HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-07-18-HFAC-minHanscom Field Advisory Commission (HFAC) Minutes – 18 July 2023 Prepared by Massport Staff Video of HFAC Meeting on the Lincoln, MA Live Streams Page: https://lincolntv.viebit.com/index.php?folder=Hanscom+Field+Advisory • Call to Order: HFAC Chairman Christopher Eliot called the meeting to order at 7:04pm • Announcements: • Chairman Eliot recording HFAC Meeting; welcomed all to 18 July meeting pursuant to MA Open Meeting Law • Chairman Eliot attended the 13 July Massport Community Action Committee (MCAC) Meeting o Worked on response to FAA request for comments on noise metrics • FAA Reauthorization Act of 2023 has passed the House of Representatives and referred to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Chairman Eliot suggested contacting Senator Edward Markey to have stronger protections for climate impacts of aviation and shorten leaded avgas gas protection included in legislation o Chairman Eliot will be meeting with Senator Markey’s aides on 26 July to discuss FAA Reauthorization Act • Chairman Eliot provided CNN article on Chuck Collins who may speak at September HFAC • Minutes: The June 2023 Meeting Minutes were reviewed for approval • The June 2023 Meeting Minutes were approved unanimously with the following amendment: o Amend Emily Mitchell’s input about nighttime field use fee from “commented on effectiveness” to “discussed” • Cargo or Scheduled Commercial Passenger Services • Amber Goodspeed stated there have been no requests for future scheduled passenger or cargo service • Monthly Noise Reports: presented by Amber Goodspeed In June 2023 as compared to June 2022: • 7am - 11pm operations decreased 10.6% in June 2023 • Singles (including touch and goes) decreased 11.8% in June 2023 • Turbo activity decreased 13.6% in June 2023 • Jet operations decreased 11.7% in June 2023 • Helicopter activity increased 4.3% in June 2023 • Night Operations (11pm-7am) decreased 20.4% from 270 in June 2022 to 215 in June 2023 • Barbara Katzenberg requested explanation between Day Night Average Sound Level (DNL) and EXP • Terry Ackerman asked for clarification about 10% decrease in operations between June 2022 and June 2023 • Capital Programs and Third Party Development Reports: Amber Goodspeed presented the Capital Programs and Third Party Development reports and noted that: • Salt storage shed relocation project bid will be posted in August 2023 • Massport Hanscom Maintenance Department acquired a Ford electric transit van for departmental use • Demolition of the old Signature Fight Based Operation (FBO) facility has begun • Construction is ongoing at the Atlantic Aviation at Pine Hill project • Phase 1 of the Runway 05/23 rehabilitation project is complete; Massport received no community concerns • Phase 2 of the Runway 05/23 rehabilitation project will start summer 2024 as presented to HFAC in March 2023 • Agenda Items: Topics discussed on published agenda: • Chairman Eliot asked Barbara Katzenberg to formulate draft HFAC input letter for FAA’s Noise Policy Review o The FAA asked the general public to propose alternatives to the noise metric standard it utilizes o Barbara Katzenberg tried to frame letter in terms of HFAC’s role and not as expert on noise measurements o Amy McCoy provided reference to inputs made by the Aviation-Impacted Communities Alliance (AICA) o HFAC voted unanimously to approve letter written by Barbara Katzenberg and submit it as public comment to Docket No.: FAA-2023-0855 • Emily Mitchell presented potential local impacts on Bedford from proposed North Airfield Project o Concerns included infrastructure (traffic & utilities), environmental (noise, storm water management, air quality, wetlands/aquifer protection & wildlife), emergency response, public processes and educational partnerships o Pamela Nelson emphasized local opposition to the project • Kati Winchell from Save Our Heritage presented public comments from local historic and natural resources • Chairman Eliot, Emily Mitchell and Barbara Katzenberg mentioned public opportunities to voice concerns • Citizen Comments: Citizens commented on and/or asked about the following topics • Andy Platt asked when Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for North Airfield Project would be completed o Amber Goodspeed indicated last estimate was some time in the Fall of 2023 • Mark Sandeen queried if Massport was planning to sell unleaded avgas at Hanscom Field • Jennifer Boles had questions about the number of helicopters in the box hangars at Hanscom Field • Margaret Coppe revisited lead testing in the Environmental Status and Planning Report (ESPR) o HFAC had requested it added to the Proposed Scope during the public comment period • Other Business: The date for the next HFAC meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on 19 Sep 2023 via Zoom • There is no HFAC in August • On the September agenda will be Aviation Needs and expected North Airfield Revenue • Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m. Attendees: Christopher Eliot, Margaret Coppe, Barbara Katzenberg, Thomas Hirsch, Mark Giddings, Emily Mitchell, Amber Goodspeed, Mike Vatalaro, Mark Wimmer, Lindsey White, Terri Ackerman, Nancy Asbedian, Jennifer Boles, Anne Calhoun, Karen Carlson, Alex Chatfield, Patty Dahlgren, Corinne Doud, S. Lance, Amy McCoy, Sabine Von Mering, Janet Miller, Pamela Nelson, Andy Platt, Jennifer Riley, Mike Rosenberg, Mark Sandeen, Kathleen Sullivan, Gary Taylor, Kati Winchell and Debbie Wolozin. In addition, there were several unidentified attendees.