HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-09-BOS-packet-released SELECTMEN'S MEETING Monday, May 9, 2016 Selectmen Meeting Room 5:45 PM AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are allowed for up to 10 minutes at the beginning of each meeting. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes for comment. Members of the Board will neither comment nor respond, other than to ask questions of clarification. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Selectmen's Office at 781-698-4580 if they wish to speak during public comment to assist the Chairman in managing meeting times. SELECTMAN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS TOWN MANAGER REPORT ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Reorganization of the Board (5 min) . Effective at the dissolution of the Special Town Meeting 2016-4, Special Town Meeting 2016-2 and the 2016 Annual Town Meeting 2. Presentation of the Richard Bechtel Design Award for ACROSS Lexington(5 min) 3. Selectmen Appointments (5 min) a. Center Streetscape Design Review Committee(Ad hoc) b. Town Celebrations Subcommittee 4. Increase Facilities Department FY16 Rental Revolving Fund(5 min) 5. Center Trial Traffic Safety Decision(30 min) 6. Article Presentations/Discussion/Positions (30 min) ADJOURN 1. Approximate Adjourn Time 7:05 PM The next meeting of the Board of Selectmen is scheduled for Monday, May 23, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. Hearing Assistance Device.s Available on Repast All agenda time and the order of items are approximate and �e t11y�Ylll 1pid ia subject to change. Recorded by LezMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Reorganization of the Board (5 min) ITEM PRESENTER: NUMBER: I.1 SUMMARY: The Chairman of the Board of Selectmen is elected annually after the dissolution of the Annual Town Meeting. Due to travel schedules, the Board will select a new chair before the end of Town Meeting to be effective after the conclusion of the currently open Annual and Special Town Meetings. SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to elect chair of the Board of Selectmen. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 5/9/2016 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Presentation of the Richard Bechtel Design Award for ACROSS Lexington(5 min) PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Keith Ohmart, Chair, Greenways Corridor Committee 1.2 SUMMARY: Keith Ohmart, Greenways Corridor Committee, requested the opportunity to present their recently received 2016 Richard Bechtel Design Award for outstanding community design in honor of ACROSS Lexington the Rick Abrams Memorial trail system. The Richard Bechtel Design Award is given annually by the local architecture firm of Bechtel Frank Erickson to recognize outstanding examples of built design in the Lexington community. The award recognizing the ACROSS Lexington system is the first for a project that is not a building. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 5/9/2016 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Selectmen Appointments (5 min) ITEM PRESENTER: NUMBER: 1.3 SUMMARY: The Board is being asked to appoint Jonathan Himmel to serve on the Center Streetscape Design Review Ad Hoc Committee as the representative from the Tourism Committee. The Board is being asked to appoint June Baer and Richard Crogan to the Town Celebrations Committee. SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to appoint Jonathan Himmel to the Center Streetscape Design Review Ad Hoc Committee. Motion to appoint June Baer and Richard Crogan to the Town Celebrations Committee, as members of the Subcommittee, for a term to expire June 30, 2017. FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen's Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 5/9/2016 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type D Center Streetscape Design Review Committee Charge Backup Material CENTER STREETSCAPE DESIGN REVIEW AD HOC COMMITTEE Members: 9 Members (6 liaisons, 1 Chair as non-voting facilitator) Appointed by: Board of Selectmen Length of Term: Upon completion of all recommendations to the Board of Selectmen in accordance with the established deliverables schedule as outlined below. Meeting Times: As determined by the Committee. Provide for a minimum of two evening meetings to solicit public comment Description: To evaluate and make a recommendation on the various design elements (excluding engineering items related to traffic) for the Center Streetscape Project. Vision: The Center Streetscape Project is envisioned as a capital improvement effort that, when completed, will enable Lexington Center to achieve its many objectives of providing an inclusive, vibrant, welcoming environment. The project will do this by enhancing and preserving the Center's historic resources, addressing much needed maintenance, and augmenting streetscape amenities to support and expand commerce, tourism, and leisure activities. The project vision recognizes that all its users -visitors, residents, and employees - must be able to safely and comfortably access the center through all modes of transportation. Mission: To ensure that Lexington Center continues to be the hub of Lexington's commercial, social and leisure activity, where all are welcome in the celebration of Community. The work of the Ad Hoc Center Streetscape Design Review Committee will include making recommendations to the Board of Selectmen on the following design elements as presented by the Town of Lexington Engineering Division in consultation/conjunction with the Center Streetscape Project Consultant in the order listed: • Sidewalks (material&width,pedestrian safety and convenience) • Street Lighting (style) • Buffers (stone walls, thin planters