HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-16 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday, October 16, 2023 Select Board Meeting Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420- Hybrid Participation* 6:30 PM AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approve and Sign Proclamations . Domestic Violence Awareness Month . Dyslexia Awareness Month 2. Amend and Sign Easements - Kay Tiffany Way Defmitive Subdivision, 109 Reed S treet 3. Approve HanscomArea Towns Cominittee (HATS) Proposed Letter Regarding Hanscom Field Expansion ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Public Hearing a11d Discussion- FiscalYear 2024 Water and Sewer Rates 6:35pm 2. Presentation- Cary Memorial Library Project Design Development to Construction 6:SOpm Document- The Children's Room Renovation 3. Select Board Work Session- Resilient Lexington: Climate Action and Resilience 7:OSpm Plan Discussion on Implementation 4. Select Board Work Session- Review of Revised Noise Advisory Committee 7:35pm Charge 5. Special Town Meeting 2023-1 7:SSpm . Presentation- STM 2023-1 Article 8:Appropriate for Speed Hump Pilot Program • Presentation- STM 2023-1 Article 9:Authorize Home Ru1e Petition for Special Legislatioii- Establishing the Election of Town Offices Using Ranked Choice Voting(Citizen Petition) • Presentation- STM 2023-1 Article 10: Hayden Easement • Select Board Article Discussion, Presenters and Positions ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjourninent 8:25pm Meefing Packet:https:/�lexington.novusagenda.corn/agendapublic/ �Me�nbers of the public can attend the meeting fr�om their compute�or tablet by clicking on the following link at the time of the meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92482764382?pwd=SFFvYWo3MmVkODF laGSETmNsRDVoZz09 iPhone one-tap: +13092053325„92482764382#,,,,�380743# US +13126266799„92482764382#,,,,�380743# US (Chicago) Telephone: +1 309 205 3325 US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 931 3860 US +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 924 8276 4382 P as sc ode: 380743 An Act Relative to Extending Certain State of Emergency Accommodations:https://www.mass.gov/th�open-meeting-law A Summit meeting of the Select Board, School Committee,Appropriation Committee and Capital E�enditures Committee will be held on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 7:OOpm via hybrid participation. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Select Board will be held on Monday, October 23, 2023 at 6:30pm via hybrid participation. Hea�ing Assistance Devices Available on Request �� ��`'�"�� All agenda fiene and the ortt'er of items ar�apprvximate and �( s�wb���r ro�hanbe. Recorded by LezMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT SOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve and Sign Proclamations ITEM PRESENTER: NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.1 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Domesfic Violence Awareness Month: The Human Services Department is requesting that the Select Board approve and sign a proclamation annually recognizing the month of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The proclamation recognizes the impact domestic violence can have in our coininunity, as well as aclrnowledging those who have e�perienced domestic violence in their own lives. Lexington strives to raise awareness and provide special opportunity to educate the community on prevention. Dvslexia Awareness Month: The Lexington Human Rights Committee is requesting that the Select Board approve and sign a proclamation annually recognizing the month of October as Dyslexia Awareness Month. Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability that causes difficulties with readmg, writing, spelling, and word pronunciation. Lexington would like to raise awareness and provide special opportunity to educate the community on the disability. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve and sign a proclamation recognizing the month of October annually as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. To approve and sign a proclaination recognizing the month of October annually as Dyslexia Awareness Month. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/16/2023 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ ZQ�Iw3��aruv�^suu4°�/u¢r➢tir�c� �^+e�✓,uu��uc°�s MlQsriallu�"��v�llar:un�auuaFuu �o.�c;➢cttp7�IW�auati��uat1 ❑ ?Qlv3 119y�1�;xxonla�von�c°�n�°„Mla:rctkll�Vauc,c°ll<Lounallutiro� ��;:3�;Octt�r 11�lobde�uaii �������� ,�� �� � � � �,� „� ' �,� �D�IOri Dt �PXittgtDtt, ��$�dC�U�ett� ��d� ���dra,axM1��`"� SELECT BOARD OFFICE PROCLAMATION WheYeas: domestic violence is a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another,which includes,but is not limited to: intimidation,physical assault, battery, sexual assault, threats, emotional/psychological abuse or other abusive behavior; and WheYeas: in the United States, an average of 20 people experience intimate partner physical violence eveiy minute which equates to more than 10 million abuse victims annually; and Whereas: of those victims,nearly 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetimes; and Whereas: too often, domestic violence touches the lives of children leaving a devastating impact and lifelong repercussions from the emotional and physical trauma; and Whereas: anyone can be a victim of domestic violence regardless of age, race, sex, ability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or religion; and Whereas: in 2019, a Lexington woman died as a result of domestic violence; and Whereas: domestic violence remains a major public health, social justice, and human rights issue requiring particular attention, and its interventions must be with the inclusion of all people at all levels; and WheYeas: raising awareness during the month of October provides us with a special opportunity for citizens to learn more about prevention, show support for the numerous organizations and individuals who provide critical services, as well as advance Lexington's efforts to prevent and end domestic violence; and Whereas: it is important to note that one person can inake a huge difference in the life of a child or an adult victim of domestic violence,helping them find safety and making them more resilient to the effects of domestic violence. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE SELECT BOARD of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim the month of October to be annually recognized as Domestic Violence Awa�eness Month in the Town of Lexington as we work together to eliminate domestic violence from our community. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewith on the 16th of October 2023. JOSEPH N.PATO,CHAIR SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUCLAS M.LUCENTE JILL I.HAI MARK D.SANDEEN �������� ,�� �� � � � �4 , ' �,� �DbJri Dt �PXittgtDtt, ��$�dC�U�ett� ��d� ���dra,axM1��`"� SELECT BOARD OFFICE PROCLAMATION Whereas: dyslexia is a language-based learning disability that causes diff'iculties with reading,writing, spelling,and word pronunciation;and Whereas: dyslexia is a language-based learning disability affecting approximately one in five people,regardless of race, gender, age,or socioeconomic status; and WheYeas: the Commonwealth's most precious resource is its children,and dyslexia affects one in five in the United States, or 20%of our population; and WheYeas: neurological in origin, dyslexia affects the way the brain processes information, and is characterized by difficulties with reading,writing and spelling despite normal intelligence;and WheNeas: those with dyslexia benefit greatly from specialized assistance from highly trained teachers,multi-sensory learning programs and individualized instruction;and Whereas: early identification,alternative instruction and extra support from teachers,family and friends can contribute to the success dyslexic students enjoy in the classroom,in life and,later on,in employment; and Whereas: dyslexia is distinguished from other learning disabilities by its weakness at the phonological level,and that it is neurobiological in origin; and Whereas: the onset and severiry of dysle�a varies in each individual;and Whereas: because it takes individuals with dyslexia longer to process phonemic information,the disability directly affects acadeinic growth,achievement, and self-esteein; and Whereas: dyslexia is an unexpected disability in an individual who is of average to above average intelligence; and Whereas: it is important to provide effective teaching approaches and related clinical educational intervention strategies for individuals with dyslexia•, and WheYeas: Dyslexia Awareness Month is an opportunity to acknowledge educators specializing in effective teaching strategies, and to celebrate the many achievements of adolescents, students, and adults with dyslexia; and Whereas: in October of 2019,His Excellency; Charles D.Baker, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachuset�ts,declared the month of October to be,annually recognized as Dysle�a Awareness Month. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE SELECT BO�IRD of the Town of Lexington,Massachusetts,do hereby proclaim the month of October to be,annually recognized as Dyslexia Awareness Month we call this observance to the attenrion of all our residents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewith on the 16th of October 2023. JOSEPH N.PATO,CHAIR SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE J[LL L HAI MARK D.SANDEEN AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT SOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Amend and Sign Easements - Kay Tiffany Way Definitive Subdivision, 109 Reed Street ITEM PRESENTER: NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.2 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Attached please find an explanatory memorandum regarding edits made by the Land Court on the utility easement. The other easements have not been returned, but they are included as part of the revised vote to provide some discretion should other non-substantive changes be made by Land Court. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the easeinents, substantially in the form presented with final changes to be approved by the Town Manager in his reasonable discretion in consultation with Town Counsel, and to authorize the Town Manager to execute and accept said easements on behalf of the Select Board. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/16/2023 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ C�Ic us7c��auu��3.tiaa�su �hrva•rr C"Ila:uncr ❑ ➢2�,a�lurta If.:su;c,ni���tb�Juuluti�;t� �ha°v�°�Cv��;nri;r ❑ �;lla xCY If:.qsi�uYu°Ctfl�1QuNyi:r4°�i �_;�bv�°�lV�l4°nT�cA L� 1W1l�aqrt4�,u:u���r�tc4 If.u4,c;u.'a�:r�u� ��rva:�Co�G��u'n� ❑ Tl.�u ry�u r�r� IF�a�4;c�nt�,cr9 �tirvawn llifiG:u�7<; TOWN OF LEXINGTON �������� ,,��,�° ,� ��� PLANNING OFFICE ��� �� �� ,� ` f ����i 1625 Massachusetts Avenue `�z1�� ��;'�+��� Lexington,Massachusetts 02420 Abby McCabe,AICP,Planning Director � � �'���e, � �.� , ��, '� ;'' 781-698-4560 Sheila Page,Assistant Planning Director � n�un,� ���',� �r'��a�nnm��(c�'��xin�>�a�n�na.y�eyv Molly Belanger,Planner ���!�vG'�p'�� ww�r �exn�st�>�, rr�rr���.�x��plar�r�ir�� Kiruthika Ramakrishnan,Planning Coordinator Date: October 11, 2023 To: Jim Malloy, Town Manager From: Sheila Page Assistant Planning Director ce: Abby McCabe,Planning Director Todd Cataldo, 109 Reed Street Subdivision Re: Revote Acceptance of 109 Reed Street Definitive Subdivision—Kay Tiffany Way Easements On Apri124, 2023,the Select Board voted to accept three easements: a utility easement for a looped water line; a inaintenance easement for an existing culvert; and a drainage easeinent for the roadway within the new Kay Tiffany Way subdivision. The developer has since submitted the documents to Land Court. Land Court has requested insubstantial changes to the utility easement documents. The revised document needs to be re-signed. Even though the revisions are minor, given the nature of the Select Board's vote Town Counsel suggests the Select Board revote the acceptance. In addition,because similar revisions are anticipated in the other two documents, Town Counsel suggests a broader vote to allow the Select Board to re-sign any documents revised by Land Court pertaining to this matter. The suggested vote is: "To approve the easements, substantially in the form presented with final changes to be approved in consultation with town counsel." If the Select Board would like to designate a particular person to approve any additional changes and sign on behalf of the entire Select Board, then instead of the above,the vote should be: "To approve the easements, substantially in the form presented with final changes to be approved by [the Town Manager/Chair of the Select Board in his reasonable discretion] in consultation with town counsel, and to authorize [the Town Manager/Chair of the Select Board] to execute and accept said easements on behalf of the Select Board." 1 .�.a �� asss�r «� •..,�,_ ra�ar ., e,r.sea' u r--�—--— � --—-- _.. .._..._..._,.. . _.r � � — .. _aa h, _— I 4 � � .. � �� �r",r6. � � ,,.^.- -.,. � � � � � f � � `�'• �� � L4?T 1 �� � � � � � �,��,�» '` �4;>.. ` ,aa�A:,�r�.zr���� ��i � I �m 6 r �```p �"�`��,* "��� i' { � �``� ����G,��,`V �r�.rm�ser��a ��c��� � .afa��.p: r,�aP�i.t V �4`� � � �u��� � �^4 PSf�Lb'., � ¢�[ I I V � � � � ��� �"�"'`-' _' —,• � �a �,.,.-•� � � l � f � � � ra, �,����' �l I � � �-��.' ,��.-�, c�a'.�a"� � " �,Y I l d"y L '19 T's,�'� �., �°�' / � �,:.�s.��rtr.� ���.� ���tiW � I ���� � � � ��W,�i��� >ro�` ���r�' %i� I ' "'t f � �Ya�� .,/`�� Y `�,'�I � ...�w .� .�,,,WM^�q. �.� � �� � r�� r� ���, I � �.� '' ...� � 4 � � �``�',rar" a �u; X��2^ - �. � M1rv���° 4��.�.� r � "` ,...�..-�..r.,f�� f,S��, �+ta:ss' „`�"+;?�'tk'm��,e„4.��,�.�` rn°.. �'31T,q I -�_ ,�,�' �,��b �.� .. �` µ.�� u qRx/�A CAA /' r,�zae'::�,_ w. 1�l �I ',,�t" � / / ar.w sc�+aecrc ��f �„'._`^w,�,�ar e^:1�"� / ,,�/ , ��M 2 ,.^' l ,/ ; .' �,.v ".�..".""`` !�"1'��9 �y t /h/ .. r' S��& ���I � f�gh" "� ' ., F �� ��/� _. ,�Fy. a i � LOT_fB ```�,,. /� *` :�/��' � �� 7 � �,,-' ,aa�a: s�.�Tr�d.`, •A�•�r'�fr�/j/� / g u"C `) F��A���J/4m r/ I' ///! i/!aaa '�^r � f ( / { fc„��r��.