HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023.02.15 FB Meeting Minutes - ApprovedCARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY FULL BOARD MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES 12:00 PM Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Virtual Meeting Call to Order – Suzie Barry, Trustee Chair 12:03 pm   Board Members Present: Suzie Barry, Joe Pato, Eileen Jay, Rabbi Amy Hertz (arrived 12:09 PM), Barbara Callaghan (arrived 12:11 PM), Rev. Reebee Girash, Deepika Sawhney (left at 12:32 PM), Kathleen Lenihan (left at 12:36), Jill Hai, Doug Lucente, Mark Sandeen Staff: Koren Stembridge, Laura Bernheim, Susan Lusk, Kate Leppanen, Alissa Lauzon Foundation: Maryellen Ringo Friends: Ethie Slate Facilities: Mike Cronin (arrived 12:09 pm)    Public Comment - None   Secretary’s Minutes October 19, 2022 Full Board Meeting Motion to approve the Full Board Trustee Minutes from 10/19/22 as corrected by Suzy Barry. Seconded by Jill Hai. Roll Call Vote: 9-0 approved.   Building Updates Children’s Room/Large Meeting Room Project - Next Steps: The Trustees need to make some decisions today regarding the library renovation project. Mike Cronin from Public Facilities has joined and will answer questions as needed. Would like to restate the drivers for the Children’s project from 2019 (see slide): Safety in Children’s Room, particularly sightlines that we cannot currently see. Accessibility. We have LABBB/Cotting students every week with mobility challenges. Storytime room is too small for most of our programs. Staff space is too small for current staff and poorly located. LMR is well-worn from use over the past 15 years and needs update. At the time that we requested the feasibility study we did not have current info regarding the HVAC system; this information was added in 2022. A brief history of the project starting in March 2019 (see slide). March 2019 TM votes $100K for feasibility study.  Fall 2019-Winter 2020 Community/stakeholder meetings held. Space consultant hired.  March 2020 Project paused due to COVID.  Spring-Summer 2022 Additional community engagement, architect hired, HVAC review.  Fall 2022 Conversations with Town to determine best course of action.   The first decision that needs to be made is whether we move forward as a single project (just lower level) or combined project (all floors including HVAC) (see slide). FY25 CH Room, LMR, lower level HVAC and restrooms. $6.5-$7M 9-12 mth closure of lower level with occasional full-building closures.  FY29 Remaining HVAC and other capital needs $15M 12-18-month closure entire building   Recommendation is to move forward with Phase I Lower Level improvements due to safety and programmatic benefits. Per Suzie Barry, at the Executive Board meeting on 2/1/23, the four Trustees present voted in full support of splitting the projects and moving forward at this time. Doug Lucente asked about the staff/patron parking piece; most projects require a laydown area and the parking lot is a premium on most days. Also, what is the staff reaction to the concept with regards to construction and crowded spaces? Koren stated that the small staff lot will be used as the laydown area. HVAC equipment would need to be installed with the running of two different HVAC systems. Staff would have to park in other town parking areas; currently most staff park at Redeemer. Staff sees the greater good of this project and they want to see the changes accomplished. Will be a complicated plan developed by staff, but have done this before with Transformative Spaces. Mark Sandeen had questions regarding the expanding of the scope from $3M to $6M, and how the closing of the LMR on the Lower Level will affect patrons. Mike Cronin answered that the cost estimates for HVAC are full replacement of the entire lower level for $1M and all areas will go to a Variable Refrigerant System (VRF) which has been used in other buildings in town. This is a complicated system that is fully sub-separate. Will work with HDC on where to situate this equipment. The $3-6M was a construction number and did not include a contingency and soft costs associated that include FF&E (furniture, fixtures and equipment; non-built in furniture). Koren explained that when the library reopened after COVID, the LMR was not reopened to the public. We can also move our adult programs back to Zoom and utilize the Community Center for story times. Mark Sandeen stated he strongly supports the plan of two projects. Jill Hai also supports the two projects; has a question for Mike Cronin on how the lower level HVAC will be affected when the second project for HVAC upgrades in the upper two levels is completed. Mike Cronin responded that there is always a risk, but the water systems will be isolated from any impact to the lower level. Motion by Suzie Barry to move forward with Phase I of the library's capital needs project; seconded by Doug Lucente. Roll call vote 11-0 approved. The second decision to be made is for project funding: Library (Private Funding) $1.5M $750K each Endowment/Foundation Capital Campaign  DPF $600K Pre-existing HVAC capital article  CPA $2.5M CPC funds  Town $2.0M Remaining funds needed   Library Resources State Aid $150K Receive each year from state  Library Foundation $200K Funding earmarked for ChiRP  Library Endowment $150K Unrestricted account – discretionary funds   Motion by Suzie Barry to approve $500K use of library non-municipal funds for the purpose of completing the Phase I Capital Design Project; seconded by Jill Hai. Roll call vote 9-0 approved. Foundation Updates Maryellen Ringo, President - Cary Library Foundation Annual appeal campaign for fall completed that is used to fund collections and programs. Upcoming Literary Café and Science Café programs, gearing up for the ChiRP campaign.   Friends Updates Ethie Slate, President – Friends of Cary Library Book sale revenue slightly higher than pre-Covid period. Sold over 11K books. Fall membership drive has returned to pre-Covid numbers. Initiated a new program series called Beyond the Library that promotes services not in the library. This includes 23 museum passes offered by the library, virtual programs and repurposing of books to promote literacy.    Administrative Updates Director’s Report Thank you to the Trustees, School Committee members, Select Board members and clergy for your care and concern in supporting the library. It takes a village and we are lucky to have that here. Hopeful the Parker Meadow StoryWalk will survive but that ultimately is the domain of the Conservation Commission. Koren and Suzie had a meeting with the Conservation Commission administrator and the chair of the Conservation Commission to express concerns as to what unfolded at the last meeting regarding the Parker Meadow StoryWalk. The discussion will continue at their next meeting on Monday, 3/6/23, at 6:30 PM. Suzie encourages board members to attend if possible and/or write a letter to the Conservation Commission in support of the StoryWalk.   New Business Next Executive Board meeting will be on Wednesday, 3/1/23 at 12:30 pm via Zoom. Next Full Board meeting will be on Wednesday, 5/17/23 at 12:00 pm. Doug Lucente brought up the issue that due to the scheduling of Trustee meetings there are limited clergy in attendance. Barbara Callaghan suggests increasing awareness of the role of clergy to LICA. Rabbi Amy Hertz reiterated that it is a lack of understanding or awareness of the role and need. Rev. Reebee Girash mentioned that there has also been a lot of transition in many of the congregations. Suggested to invite groups that want to be highlighted to LICA come to a meeting and be added to the agenda. Rabbi Amy Hertz stated a lot of clergy act as educators in the communities and wondered if they could be considered. What are the qualifications to serve on the Trustees Full Board as a clergy person? Do you need to be ordained by your tradition. This would preclude some representatives from the interfaith community. Announcements None.   Adjournment (vote) Motion to adjourn: Doug Lucente, Second: Barbara Callaghan. Vote 9-0 at 12:55 pm.