etc.) • Seating (benches, tables, chairs) • Bicycle amenities (racks, loops) • Informational Signage • Trash/Recycle Receptacles I • Planters (type, location) • Landscaping (trees, shrubs, soil used) • Educational and Interpretive Elements (wayfinding, historical interpretive signage, markers, bollards, fencing etc.) • Maintenance and upkeep The Center Streetscape Project design phase has a defined scope of improving the safety and accessibility for all modes of transportation (vehicular,pedestrian, bicycle, busses) on the roadway and sidewalks within the defined Center Streetscape project area of Massachusetts Avenue at Woburn Street westerly to Meriam Street(exclusive of the Battle Green Master Plan area). The Committee is reminded of the affirmative vote of the Spring 2015 Annual Town Meeting on Article 42-Commission on Disability Request(149-10) and Article 45-Townwide Process for Safety (160-0). The former vote called on the Town to utilize materials in sidewalk construction that would minimize vibration and the latter vote directed the Town to focus efforts on improving bicycle and pedestrian safety. The Committee is also reminded of the Town's recent Complete Streets policy adoption, a copy of which policy is attached. Deliverables: • Tier 1 by September 15th,2016 • The sidewalk materials and widths of the various materials as well as the decision on the south side newer sidewalk area. • Lighting style (as this theme tends to carry through to other streetscape design elements and the design, number of posts, heights, and costs can be significantly impacted by style) • Tier 2 by November 1,2016 • Edging • Roadway features • Stone walls • Granite posts, bollards and interpretive markers in pavement • Structural soil • Infiltration basin • Tier 3 by December 15, 2016 • Amenities (tables and chairs) • Thin planters • Interpretive elements • Trees Criteria for Membership: The members shall consist of members of other committees. Appointments will be made by the Board of Selectmen, who will also designate a Chairman who will serve to facilitate the meetings but will not have a vote. One representative from each of the following nine boards/committees will constitute this committee: 2 • Bicycle Advisory Committee • Center Committee • Commission on Disability • Design Advisory Committee • Historic Districts Commission • Historical Commission • Planning Board • Tourism Committee • Tree Committee Staff Support: The Town Engineering Division will provide staff support to the committee. Ex Officio/Liaisons (non-voting): • Appropriations Committee • Capital Expenditures Committee • Lexington Chamber of Commerce • Lexington Field and Garden Club • Lexington Historical Society • Lexington Retailers Association Prior to serving as a member of this Committee, appointees are required to: 1. Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged to the Town Clerk. 2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee, the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. Ref: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen on February 22, 2016. Amended on April 6, 2016. Board of Selectmen voted to designate as Special Municipal Employees on February 22, 2016. 3 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Increase Facilities Department FYI Rental Revolving Fund (5 min) PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Rob Addelson,Assistant Town Manager for Finance 1.4 SUMMARY: The purpose of this agenda item is to seek the approval of the Board of Selectmen to increase the FY16 spending ceiling of the Building Rental Revolving Fund. Article 7 of the 2015 annual town meeting established the FY16 spending ceiling for the Building Rental Revolving Fund at$425,000 pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 53E 1/2 . This revolving fund accounts for expenditures (e.g., custodial services, utilities, etc.) incurred in providing space in municipal and school buildings for use by private entities. The expenditures are financed from fees charged to those entities for use of town facilities. A recent analysis by the Department of Public Facilities of spending year-to-date in the Building Rental Revolving Fund and of projected spending through the remainder of the fiscal year indicates that the current ceiling of$425,000 will be exceeded attributable to 2 factors: increased costs to support the rental of Battin Hall for performances and the expanded space allotted to the Indian School at the Lexington High School. It is projected that total FY16 spending in the Building Rental Revolving Fund will be$461,000. Further, it is projected that the Fund will generate revenue adequate to cover this projected spending. MGL Chapter 44, Section 53E'/z provides for an increase in the spending ceiling of a revolving fund established by town meeting upon approval by the Appropriation Committee and the Board of Selectmen. At its meeting on May 2, 2016, the Appropriation Committee approved an increase in the FY16 spending ceiling of the Building Rental Revolving Fund to $461,000. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to increase the FY16 spending ceiling of the Building Rental Revolving Fund from$425,000 to $461,000. FOLLOW-UP: Rob Addelson DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 5/9/2016 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Center Trial Traffic Safety Decision(30 min) PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: David Pinsonneault, Public Works Director; John Livsey, Town Engineer 1.5 SUMMARY: Staff has provided responses to the public comments made at the May 2 Selectmen's meeting regarding the Center S treets c ap e trial traffic program. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve(not approve)the trial traffic program at Massachusetts Avenue and Edison Way, as proposed (as amended). Move to approve(not approve)the trial traffic program at Massachusetts Avenue eastbound and Waltham Street as proposed (as amended). Move to approve(not approve)the trial traffic program on Harrington Road, between Bedford Street and Massachusetts Avenue as proposed(as amended). FOLLOW-UP: DPW Engineering DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 5/9/2016 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type D Response to Public Comments Backup Material V5 MOPN� O 1775 T O � A Q p 3 7.� APRIL I4" L�XINGTO� MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Selectmen FROM: John Livsey, Town Engineer DATE: May 5, 2016 SUBJECT: Response to questions/ comments from May 2nd 2016 meeting During our attendance at the May 2nd, 2016 Board of Selectman meeting we noted a number of questions and suggestions regarding the proposed trial closure. We offer the following responses to the questions and suggestions that we heard at that meeting (answers are presented in italics) 1. Can the driveway to the house of Mr. Fortman be made accessible from Massachusetts Avenue under the proposed one-way and closure scenarios? The driveway would be accessible from Bedford Street under the one-way alternative, and it would be accessible from Mass Ave under the full-closure alternative. Under the one-way closure, the two-way portion of Harrington Road could be extended to the Fortman's driveway, however, this may result in more drivers using the residential driveway to turn around when they discover that they cannot continue further along Harrington Road. Additional signage would be required to ensure that through traffic does not enter the Fortman section of Harrington Road. 2. What signage/markings will be made to ensure those egressing the Unitarian Church understand the road is one-way? (see sketch for clarity) Harrington Road eastbound would be blocked with drums and lane closed sign east of the exit from the Unitarian Church. If the two-way section of Harrington Road were to extend to the Fortman residence, then additional one-way and no left turn signs would be required on the Battle green side of Harrington Road across from the exit driveway from the Unitarian Church. Unitarian �. Church Location of Drums ` and lane closed sign � h PCMS I 3. Will there be quantitative measures used to compare the existing versus proposed conditions and what will they be? What is the criteria for success or failure? Traffic volumes, observed vehicle queues, and crashes will be recorded before and during the trial. Increases and decreases in traffic volume, vehicle queues and crashes will be assessed throughout the trial period. The before and after trail conditions will be compared, analyzed and documented. 4. Can a bike lane and bike box be added at the Waltham street intersection? A bicycle lane could be added on the Mass Ave eastbound approach to Waltham Street. A bike box is not suggested because it would need to be removed at the conclusion of the trial period. Removing the volume of paint required to mark a bike box properly is not a trivial task. 5. Will counts include bike counts on weekdays and weekends and will they include the weather conditions? Yes, the counts will include bicycles and pedestrians. Counts will be performed on weekdays and weekends. Weather conditions will be noted. 6. Will careful records be taking during the trial? Yes, the data collected and the results of the trial will be documented in a technical memo that will be submitted to the DPW. 7. Can the work at the Mass Ave/Harrington Road end be done first? The proposed re-aligned intersection concept was intended for 'final"design phase. Therefore, we do not recommend this work be done first. It would require significant curbing,paving, and drainage improvements to implement; which is beyond the scope of this trial process. One-way or full-lane closure operation on Harrington Road needs to be tested before any other improvements to Harrington Road are considered. 8. Can trial wait until after the busiest tourist season which is July to Mid-August? It could start mid-august but we will miss the peak conditions. The intent of the trial is to evaluate the future operation of Harrington Road under all traffic scenarios. Waiting until the tourist seasons has passed would omit a significant traffic conditions/scenario from the trial. 9. Will there be signs or markings for those exiting Grant Street so they do not turn into newly closed off area? Transitional markings will be added to Grant Street to aid drivers in negotiating the right turn. 10. Can `stop, wait, and wave' markings be done as part of trial? These markings are not MUTCD compliant,for liability purposes, we would not recommend installing these combination marking features. 11. What can be done in front of post office to ensure users are clearly directed to the newly closed off area approaching Edison way? Transitional pavement markings will be installed form the last parking space in front of the post office to the first parking space after Grant Street. 12. Will alternate routes be monitored for impact? Yes, alternative routes will be monitored. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Article Presentations/Discussion/Positions (30 min) PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Joe Pato 1.6 SUMMARY: An opportunity for the Board to discuss any issues relative to Articles remaining on the Annual Town Meeting and the Special Town Meetings. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 5/9/2016 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approximate Adjourn Time PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: SUMMARY: SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 5/9/2016 7:05 PM