� ah'E�2�"� /� f E _� � �j� � g'b �C. / ,,,/ / � n.%R"i / 'l/� /"✓ ��'"' _ � v r �w. a� � `�M muavc� 4-.;'��;,,,,,.,,,....._. � '� , 2 GRANT OF EASEMENTS KAY TIFFANY WAY LLC, a Massachusetts Limited Liability Company with an address of 168 Grant Street, Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts ("Grantor") For consideration paid hereby grants to the Town of Lexington, a municipal corporation in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, acting by and through its Select Board, (the "Town") with quitclaim covenants the following: The perpetual right and easements to construct, inspect, repair, remove, replace, operate and forever maintain (1) a sanitary sewer or sewers with any manholes, pipes, conduits, and other appurtenances, (2) pipes, conduits and other appurtenances for the conveyance of water, and (3) a covered surface and ground water drain or drains with any manholes, pipes, conduits and their appurtenances, and to do all other acts incidental to the foregoing, including the right to pass along and over the land for the aforesaid purpose, in, through and under the area shown as "Proposed Utility :'�.' A R ��� Easement (5,827 + - S.F.)" (the "Easement Area") ���i� Irihr V�,z� k��wr� r�ir I ��I n 4�����;,,� �IG���� , q on a certain plan of land entitled 109 Reed Street Property Rights Plan of Land (Middlesex County) Prepared for Sheldon Corp., dated September 25, 2020 and filed with the Middlesex South District of the Land Court as Plan No. 34889B. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right and easement unto the said Town of Lexington and its successors and assigns forever. The Town shall have the right to permit the Town's employees, agents, contractors, guests and invitees to use the Easement Area in accordance herewith. The rights and easements described herein constitute an easement in gross for the benefit of the Town, its successors and assigns, and these provisions shall run with the land and shall inure to the benefit of and bind the respective legal representatives, successors and assigns of the Grantor and others holding rights in the Easement Area and the Town. The Grantor shall not unreasonably interfere with the Town's use of the Easement Area for the purposes described herein. The Grantor hereby agrees not to grant any other easements, leases, deeds, licenses or any other rights to the Easement Area that will materially interfere with the rights of the Town without the prior written consent of the Town. Any easement, lease, deed, license, or any other rights granted in violation of this provision shall be null and void. The Grantor shall not be entitled to relocate the easement granted herein without the express prior written consent of the Town, which consent may be withheld in the Town's sole and absolute discretion, and which relocation to be at the Grantor's sole cost and expense. Grantor warrants and represents to the Town that: (i) the person executing this Grant of Easements on behalf of Grantor has authority to do so; and (ii) there are no mortgages or encumbrances of record or otherwise on the Easement Area that will negate or negatively impact this Grant of Easements. This Grant of Easements shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and permitted assigns. If any clause, sentence, or other portion of the terms, covenants, and restrictions of this Grant of Easements becomes illegal, null, or void for any reason, or be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be so, then the remaining portions hereof will remain in full force and effect. This Grant of Easements may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same document. This Grant of Easements is entered into based on the authority granted by Town Meeting vote held � ..�� ���°�r,r�� copies of which are recorded herewith. on Octo er 16, 2023 „ 1��1 �i c r� � � For Grantor's title, See Quitclaim Deed filed with the Middlesex South Land Court on Certificate of Title No. 274549 as Document No. 1858886. [Signature Page Follows] Executed under seal as of this , day of , 2023. KAY TIFFANY WAY LLC BY: Thomas J. Cataldo Its: Manager COMMONWEALTH/STATE OF COUNTY OF On this day of , 2023, before me, the undersigned notary personally appeared, Thomas J. Cataldo, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that he/she signed said document voluntarily for its stated purpose, by his/her free act and deed as Manager of the KAY TIFFANY WAY LLC. Notary Public: My commission expires: ACCEPTANCE We, being a majority of the undersigned members of the Select Board of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, hereby approve and do hereby accept the foregoing Grant of Easements. TOWN OF LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD COMMONWEALTH/STATE OF COUNTY OF On this _ day of , 2023, before me, the undersigned notary personally appeared, , Members of the Select Board for the Town of Lexington, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was personal knowledge to be the persons whose names are signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that they signed said document voluntarily for its stated purpose, as the foregoing named members of the Select Board of the Town of Lexington, a municipal corporation. Notary Public: My commission expires: GRANT OF EASEMENTS KAY TIFFANY WAY LLC, a Massachusetts Limited Liability Company with an address of 168 Grant Street, Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts ("Grantor") For consideration paid hereby grants to the Town of Lexington, a municipal corporation in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, acting by and through its Select Board, (the "Town") with quitclaim covenants the following: The perpetual right and easements to construct, inspect, repair, remove, replace, operate and forever maintain (1) a sanitary sewer or sewers with any manholes, pipes, conduits, and other appurtenances, (2) pipes, conduits and other appurtenances for the conveyance of water, and (3) a covered surface and ground water drain or drains with any manholes, pipes, conduits and their appurtenances, and to do all other acts incidental to the foregoing, including the right to pass along and over the land for the aforesaid purpose, in, through and under the area shown as "Proposed Utility Easement (5,827 +/- S.F.)" (the "Easement Area") located on Lot 3 and shown on a certain plan of land entitled 109 Reed Street Property Rights Plan of Land (Middlesex County) Prepared for Sheldon Corp., dated September 25, 2020 and filed with the Middlesex South District of the Land Court as Plan No. 34889B. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right and easement unto the said Town of Lexington and its successors and assigns forever. The Town shall have the right to permit the Town's employees, agents, contractors, guests and invitees to use the Easement Area in accordance herewith. The rights and easements described herein constitute an easement in gross for the benefit of the Town, its successors and assigns, and these provisions shall run with the land and shall inure to the benefit of and bind the respective legal representatives, successors and assigns of the Grantor and others holding rights in the Easement Area and the Town. The Grantor shall not unreasonably interfere with the Town's use of the Easement Area for the purposes described herein. The Grantor hereby agrees not to grant any other easements, leases, deeds, licenses or any other rights to the Easement Area that will materially interfere with the rights of the Town without the prior written consent of the Town. Any easement, lease, deed, license, or any other rights granted in violation of this provision shall be null and void. The Grantor shall not be entitled to relocate the easement granted herein without the express prior written consent of the Town, which consent may be withheld in the Town's sole and absolute discretion, and which relocation to be at the Grantor's sole cost and expense. Grantor warrants and represents to the Town that: (i) the person executing this Grant of Easements on behalf of Grantor has authority to do so; and (ii) there are no mortgages or encumbrances of record or otherwise on the Easement Area that will negate or negatively impact this Grant of Easements. This Grant of Easements shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and permitted assigns. If any clause, sentence, or other portion of the terms, covenants, and restrictions of this Grant of Easements becomes illegal, null, or void for any reason, or be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be so, then the remaining portions hereof will remain in full force and effect. This Grant of Easements may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same document. This Grant of Easements is entered into based on the authority granted by Town Meeting vote held on October 16,2023 copies of which are recorded herewith. For Grantor's title, See Quitclaim Deed filed with the Middlesex South Land Court on Certificate of Title No. 274549 as Document No. 1858886. [Signature Page Follows] Executed under seal as of this , day of , 2023. KAY TIFFANY WAY LLC BY: Thomas J. Cataldo Its: Manager COMMONWEALTH/STATE OF COUNTY OF On this day of , 2023, before me, the undersigned notary personally appeared, Thomas J. Cataldo, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that he/she signed said document voluntarily for its stated purpose, by his/her free act and deed as Manager of the KAY TIFFANY WAY LLC. Notary Public: My commission expires: ACCEPTANCE We, being a majority of the undersigned members of the Select Board of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, hereby approve and do hereby accept the foregoing Grant of Easements. TOWN OF LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD COMMONWEALTH/STATE OF COUNTY OF On this _ day of , 2023, before me, the undersigned notary personally appeared, , Members of the Select Board for the Town of Lexington, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was personal knowledge to be the persons whose names are signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that they signed said document voluntarily for its stated purpose, as the foregoing named members of the Select Board of the Town of Lexington, a municipal corporation. Notary Public: My commission expires: GRANT OF EASEMENTS KAY TIFFANY WAY LLC, a Massachusetts Limited Liability Company with an address of 168 Grant Street, Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts ("Grantor") for consideration paid hereby grants to the Town of Lexington, a municipal corporation in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, its successors and assigns, acting by and through its Select Board, (the "Town") with quitclaim covenants the following: The perpetual right and easements over, across, in, under, upon and within the portion of Lot 3 on a certain plan of land entitled 109 Reed Street Property Rights Plan of Land (Middlesex County) Prepared for Sheldon Corp., dated September 25, 2020 and filed with the Middlesex South District of the Land Court as Plan No. 34889B shown as "Proposed Maintenance Easement (428 +�- S.F.)" (the "Easement Area") for purposes of constructing, inspecting, repairing, maintaining removing, replacing, operating and forever maintaining the culvert, structures, improvements and their appurtenances, and to do all other acts incidental to the foregoing, including the right to pass along and over the land for the aforesaid. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right and easement unto the said Town of Lexington and its successors and assigns forever. The Town shall have the right to permit the Town's employees, agents, contractors, guests and invitees to use the Easement Area in accordance herewith. The rights and easements described herein constitute an easement in gross for the benefit of the Town, its successors and assigns, and these provisions shall run with the land and shall inure to the benefit of and bind the respective legal representatives, successors and assigns of the Grantor and others holding rights in the Easement Area and the Town. The Grantor shall not unreasonably interfere with the Town's use of the Easement Area for the purposes described herein. The Grantor hereby agrees not to grant any other easements, leases, deeds, licenses or any other rights to the Easement Area that will materially interfere with the rights of the Town without the prior written consent of the Town. Any easement, lease, deed, license, or any other rights granted in violation of this provision shall be null and void. The Grantor shall not be entitled to relocate the easement granted herein without the express prior written consent of the Town, which consent may be withheld in the Town's sole and absolute discretion, and which relocation to be at the Grantor's sole cost and expense. Grantor warrants and represents to the Town that: (i) the person executing this Grant of Easements on behalf of Grantor has authority to do so; and (ii) there are no mortgages or encumbrances of record or otherwise on the Easement Area that will negate or negatively impact this Grant of Easements. This Grant of Easements shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto,their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and permitted assigns. If any clause, sentence, or other portion of the terms, covenants, and restrictions of this Grant of Easements becomes illegal, null, or void for any reason, or be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be so, then the remaining portions hereof will remain in full force and effect. This Grant of Easements may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same document. This Grant of Easements is entered into based on the authority granted by Town Meeting vote held on March 27,2023,copies of which are recorded herewith. For grantor's title, See Quitclaim Deed filed with the Middlesex South Land Court as Document No. 1858886. [Signature Page Follows] Executed under seal as of this , day of , 2023. KAY TIFFANY WAY LLC BY: Thomas J. Cataldo Its: Manager COMMONWEALTH/STATE OF COUNTY OF On this day of , 2023, before me, the undersigned notary personally appeared, Thomas