HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-01-LBAC-minTown of Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee-06/01/2023 1 June 2023 / 7:00 PM / Hybrid Meeting in person at the Select Board, Town Hall ATTENDEES Committee Members: Betty Gau, Ram Reddy, Suzan Chen, George Gagliardi, Matthias Beebe, Dave Armstrong, Mike O’Connor Also Attending: Peggy Enders, Omar Khudari, Tom Fortman, Susan Barrett, Mark Sandeen, Mike Tabaczynski, Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee and Friends of Lexington Bikeway/Bike Lexington Meetings June 1, 2023 Parker Room, Town Hall and conducted by Remote Participation* https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81649559285?pwd=U2FGaEl5RVppUnJQNHFyNExveDhOZz09 Meeting ID: 816 4955 9285 - Passcode: 092229 FoLB/Bike Lexington 7:00 – 7:30 pm 1. Treasurer’s Report We have a decent amount in the bank. Attached Y/E financials. Omar - Explained the financials. Less donations in the last fiscal BUT less amount was used. 2. Board Update Board - 6 members. Met on May 4. Voted to expand it to 9. Board added Sarah Hews (from LBAC). Adding 2 more who are not LBAC members. Goal - Have more Board meetings. Organizing an Open House - with a lot of people from the Mailing List. Formal conversation on FoLB/Bike Lexington. Then, Quarterly/Bi-monthly meetings. Goal is to reduce the work that Peggy does. 3. Report on Bike Counts Results For 2 days in May - one was a weekend and one was a weekday in the evening 4. Upcoming Events: · Friends/CRW Second Sunday bike rides starting on June 11th at 10 am – volunteers needed. 15 mile ride. Patty Grasso is organizing it. Peggy · Bike Corral at Farmers Market – First Corral is Tuesday, June 13th. Volunteers Needed. 2:30-6:30pm. Slots of 1 or 2 hours. Signup Genius. Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee – 7:30 – 9:00 pm 1. Approve May 4, 2023 Meeting Minutes Committee - Approved - May meeting 2. Discussion with Commission on Disability Representatives · Difficulty traveling on bikeway · Universal trails shared usage 2 Reps attended - Nancy Wong, Sue Cusack and Mike Sandeen (Commission of Disabilities). LBAC had attended their meetings. No magic solution. Happy with the signage that is coming up (Peggy). We all have to be courteous (Betty). Jim C- No immediate solution. When signs are put in - work with Sean Duggan - to publicize it - Lexington Times, Maybe - LexMedia. Maybe signs - If you ride more than 15 mph - use Mass Ave. Bike path is narrow - Can we talk about widening it. Tom asked Ross to consider it. John L - to his credit - put in 2 feet of gravel. Jim - Bigger problem is improving the other biking infrastructure so that the Minuteman Bike Path is not the only bike path. The Bike-Ped plan is considering that. Please attend the June 8th public meeting at 7PM. 3. East Lexington Kiosk Point of Interest Map They used the wrong map (from 2015). He has to open the 2020 map. Communication between Town folks and Jeff Dawson/Consultant needs to be improved. The MinuteMan Bikeway map from 2021 is good (Peggy). Betty to provide feedback to the Town Economic Development Office-use the right 2020 map and use the right template. Recommendation to Select Board -We reviewed and - Use the 2020 map AND fix typos. 4. Protected Bike Lane Project Discussion Last month we voted to postpone this. Last Tuesday - Car-free day - Survey given to them. Work with Bike Ped Plan folks. 5. Liaison Reports N/A 6. Other Business N/A