HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-09-18-GCC-minMinutes of the Greenways Corridor Committee 18 September 2023 Members Present: Mal Crawford (virtual), Alex Dohan (virtual), Eileen Entin (virtual), Yifang Gong (virtual), Bob Hausslein, Bob (Bobak) Moshiri, Keith Ohmart (chair), Stephen Perkins Non-Voting Members Present: Susan Kenyon (virtual) Bike/Ped Plan Review: Keith introduced Sheila Page, the Assistant Town Planner. We discussed the items on the Bike/Ped Plan Draft list of GCC comments (see attached) with comments at the meeting highlighted in yellow. Stephen recommended that the town generate a digital map of the ACROSS network that is user friendly, easily updated, hopefully interactive, etc. Susan requested that the map be available as an overlay instead of, or in addition to, a separate app, the latter being difficult to change and update. Sheila is aiming to have the priorities in order in time for a next public presentation toward the end of October. Keith committed GCC to update its goals and priorities. At this point, Sheila left the meeting. The Meeting Minutes of 5 June 2023 were approved unanimously. List of Goals and Objectives (See attached): Keith reported that the Select Board requested such a list about a month ago. Eileen attended a workshop that included a consultant engaged by the town to foster better communication between the Select Board and the town committees. He recommended that each committee identify a very small number of high level goals and then list specific objectives under each. Alex and Stephen emphasized the desirability of collaborating with other committees. Keith and Eileen will rework the GCC list. Alex offered to check that it is compatible with the Conservation Commission. Keith noted that GCC’s high level goals are likely to be: connectivity of open spaces, a trail within a half mile of every residence, and digital mapping. Reports/Updates: Bob reported that we have about 800 brochures remaining, all of which will be gone by the end of the year at our current rate of consumption. Discussion of whether to reprint as is or wait until one or more new trails are finished is deferred to the October meeting. Bobak was given the go-ahead to reorient brochure holders for better visibility. Route H Maintenance. Mal reported that the town changed crosswalks on Lincoln Street requiring changes in sign placement. Takeda removed two posts while pushing back the tree line, requiring reinstallation. A post needs to be relocated closer to the mowed path at Idylwilde Farm. Brush clearing near sidewalks is needed at several locations. Mal will email requests for volunteers for half days during good weather. Bob will walk the area with Mal and submit the new post locations to DigSafe. GCC will have a presence at two tabling events – Harvest Fest at LexFarm on October 1 and Farmers Market on October 10. Email Keith if you wish to participate. Keith is planning to attend the Magic Workshop put on by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council on September 28. Contact him if interested in joining. Route Development: Route 9. A group of GCC members walked proposed Route 9 (which will become Route Q when completed) this summer. Bob reported that four posts will need to be installed. He will send the proposed locations to Dave Pinsonneault. Concord Avenue. Keith and Stephen met with Karen and Amber to finalize the RFQ’s for the Concord Avenue Land Management Plan and the boundary surveying. Route 4. Keith, Mike, and Phil Hamilton walked the Rangeway Street access to town land adjacent to Simonds Brook and preferred it as a trail location over going onto the Drummer Boy property. The project will get on the Commission project planning schedule for FY26. MBTA Community Zoning. Bobak attended an ad hoc planning meeting to facilitate bike/ped connectivity in the areas designated for possible development. Trails are not mandated; they need to be negotiated. The committee will prepare a final report and present it to the Planning Board. On a related note, Bobak reported attending the recent “Java With Jim” session, a quarterly opportunity for the public to meet with the Town manager. He found it quite interesting and will continue to attend, representing GCC. Route 19/AGM/LVB Connector. Mike and Keith met with Karen, who suggested a Con Com site visit to the flagged trail section at Maple/Harrington. WIth the expected approval of the Con Com and that of the Housing Authority and the Town of Arlington, Route 19 would be ready for signage and completion. GCC members are welcome to join in the site visit when scheduled. Waterstone Connector. Keith will ask Carolyn Kowalski to contact MassDOT and MWRA to get the approval process in motion. Stephen volunteered to be GCC’s contact person, for what is expected