J. Cataldo, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that he/she signed said document voluntarily for its stated purpose, by his/her free act and deed as Manager of the KAY TIFFANY WAY LLC. Notary Public: My commission expires: ACCEPTANCE We, being a majority of the undersigned members of the Select Board of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, hereby approve and do hereby accept the foregoing Grant of Easements. TOWN OF LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD COMMONWEALTH/STATE OF COUNTY OF On this _ day of , 2023, before me, the undersigned notary personally appeared, , Members of the Select Board for the Town of Lexington, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was personal knowledge to be the persons whose names are signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that they signed said document voluntarily for its stated purpose, as the foregoing named members of the Select Board of the Town of Lexington, a municipal corporation. Notary Public: My commission expires: DRAINAGE EASEMENT KAY TIFFANY WAY LLC, a Massachusetts Limited Liability Company with an address of 168 Grant Street, Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts ("Grantor") For consideration paid hereby grants to the Town of Lexington, a municipal corporation in Middlesex Counry, Massachusetts, acting by and through its Select Board, (the "Grantee") with quitclaim covenants the perpetual, non-exclusive right and easement in gross over, under and upon: the area shown as "Proposed Drainage Easement (1,747 +�-S.F.)" (hereinafter referred to as "Drainage Easement Area") on a certain plan of land entitled 109 Reed Street Property Rights Plan of Land (Middlesex County) Prepared for Sheldon Corp., dated September 25, 2020 and filed with the Middlesex South District of the Land Court as Plan No. 34889B (the "Plan"). The Drainage Easement Area is located on Lot 3 on the above referenced Plan (the "Property"). Included in this grant is the perpetual right and easement in gross over, under and upon the Drainage Easement Area for the location, placement, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, removal and replacement of drainage facilities and appurtenances including but not limited to underground and above-ground pipes, conduits and manholes, for purpose of surface and subsurface drainage, together with the permanent right of entry upon and passage over said Drainage Easement Area with any and all material and equipment necessary from time to time for all purposes stated herein and incidental thereto. Grantee shall have the right to permit its employees, agents, contractors, guests and invitees to use the Easement Area in accordance herewith. In exercising its rights hereunder, Grantee shall use reasonable efforts to minimize any interference with Grantor's, its successors and or assigns, use of the Property. Grantee hereby agrees to properly maintain and keep in good order any drainage facilities installed in the Drainage Easement Area. Whenever any surface is disturbed by Grantee by authority of this instrument,the surface shall be restored to substantially its condition prior to such disturbance to the extent practicable and to the extent that the surface is not impacted by drainage facility permitted hereunder. Grantor agrees not to grant any other easements, leases, deeds, licenses or any other rights to the Drainage Easement Area that will interfere with the Grantee's perpetual easement without the written consent of the Grantee. Any easement, lease, deed, license or other rights granted in violation of this provision shall be null and void. All rights and privileges granted herein, including all benefits and burdens shall run with the Property and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, successors, assigns and legal representatives. Grantor warrants and represents to Grantee that: (i) the person executing this Drainage Easement on behalf of Grantor has authority to do so; and (ii) there are no mortgages or encumbrances of record or otherwise on the Drainage Easement Area that will negate or negatively impact this Drainage Easement. This Drainage Easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and permitted assigns. If any clause, sentence, or other portion of the terms, covenants, and restrictions of this Drainage Easement becomes illegal, null, or void for any reason, or be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be so, then the remaining portions hereof will remain in full force and effect. This Drainage Easement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same document. This Drainage Easement is entered into based on the authority granted by Town Meeting vote held on March 27, 2023,copies of which are recorded herewith. For Grantor's title, See Quitclaim Deed filed with the Middlesex South Land Court on Certificate of Title No. 274549 as Document No. 1858886. [Signature Page Follows] Executed under seal as of this , day of , 2023. KAY TIFFANY WAY LLC BY: Thomas J. Cataldo Its: Manager COMMONWEALTH/STATE OF COUNTY OF On this _ day of , 2023, before me, the undersigned notary personally appeared, Thomas J. Cataldo, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that he/she signed said document voluntarily for its stated purpose, by his/her free act and deed as Manager of the KAY TIFFANY WAY LLC. Notary Public: My commission expires: ACCEPTANCE We, being a majority of the undersigned members of the Select Board of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, hereby approve and do hereby accept the foregoing Drainage Easement. TOWN OF LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD COMMONWEALTH/STATE OF COUNTY OF On this _ day of , 2023, before me, the undersigned notary personally appeared, , Members of the Select Board for the Town of Lexington, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was personal knowledge to be the persons whose names are signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that they signed said document voluntarily for its stated purpose, as the foregoing named members of the Select Board of the Town of Lexington, a municipal corporation. Notary Public: My commission expires: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT SOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve HanscomArea Towns Committee (HATS) Proposed Letter Regarding Hanscom Field Expansion ITEM PRESENTER: NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.3 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Attached to the packet is the updated Hanscom Area Towns Cominittee (HATS)proposed letter to be sent to the Governor regarding the Proposed North Airfield Expansion at Hanscom Airport. The first draft of the letter came before the Select Board, and was approved, at the September 6, 2023 meeting. There has since been an edit to the document from another town removing the last bullet(this was based on feedback from advocacy groups). The Select Board is being asked to vote the amended letter for submission to the G overnor. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve and sign the HAT S Committee letter regarding the proposed North Airfield Expansion at Hanscom Airport. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: HAT S C omrnittee DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/16/2023 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ ]��E\J['°��;�s�a�g�rd�u���1E���s�aas,��11...P;9da�,�II�Q:�;a��4fli�d�n llllm���d�a��s�tiJ�^ie�c9lfx�a�unsia�ri 1F��ra;Iku�a lR/fia�ua�,�n�l �pF $E'd �""��cs�,.. � �'0 /"r`��.*��' ���°'�r���,, ��'7�' �, .�� a ,��� O� '"�y�{ .�� � °�»1� �� ��a'yy � v �i ////���AM.k � ' I�i( :MHi:. � K� ��� k,,, �`� �� _�� �% I � � n� � i �� �� �� � � � i�` �;,, ���� eptem �� � a>R�tCrR�'��r��� ' �N.k+�" , j�� �,. . ... � � '�� « � e�ti �� � ds b The Honorable Governor Maura Healey Office of Constituent Services Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St. Office of the Governor, Room 280 Boston, MA 02133 September 18, 2023 RE: Proposed North Airfield Expansion at Hanscom Airport and Contradiction to Commonwealth's Climate Goals Dear Governor Healey, We,the undersigned Select Boards of Bedford, Concord, Lexington, and Lincoln, extend our appreciation for the bold and ambitious Climate Goals you have set forth for our Commonwealth. We write to bring your attention to a pressing environmental concern regarding the proposed North Airfield Expansion at Hanscom Airport and its potential contradiction to the state's climate objectives. At the forefront, we must address the critical issue of greenhouse gas emissions. While this expansion project may be in our backyards, we recognize that carbon emissions impact the atmosphere regardless of their origin. We respectfully request your support in opposing any private jet hangar expansion at Hanscom or elsewhere, emphasizing the urgent need for all sectors, in all locations, to work collaboratively towards reducing CO2 emissions. Our towns have been diligently working hand-in-hand with the State government to achieve our greenhouse gas emission reduction targets by 2030, and we have made significant progress. However, the proposed North Airfield expansion would undermine these efforts, exacerbating greenhouse gas emissions and directly contradicting the climate goals pursued by our towns,the Commonwealth, and the nation. Furthermore, this expansion stands in stark contrast to Massport's own Master Plan of 1978 and the MAPC MetroCommon 2050 plan. It undermines Massport's goal of zero greenhouse gas impacts by 2031, a commitment acicnowledged in the project's ENF.Although Massport doesn't regulate individual airplanes, excluding reduced carbon emissions goals from the airplanes using its facilities seems inconsistent with setting these goals. In light of the above, we humbly appeal to your leadership and authority to limit the expansion of private jet capacity at Hanscom Airport or any other airport in the state.Taking such a stand would send a resolute message to Massport and other airport owners that these expansions are incongruent with the drastic and unprecedented steps we must take to reduce CO2 emissions. To address this matter effectively, we respectfully request your attention to the following actions over the coming months: � Ensure a comprehensive and accurate Environmental Impact Review (EIR) takes place, with a specific focus on climate change and the carbon footprint.The EIR should incorporate a comprehensive public cost/benefit analysis, addressing noise levels, air quality,vehicle traffic, impacts on rare species, and effects on the local economy. • Give serious consideration to the environmental justice implications of this project and, based on such considerations, exercise the full extent of your powers to halt Massport's expansion plans for private jet capacity at Hanscom Field. We,the undersigned Select Boards, stand ready to join forces with you in this crucial endeavor to combat climate change. Please inform us of specific actions we can collectively undertake to support this cause. Sincerely yours, eedford Select eoard BOPHA MALONE,CHAIR SHAWN HANEGAN MARGOT FLEISCHMAN EMILY MITCHELL PAUL MORTENSON Concord Select Board HENRY DANE,CHAIR MARY HARTMAN TERRI ACKERMAN LINDA ESCOBEDO MARK HOWELL Lexington Select Board JOSEPH N.PATO,CHAIR SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE JILL I.HAI MARK D.SANDEEN Lincoln Select eoard JAMES HUTCHINSON,CHAIR JENNIFER GLASS KIMBERLY BODNAR CC: Ms. Monica Tibbits-Nutt Secretary Rebecca Tepper Acting Secretary and CEO of MassDOT Executive Office of Energy and Environmental MassDOT Board of Directors Affairs 10 Park Plaza 100 Cambridge St., 9th Floor Boston, MA 02116 Boston, MA 02114 2 Lisa S. Wieland, CEO, Massport Patricia Jacobs, Chair, Massport Board of Directors Melissa Hoffer, Office of Climate Innovation and Resilience Senator Elizabeth Warren Senator Ed Markey Congresswoman Katherine M. Clark Congresswoman Lori Trahan Congressman Seth Moulton Sen. Cindy F. Friedman Sen. Michael J. Barrett Rep. Michelle L. Ciccolo Rep. Kenneth I. Gordon Rep. Simon Cataldo Rep. Carmine Gentile Rep.Tom Stanley Town of Lexington,Town Meeting Members 3 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT SOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing and Discussion- Fiscal Year 2024 Water and Sewer Rates PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance I.1 SUMMARY: Category: Public Hearing Staff will present FY2024 proposed water and sewer rates and supporting i�iformation on the Water and Wastewater Enterprise funds uicluding: • Review of FY2023 water and sewer operating results, retauied earnings and consumption trends • FY2024 water and sewer budgets as adopted at the 2024 annual town meeting and proposed revisions for Fall 2023 STM which will serve as the basis for calculating FY2024 water and sewer rates • Projected FY2024 water consumption and sewer flows which will also serve as the basis for calculating FY2024 water and sewer rates • Rat�payer unpact and community comparisons The Select Board and staff will receive public comments on recommended water and sewer rates for FY2024. SUGGESTED MOTION: N/A FOLLOW UP: Anticipated approval of FY2024 Water and Wastewater rates on Monday, November 13, 2023. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/16/2023 6:35pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type d F'X7.��2�I�����cdd�x�i�l����u,d�a�r;�t�n��2u��.r°b�;��i�z�;��da°;�*;u�uuua�� ]�d�.s�:u��aa[iaszz � �F'�'"4����I����tc���:n��.1���,uc�u;t.t�u�Ili�nkc,`'ve;��u�ti;CVlf�rcr,cr I�'��.¢�,lku�`n Ml�kc;mu�.1 .� V .� I . �,,,..�.----�--...�,,,,, •rl � p,'µ1�Ftt�^,�;;,, ��`�'`��7��3 ,� ,����r�c�r�z � � \ � " � � � � � � � � � •� �� � '�t� sst�ea�rua�la�� "`� U ''+y/y zbqt w�� M iM��M YN V "^'-,.....,.W,...,.�...� VJ N� � � .� � � �+ N �1 -�.+ �r O� I� � t0 � � � N � -1-+ � � M I� � CO � G� � � � N � � � � � 00 O � � �"� V •� y N N ( O ; N M N N N °"� •O � .� M M v� � a � � �° � � �i � w � � � � � � � � � v � N O N � M f� (y3 � � �A � O ti OMO 0�0 O � � N CO � d ti � � � � � 1� L1� f` N ;_ � � V � C.�Q � � � M � t`G i.�.� Q � 1l� r C�j V EA y �„� � � � r � N p � Q N t� � 00 �j Ef-} b4 6f� Ef} Ef} �!? � N M CV mw � � � � � O � 00 M r � � � "r � O C~O � O � , � � M d w � tio ti o � ti � � � � Mr� c~o � rn � � o � � m � � � � v� � rn � � N pe N d N ti � b�} fi`� Ef� ER K? 