HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022.09.15 EB Minutes Final CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES 1:00 PM Thursday, September 15, 2022 Virtual Meeting   Attendees: Board: Suzie Barry, Joe Pato, Rev. Claire Feingold Thoryn, Eileen Jay, Rabbi Amy Hertz (arrived at 1:42 PM) Staff: Koren Stembridge, Laura Bernheim, Susan Lusk, Cathie Ghorbani, Kate Leppanen, Alissa Lauzon Guests: Semoon Oh-VAV International, Mike Cronin-Facilities, Shawn Newell-Facilities, Mark Barrett-Facilities,   Call to Order – Suzie Barry, Trustee Chair 1:02 PM   Public Comment No comments.   Secretary’s Minutes – June 1, 2022 Executive Board Meeting Motion to accept as presented by Suzie Barry. Seconded by Joe Pato. Vote 4-0 approved.    Building Updates Children’s Room/Large Meeting Room Project Update Koren Stembridge gave an overview of the particulars of the project. The process started three years ago but was stalled due to COVID. With help from Mike Cronin and Mark Barrett of Facilities, we have started working with the architectural firm of J. Stuart Roberts Company to design a new Children’s space and update the Large Meeting Room. As the building’s HVAC system is nearing end of life (in 5-7 years), a building-wide HVAC assessment was conducted to determine next steps. Options include: Proceed with the lower level project now and wait on the HVAC for the upper two floors Postpone the whole project for 5-7 years and do all HVAC at same time as renovation Mike Cronin stated that firstly we need to acknowledge that we started this project a couple of years ago with a Capital Project request for replacing some of the VAV units, and decided at the time to hold off on this due to the Children’s Project being put forth. Now we need to figure out the right solution for the entire building. Some items to note: Consensus from Board is to invite Mike Cronin and Semoon Oh to the October Full Board meeting to answer questions from the full board.   Administrative Updates Director’s Report Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion updates. Annual report to trustees included an overview of DEI work from the previous year. Town is looking at an accessibility assessment for all of the older town buildings. The library had this piece as part of our IDEAS plan, be will instead be included in town-wide plan   New Business Update to 2022 Holiday Closure Memo (vote). Suzie Barry motioned to approve two items as presented. Claire Feingold Thoryn seconded. Roll call vote 4-0 approved.  2023 Holiday Closure Memo (vote). Suzie Barry motioned to approve as presented. Claire Feingold Thoryn seconded. Roll call vote 4-0 approved. Upcoming Meeting Dates Check in on upcoming meeting dates for Trustees. Koren will send out a Doodle poll to Trustees regarding the best times for availability and April meeting addition. Decided that there will be no October 2022, February 2023 or May 2023 Executive Board Meetings as Full Board Meetings are scheduled for these three months.   Old Business Stone Building Mina Makarious, Town Counsel will explain the process if trustees are interested in removing themselves from the deed at the October meeting. The Select Board received the report from the Stone Building Feasibility Committee and from that instructed the Town Manager to look into what could be done with building. Mike Cronin has begun to engage with the architect to see what could be done structurally. He’s had some very preliminary conversations with Marilyn Fenollosa, the chair of the Community Preservation Committee regarding funds for this project. The Town Manager has agreed to loop Koren into the RFP process for the building program from the prospective that until the Trustees are not responsible for the Stone building, they are. Suzie Barry would entertain public comments: Katheleen Dalton, 214 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington MA - The Reuse Committee and the Stone Building advocates are joining together and will possibly be bidding in the RFP process. No other comments. HDC Nominations The Board needs to come up with two names to consider for an associate member on the HDC.   Announcements None Adjournment (vote) Motion to adjourn at 2:00 pm by Claire Feingold Thoryn. Seconded by Eileen Jay. Roll call vote 5-0 approved.