen seemed to be most interested in the model that of 100% affordable
housing for households at 60% of AMI (Area Median Income).
7. Appointments and Re-appointments
Mr. Zhao has been appointed to the HPB as a voting member. Ms. Weiss and Ms. Thompson
have been reappointed to the HPB.
8. Set Oct. meeting and Thank You Party Date
The next meeting date is Oct. 17 at 7:00 pm. The sense of the HPB was to continue meeting on
Zoom rather than in person.
The thank you party for departing HPB members will be on Nov. 15 at 7:00 pm at Fiorello’s in
Lexington center. This is a social event rather than an HPB meeting.
9. New Business
There was no new business.
10. Minutes July 27, August 17, August 24, and Sept. 14, 2023
Ms. Weiss moved approval of the minutes of July 27. Ms. Cohen seconded. Mr. Pressman
In favor: Ms. Weiss, Ms. Cohen, Ms. Heitz, Ms. Manz, Mr. Linton, Mr. Zhao, Ms. Byrnes, Ms.
Foutter, Ms. Thompson, Mr. Hornig
Against: none
Abstaining: Mr. Pressman
Ms. Weiss moved approval of August 17, August. 24, and Sept. 14 minutes. Ms. Cohen
In favor: Mr. Pressman, Ms. Weiss, Ms. Cohen, Ms. Heitz, Ms. Manz, Mr. Linton, Mr. Zhao,
Ms. Byrnes, Ms. Foutter, Ms. Thompson, Mr. Hornig
Against: none
Abstaining: none
11. Adjournment
Ms. Weiss moved adjournment; Ms. Cohen seconded the motion.
In favor: Mr. Pressman, Ms. Weiss, Ms. Cohen, Ms. Heitz, Ms. Manz, Mr. Linton, Mr. Zhao,
Ms. Byrnes, Ms. Foutter, Ms. Thompson, Mr. Hornig
Against: none
Abstaining: none
The meeting adjourned at 9:07 pm.