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Memoranda To: James Malloy, Town Manager From: Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance Date: October 10, 2023 Subject: Proposed FY2024 Water and Wastewater Rates The attached packet contains information in support of the proposed FY2024 water and wastewater rates. The following reports are included for your reference: a. FY2023 Operating Results for the water and wastewater operations b. Water consumption history and chart for FY2017 to FY2023, and estimates of FY2024 usage used for calculating proposed FY2024 water and wastewater rates c. Water consumption graphs provided by MWRA- MWRA system wide CY2021 - CY2023; and Lexington CY2021 - CY2023 d. Water and wastewater expenditure history including amendments to the FY2024 budgets proposed for the 2023 Fall Special Town Meeting to serve as the basis for proposed FY2024 rates e. Proposed FY2024 water and wastewater rates f. A history of water purchased from the MWRA, by month, from 2000 through August, 2023 with a highlight on recent summer usage g. A presentation of the combined impact of FY2024 water and wastewater rates at various levels of annual usage h. Community comparison of water and sewer charges and assessments from MWRAAdvisory Board's 2022 Annual Water and Wastewater Retail Rate Survey i. FY2023 and FY2024 MWRA assessments for all peer communities that utilize MWRA for water and sewer services FY2023 Water and Wastewater Enterprise Operating Results The Water Enterprise ended FY2023 with an operating surplus of approximately $3,095,000. This surplus was due to revenues exceeding estimates by $2,800,000, plus a turn-back of$295,000 in expenditures. Surplus revenue was primarily generated from $2,418,000 in excess user charges which which can be attributed to the extremely dry summer in calendar year 2022. Tiered usage came in $134,000 over estimates, irrigation was $944,000 over estimates, the Town of Bedford was $513,000 over estimates and Hanscom/Lincoln Labs was $481,000 over estimates. The water fund also generated $328,490 in interest income, far exceeding estimates, due to higher interest rates. 1 Water Enterprise expenses were under budget in several areas including compensation, contractual services, supplies and small equipment. Detailed Water Enterprise operating results for FY2023 can be found on page 7. A review of FY2023 billed water use versus budgeted estimates (page 10) shows overall increased usage compared to prior years, however domestic usage across tiers 1, 2 and 3 was just 2.21% or 20,414 HCF over projections. While FY2023 water consumption across the three primary tiers met targeted amounts, tiered usage continues to reflect the downward trend in domestic consumption that began in FY2018 (with the exception of FY2021 which reflected a change in behaviors related to the pandemic.) The Sewer Enterprise ended FY2023 with net operating income of$631,000, which reflects a $379,000 revenue surplus and turn-backs of$252,000 in expenditures. As with the Water Enterprise, Wastewater usage was up across all three tiers and benefited from an increase in interest income, partly offset by lower than projected collections of liens. Expenses were favorable in compensation, contractual services and supplies. Detailed Wastewater Enterprise operating results for FY2023 can be found on page 8. FY2024 Water and Wastewater Enterprise Fund Budgets On a combined basis, Lexington's water and wastewater budgets are increasing 6.2% from FY2023 to FY2024, which includes a $1.3 million one-time pay down of a Bond Anticipation Note (BAN) in the Water Enterprise fund. Detailed budgets for the enterprise funds are on pages 12 and 13. i i oio�oio Illi o0o i�i i i i,� ` R �" � � : ° FY2023 FY2024 Budget Budget* $ Change % Change Water Enterprise $ 12,677,671 $ 13,692,643 $ 1,014,972 8.0% Wastewater Enterprise $ 11,697,930 $ 12,198,638 $ 500,708 4.3% Combined Enterprise Budgets $ 24,375,601 $ 25,891,281 $ 1,515,680 6.2% "`Reflects water and wastewater budget adjustments proposed for the 2023 Fall STM for actual debt service and final MWRA assessments. The FY2024 Water Enterprise budget includes a$1.3M one-time paydown of a Bond Anticipation Note, of which $500K will be paid from Water Retained Earnings, not rate revenue. The FY2024 Water Enterprise budget is $13,692,643 inclusive of indirect costs, which represents a $1,014,972 increase, or 8.0%, from the final FY2023 budget. This increase is primarily due to the one-time BAN paydown noted above. The BAN paydown will be funded with $800K of rate revenue which replaced cash capital for FY2024, plus $500K from Water Enterprise Retained Earnings. The FY2024 budget also reflects an increase in the MWRA assessment of$339,275 or 4.0% compared to FY2023 (page 12). The FY2024 Wastewater Enterprise budget is $12,198,638 inclusive of indirect costs, which represents a $500,708 increase, or 4.3°/o, over the final FY2023 budget. This increase is attributable to a $429,099, or 5.1% increase in the MWRA assessment compared to the FY2023 budget and the addition of$100,000 in cash capital, partly offset by a ($155,089) decrease in debt service (page 13). 2 The largest expense in both the water and wastewater budgets is our annual assessment from the MWRA which for FY2024 represents 64.5% and 72.6% of the total budgets, respectively. Several factors impact the Town's MWRA assessments from year-to-year, though they are largely driven by changes in the MWRA's annual budget. Our water assessment will also fluctuate based on Lexington's consumption of water during the previous calendar year, and our Town's percent share of consumption in relation to the total MWRA system. For wastewater, our assessment will fluctuate based on our Town's average sewer flows from the past three calendar years and our Town's wastewater contamination levels. Proposed FY2024 Water and Wastewater Rates Preliminary water and wastewater rates are proposed to increase 5.0%, on a combined basis. This average increase reflects an 5.7% increase in water rates and a 4.6°/o increase in wastewater rates. The proposed rate calculations are based on budgeted expenses and estimated water and wastewater consumption for fiscal year 2024. Detailed rate calculations are on pages 14 and 15. ,� � ,� � � � � , � � Proposed Proposed FY23 FY24 Residential/ FY23 Water FY24 Water Wastewater Wastewater Commercial/Industrial Rates Rates %Change Rates Rates %Change Tier 1 $4.79 $5.06 5.6% $9.30 $9.73 4.6% Tier 2 $7.18 $7.59 5.7% $15.19 $15.89 4.6% Tier 3 $9.48 $10.02 5.7% $24.16 $25.27 4.6% Irrigation $9.48 $10.02 5.7% NA NA NA Municipal $3.46 $3.46 0.0% $3.68 $3.68 0.0% Hanscom/Lincoln Labs $7.06 $7.46 5.7% NA NA NA VA Hospital $8.44 $8.92 5.7% NA NA NA Bedford $3.49 $3.29 (5.7)% NA NA NA Flat Sewer Rate(annual) NA NA NA $425.64 $445.32 4.6% ** Rounding on °/o change may differ slightly compared to pages 14 & 15 due to rates being rounded to the whole penny. The proposed 5.7% increase in water rates is primarily attributable to the increase in the FY2024 water budget. Total consumption estimates are relatively flat compared to FY2023, though some small adjustments were made to various categories of water users. Irrigation consumption for FY2024 is slightly lower compared to the prior year's budget and may fall further short of projections due to the very wet conditions experienced in the summer of 2023. Water Enterprise Retained Earnings are sufficient to cover any shortfall that may be experienced in FY2024. The proposed 4.6% increase in wastewater rates is attributable to the 4.3% increase in the FY2024 wastewater budget and relatively flat projected wastewater production for the coming year. 3 The estimated consumption used to build the preliminary FY2024 rates is shown on page 9. ^^ � � -� � � ,. :. n � :. :. � � � � �^n W. n n � 0 o u„ , Estimates for Estimates for FY2023 Rates FY2024 Rates $ Change % Change Total Water Consumption 2,199,000 2,220,000 $ 21,000 1.0% Total Sewer Consumption 924,000 921,000 $ (3,000) -0.3% Staff estimated consumption from review and analysis of the data shown on pages 9 and 12, including averages of the Town's usage by category. These estimates were further adjusted for the actual trend experienced in FY2019, FY2020, FY2022 and FY2023 which may be reflective of future consumption levels. Behavior changes that were seen in FY2021, likely as a result of the pandemic, were excluded from projections as to not skew trends. Water trends can vary depending on weather, and in an effort to show wet year versus dry year variations, the history of water purchased from the MWRA by month and fiscal year from 2004 to 2023 is presented on page 16. Wholesale Water and Sewer Rates Bedford's contractual rate and the rate charged to municipal operations is based on Lexington's wholesale water rate. The wholesale rate for any given year is calculated by dividing the Town's current MWRA assessment by our total consumption from the previous calendar year (the FY2024 MWRA assessment is a function of the Town's calendar year 2022 purchases of water from the MWRA). Lexington's MRWA assessment increased by 4.0% year-over-year, and our water purchased from MWRA in calendar year 2022 increased by 6.1%. The increase in our usage was greater than the increase in our assessment, resulting in a decrease of(5.7%) in the wholesale cost of water (higher consumption results in a lower cost per unit of water). Staff is recommending that our municipal water rate and wastewater rate remain flat for FY2024 as the calculated wholesale rates are lower than the FY2023 water and wastewater rates. The wholesale sewer rate is calculated by dividing the Town's current MWRA sewer assessment by an average of the past three calendar years of sewer flows (the FY2024 assessment is a function of the Town's calendar years 2020-2022 sewer flows to the MWRA). Historical Rate Increases: Cost Impact on Household of Average Consumption For the period FY2010 to FY2024, the table below depicts the cost impact of annual changes in water and wastewater rates on a household consuming 120 hundred cubic feet (HCF) annually, which is the MWRA's determination of average household usage throughout its system. As noted above, the FY2024 proposed rates would increase the 4 annual combined cost of water and sewer for an average household by 5.0% or approximately $100.40 per year. ��������� ����a r��������� = �� ��� ��- ,� : . � � ; � � � :. $ Change from % Change from Water Sewer Total Prior Year Prior Year FY2024 $708.40 $1,414.00 $2,122.40 $100.40 5.0% FY2023 $670.40 $1,351.60 $2,022.00 $82.80 4.3% FY2022 $664.80 $1,274.40 $1,939.20 $112.00 6.1% FY2021 $615.60 $1,211.60 $1,827.20 $69.60 4.0% FY2020 $573.60 $1,184.00 $1,757.60 $120.00 7.3% FY2019 $554.00 $1,083.60 $1,637.60 $96.40 6.3% FY2018 $544.40 $996.80 $1,541.20 $20.80 1.4% FY2017 $526.40 $994.00 $1,520.40 $40.77 2.8% FY2016 $501.96 $977.67 $1,479.63 $(28.37) -1.9% FY2015 $483.20 $1,024.80 $1,508.00 $27.20 1.8% FY2014 $463.60 $1,017.20 $1,480.80 $24.00 1.6% FY2013 $448.00 $1,008.80 $1,456.80 $49.48 3.5% FY2012 $436.79 $970.52 $1,407.32 $157.28 12.6% FY2011 $411.60 $838.44 $1,250.04 $9.64 0.8% FY2010 $407.60 $832.80 $1,240.40 Average Annual Change: FY2010 to FY2023 3.9% Recent staff analysis on actual meter data indicates that the average consumption for a single family household in Lexington is approximately 70 HCF/year, significantly lower than the 120 HCF/year as defined by the MWRA. Based on consumption of 70 HCF/ year, proposed FY2024 rates would increase the annual combined cost of water and sewer by $49.00 per year. ��piu �fflllll»�'� l/y �rrr�1 !!/lllll%%%%%l�oa ;� %%/0%%/%�/ 1i� ��»�rrrrr �y�a �rrrf��r�l(((IIU JJl .u.; / �;. �1�� ,;r m .,U ,,� a, ;� �u W , ar !' V , �li,- i �����������������i�������o�������i����������������������������(�����i�����������������i���������������������������������������� ������l��i�'���rr��l���i������(��o��������r����fff���������i����l $ Change % Change from Prior from Prior Water Sewer Total Year Year FY2024 $ 354.20 $ 681.10 $ 1,035.30 $49.00 5.0% FY2023 $ 335.30 $ 651.00 $ 986.30 $39.90 4.2% FY2022 $ 332.50 $ 613.90 $ 946.40 $54.60 6.1% FY2021 $ 308.00 $ 583.80 $ 891.80 $34.30 4.0% FY2020 $ 287.00 $ 570.50 $ 857.50 The impact of the proposed FY2024 rates on a low (50 HCF), average (120 HCF) and high user (240 HCF) is shown on page 17. Also shown is the impact on an average single family home in Lexington and a hypothetical commercial user of 1000 HCF per yea r. 5 Enterprise Fund Retained Earnings History The retained earnings history of both the Water and Wastewater Enterprise funds as of June 30th are in the table below. The retained earnings balance will fluctuate from year- to-year and will increase by surplus revenue collected and unexpended appropriations. It will decrease due to annual operating losses, appropriations for capital improvements or to mitigate rate increases. ��� �����n�������� � m � m� �,� . Projected Certified as of Certified as of Certified as of Retained Earnings 6130/2020 6/30/2021 6/30/2022 as of 6/30/2023 Water Enterprise $ 1,737,914 $ 3,537,851 $ 769,999 $ 3,216,062 Wastewater Enterprise $ 1,297,665 $ 2,565,157 $ 1,807,854 $ 1,625,510 Water retained earnings as of June 30, 2022 was $769,999 and is projected to be approximately $3,216,000 as of June 30, 2023. The year-over year increase reflects surplus revenue of$3,095,000, offset by the use of$75,000 in capital appropriations and $500,000 to pay down a BAN in the FY2024 budget. Wastewater retained earnings as of June 30, 2022 was $1,807,854, and is projected to be approximately $1,626,000 as of June 30, 2023. The decrease in wastewater retained earnings is due to $715,000 in cash capital appropriations in the FY2024 budget, partly offset by the FY2023 operating surplus as noted in the Operating Results section above. It has been the practice of the Town to maintain a balance in retained earnings for a variety of reasons including the funding of unanticipated emergency spending; to cover potential revenue shortfalls; and to serve as a source of working capital so that General Fund cash does not have to be used for water and wastewater fund operations. It is proposed that this practice continue and any amounts in excess retained earnings be applied to finance capital projects. Community Comparisons Finally, included is a comparison of Lexington's proposed rates with those of the other MWRA member communities based on the MWRAAdvisory Board's Annual Water and Wastewater Retail Rate Survey for 2022 (page 18) and a comparison of assessments for all member communities that purchase water and wastewater services from the MWRA(page 19). 