HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-23-CLARKE-minPUBLIC MEETING NOTICE ________________________________________________________________________ Jonas Clarke Middle School School Site Council Meeting May 23,2023 7:00-8:00 AM Main Office Conference Room,Jonas Clarke Middle School 17 Stedman Road Lexington,MA 02421 Agenda Members present: I.Call to Order,Welcome,&Public Comment a.Review and Approve Last Meeting’s Minutes i.prior meeting notes approved b.Public Comment c.Next/Final Meeting:Tuesday,6/13/23 II.Parent,Staff,and Admin Check-Ins a.Parents: i.Graduation ceremony.Some parents disappointed in the decision of not having parents at graduation 1.Principal:conducted a survey with staff attending a night time event.With lack of numbers,it is not feasible to run the event with administration only. 2.Parent:At Harrington we had a graduation committee and they were able to plan it and provide planning for the evening. 3.Principal:This year with the D.C.trip and staff attending that as well as the semi-formal and staff chaperoning that as well.People’s commitment to events outside of the work day is not what it used to be prior to the pandemic. 4.Principal:We will be working with the SGA to plan the final ceremony as well as the field day and final events. ii.D.C.Trip -Overview 1.Parents asked how the trip went this year. 2.Principal -overall a good trip,students have stated that they had a great time.Chaperones also provided good feedback. 3.We did not use the same company as Diamond,we went with a larger company that had some benefits as opposed to going with a local company. 4.We are hoping to attend again next year.It is essential to set the norms ahead of time to ensure students know what is expected of them if they plan to attend the meeting. iii.Parent:Heard that the LEA negotiations and that the contract is settled.This is good news. b.Staff: i.Additional thoughts about D.C.-some staff suggested to try and go a bit later in the Spring.Perhaps later in May,after MCAS is over and after some of the major religious holidays fall in April. 1.Students could use a few more days to prepare for the science MCAS 2.There was one parent chaperone.It was very helpful to have the parent,as one staff member went out on leave. 3.Boston trips (local trips)for the students that did not attend D.C.Those trips were very good,the students enjoyed those trips. c.The play,Charlotte’s Web was wonderful 1.Always an incredible show. 2.Nice to see the LHS helpers come back and help as well. 3.Director’s note at the end of the program was very personal and meaningful. d.Happy with the new grading platform -Teacher Ease. 1.More efficient platform designed for standards based grading. 2.We will continue with standards based grading next year, with some adjustments based on the feedback. 3.We will receive the analysis of the data from the family survey some time this week. 4.This evening is the 8th to 9th grade listening session. 5.We will need to discuss what data/grades will be available for parents/caregivers and students to see at all times.We will need to provide teachers with time to get used to this new platform. 6.Staff/teachers had a question as to what level will be available to view?Is it every single grade or standard and where they are at for each standard? 7.Wth the old grading system and Aspen,students were checking their grades multiple times a day.At LHS that is a common observation currently. 8.We want our grades to represent where they (students) are at in their learning now,and to use the feedback to grow. 9.Is the goal to have a link on the website for parents/caregivers to access?Yes,we just need to set the level of access that students and parents/caregivers will be able to view. 10.Teacher expressed concern that sometimes students and staff have already met to problem solve a grade or re-take,make up.Parents/caregivers will not necessarily see this instantly,as it may take a day or two to insert updated grades. c.Admin: i.Survey going out to 8th graders and to staff.We will be able to provide that data to the high school. ii.Step-Up Day will be on June 13,2023. III.Reviewing Clarke’s Progress on the ‘22-’24 Innovation Plan a.Comments/Discussion regarding the innovation plan. 1.After we returned from D.C.,we had grade level assemblies to remind students about expectations and our values here at Clarke.We called them our “finish strong”assemblies and the information reflected the importance of respect as well as our five expectations.We also addressed the topic of racism,and keeping in mind these ideas when interacting with each other. Students definitely need more training on what is racism and racist actions/words/ideas. 2.This year we ran classroom lessons with proactive lessons for each homeroom in the school with respect to sexual harassment and gender based harassment. 3.We are seeing similar actions and comments about race.Kids are seeing and hearing these pieces online and not understanding that it is highly inappropriate for school/public. 4.After the presentations of sexual harassment,there was a period of more jokes,but the other students helped shut it down. 5.The importance of consistency amongst staff –setting expectations helped staff. 6.National pushback?Principal:Not that we’ve seen. 7.Next meeting:review and revise the innovation plan – b.Link to Innovation Plan “Tracker”version c.Site Council Members select items from the Innovation Plan for review and discussion. IV.Adjournment