to be a long term process. Fairland Street Development. Now underway after protracted period of getting approvals from abutters. No action needed by GCC. Benches on Trails. Bobak updated his proposal to put benches along trails as rest stops. Envisioned is the type of bench that is at the Visitors Center/Bikeway and along Mass. Ave. Individuals would donate the cost of each bench and its installation in exchange for naming rights. Locations typically would be distant from road intersections to encourage long walks, especially with young children. Primarily, but not necessarily, on Conservation Land. Keith recommended scheduling a meeting with Conservation staff as a next step. Alex noted that the Con Com has a list of requirements and procedures that she will look into. Susan noted the significant cost and administrative burden of each bench installation. All to be dealt with as discussion continues at subsequent GCC meetings. Suggested locations should be submitted to Bobak. GCC meeting times for the remainder of the year will be from 4:00 to 5:30 pm. Next meeting on Monday October 16, 2023 Bike/Ped Plan DraŌ Greenways Corridor CommiƩee Endorsement ObservaƟons Proposed AddiƟonal Work in Red Final EdiƟon ‐ 9/18/23    Proposed ACROSS Route 8/Concord Avenue ConservaƟon Parcel  - New trail on parcel connecting to existing trails on DCR Beaver Brook North property proposed along with crosswalk across Concord Avenue. Note: Final location of trail crosswalk subject to pending Land Management Plan approval of new trail location. - Keith explained that the RFQ for the Land Management Plan is already out. Once bid are received this will allow GCC to apply for outside funding. The location of the crosswalk on Concord Avenue needs to be coordinated with the DPW.   Waterstone Connector  - New shared use path proposed along MWRA aqueduct south of Route 2 connecting Pleasant Street to Waterstone at Lexington. - GCC proposes adding new crosswalk across Pleasant Street on the south side of Route 2, perhaps in front of the Montessori School. Keith pointed out that the proposed trail goes over a buried aqueduct adjacent to Route 2, an  MWRA easement on MassDOT land.  GCC would like the town to start discussions with both  enƟƟes this year.   15‐17 Fairland Street (Lot 12‐205A) ‐ Proposed new development connecƟng Fairland Street to  Lincoln Street with new pedestrian trail connecƟon intended to become part of ACROSS  Lexington system.  - GCC requests new crosswalk at Lincoln Street/Middleby Road. - Sheila confimend that the developer is providing space for the trail and is paying for the crosswalk.   ACROSS Route N  - New crosswalk proposed on Grove Street opposite Tidd Circle/Turning Mill property trail entrance. Confirm actual location for access to Turning Mill trail head. - Crosswalk could be at either Tidd Circle or at the trailhead. - New sidewalk proposed for Burlington Street/North Street with crosswalks. - GCC proposes adding new crosswalk at intersection of Burlington Street and Longfellow. - Keith and Bobak recommended a flashing light at the crosswalk because of high traffic flow and use by schoolchildren.   ACROSS Route P  - GCC proposes new crosswalk at Simonds and Blake.   Proposed ACROSS Route 19 ‐ Arlington’s Great Meadows/Lower Vine Brook Connector  - New shared use path proposed connecting Lexington Housing Authority with Harrington School. - New crosswalk proposed at intersection of Maple Street and Solomon Pierce Rd. - GCC proposes adding new crosswalk between 114 and 120 Maple Street. - Keith explained that the crosswalk would connect directly to an existing trail that ultimately exits onto Woburn Street at the Lexington Housing Authority. Sheila commented that crosswalks near schools get higher priority and that MassDOT should fund, since Maple Street is a state road.   ACROSS Route D  - New crosswalk proposed for Summer Street entrance to Whipple Hill. - Check for existing crosswalk opposite LexFarm opposite Haskell. Confirmed.   ACROSS Route H  - New crosswalk proposed at intersection of Spring Street and Woodcliffe - Discussion of a possible better location on Spring Street near the edge of the Takeda property across from the impoved social trail. To be determined if the social trail is now an easement.   Lincoln Street  - New sidewalk proposed west of Route 2 underpass. Would facilitate possible future ACROSS route connecting to Cranberry Hill trail network.   Proposed ACROSS Route 4/Wright Farm/Simonds Brook/Paint Mine  - Proposed new sidewalk along Winter Street would facilitate future ACROSS route connecting to Bedford Reservoir. - Improved trails proposed under power line corridor on Simonds Brook and Paint Mine properties.   ACROSS Route M/Blossomcrest  - New sidewalk proposed along Blossomcrest.     Minutes prepared by Bob Hausslein