6 Water Enterprise Operating Results - FY2023 FY2023 FY2023 Favorable/ Revenues Revised Budget Actuals (Unfavorable) User Charges $ 12,367,671 $ 14,786,042 $ 2,418,371 Non-Rate Revenue $ - Penalties&Interest Late Charges $ 40,000 $ 41,569 $ 1,569 Tax Liens/Titles Redeemed '$ 2,813 2022& Prior Water Liens '$ 13,148 2023 Water Lien '$ 182,682 Total Tax Titles/Water Liens $ 165,000 $ 198,643 $ 33,643 New Meter Charge $ 40,000 $ 69,806 $ 29,806 Misc. Dept Revenue $ 15,000 $ 12,760 $ (2,240) Backflow Testing $ 40,000 $ 40,522 $ 522 Interest Earned $ 10,000 $ 328,490 $ 318,490 Sub-total Non-rate Revenue $ 310,000 $ 691,790 $ 381,790 Retained Earnings $ - $ - $ - Water Enterprise Total Revenues $ 12,677,671 $ 15,477,832 $ 2,800,161 Expenses-Direct Costs Compensation $ 875,670 $ 769,073 $ 106,597 Expenses: Contractual Services $ 279,800 $ 237,690 $ 42,110 Utilities $ 17,000 $ 17,023 $ (23) Supplies $ 126,700 $ 84,131 $ 42,569 Small Equipment $ 110,000 $ 6,560 $ 103,440 Cash Capital $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ - Debt $ 1,195,180 $ 1,195,180 $ - MWRA $ 8,493,467 $ 8,493,467 $ - OPEB $ 2,761 $ 2,761 $ - Total Direct Costs $ 11,700,578 $ 11,405,884 $ 294,694 Indirect Costs Equipment Maintenance and Depreciation $ 31,024 $ 31,024 $ - Auto Insurance $ 6,644 $ 6,644 $ - Indirect Departmental Expenses $ 308,018 $ 308,018 $ - Workers'Compensation $ 16,406 $ 16,406 $ - Employee Benefits $ 225,513 $ 225,513 $ - Retirement Costs $ 200,990 $ 200,990 $ - Indirect Town Expenses $ 183,671 $ 183,671 $ - Generallnsurance $ 4,827 $ 4,827 $ - Total Indirect Costs $ 977,093 $ 977,093 $ - Water Enterprise Total Expenses $ 12,677,671 $ 12,382,977 $ 294,694 FY2023 Surplus/(Deficit) $ - $ 3,094,855 $ 3,094,855 7 Wastewater Enterprise Operating Results - FY2023 FY2023 FY2023 Favorable/ Revenues Revised Budget Actuals (Unfavorable) User Charges $ 11,327,930 $ 11,711,865 $ 383,935 Non-Rate Revenue Penalties&Interest $ 60,000 $ 37,416 $ (22,584) Tax Liens/Titles Redeemed $ 6,049 2022& Prior Sewer Liens '$ 12,108 2023 Sewer Lien ',$ 184,781 Total Tax Titles/Sewer Liens $ 290,000 $ 202,938 $ (87,062) Previous Connection Charges $ 0 $ 400 $ 400 Misc. Dept Revenue $ 12,000 $ 12,979 $ 979 Interest Earned $ 8,000 $ 111,770 $ 103,770 sub-total Non-Rate Revenue $ 370,000 $ 365,502 $ (4,498) Retained Earnings $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Wastewater Enterprise Total Revenues $ 11,697,930 $ 12,077,368 $ 379,438 Expenses-Direct Costs Compensation $ 399,848 $ 348,279 $ 51,569 Expenses: Contractual Services $ 207,400 $ 139,233 $ 68,167 Supplies $ 105,900 $ 14,842 $ 91,058 Utilities $ 131,000 $ 103,503 $ 27,497 Small Equipment $ 14,100 $ 360 $ 13,740 Cash Capital $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 0 Debt $ 1,561,470 $ 1,561,467 $ 3 MWRA $ 8,432,792 $ 8,432,789 $ 3 OPEB $ 3,004 $ 3,004 $ 0 Total Direct Costs $ 11,155,514 $ 10,903,476 $ 252,038 Expenses-Indirect Costs Equipment Maintenance and Depreciation $ 24,459 $ 24,459 $ 0 Auto Insurance $ 3,853 $ 3,853 $ 0 Indirect Departmental Expenses $ 245,603 $ 245,603 $ 0 Workers'Compensation $ 6,028 $ 6,028 $ 0 Employee Benefits $ 50,323 $ 50,323 $ 0 Retirement Costs $ 60,219 $ 60,219 $ 0 IndirectTown Expenses $ 141,053 $ 141,053 $ 0 Generallnsurance $ 10,878 $ 10,878 $ 0 Total Indirect Costs $ 542,416 $ 542,416 $ 0 Wastewater Enterprise Total Expenses $ 11,697,930 $ 11,445,892 $ 252,038 FY2023 Surplus/(Deficit) $ - $ 631,476 $ 631,476 8 a ��M °7 � � � o a o o � o o � a � o 0 0 0 f6�N C1 � o o � � I` 6) � � O W N � V � c'�J CO � V�LL 7 O I I O O N N I W � O r I O � O O �LL m 0 +��+N N O � O O Q O O � O p O Q O O p O p m £LL r O � O O � O O � O I 0 O Q O O p O � l3 � 00 O O O O N CO CO O r � LLJO� � � � � m M o o N N C� � � � � M w �d V � 00 � � OO O � O � N CO T � M �.�j �0 � � � O � I� M � W N f� � N CO � � �p N f�6 M � M � �fi O � CO N � � N 1� G M M � �Q (.�O W � � M Cv�j � m N � N � QO � � N � M � d O O r (O V N � � CO r N p�j � � M O� V M 6� p� a0 � 1� N � M pp � � 00 V O M � N N � M � � N M CO N � O> 0 O � CNO O O h � � � N M N �r�j � � O N N h M �Q CO N T M M f� N N N CO � N � T � N wN y O 0 O O � O O � O p O � O O � O p Q �LL w O � O O Q O O � O I � O Q O O � O M ,_ R O � a0 N � O O � Ln p� M � CD � � � N W w� (O � � QN1 N M (D � N (�O � � 61 QN1 Cr„�^ M N � LL N O M O � r � O � N � OJ � O N � p � �' 3 � � � � � � CO N � � I � � � � M LL� N �j � L (O C1 V c0 N N (O Of � M Q � � r � N 00 M M a � � N CO � �t7 � N N � C � O 0 LL N V I� M O (.O O) O pp I� � V 00 p � Q� Z N U O CO M M N � V CO CO V I ^ f� 00 � N CO � � � Q� _ � � � W O N M � � CO � M � f� 01 O � OO ��y � lL CO � C�') I� N CO W � � d @ Z OC '� n n � � t� co rn � o � oo c� co � r� rn n o � a� X N � V N � 6� M M n V 00 T � M M � W� � O M � I� N � � CO I N <O 00 CO N M � O J U� 3 N a0 V N � � V N � o� � O O N � p� � V � 00 N I� 00 O I� � O � 00 N I� h CO 00 � �L= CO T M � I� N N CO � T M N �Z � O Z O � o ao � v o0 0 � v ti c� � r� n � co M � � �j� � N � � I� M � � 6) � M M � f� O � N �j � a � O V � M ln � Lf) CO M I� O� OJ � N � M n O C N ln O O (D (D I� � �.�j I� � O � � � �C � l}L f.MO � � O� N �M � N N N (NO � � � 01 � � � N M � � � � r U Q � (O M O � N M � M �v�j N M M 00 � O1 � � C� O V � ln O � I` V � M I � M � � N � � � •� W LL � � � � M M � N N N � � � � O � � � � N M N � o m LL � O � �C) � N � � � M LC1 � � � M N � OD � C'7 o rn � rn ap ti o � v rn � � �n N � r p' N } O ' � M � [O CO � CO � N Q � O ' � Of O �L C�O � N 01 N M CO N N � N CO � N T 6� M } L.L n c� � rn °° c'� � � "� o �° M o o`�o rn � � vNi rn c� O � W V r N W � � CO � M O V M O � N OD O r � �N M M M � � N V 0 01 � � M N � M N N lL CO N � � � CO � N N CO N � � M L.L O UZW � � o � 00 0 � � N 2 0 � � o � � } LL � � N M Ja �W M �W �W � �W � N M JQ �uJ O W w w w � �¢ w �� Q� o �Q w w w p �� } ~ H H � H � H �` �` � �`� H H H H � L � � z o Q� 0 w � w a .� � � �a �� �� �a O�y �� ¢ � �a w � � � a az a� ao W n zz� a� � W wz J z � W � �� �� �"� a° _� �_ � `n �n� � a m x � o _ � m o o � � O r N M � 4'f f0 I� W Qf T �• � �M.• � � � � � � v v v v v .�.� v v v � ... x W����� � � � ��q�w � II��III���� ii� � � � II„I�,II II„N,,,,, ,� �,�„ � � I� �,,,,, �� � � � � � � � � 16,N,,,,, ����� � � � �,�„ ������ � ������ ���� „ � ,��,,,,, I� , � ������� � �,,,, '� ������������, � ����� 16,N,,,,, � „� � � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII � � ��� �� '', ��„� o � � � � � �� �,,,,. ,� � � �� .,,,,,,,. ; 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Vl � � � c0 N (� C � .� L = a � � � � a � o �. o � � U °� � o � � �: m � E O cn cn � �n c� � U c� � � y u� � � � � � � o (� � N � ca N W (� i +, �,(B � N � � � >C +�+ Q C ` � �- N L �• �> w � d Q N � V C N O � V � � d W � U � d � Q O 7 � c6 � > d � L .� Q O � Q L Q '� � C c0 y� N � � o c� w c) � cn cn c� o � o � = w o Q �w � w � � c7 � �� � °n� FY24 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Water Budget $13,692,643 $12,077,671 $12,224,466 $11,522,329 $10,881,995 $10,749,241 $10,722,659 $10,766,291 Capital/ $— $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 Infrastructure* Less: Estimated $�327,000) $(310,000) $(308,000) $(308,000) $(292,500) $(272,920) $(314,675) $(308,773) Non-Rate Revenue Less: Use of $(500,000) $— $— $— $— $(61,000) $(168,100) $(248,900) Retained Earnings Net Revenue to be Raised from Water $12,865,643 $12,367,671 $12,316,466 $11,414,329 $10,589,495 $10,415,321 $10,239,884 $10,208,618 Charges a b c d e f Estimated Tier Range Tier as%of Consumption � '� Tier (HCF) Subtotal (HCF) Rate/HCF Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 1 0-40 70.3% 650,000 $ 4.75 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 2 41-80 9.4°/o 87,000 $ 7.12 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 3 80+ 20.3% 188,000 $ 9.40 Subtotal 925,000 Irrigation All @ Tier 3 Rate 370,000 $ 9.40 Municipal Flat Rate 29,000 $ 3.27 Hanscom/Lincoln Labs Flat Rate 185,000 $ 7.00 VA Hospital Flat Rate 10,000 $ 8.37 Bedford WaterAgreement Flat Rate 680,000 $ 3.30 Subtotal 1,274,000 Total 2,199,000 Estimated Tier as%of Consumption °/o Rate "�'� � � � '� Subtotal (HCF) Rate/HCF Revenue Increase Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 1 0-40 70.1% 645,000 $5.06 $3,263,700 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 2 41-80 9.5% 87,000 $7.59 $ 660,330 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 3 80+ 20.4°/o 188,000 $10.02 $1,883,760 Subtotal 920,000 $5,807,790 Irrigation All @ Tier 3 Rate 360,000 $10.02 $3,607,200 Municipal Flat Rate 30,000 $3.46 $ 103,800 � �'. Hanscom/Lincoln Labs Flat Rate 200,000 $7•46 $1,492,000 VA Hospital Flat Rate 10,000 �8•92 $ 89,200 Bedford WaterAgreement Flat Rate 700,000 $3.29 $2,303,000 Subtotal 1,300,000 $7,595,200 Total 2,220,000 $13,402,990 Estimated Gross Water Charges $13,402,990 Collection Rate 96% Estimated Net Revenue $12,866,870 Revenue Target $12,865,643 Surplus/(Deficit) $ 1,227 14 �. � � � � .� FY24 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Wastewater Budget $11,798,638 $11,397,930 $11,003,270 $10,663,319 $10,453,931 $10,057,978 $9,682,514 $9,396,747 Investment in Capital/ $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 I nfrastru ctu re Estimated Non-Rate $�382,000) $(370,000) $(362,000) $(362,000) $(362,000) $(365,000) $(363,000) $(363,000) Revenue Use of Retained �_ �_ � �_ �_ �_ �_ �_ Earnings Net Revenue to be Raised from $11 816 638 $11 327 930 $10 841 270 $10 401 319 $10 091 931 $9 692 978 $9 769 360 $9 033 747 Wastewater ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Char es a b c d e f Estimated Tier Range Tier as°/o of Consumption ' � '� Tier (HCF) Subtotal (HCF) Rate/HCF Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 1 0-40 67.3% 643,000 $ 8.77 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 2 41-80 10.3% 85,000 $ 14.32 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 3 80+ 22.4% 186,000 $ 22.77 Municipal Flat Rate 10,000 $ 3.68 Total 924,000 Estimated Tier as%of Consumption °/o Rate "�'� � � � " Subtotal (HCF) Rate/HCF Revenue Increase Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 1 0-40 70.1% 638,000 $9.73 $6,207,740 � .', Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 2 41-80 9.5% 86,000 $15.89 $1,366,540 � .', Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 3 80+ 20.4% 186,000 $25.27 $4,700,220 � .'� Municipal Flat Rate 11,000 $3.68 $ 40,480 � �'� Total 921,000 $12,314,980 Estimated Gross Wastewater Charges $12,314,980 Collection Rate 96% Estimated Net Revenue $11,822,381 Revenue Target $11,816,638 Surplus/(Deficit) $ 5,743 15 N 6� I` Ch � O C�1 lfl N ln I` I` � O Ch 6) O lC) N � r M � f� � M o0 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� 6� CO � M M N N M o0 6� � N N f� Lf� a0 N M N �N ' N � N N N � � N N N N N N N � N N N � N � N N N �O �N � N N N � lf> Cfl I� 00 d� O � N M � lf> Cfl I� 00 O� O � N M � �� � �� �� O O O O O O � � � � � � � r � r N N N N N �� � �� � R� O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O L� d L� � LO� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� O >� � >� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � a� ra� �a� Combined Water/Wastewater Bill for Low, Average & High Users: Impact of Proposed Rate Changes ,� � � FY2023 FY2024 Proposed Water $ 239.50 $ 253.00 Wastewater $ 465.00 $ 486.50 Combined $ 704.50 $ 739.50 $ Change from FY23 $ 35.00 % Change from FY23 5.0% ��/� ii�iri�%%i�//iiif�iall//1/f/////////%////l/%/l/%%i�//%%///G///////%/%////%/'��r,/////%/�%�%%////%/lll�i%///%�'�!/////%//////%/ %, , ,� „ � � �,� I FY2023 FY2024 Proposed Water $ 335.30 $ 354.20 Wastewater $ 651.00 $ 681.10 Combined $ 986.30 $ 1,035.30 $ Change from FY23 $ 49.00 % Change from FY23 5.0% a � FY2023 FY2024 Proposed Water $ 670.40 $ 708.40 Wastewater $ 1,351.60 $ 1,414.00 Combined $ 2,022.00 $ 2,122.40 $ Change from FY23 $ 100.40 % Change from FY23 5.0% � � � FY2023 FY2024 Proposed Water $ 1,716.00 $ 1,813.60 Wastewater $ 3,892.00 $ 4,071.20 Combined $ 5,608.00 $ 5,884.80 $ Change from FY23 $ 276.80 % Change from FY23 4.9% mm � FY2023 FY2024 Proposed Water $ 8,920.80 $ 9,428.80 Wastewater $ 22,253.60 $ 23,276.40 Combined $ 31,174.40 $ 32,705.20 $ Change from FY23 $ 1,530.80 % Change from FY23 4.9% 17 ,ry�p, A^ A ������������� �� � � ���IIII���� ��� �m :. ' I� u w m W m m ' w ' : � Community Water Sewer Combined Everett $ 291.60 $ 793.20 $ 1,084.80 Waltham $ 407.28 $ 715.32 $ 1,122.60 Malden $ 682.08 $ 797.76 $ 1,479.84 Boston $ 735.58 $ 1,010.01 $ 1,745.59 Chelsea $ 656.40 $ 1,136.40 $ 1,792.80 Brookline $ 667.04 $ 1,135.76 $ 1,802.80 Norwood $ 765.24 $ 1,041.12 $ 1,806.36 Watertown $ 618.00 $ 1,213.20 $ 1,831.20 Medford $ 860.40 $ 1,073.28 $ 1,933.68 Lexington $ 664.80 $ 1,274.40 $ 1,939.20 Revere $ 487.20 $ 1,470.00 $ 1,957.20 Arlington $ 939.92 $ 1,094.12 $ 2,034.04 Framingham $ 900.36 $ 1,134.72 $ 2,035.08 Quincy $ 866.40 $ 1,232.28 $ 2,098.68 Stoneham $ 834.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 2,154.00 Somerville $ 733.52 $ 1,500.12 $ 2,233.64 Melrose $ 931.60 $ 1,439.12 $ 2,370.72 Milton $ 894.48 $ 1,481.04 $ 2,375.52 Newton $ 967.80 $ 1,486.20 $ 2,454.00 Belmont $ 877.88 $ 1,622.20 $ 2,500.08 Reading $ 1,308.00 $ 1,308.00 $ 2,616.00 Winthrop $ 1,419.00 $ 1,419.00 $ 2,838.00 *Data from MWRAAdvisory Board's 2022 Annual Rate Survey, based on average annual household use of 120 HCF (FY2022 or most recently published). 18 � „�r .;m a,�� 'a�'� ai� ,u'v++ a�" �+,�r �m ,r mr .+,e� .ma n ,�r� .�, � CTr u7 � �'4 ai, 'wt 'wt` N �G? 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SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the design development plans for the Cary Library Children's Room and authorize the Department of Public Facilities to continue the design. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/16/2023 6:SOpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type d k�u��e;a;r�p�u�q.