HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-07-11-TAC-minMinutes Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) 7/11/2023 Place: The meeting was held remotely pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021 and its extension according to provisions of Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Executive Order. The Zoom teleconferencing session was open to the public. Members Present: Vinita Verma, Co-Chair; Pamela Lyons, Co-Chair, Sally Castleman, Kunal Botla, Mark Anderson, Jonathan Schwarz Member(s) Absent: Elaine Dratch Liaisons and Town Staff: Susan Barrett, Lexington Transportation Manager; Nishanth Veeragandham, Lexington Student Representative; Sudhir Jain, Council on Aging; Melanie Thompson, Planning Board Absent: Jill Hai, TAC’s newly-appointed Liaison from SelectBoard Ms Verma called the meeting to order at 7:04. Ms Lyons recited the statement allowing remote meetings. Ms Verma took roll-call attendance There were no public comments. The minutes from the May TAC meeting were approved. The June minutes are not yet ready. Transit Technology Discussion. Ms Barrett explained that the Lexpress website was getting cleared from the problem with its being put on some list as being non-secure. She reported about costs for having real-time tracking RTSS. Also about APC technology that can be hard-wired into vehicles if ordered early. Pass Sales. Over 101 sold in only 14 days! Marketing so far has been electronic: Lexpress.us, Twitter, Link to Lexington, News Flash to current and past pass holders. Sent to The Lexington Times, the Avalons, Recreation Dept. for its newsletter, Capt Parker Arms. Posted on the buses, at Depot Square. So far the Instagram account is not working. Ms Barrett will send each of us a copy of the brochure to send to our contacts. Ms Lyons suggests that, as well, we each make a pitch at every meeting we attend. New passes already being used! TDM. Both Ms Barrett and Ms Lyons are part of the “Resilient Lexington” Forum, specifically representing transportation. Ms Barrett explained the Nollen-Dolan Supreme Court case that means cities and towns need to be careful about what they require of developers. It could have an impact on transportation. Right now, in addition, even the 128 Business Council is worried about its services because some of the new Hartwell Ave. places are not filling with tenants on the expected schedule so 128 BC is not receiving its expected service moneys. Sheila Page from Planning staff would like to attend a TAC meeting to explore TDM further. Report on Data for Route Deviations. Ms Barrett reported that most of the exceptions/deviations have been regulars, persons going to or coming from work. Mr. Anderson asked if we want to make route changes. She thinks we should wait on that but is wanting to add onto Route C in order to deal with some recurring requests. Mr. Anderson asked if we might advertise that deviations are possible, or might the buses become too busy to handle them. Need to wait and see. Ms Barrett hopes to be able to add a vehicle (like one we may be able to get through the State with Federal $$) that could be used on-demand for such flexibility. Recap of FY23 Lexpress Metrics. Ms Barrett shared the report she submits to the MBTA and also the FTA each year (and each month to the MBTA) with the same full data we have been keeping each year since Lexpress began. Slowly our ridership is increasing, as COVID recedes and people are returning to activities. Free Lexpress Service Down the Road? Both Selectmen Mark Sandeen and Joe Pato have talked positively about it. However, since we don’t operate our own ADA Paratransit system, we must pay a fare of at least ½ of the paratransit cost the T charges. (For the Boston rides that are currently free, The T is being reimbursed for paratransit.) Updates on Ad Hoc Transportation Committee. Ms Castleman reported that the committee must hold 2 public meetings, and the first has now been scheduled for the evening of July 26, 7:00 – 8:30 PM to listen to people’s needs and wants. Since TAC has heard such requests many times, and since most of them cannot be included in any service because of lack of funding, Ms Castleman hopes the introduction to the meeting will include such caveats, so as not to disappoint people once again. She hopes TAC members will attend. Ms Castleman said the committee seems to be expanding its thinking. Liaison Reports. Ms Thompson reported that the Plalnning Board is meeting only once/month during the summer, but that the last meeting was very long, as they are upgrading language on site reviews, special permitting, etc. It is not yet complete. Mr. Jain reported that the Senior free parking has been approved permanently, after the one-year trial. Mr. Veeragandham is working with LHS to see where passes can be sold there. Also, will Metco students receive a Charlie Card and a Lexpress pass? He also intends to explore where at the middle schools passes can be sold. Adjournment. The August meeting is scheduled for August 8. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40.