HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-18-FISKE-minFiske School Site Council -10.18.23 Meeting Notes Members Brian Baker,Principal Present Catherine Murphy,ELL Present Lisa Wallace,Gr.1 Present Lana Panasyuk,Parent Present Sarina Sherwin,Parent Present Council Member Introductions ●Co-Chair -Lana Panasyuk ●Secretary -Sarina Sherwin ●Brian Baker to reach out to PTO if we need an additional parent volunteer Update from the Principal Baker War in Israel Note to Staff We will continue to operate business as usual at the elementary level.Most important is that students feel a sense of safety and of belonging.If staff sees/hears a student that isn't feeling that,then they will reach out to the Counseling team which is Mr.Small at the moment as Mrs. Bencivenni is out on parental leave. Staff Supervision and Evaluation Link to file We are in the process of reviewing goals and meeting with non-PTS teachers.For PTS teachers,he reads over goals and they may opt to meet with him.There is a focus on “Teaching All Students”and “Professional Culture”.Teaching All Students is in reference to Illustrative Math and/or Fundations,which was implemented across all grades this year. Celebrations for 22/23 Fundations and Heggerty Teachers have been pleased with the Fundations and Heggerty programs from last year.They are communicating with each other about how students had stronger foundations coming into the new school year.Specifically,improvements in handwriting and segmenting sounds/words and sentences have been observed from teachers with incoming students who received that programming last year. mCLASS Assessments Link to file Not MCAS!These are benchmark assessments -in literacy.AIMSweb goes into Math.State of MA has discontinued AIMSweb and now it’s mCLASS,which can be viewed as little dipsticks for G4-G5 for Oral Reading Fluency.For Kindergarten/G1,they evaluate 6 or 7 areas,including beginning and end sounds,phonemic awareness,letter naming,segmenting/blending, snapword reading,etc. Any students that are flagged (if scores put you into red/yellow)will be reviewed next Monday by Brian Baker and Katie O’Hare-Gibson,Leigh-Anne Malio,Literacy Specialist,and Director of Literacy.They will look at the data to see which students may have flags,why,and then reach out to families about flagged assessment.Staff members will reach out to families prior to the official letter being mailed informing the family that the child will need some extra help. Student Success Team (has had many names over years)will work together to put together strategies for the teacher to bring to the classroom. Lisa Wallace added that being able to do this has given her a sense of where her students are as learners.She can use the information this program provides to not only show which students need help in which areas but also how to help them develop those skills.AIMSweb did not provide as much help with areas for opportunity. Lana Panasyuk asked if only Red flag students will be worked with or will all.Lisa Wallace replied that teachers would still work with everyone.Families would just be notified that specific students will get extra push.Students receiving the letter will get support from current teachers and/or other teachers.Level of support is determined on a per student basis. Brian Baker added that this assessment gives teachers fresh data to share during parent/teacher conferences.It will help teachers with intervention groups and will give teachers a lesson plan to do with the kids.The main difference is administrative:the extra step on the state’s part to ensure families are notified via a letter. Sarina Sherwin asked how often the assessment is given and if students are notified (similar to MCAS for G3 and above).Brian Baker replied that it happens 3 times a year in Fall /Winter / Spring and that it is integrated into classroom learning. Catherine Murphy added the District did work in making sure that ELL families are getting thoughtful phone calls. Exit and Rally Information Link to file On Monday 10/23,a letter is going out to families about the Exit and Rally drill which will take place on Friday 10/27.This is similar to the one that took place in June.Same as fire drill and bus evacuation drill.ILP teachers are told that students walk as far as they can.Anyone who is capable will walk over there. All School Meeting -Ideas –>All School meeting committee We will be forming an All-School Meeting Committee to source new ideas for All-School Meetings. Grade 5 Student Council –hoping to bring this back. Lisa Wallace asked how many staff would be needed.Brian Baker said probably 2 to 4 staff members.If there are a lot of interested students,we will find a way to split it up (e.g.,anyone who is in 5th grade who wants to be on council,it'll be for Kelly’s classroom,then can switch classrooms). Parent/Teacher Conferences:10/26,10/27,11/2 and 11/3 In-person for almost all cases.Accommodating virtual if needed. Fiske Innovation Plan -23/24 Update Link to file Took running club out because people have come/gone.Brian Baker will pick up pet therapy when Christina Bencivenni returns from parental leave. Share Student Learning/Prof.Learning Goal Link to file Similar to all elementary school principals in LPS,just with small differences to address building nuances,the goal is to really look at gaps we may have in our buildings (i.e.,brown/black,or are we overrepresenting kids in special education,etc.)and to close gaps to make sure students aren’t going off and being considered or tested for special ed when they haven't been given all the interventions available.We want to do complete due diligence. Updates from the the Council From Lana Panasyuk Feels like there is a pressure of identity in the school and that it’s changing because of what’s happening all around us.She was surprised when her daughter came in and asked ‘Who am i? What am I good at?’She is hopeful that the building is helping students feel that they are good as is,that they don’t have to identify themselves in some way or another.She is concerned that the identity conversations are getting confusing for smaller kids.She has also spoken with Mrs. Kelly as well as Mrs.O’Hare-Gibson about this. From Sarina Sherwin Earlier in the year,she had been hearing from parents who were wondering why students were not going outside for P.E.Some parents were able to speak with Mr.Kane directly about this at Curriculum Night.Recently,she has been seeing students outside more for P.E.when the weather permits and is appreciative of Mr.Kane’s response to the Fiske community.Students she knows are happier to be outside more when possible.Sarina also thanked Mr.Baker for getting the students outside for the more recent All-School Recess in place of the All-School Meeting.That was a welcome surprise for students on a Friday! Brian Baker cited learning about the benefits of looking at the horizon. Dr Andrew Huberman,a neuroscientist at Stanford has been studying the impact of vision and breathing on stress and the body for over 20 years.His research has revealed that when we look at something stressful (or exciting)our field of vision narrows so that one thing is in laser sharp focus and the rest is blurrier.Our eyeballs actually rotate slightly inwards towards our nose.In contrast,by expanding our visual field the body is able to switch off the stress response. So,to take this one step further we can induce a state of calm and reduced stress by allowing our eyes to relax and take in a wider panorama or view.Forget focusing on one thing and instead broaden your horizon.1 1 https://www.sensorytrust.org.uk/blog/horizon-gazing-and-its-health-benefits Upcoming Meeting Date 10/18/23 11/15/23 12/6/23 1/10/24 2/14/24 3/20/24 4/24/24 5/22/24