HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-19-TOUR2-minTown of Lexington Tourism Committee Dawn McKenna, Chair (781) 862 -0500 ext 84585 Minutes Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 4 — 5:30 pm Parker Room Members Present: Kerry Brandin, Margaret Coppe, Bebe Fai ick, Trisha Kennealy, Dawn McKenna, Wim Nijenberg; Staff present: Masha Traber Members Absent: Leeying Wu Center Committee Liaison: Fred Johnson Guests: Richard Pagett 1) Tourism Operations a) Staffing: It was reported that interviews had taken place for the position of Economic Development Coordinator. The candidate, Megan Devine, who had the unanimous consent of the interview panel was recommended for hire. The Committee express its concern that the position planned for 60% tourism time, rather than the full -time status originally proposed. b) Office: As a result of the hire and other changes within the Town Office Building. The Economic Development Office is moving to the old Lexpress Office, and Megan will be given the Tourism Office. Therefore, the Tourism Committee office, including the Liberty Ride operations, will move to the Visitors Center. Dawn and Masha will work on moving. The computer, a printer and copier will be needed in the new space, in addition to our furniture. c) Committee: A discussion took place as to how to fill the two openings on the Committee. We are still waiting for a proposed appointment from the Historical Society. Kerry suggested asking the owner of Kaitlyn Travel to join. Kerry will inquire as to her interest. 2) Liberty Ride /Battle Green Guide Season Wrap -up The Liberty Ride had a successful July — October operations. As of today there is a surplus of $31,322.68 in the Liberty Ride account. This is substantially more than previous years at this point in the season, and more than required to underwrite Spring operations. To date there have already been 65 charter tours. There is still a balance owed to the Town from prior advances. Upon motion duly made by Trisha and seconded by Kerry, it was unanimously voted to authorize the repayment the balance of the debt to the Town from the Liberty Ride Revolving Fund. It was reported that June Baer quit as Assistant Liberty Ride Coordinator prior to the end of the season. She remained on as Battle Green Guide Coordinator. Fortunately, Matt McKenzie, a Liberty Ride Guide was available to cover many of the hours. With respect to the veteran guides, we continue to work to obtain approval for the requested increase and hope to have the raises in place by the Spring. 3) Visitors Center The Permanent Building Committee has been meeting with the architect for the Visitors Center project. A request has been submitted to the Community Preservation Committee for design and construction funding for the project. This will continue to be refined as the project progresses. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 4) Marketing and website As we begin to implement a social media strategy, it will be important to have quality photographs. Further discussion on this topic was deferred. 5) Revolutionary Revelry The Committee confirmed its interest in holding the 6th annual Revolutionary Revelry. This program has not yet begun planning. The Economic Development Coordinator is anticipated to coordinate the event this year. An invitation to participate will be sent out as soon as practicable. 6) Due to time constraints, the following posted items were deferred to a future meeting: Scenic Byway Minutes 7) Updates and Miscellaneous a) Munroe Addition — the Historical Society has submitted a request for use of Community Preservation Funds to pay for an archeology survey at Munroe. The Historical Society has proposed an addition to Munroe Tavern for use as an educational programming space. They will privately fund this project. b) People Counter Data — the 2015 and 2014 numbers by month were presented through October. Each month except February and March in 2015 had more visitation than the same months in 2014. The unusually high snowfall likely effected February and March numbers. c) Traffic and Parking Projects updates — an update on the following projects was presented: i) Tourism /Parking Management Group — Bebe Fallick who is our representative gave an update. She indicated that although there was an acknowledgment that there was a need for Visitors Center parking, no arrangements had been made. Although the turnaround trial last year solved the need, it was not incorporated in the current plans. Basically, there is no proposed solution. Fred Johnson added that there will be a two -year program to install new meters. The objective of the program is to move long -term parkers further out of the Center. ii) Battle Green Master Plan iii) Woburn and Mass Ave Traffic Light iv) Center Streetscape v) DOT project — Marrett Road — Pleasant Street traffic lights and improvements d) The date for the next meeting was set for Thursday, December 17th from 4 — 5:30 pm. Megan will be invited to attend. Respectfully submitted, Dawn E. McKenna Approved, April 25, 2016 Documents Available for Inspection 1. Cover Letter, Resume and application, Megan Devine for Economic Development Coordinator 2. FY2015 -2019 Capital Improvement Project Visitors Center 3. Wonder Cabinet Budget Planning Guidelines for Exhibit Design 3.18.2013 4. Notice of Visitors Center Stakeholder Meeting 11.23.2015 5. People Counter Data year to date through October 2015 6. People Counter Data year to date through October 2014