�au:u ]������u�ut��tia�n L � � � ■� J a� � — � � � ,_ a � � � O � �, � � � Q � ° � � � � � � o � � � � � �, � ._ � � � � � � o c� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � oo��u��oo���� ����� ��� o �uu���������������� �� , ..,,�� i��m III III�ui �� �, ,�� I �� ���VuIIWVVV�VuJ�VI �6 i�� i,�uum�" ������V .. �III �� um uuuuu I�� INuu u�� i m�INimmo�� � IIIIIV�ui � IU�IIII ���Y w�w�w� u��u��u��u��u��u��u��u��u��u���������u "' � �������01 � ��n� , � �IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� " ' �°� �� ��"i" � �� , �� p ��� I��IIIIIIIII�U�u�uuiN��N�.. 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Also attached is a Solar Need and Potential Analysis outlining considerations for how Lexington can contnbute to closing the Massachusetts solar gap. SUGGESTED MOTION: No vote at this time, this is informational and for discussion purposes only. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/16/2023 7:OSpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ q�0"Q;4C",CYV.olidOti➢�ll �.�4.A'V4;ll'MI4:°OYtG.A L� �'Oxmr�r1�/'a�i:va�r�<�t llierautua:rrs°�1F"➢z�n 4'asv�u�Ml�vr�, � ll�7)sVa^uv�u�t:�t.ia,r�631u�u�,rsuunit��, �.z,vt;u�l°�Q�nrec� ❑ :"+.qrraauu4(ua:f+. 4.'�rva;a Mla;ure�r ❑ �tpr�ac,�n�tux�» 6.'a,�t�u Ml�;on<, ❑ �>tirV�.aIV�;�;a.iarerad➢'�r4cr�n1va�VCtrtauVg�sus �3zi.�;V:�tpTMloukcr�u�t1 . � N w o� � ��� � /� I� �� �/// % � �������i°%% � w ��i�%� //liJ/,rro, µ ' ��lllllllll/0/rrarrau� °°�°� � �� ll�i / �� �rj%' �r Itt `;i j�r, � � e � � , ���� /� � n���d, �l � � �rv� � %, � � i/r,�, , � ��°� � °�. � �PoPo � �� �A��� l 1�4X.kNfX1'UN 4% ' , �. �,' � // n,+�"r:i 1�� 1 � , SNNVd E%q18HIW'.1 2}Ijl /ii � N � � � `� O — ca ca ° � � � � � � i � � � — _ 0 •� � � U � � O � O O p •C�A � � � c� � N p � 4�A � �O c6 � � �, � +, � � � � � Q � N � v � .X � � � � �p � .� c6 J � � � � ,� � J O � � > � cn �' � � � � �> � '� •� � � = ca � N � +-' v � � N � � c� ,_ Q = .� � � .� � � O � � .� oC O c� ca � U +� G� � � . . . ��� � � �� �� ��� l�� ���� /��/r a i �� %����i��i�� ��,w ����i�%„1�,�i r //,/%///�iii��„ � / ��/////lll/llllll0rrrarrau� � �� j�fff�f������r� (��� �rv�"Yh — ( l�fl���//%�/�� � ,';�% i � ��m � � � � � �r��� � � � �,,, � �� � � � � �Po � ���� � a--+ ^ •� � � O � � � � O � �� O � c6 � m � � N � Q � o 0 f�6 i }' i � � � O � � � � � � n � � � � •- 0 � � � •� � � o .o � � �'0 � � � � � � o � � o � > , � . � � � N � � oc � � � � � 0 0 0 •Q o � +� •— � c� � � � � � Q ,N ra � s � J � N � � �--+ � w � � � �� � � o � � � � ° ° � � o � � � � � o � � U � �� � O � � �p � � O � Q � � c�n N � � � ti�i0 � � � U O � > � o � � � � 'X � � � � ._ � Q a) C�p cn � Q : � �, � � J c6 �A c6 � � � � � }�—, .� ,� � >. � p � � J � � ,� N � O •� � � N � � � o t�,o � — }' a� � � o � •`—' �� 1 s � N ca � > }' v� � — � � _ � � � � � � � i .� � � � N � � � � cn _ � � O • • � � � � • • • • • � • � � � a� � c� � �U O ��( W � �p��� q(p�pAN�p ^/ � � �'q�Ilry�tlllUN��° � qu�011VNiy"�ryw w IIJ �� � ilq��w�uuuuu�� � � � � J � � � � j Y � � � � .� � � � = Q W � % � �_ % Q X � �����N�����,���III'�� � ■� � 110������@ miiiiuiii�u � J � � �Ill�iiii�uiwoi�����uuuu�,, � �� � !r� N � � � �� N N � � z = i o c� ,' ; � � o � �,������������������;,�;���°,�;�, H � �������� � � �� ������� �«��������������������������������� � � � � 1111�UVIIIIIp1�111111pV1����� � � _ � z ° �lu� N O `� p� i � ~ � i a „� � '� z �� � � - .� �, � � o �,,,,,III, �� � �I���%iVJ � � o,�,a, � ii��m �„��� �imi�� o�v /I( I� M � �' ;2� W ��� �N .,,`: � ///r � :� .� a:u �... �i C�A � a� � �. � � � �U � O � � � Q � � �, � � � � � Q.'..a "6 a� � � fll� ������1�� ' �� � � Y a � � � c� � >, � �, �, � � � z � � � � � � Q � � � � i � � � � f�l � � c� ; � ; i i f � � � � � � � � � � � � �%%/ii���,�(� � �� ""�o///%%%/! � a �, i .......... ......................... .... ..... .................. ........ � � �� 1.................................. .....................,...., ,.,...,.....,.......,..,..,..,..�.., �� r� � � � �� � � wa °i- ,� � � � � ` � Om °?P � �� �' ���io�'t �I l '�lr , ooi///i :. .. ..........�......�.......... ... ..,..�.,....�.,.,.. ,w.��r�, ..w,�,�� N � w � � �� ������� �� � � � ���� �� Z � � � O � ... ,M.�w...�' - �i �+ � % � �� � � ��� � � � � � � �� � �� �� � � � �� � ,M �� � �� � �� � � �� � � �� �� � �� � � � �� � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � �� � �� �. � �� �� � �� ������� " � � � � � �1%�j/%//'/�/�l/i��iil�iii,�i� � � =r� w.,,, r�'� /%F/�� // ����ii�ii�� � �� '� � `� �7 � �ii � �j�% �^"^ � � � � � '�;f , �� l i % Ji � � � � � � "� %/ � % "'� . t� � � � � 1 i, F /� � ��.7 � " � � � � �� r � �j� /� '*� �r � CI� � � � � ���9�%i o���iii��iia%/%j'/%�� � ��, '"�,'"""� � � �� , �� � � � � � � � � i � �, � �. � � " � �� � � � � � �I � ' � � .� � �� � � � � � � � � �l � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � I� � � � � � � � � � � � ~� � r,� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� h � �� � � � ,."��, ,������ �„ � � �.� � � .�, � /rrfrrdi///iJ�i��i�i �_ � � � � ;� � f��/////� oi��J��r -� � ..�? 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'' % % o ; � II /� �;� ��� � ` � `` Acknowledgments......................................... 2 ,, , ,� „� � 1 �- , ,; , �' ,� ,, , , , � , "`�� 'f�� � �� Climate Action in Lexin ton............................ 5 �� , - ' 1v� �,,r�� , ��r; �, � � � >i, /'r � e , � dr, � �y,� � � `� ��� °� � � � ��N���� ' Lexington's Contribution ta Climate Change.... 7 ,. , /i�' ���i��� ; , �i ;;, �, � �� �% �`l� �%r'���� " Reaching Net Zero Emissions......................... � ; , , � � fni� ,,, � ; ; ����f ,�; '� � �� �������� � ,;, ,�� � , Focus Areas................................................ 10 f� �,,,,� i / �,,�� Engaging the Community............................. 11 �'�' ;" :��� �,,,, � „ � ,;, , i �� ,, , , ����� � � Investing in Climate Action........................... 12 , � jli����„ ,; � ` ' ��i� �%; ��� �� � ' � ; Action Plan Summary.................................. 15 � 1 ii, � r , �/ J ' ��i 1' �i ��, �1 r � �r, � / /� / �,« ,��, � �� �� t��;,,,; „ Buildings & Energy...................................... 16 , , ti,, � , �� � ',,, �� Y� I ���� °liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I° 'u��!'+"' i �NNV u'P � �I � M�� VVV VVVVVV V I� � ��f� �� ���� „ �� Community Resilience................................. 1� ; ,,, , % � �/� ,� , ,/�� ,f �' Natural Resources....................................... 20 /l� , ;�;';��� Transportation & Mobility............................. 22 i�� °� � ;;,��j'> >� % �� VVaste ........................................................ 24 ���e � i i,� }� 1a �°�!� i O� � �' °'' Implementation Blueprints........................... �7 „� � %,,, � ���lli�i�fr� iiii�����' i f�%„/���� ,i��,,, i1 � I � / � j� , ����f ,,��f„< fffi ; 1� % , �t�� ,s��� ; ��; �„ � �� /�����>-- ,, ��j, RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 3 ���� ��ff, �";; �. , As climate change threatens our environment, health, infrastructure, and economy, Lexington is designing solutions to ensure our town thrives in the future. From transforming our energy and transportation systems, to protecting our health and natural environment and striving for equity and inclusion, Lexington has long embraced a thoughtful approach that understands how climate connects to our daily lives. Resilient Lexington is our pathway to a sustainable future. Join us as we strive to reach our ambitious goals for a healthier, stronger, and more resilient community. While the effect of climate change are local, their cumulative impact is global. By taking action at the local level, Lexington can contribute to a broader collective effort to reduce our contribution to climate change and build resilience against climate impacts. %l%%% �ii�, � �J� �J1�1 �� �� � �%%,, � IJJJ � � , /,//.,.,,,,,,<,r,,r�,,,, J JJ 1 � �ff i / ,,», �i� ��� J �� �j ,,,ulli � �/ J � � � � � � 1 ,, J . � , ,, 1 � � � , � � � � t ,, � � , � ,,, � J � � { � J JJ � . �� . � , 1 � .. .. , � .. , , , � , , . f , , , � r , „ . , , _ � , , f , , � , . � . , �ii � 1 � , / ,, J , , _ , , � , � � % . i � 11 � , ,,,,,... . , �, i , , , ,,, , / ,,, �� � i i � , , „ , � ,, � ,,� ,,,,,,h ,,, , , , / � / , , _. , / f� , � / , .,ti ,,, . � ,� � / � ,, / / , ,� �,,, � � _ . i, , � / __ � � _ ,,,, � � ,w ,,,ii _ /, „ _ � w , � . _ � �� / � r _ , % � / �, , ,. , ��� / , % . � , , ,,, , i � , i� ,, � � i , „ „ ����� � i , < o � a _ � � ... �, � . � r /�. �,f ,,,% ii � i,y �_ � yi. , / i� r / .. / < , „��� i � . i � . r _. „ �, „ ii .,, %/i� ,,, _ . ,,, , , � / , � �����iii/////////// �%%%%%%/ , i / < , ' ; ���'�'��� l///�� ��ii , �%/%�,,,////�/,,, � rd"u ��„� ,�%,�� ,,". , % /�iii�a ., ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,. ii,;, � � LEXINGTON � � � �� ;, � '' % , �„ ,; � �d l� � � ",����; 1� II' iij r�����Y�J I � � ��,� � �, �,�i%%' i, ` N, „��il� ' ' �y�' "if����O ,_, � �,�%,� �� �i��j/m l � � , � i �1' / �� :�,� ����n��� �'����� / 0 iI� ,�� � fy i � lja������/ � rr, %/ i �1�r� / � � i �,, �/� �! � ��j //�'� /J�� / � 1J/ , r 'Hr��� ������ ��I���//�J' �i �� i '� ��/ �J �///d� ;�'�� LA�M%���� ��i�/��... t� I i�/� � � ij / �� � � � �� ,;��J a/�� � �;s, ���� ��1I ���-�.8 Yj �����i���V��Ni�� �j�� , ���� i�i � /.��.,. 1`, ' �y?�. �r ., r i M� ii l� ��� � i � /;,�/ II�� �/� �� �,��, x, t. ; J;, fi'i�� �i ,/� �t� i��-��/ .,j ����; � �;p�; �fr t� �`/ "il. ''�idi � �II�aVrr'�//��/j�/� '%//1 �� /�� %f , ,%� �� �t �,�.� ,f,��� /� . /��! ,� o.� r � ,�/�f "' „ ' � w ui �r�r��� " �j����� l�f�/ r f° � , � J ,�� i,! �/��� � 0 �J" /%��/,�� ° f� I � �� � ' � ,� ,;v;�l l � ' � r/ � , r iJ � f�� r � ,� f�1/� � , ; �(��,.�l��i� � ,���ll�;��( �ildl rl. ,�,ll,��l%���f�����11, � c��,//� !l 1��,,,,,.. � 4 � ' �U ' ,, q; � ����i%fi r!i��� �� �iy � ` 1 r/f 1 i �� ��"�'% f U "/; 1 Y % m%1��i�IfUWf�Nm,„ � �4�; ��°�������ll r��ll��l7��������'��III'r��l�lr�((fll��°%��I�I(�f�lf4�������������� � ,����;�� I��� � ����������1�1'J�/ pppp��q���'. q�p���� rrr� q � � � � � This Climate Action and esilience Plan will build upon a solid foundatian of climate leadership an camplement onc�oing effarts ta create a sustainable future. This Plan strives to incorporate the recammen ations an priorities from previaus plans, includin the Getting to et Zero Emissions Roadmap & ecommendatr"ons. There may still be recommendations from those plans that will be helpful to revisit during implementation af Resilient Lexington actions. ith a old visian for a resilient community at its core, our community can continue to lead the way with actian. 2010 2013 2017 �����„»»»»»»,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� �����„»»»»»»,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� �����„»»»»»»,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� Created the Sustainable Adopted a Climate Change Launched Lexington's Lexington Committee Resalution to re uire Community Choice Program. Designated as one af the cansideratian af climate change first Green Communities in in all apprapriate decisians assachusetts (Article 33) 2018 2022 2023 �����„»»»»»»,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� �����„»»»»»»,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� �����„»»»»»»,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� Adopted the Lexington Passed a Zero Waste Resolution Launched Lexington's Sustainable Action lan Passed a uil in Ener y Climate Action and elease Lexingtan's Gettin Use Disclasure bylaw esilience Plan to et Zero Emissions Poadmap & Recommendations � � IIIII� �' ��� �� � 'iiiii iiii��� � iiiii���� iiiir� ��iiii� � , � �, ,, . , , ,� � :f � �IIIII� �����IIIIV����� Illll�lllll�iiii� � � �Illlr� �.IIIII� �. �r, �� � '�ii� �� ���� ;: ��iiii��� iiiir�����,iiiir���� IIIII� � � i iiii����� ���iiii�iiiir�� �� � IIIII, �������r ��������� '�iiii ���� '�iiii�����iii ������ ������ � � ������ �; ;� , � � ��� > � � „ VS��' �%; �"� � "�(��,` ,��u. RESIL {i���f����.U�:���1���I��'..II„� 1�1� I.���I��,� �{il�� y�ill�i.!�,��ILIENG�PLAN 5 S�� � �'%��y���r, Y II y�����i M U� M � � � � � T e greenhouse gases (G Gs} we release by burning fossil fuels ta pawer our homes, businesses, and ve icles create emissians that contribute ta the warming of the Earth's climate, causing climate change. As climate change threatens our er�viranment, health, infrastructure, and e�anomy, Lexingtan is esi ning salutions ta ensure aur tauvr� thrives in the future. From transformin our energy and transportation systems to protectin our health and natural environment, our Climate Actian and esilience Plan uvill help ensure that everyone in our community is resilient to the im acts of climate change. IIIII�II��llll�,l��lllll�l������lu»����IIII���»�������»�l»J����1�1��°,,. ,, � ���b � �,Y �'����.; ° , Iw;l; '�' ��,,�'° �s ' � �'�1 II�UIIIIIIIII �'lll'i e :e Y�, o V e� ' � �.�.�. �.�.�.�.� .�.�.�.�.��i I p i �� � ;//�/ � I� I� " " m /� � i e^ ��I . . a o � ���.��a.���w�� _ _ �� ��� ��� � �, / � , e , � �� � IIIIIIIIII��������������° , , � ' �/ �� IIIU � e i �p, � -e o - a e � �.., , , �� �,„�..,�-{�U ���� ����,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„,., ��U����� _m . _, , a e .,,„�,��,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�„ , a ' w ' a e' . e �a e � J�//////%� `` ��%%%% � �'�,� ��� l%,:� �r�m�r'� ��i//��j�i���/ �a '`d,;`i�'4ijj, �I,,, +,��ii�u�u��, ��%/i�� ''��},, �i'��;;, ; � ,e � f�,%i� � ��o // �.: �,. i��„p `, il�ir,�✓�,�}��10,�.��uR(P����d� . " � ' � � ii '���1��"' ° i i � ����im��� q��� Im�.,,.�,�; I 7tllY�u'.�.,., , .. [ �' Dp j�i u�r ��iil 0 ��%�;'�� a, /// ��rd � ��%� �I/�� i,� � � ��7� iii�� ��ir� �l�fi�� ' i// � /� � �. Vl�l;, ' 1 � r 'arPO J i / '" �%%%� % �� � �'� i � � ° ��oor%/�r/ll/?/��6����P'�r+1 ` iii r � �� �l�%rirSl I�w,��1�Pa � ���� � � ' ��t��,r�rl �` //%, , �l�f�l „y/J y %��� �/;,,%%%�ri��G , '', �r���;°�1 a�u�lr� EXTREME HEAT INCREASED FLOODING INTENSE STORMS � I� � u � �/� Average number of extreme heat Level of sea rise in Boston Increase in annual precipitation in days above 90° F in Middlesex County between 1950-2016 Middlesex County between 1980-2005' between2017-2021 �� � u �i� � � � Level of sea rise projected Additional increase in annual precipitation Average number of e�reme heat in Boston by 2050' in Lexington projected by 20502 days projected by 2050' 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Environmental Public Health Tracking 1 Centers for Disease Control and Preventiori. 1 SeaLevelRise.Massachusetts'Sea Level is Rising. Network. National Environmental Public Health Tracking htt�as:!