HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022.12.07 EB Minutes Approved  CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES 12:30 PM Wednesday, December 7, 2022 VIRTUAL MEETING Attendees: Board: Suzie Barry, Joe Pato, Rev. Claire Feingold Thoryn, Eileen Jay, Rabbi Amy Hertz (arrived 12:35 PM) Staff: Koren Stembridge, Laura Bernheim, Susan Lusk, Cathie Ghorbani, Kate Leppanen, Alissa Lauzon  Friends: Ethie Slate   Call to Order – Suzie Barry, Trustee Chair 12:33 PM   Public Comment No public comments.   Secretary’s Minutes – September 15, 2022 Executive Board Meeting Motion to approve Rev. Claire Feingold Thoryn. Seconded by Joe Pato. Vote 5-0 approved.   Financial Updates Municipal Funds – As of 10/31/22, we are exactly where we expect to be at this time of the year at 36% expended. FY24 Budget – Senior managers were asked to submit a level-funding services budget this year. Because the Town’s finances are tight this year, the Town Manager has asked departments to review these budgets for possible cuts. The library has adjusted a couple of budget lines to meet the Town Manager’s request. Administrative Updates Director’s Report Carybokaflod – Wednesday, 12/16/22. An evening of cozy reading. Programming Manager Helen Lui and Library Trustee, Brent Maracle worked on a series of history, culture, and craft programs featuring Native Indigenous People. Programs were held between August - December 2022 and were extremely well attended. Many thanks to Brent for helping the library make these connections.   Building Updates Update on current Capital Projects (projects already funded and in process) IT Dept. project will update the wireless in building and switch over some servers and safety/security of our network to Town IT. The library will need to close to the public in the spring for 3-4 days to complete this work. Renovation project update CHIRP/HVAC – The price tag for a combined Lower Level renovation and full building HVAC replacement is $20M. Conversations over the course of the fall with the Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager for Finance, and the Capital Expenditures Committee have all resulted in recommendations to tackle these two projects separately. The Executive Board will discuss this at their next meeting, and will make a recommendation for how best to move forward to the Full Board at their February 15th meeting. New Business Executive Board appointment Ms. Barry thanked Rev. Feingold Thoryn for her time on the Executive Board. Ms. Barry recused herself from this vote as she works professionally with one of the candidates. Mr. Pato acted as Chair in Ms. Barry’s absence. Barbara Callaghan and Brent Maracle both submitted statements of interest in filling the remainder of Rev. Feingold Thoryn’s term. Vote was 3 for B. Callaghan, 1 for B. Maracle, with S. Barry not participating in the vote. Ms. Barry rejoined the meeting at 1:21 PM   Old Business HDC Nominations – update Since last meeting conversations with Jill Hai, Chair of the Select Board, about joint recruitment effort. Working on process at moment. Stone Building The Select Board voted to authorize Town counsel to begin the process of seeking modification of the Stone Building deed restriction to remove the Library Trustees from their role determining reuse of the building. This process will likely take about a year. Announcements None Adjournment   Motion to adjourn: Rev. Feingold Thoryn. Seconded: J. Pato. Roll call vote 5-0 to adjourn at 1:25 PM