/sealevelrise.org/stateslmassachusetts! 2 Resilient MA.Gimate Change Projections Dash- Network.www.cdc.govlepf7�tracking board.htt{�s:l/resilientma-mapcen�ter-mass-eo- eea.hub.arcgis.cairi/4tCl irnate[)ashboarcl 6 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN � 0 � 0 I � I � � � � A '" GHG emissions are ro uced when we use fassil fuels to heat our buildin s and pawer aur vehicles an when we burn Waste in an incinerator. Takin bold actian in t ese areas will be essential to minimizin our community's cantribution to climate c ange. Lexin ton complete an updated inventary of emissions from calendar year 2019 ta better un erstand houv activities cantribute ta community-wide emissions. Lexington's GHG Emissions by Sector (2019) I�l UIL I S� GY �� Electricity/� % Fuel Oil/ °!o I� , �` Natural Gas l 1�% Propane/1% ���� � �I �, Fugitive Fossil Gas/17�10 �� � ��% ���� .... �', ��� Solid Waste/4°l0 V�9, ...., ...., ��������������������������II���IIII���IIIIIIIIVUIIIIUium»��, TR/�LNSP�F2TLiTIC�R1 e � Gasoline/�2°l0 � , • o ,, ,,,, � ;;, � e Diesel/<1/0 G 0 "�o Electric/ 1l0 � ,� � „ o � � �� V19ATE12 TI2EATMENT : ��� Water Treatment&Delivery/<1% ,;,; . rf///ll,l' {{A99A sTEWATER �� � Wastewater Treatment/<1°l0 GHG Sectors uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu��r�� uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu� BUILDINGS& ENERGY TRANSPORTATION WASTE Electricity used in buildings Leaks in the fossil gas Transportation was the Waste generated within was responsible for the distribution system are second highest contributing Lexington represented the largest share of GHGs estimated to release over sector at 23%of GHGs third largest emissions (30%).These emissions will 820 metric tons of inethane with majority coming from sector.To achieve a 90°/o be reduced as renewable each year based on average gasoline used in vehicles. reduction in waste by energy replaces fossil fuel leakage rates.When 2050, Lexington will need generation. Natural gas and considering the short-term to minimize consumption other fuel use represented climate impact of inethane, and waste generation 26% of total emissions. these leaks account for 17% and maximize diversion of of our total emissions. materials from incineration. The data used to generate community GHG emissions estimates were tlrawn from sources that capture activity data from multiple sectors across the Town of Lexington. Due to data availability and established reporting principles, some GHG-producing sources were not included, including resident air travel, Hanscom air travel, and embodied carbon. For more information about the methodologies, emissions factors,and reporting conventions used, please refer to Appendix A: 2019 GHG Inventory Methods Summary. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 7 ��.���� � ��, 9q�pi.. t�r9�rpYY ''�. 9q - tXrl ID q � Q I � The goals and targets put forth in this Plan are meant to be am itious an representative of w at it takes to et to a net-zera, resilient future, whereas the strate ies and actians are designed to help us et started an reac ing those goals uickly and efficiently. If Lexington were to continue on our currer�t path without cancerte action to address climate change, we would generate over 9.5 million metric tons of CO2e by 2050. The graph belaw models houv these strategies will reduce aur cammunity's GHG emissions an allaw us to reach near-zero* emissions by mid-century. The faster we act, the more emissions we can avoi . If vue achieve the pathway illustrated here, we caul avoi over 6.4 million MT 2e, 67°�0 of business-as- usual emissions.As the re ianal grid becames cleaner, it is im ortant that we are electrifying our buildings alon side that transition. To decar anize and fight climate change in the time- scale needed, electrification an clean energy development must hap en together. Pathways to Zero :••••••• ENERGY :•••••�j��iii f� BUILDINGS :,••••••• s � TRANSPORTATION � � ��s�,�C�� : : : �mr�lf : : : ........�,����������ON WASTE �4�7�1,Q�Cl� : ` : : ���,;�,. �!��3,�1�7�? ��G�,G��G:? IIVv� : : � ���� � :�,!5�,��Q� ; : : � �:: r' ;?C�C1,C7�7d�D ? , : : �/ ; �`% Illllllllll���d��,. %��� ��r 1���,��� IIIIIIII ���^ �� '�i`,�� ? �/ �%, ���r��� ,/ ,,,,, / / IIIIIV ili iiii�uu i��.d���ri I�iii�,I.'�I � �/ � �� /// ; �"S�.�va�.�Q�� / �.: .. ///��/. / ///� I � /����������������1�//%%/%//%%/%//////iiiiir,�r� ,,,,,,,,,.,... ?C��C) �Cb�!� �C��C) �C1�!� �C��dG) ` In 2050,the remaining emissions largely result from heavy duty vehicles and small amounts of process and fugitive emissions associated with wastewater treatment.It is possible that technology advances in transportation will make a target of effectively zero emissions possible. 8 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN ___________________________________________________________________________________ �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ENERGY BUILDINGS A major component of reaching our potential is by ensuring Achieving our goal of 100%high-efficiency and electrified that Lexington consumes 100%clean electricity.We aim to buildings by 2050 will require engaging property owners �///%%/////////�ii�, accelerate the transition by ensuring our power purchases �,��,�� � through incentives and outreach programs. Moving quickly �0///0%%%%�r 2 are driving the development of new renewable energy f to achieve this end could avoid over 2.2 million MTCO e. capacity in the region.In addition,we'll be scaling up Paired with scaling back leaking fossil gas infrastructure, i solar energy wherever it makes sense within our town. It's addressing builtling energy sources will provide 59%of all estimated that today there are 6.400 solar-viable rooftops reductions by 2050. inour community,these alone would be capable of suppling ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18%of our future energy needs and this does not even count the potential of solar over parking lots and other places in the built environment.' TRANSPORTATION To reduce emissions from transportation,Lexington will mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm need to focus on ensuring that low-carbon transporta- tion modes are safe and accessible and accelerating the a transition to electric vehicles(EVs)for both passenger and commercial vehicles. Currently,27%of Lexington's green- house gas(GHG)emissions come from the transportation sector. By reaching 100%electric passenger vehicles by 2050, Lexington will avoid 1.2 million MTCO2e. Electricity �ff� Natural Gas WASTE Fugitive Natural Gas Our first strategy for waste is to simply produce less of it and supplement through reuse, recyding,and composting. ���'� Other Fuels ������'��/ Combined,those strategies will help us find alternatives to � �,I��� disposal for 8,300 tons of residential waste and 27,000 � Transportation ��� tons of commercial waste annually by 2050.These actions ���r Waste will both avoid 340,000 MTCOze,and help reduce global resource demand for the many`disposable' goods we use �����1� Water/Wastewater Treatment today. ' Google Project Sunroof solar capacity estimates are J� � ���� �j �� - '� ` ��� ° � � �� ��� � ,�" �°� ' ��� ��� , � �, optimistic and an over-estimation of what is realistic in � �, � �� ,� , Lexington,given local codes and other constraints not �,,,��� ,� � r captured from a high-level assessment. C,I �,'���,'� �� � r , rr ,. �^ r, ,��i � � ,i �A�M� �' � �� ��� �r ir� � � � ����� � � M `�� i, �' ��d(i � „ � r ��� in �"m,� � ii° �� i ��r��� � '��� i.^ �„ri �,�x, ��� r� � ., i ..R.;.. , , � �� �� i � �� / i���, � ,,� a, � „� �, � ����� ��� � �,, � , ��?�!� ?G�'�C� � �F %'�J 1 I � '� � n % �if 1J����Hr � ��� ` ��i� 4 ��i�l f j � Y'* & . � ���uri a� y�„ � �i Di " �1� ��`���/��'�� I i Ilid W���f�� � �� . �ID�' �� � � �i 11:��1D� � . u f fl RE�SILI��?1J`1:�XII�f�'ff��, 'I��� ; � lir�i � �i% �'` 9 ��,w�� i(� ���`r;, I � p � � � The goals, strate ies, and actions in this plan are arganized into . /��//////%//rrrrra�iiiii�i�rrri�lJ ��INlli�nm�'((�(aim6t�ItB1lNlYli�\OY��� �//�//%/G/%1/�iirrmaiaiiiaioia�6ir �i / �iipg�/ /�/%%%//�aiaiirrr000iiioiii�rp�// � �� �f rr /%%%r �� � JI� l��% ��R�� �� � f� /��� � Ji,,,%/��� �� � I �� � � �. f��/ �rl�� /D/�%- /� � ��F/ J � ��� i/ / � � ///�0P°�i i,� ��I I���� !J�'�ii i!�/ i��// �� � i �o'�r�o,,�n�� ��'��u�uua�oowu���mti4� �oi�,,,��my�i�mim�� �'��in�m��� BUILDINGS COMMUNITY NATURAL TRANSPORTATION WASTE &ENERGY RESILIENCE RESOURCES &MOBILITY Driving the transition Enhancing the health, Protecting and Promoting low-carbon Transitioning to a zero- toward a net-zero safety, and well- enhancing the natural transportation modes waste community by community through being of Lexington resources in Lexington while ensuring a reducing consumption efficient,clean, and residents through to ensure clean water, safe, accessible, and increasing resilient buildings climate preparedness air, and habitats, and connected opportunities for and the expansion of and equitable access as well as reduced transportation network. recycling and reuse. renewable energy. to resources and GHG emissions and services. accessible open spaces for all. Guiding Principles The plan's represent Lexingtan's values and oals for implemer�tatian: � � ��� � � � �� I RESILIENCE EQUITY GHG REDUCTION REGIONAL COLLABORATION Prioritize actions that Prioritize creating Prioritize reduction of Prioritize collaboration strengthen Lexington's opportunities and Lexington's Town operations with regional organizations, social, economic, and addressing challenges that and community greenhouse agencies, and local ecological systems against disproportionately affect gas emissions to adtlress governments that climate hazards and communities that have been climate change. represent a diverse array of stressors. historically marginalized. perspectives and interests. 10 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN � Y Y i � re � A 0 In order to effectively reduce our emissions and prepare aur community for the impacts af climate chan e, this plan nee s to reflect the �riorities and needs of our community. Fee back and ideas from a diverse graup of residents, local organizatians, and Tauvn leaders vuere gathere during the planning process to shape t e goals, strategies, and actions in the plan. Successfully implementing this plan will require the sup ort of the entire cammunity, and angoin community engagement will be the foundatian af that success. ////////aaaiiri� //r�/p�/aiiioiiiirii�orr/�i � �JJ,i�l r/r'/�j �/ l '��( f�/�r�r��nri�anrd��riiUioii��GJG ��� �i�a�"`�6mRcamum�umm�aNiiiattii�� I � ���g Jf a,� f�� �J � JJ � �� � �� �j/ � i, � i /� �;r i � %ii�,, � �'%, � �''„ /� �� �A�.:, �, � � �� _ ! oo� i� �� � a��„ r �,�/� � / a m a, �� / i §� �� .r�.r����"/��� ��2�rcn�vf�^' ��ii�il/1100� ���'Nmwmunu�������µ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��� lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ��lu�l��b��,��������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��� ��� ��� �/� ��� af survey af survey of survey of survey of survey respondents are respandents are respandents are respandents are respandents are willing ta install salar willing to pay far willing ta install willing to use public willing to jain a panels on their home curbside pickup of green infrastructure, transpartation to community ar or business. food vuaste such as rain commute to work, neighbarhaod gardens, to help school, and transit support netwark manage stormwater centers ta strengthen runoff and reduce connections and local floading pravide aid to neighbors during an emergency �������... 000000���uuuuuuu������ � ���00� ;� J„ 0 /� i� r �; �, � / �f � � � � - , i %i r � i� �� �� � %, � • � � �- - �� �� � � �• • � �. . ;� -�- - � �•�� - "" �� ��"� V�f ��,����// J � � 'i%i��%1������/ //j' 1 . 1 1 %i i Tl / �� / � (j�%���������� � � ��/��/,/��' ,/i�%� ����� ��r �� � r ���i������j �� �,,, � �, � � s„ � ��,��,;r,y,�� ��mi0000mumo�m "��mr�� ��i�� ,, �j � � „���� » » t � �� ti 116� ir��v,� �; ;:..J ,/�,J �''�; � �� ��`� F'�� r ��. 1 1 • 1 1• � ���,� � � .1 ' 1 .1 1 1 . 1. ' i� � � � � � ", �� �_ � ;, � � ���� � ,� 1' 1 '1• � I � 0 � /�� uum � � x uum � ��' 1 1 �� � �` 1 r�� ,�s rr��r RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 11 r �Y Xr�pY 1 i��9 ' � M � � Implementing esilient Lexington will be a collective effort. For many af the actions in the plan, the Town will lead and facilitate community members tawards a climate positive future in addition to directly implementing some actions on its awn. The informatian below details investments that can be made by individual households. ,m �um, �„m� y,��� �� ��,�,� ��-=��,�^� ���.. ,. - 1 �I �.�.. � 0 � � �l � ���� � � 0' �p �N ���'"�,,,�„�umu,s"�� ���°'��mm„�rnd' ,,,,,,,m,m„�„m,u�"`r�', � u� ���u u�� � �� � Induction stove Weatherization,efficiency upgrades Installation of rooftop solar panels UPFRdNT SAVINGS: UPFRONT SAVINGS: UPFRONT SAVINGS: $500 in upfront discounts from Mass Save 75-100%off insulation and$100 off 30%federal tax credit of equipment and programmable thermostats through State installation costs and 15%state tax credit OPERATIONAL SAVINGS: rebates,$4,000 in efficiency rebates through (up to$1,000) Marginal operating cost difference Federal programs dPERATIONAL SAVINGS: BENEFITS: ppERATIONAL SAVINGS: Payback period of 8.3 years Faster cook times and greater control than 25%of heating costs,approximately$700 gas stoves, improved indoor air quality with for a 2,500 sq.ft. house BENEFITS: lack of combustion fumes, reduced risk of Protection against power outages when burns,cooler kitchen temperatures BENEFITS: paired with battery storage Lower energy costs and increased comfort �,,, : ; � „�� ;,. f � ,,,,'�( ��„ ( IIIIIIIII ���������������������������������IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII � IIIIIIIIII�II�II�II�II�II�II�IIII�II�II�II�II�II�II�II�IIIII�II�II�II�II�II�II� I���������������I�������I : ` I���������������� ������������������ ���������������� �...................... i���������������i�������i ������������������������� ���������������� ������������������ ���������������� , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ������������������������� , ; ,,,,,,,,,,,,, , „ , ,/,//////////////////////////////� //////////////////////// , ( ' iiiiiiiiii�, II II � II� �II � ,,,,,,;:, / ��;`' „� � . / " / ��� �� ; I���������������I�������I � ��,���,�� ��%��% ��%��%�%����������������������� < / ������� I���������������I�������I �������������� / %; ��������,. � , / �� . � , �. � / / ���%. ,., i � uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuui I���������������I�������I i� , r i,,,,,,, I���������������I�������I I , � ' „" � , , � � �i , � � � z;> � I . I���������������I�������I ,t . % � % . � ,. %� �%/�%, /i�/�% ���i�� � ������������������������� ������������������������� ������ ��������������������ii����� ����� �» ������ 11 , �������������� � ,�„����� ������������iii���l�l�lll l�ll���������� ��������� � 12 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN � ,� /II V� i f � �� ��, �;,r� ���, � �; ,` y 4A'q�� ��; Investing in climate solutions today can yield ' �� ��� �� substantial financial savings in the long run �� ���.�a ��� � � ,,,o , , � � M� ��� while simultaneously fostering a sustainable �� ����t� �� �� „�°�: , � ,�"� ����'""" and resilient future. fu � � � `�� ��,,�m,,,,,, ,� ,���,,,�,,,,, �,m��,,,, � _ ,,,,,z� �� �,;� ��� �,;� . . � �� � � � ,0� � � �., ■ � � � o� � � �, . . � °°��,,,,,,,�m,�::o�� „�,,,�,uum°�� „�,,,�,uu"°d� �I� I��I� II ul�� I�"� �I� I� II ull� /� IL.uI�� II I�� I� I�� �u II� Heat pump water heater Electric heat pumps Electric vehicle purchase,installation of EV charging UPFRONT SAVINGS: UPFRONT SAVINGS: $300 after State and Federal incentives $10,000-15,000 in upfront discounts UPFRONT SAVINGS: through State and Federal programs $11,000 in discounts for EV purchases OPERATIONAL SAVINGS: (higher for income-eligible residents) through MOR-EV and Federal incentives Estimated to save the average household up to$340 year on energy bills' dPERATIONAL SAVINGS: OPERATIONAL SAUINGS: $40-2,800 in annual operating cost savings Can save�$1,000 on fuel costs annually', BENEFITS: if transitioning to a ground-source heat pump 50% reduction in maintenance costs2 More efficient than gas-powered counterparts from traditional fossil fuel systems BENEFITS: BENEFITS: Improved local air quality and reduced noise 1 US Department of Energy.Heat Pump Water Heater. L2SS md111tEIlallCe Saf2f t0 Op2rat2,longer pollution ntt�s:��r�sc.�ner�y.�c,v�tecr�-sc,iutior�s���wn lifespan,adds air conditioning,and improvetl indoor air quality 1 National Renewable Energy Lab.Levelizetl Cost of Charging Electric Vehicles in the Unitetl States.https:llvvww.nr�I.gavlrrewslpressl202C11 research-cietermi�7es-firrar7cial-b�n�fit-fr�m-clriv- ir7g-electric-vef�ides.htrnl 2 Consumer Reports.Electric Vehicle Ownership ; ': Costs.ht[�s��advocacy.ca�7sumerreporls.org( ;,,,,,,,, '• : w�a-carr�terr�t(u��loacis/2020/10/EV-Ovvner- ship-Cast-Final-Report-1.pdf � ,�v���iiiiiiii////iiiiiii�iiiiiiii���,,,,,,. i���:� I Y"��� '%iiiiiiiiiiiii�;�;,, <,,,,,,, " ////////////////%/ " ,�; %%%!� „ '�///////////////////// : ��„ . ::' /////////////////////% � ;; ..- // „ ,,,,,,, .. , � � �������r�,,,,,,,, <,,,,,,,, ' %%%%%%%%%//, ,,,����riiiiiiiiiiii//////%///������ .�� /////////////%i� . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . irviii; ���I� ,,,„ / : //, // // , /// /// // ii/// ii ii rvi ii � „„„ ,,,.. ,,, �... ,„ , ii. ' „��ii � :� � � � � � � ....� ..�. .. � � i ����////. %����� . . % i � Y�y�u �:���%iiiiiiii��� � RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 1�3 ..../ ^. /iiii ////.�i //%/!/..../ 1 l;. , % ......... //// .. / /... //%/ ..... i . ////////////� ///// / � . ,,,,, i .. . . .� . � ���������� „........ �.. ,,. � � ��....... � ��... � �� .// � ,,,,.. � � .,. ����� i...'.. ������......i .., ����� � � � .' ..... ........ ..,. ��������� ...... � /. .,,,, ���� � . � � � . r....... . ......... �� � � � i......... ...... / / / / // / i ......... ...... .... / / ,/... / / .. ., / .i ........ �j... i � / .. / / ., j /. .. , ,. . .. ///... ..., ���������� ..ii / / / / / . , / , , ....... /...... . i ,r . , / , , %/ / %%%%%%%%////%%% /,/ / , /// %%% / // % ,/,,,, % / /,/ /%/,O %/// /. / % %/ /D/ / „ / %/ %% i // %% / / i / / %/ % i / / %,%// /%%%/ %%%%/ , / , ,.. / %%%%%%% / / , „ / „ / / /0/ / ; O/ / / % / , / _,, ._,,,,,,,,,%%%%%%%%%/ / D%%// %/ ,,,,%%%% % � / % / ,, %/// , ,%9�/ / % %%%%%//9 / , , , „ / , / ,/ ,,,,, ., �,,,, , % % % , / % / , , / _ iiii/% , _,,, %//,/��ii/////////// „ / , % //, ,,,,, i ,/ // , , / , / /a ,,,% ,,,,,,,,,,%%////i�,,,,/i / ,,,/,/,// / ��/// // ,�/ / ,,,,,,,,,, � ,,,,,///�/ ,///% // ////////�„� ,,,,,� „�� �riii�,,,,, „ %iiiiiiiiii% %///�/,,,,,, ����j/i� ii //i ,; ��iiiii///////iiiii���i /ii��%%%%%%/,,, ���� ��;id ,,,, „��i. ,,,,��iri/// ir/i/////����� � �� ,,,,���<,,,, ,,,,,�iri i H ������/� /iflr� �� � � �'�'.ft.,.. nN i��;/ .. . � u ,. ... i ,.: , .. .. /�r �%�r��� ,� , ' '� � �48 � � .. .,, ;,, ,A �l n,,, ,«i���� J � l� �i��%///����% i, . ....;� ��y�f� �, (� � � �y 1 ,�.... f ���� � � � /�/ I (y'i / //�: � �� � �,.. �Ulf g 'V,��1 � r++� i�/�/ .., f, . „ !,�' f/� � �. � ri 7 � 1 ' ' „'„r� .a �� ' �u,. ,"19 i�"ro iJs l��j� �'�� l���� ��� r �� j t,if5�� � %i� � '��� 1�' r � � r� � �r��i "" � ' r � � 9 i� r 1� ��, 1i� ,,�',�j����%�����i � ,,��� '�r��r'��'f � " �, a��/ j(` �t,1,���t�� n �, �,�%'f� r r ,, �� � w '� y��� ,,,�, ���� y ,� , � �����u � ,,, al ,,,,. �,». r�wmw»';�"'�'�� � �;�"ou�� u�:.���„,.. � �/ %�j/�/�j�� ,;, I��/' .:��/ � � � � ��y, r� Ua� ' J� , �� r� 1 r � � ����j1�1"l�//�i17 . r�A�" ,� �/Y��jy,i ��� � � � � ' ��ur��'�'��err� � �� � � � , , �P� �� � � �� �� � "� � „w�r�r� a�r�� � ���v ���imwnw ��;�'"u� i ' i� �� �I.i� �,,, s�' < �� �� � �iNrv�" . �i�"^u� ,�� '. �;�� � , �¢m�� ;�utt�'" � ' �� ��. .� �. � ��� � =f, r1,�' ��� � i��� ��� �r��'��aH ,� �„i., , . 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' � � "����M �i, ����' '� ���yr� � � �� �"�� ! �p� a V � , �,� { �� G tl P � 4 i�� ���l�� �Y��M �F'� � ��, I� � il�i ���i� ��il �Y�I,"r���� � �ji,� ri � ��� . r'� Y f�� � , � � y� � � � �. � ` � �iY r r" „� �' � I��' p*� d„�� �° ����� � , f,� � . „ „� ��. .,-,, ��� ' �I � - ��J111 i li�� � %% iG .� �p,�a� � nrm t % r��' /�'�,y 14 �'slLl ,v �1 �i`� , wr „� ,1 , 'l/r,��������( �� /%� 11//,��1��/ � �� ��//���P"�i°�1� r�d lr�'�0 t�f 1 9��1� ���//Irlrr � r � / II! �m r `�^��� ,�P��� �,. ���/jj r� � al 0 i Nrv,� �,d 9�� r� � ir/%��������/�%///U�����%%%/iiiiiiiiiiiii ��//// ;,,, ,,,,,,,,, pp. ,i,,,,,,u � ,'i ,,,,,,,iiii///////////��� /, „, , q99 aq�qpp q�� 9q9��' ''�. p ! � � � .. . :�: .�: � � W4 I� � � �r' The planning process identified gaals, strategies, and actians under each facus area t at will re uce reenhause ��� � � gas (G G) emissions and strengthen cammunity an environmental resilience ta climate change. The Resilient �'� � Lexington orking Grou — a e up of Town staff, Town „,�i � ,����� „" cammittee members, and representatives from community arganizations—guided the develapment af the goals, '��% `' strategies, an actions. ii,,,,�ii,��,, � �,, �' �� � IlVhereas the goals and targets are me�nt t� be ,,,� ' �'���i" �i�� � u���. � ;J��� �,�'',�YQ��19 '�� 4�V ambitious �nd represent wh�t it takes to get to � �"° _ , i i , i r ���� `����� ���� ���� to be achievable in the short term. Vllhile the actions will certainly move Leacingt�n tawards the targets, ,, � ii i success of implementa�tion. This pl�n vuill need to be � , %,;, k,� i i i r ���r�y,, the st�ted t�rgets. ,, . � r,�� �s�� �� , � „ �� /�� �� � % I,/, �. ��%�i l/' � ���� , ,�% r l� � f r 1 �� ��j� J � J� i � Ip J� ` d��y(���� �//��l� �, � �� ��i�Jl Im 1�'� lo �%.%/'�i �}� / f% l �� 1 � �i�r��i�� �1 � � � � ii'r �� i � � l � �� r �f� � r,� �f , �' �� � �� ; f ��� �, � ;� ��i rli ,�� ,f /,/�i � �t/ ,�% , ; /�J��� ,f���� % '��� ,.�//j i;, �j ,,, � i����, � �%/�? w�� ! �L�'; ,�J��;;� � ; ���� r � � ��i r, �� �'°"' � ^�'� �� '"' ���' ' V '�� ' RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 15 �f' / :/ % I �I / ����vi�i��1�J" � � I 0(PfOyi,�����ll�� ��., �� 1 / k�� u /�� /�j�/�/%%% ���//� �f�a� (( ������ �� �/%/%aii� �� ��� � � y y� � �a irri��,`., ��ar"r�r�i� , �N ���j����, � ' � i � �flli I iqii"��,,li � ��i l(I'v / / �f , l� + �' �� , V, ���,� � �i�� WHAT S INCLUDED �"�� d'� a,� ��,,, .�4�� i '�� �� ��� ���� � � �l�i Energy efficiency&management ii � �oo� � ���� . �� ��'�' �"%Fuel transition/electrification uuuuuuuuio��� N i � „��Local renewable generation � 8;',�Energy supply ,��i�,,Resilience retrofits '�'�y;!>>,�;��%�'J ��f��„ ,,r , , ��„��,,��,� b,,,i Grid resilience � �,U, � , / %% � � , , � .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... � I'�f�1��'' �r B il in En r %,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ` u d gs & e 9Y ��r� Driving the transition toward a net-zera community through efficient, clean, and resilient buildings and t e expansion af renewable energy. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... BY THE NUMBERS Residential Energy Use Municipal Solar Production Buildings contribute the largest share of Lexington's GHG emissions Ensuring a sustainable, resilient future requires shifting (69%),the majority of which comes from the burning of fossil fuels, our electricity supply to renewable sources. such as natural gas, oil,or propane,to generate energy. �������� � �� I I� ��������� � �;�;� of electricity produced � � w I from municipally owned Q � � w solar arrays in 2022. � � w Q ,�r�,///��ii,, „������//il-, � w = � I` �II������I� IIII �II������� � z w o � ������ ����� That s enough to power ¢ J � � %%IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIi(P��r�r/%�����";//�IIIIIIII IIIII Ilf��`a• � � � , ����f ���� ������f '�k� � homes for a year. � �"^�„ � � II IIII Ill�iur� � ullll uuuufffi III III Ill�iu�� � , � � � IP� % � '`%%////� „r%//"��i///�//O%%%%iri,�%� %�. MEASURING SUCCESS � � ;; , , i The following metrics will help Lexington monitor progress toward our goals for �� �' �� � ` Buildings&Energy. � �� ��, �; % /�� ��� METRIC(UNIT) �� � � � �• � �• � � � �, � ` :, ;. �(�i�� ��1�� ��r�/�� Share of Electrified Households 1 11 g�go�o), 2020 6,403 house- 10,672 house- ,, , uouo�ti,��mu'�rrurrrrnnrrrU��. (#and percentage of households) holds,60% holds,100°/o 100%GI'0011: 100%Gf0011: www.mas,save.c��mlre>idc;ntial -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Households Signed up for 84% 35% New England ��������j����������j������/� Community Choice Program's 2021 0 ����j ��������������f / Green:100/o �i„��� �,,���a� � ����r ��� F�� l� " ! Renewable Options New England New England ���������������� Green:0.5%� Green:50% � ��� � � Number of Installetl Solar PV � r��,r, ;,4� �a, ,�i �°���U� 4L���� S stems #antl ercenta e 782 systems, 2022 1,600 systems, 6,400 systems, ��/�������f�����f������������ � Y � P 9 12°/a3 25% 100% � 71�, ,� U��„�V1i�I����Oi qrr�,rl'U r �„i i�rJs � of potential) ����������������������������� ���!�/////%%0%��/�%�����%/%/�� � t ,�,1; 1 National Renewable Energy Laboratory,ResStock �° ��1������� r.� 2 Peregrine Direct Comrriunication,2022 �������������� � � � 3 MassCEC Solar Production Trackinc�System,as of February 2022 �� � � � �,� � 16 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN �� ���������������������������������i, ���� ,,,;; � „r'�'��% '�,'� BUILDINGS & ENERGY 9 //�„ l enumr� ����� '��i��/��!i� �t1���11��1�1 1������������������������������1�������������11� ���������������������11»»I»»l»»»»>��»l�ll���l�����l��llllll»»>I»>�1»>�i1����1J1»lll»llll�»>lll»ll�ll»IJJI»11��1��Ulr� Goal BE 1: All buildings in Lexington are energy efficient,resilient to the impacts of climate change,and produce net zero greenhouse gas emissions. BE 1.1 Ensure all new construction in Lexington uses low-carbon products and has zero on-site emissions by 2030. Eliminate fossil fuels in all new construction antl major renovations,except Sustainability& �,.. BE 1.1.A those facilities provitling emergency and critical services. l Resilience "°� � I Engage tlevelopers to increase the share of passive tlesign principles antl BE 1.1.B low embodietl-carbon construction materials tlemonstratetl by Environmental Land Use,Housing, ��ro �„ ,, &Development Dept. Protluct Declarations compiled in builtling design specifications. BE 1 2 Equitably accelerate deep energy efficiency and electrification through builtling retrofits,building codes,and energy I conservation programs. BE 1.2.A comme c alrbuild nguret of ts pr��iontiz ng h ghest em ss on tl ed cltion potential. � SURes I enllce & ��'� '�"'��� BE 7'2'B savibgs to fin nce muin gipal bu Id ng de arbon zation etrofitsnd energy cost � public Facilities Dept p1�R��Q°G� �� � I Integrate a municipal building decarbonization roadmap and life cycle cost I � BE 1.2.0 _ � . . � � � I Finance ���,��, . I decision critena into capital improvement plans. � BE 1.2.p Establish and promote town-wide building performance standards for large Sustainability& e�.n buildings coveretl by the Building Energy Use Disclosure Bylaw. Resilience Engage the Historic District Commission to develop and promote use of Land Use,Housing, �, ��� � BE 1.2.E historic building energy retrofit guidelines and best practices. &Development Dept. � BE 1.3 Expand diverse,affordable housing options that are energy efficient,fossil fuel free,resilient to climate impacts, I healthy,and accessible to all. BE 1.3.A Carry forward affordable housing priorities from LexingtonNEXT. Land Use,Housing,& a�y�o�„����,, ��� Development Dept. Goal BE 2: Lexington is poweretl by 100% renewable electricity by 2035. I l BE 2.1 Support opportunities for expanding local renewable energy installations(e.g.,rooftop solar)in Lexington that complement other land use goals(e.g.,tree preservation,affordable housing). Prioritize and develop optimal solar installations on Town-owned sites using I p ,V, ��I,��O� I BE 2.1.A return-on-investment criteria and a path to purchase systems long-term. � Public Facilities De t °.f���frc� � Create an education and marketing campaign to encourage customers to opt sustainability& BE 2.1.B ��� � I for the New England Green CCA option. Resilience BE 2.1.0 Re-establish solarize campaign and expand to include storage antl other Sustainability& �w��, ��,���� complementary technologies. Resilience BE 2.2 Ensure energy resilience of regional energy supply and local energy systems. I BE 2.2.A he t alnd ool homllesy bus�nesses,and mun�fipal bu Idings othermal system to I SuRes I enllce & �I'"�''" " ���'"�u��� I �I Collaborate with peer cities,regional networks,and utilities to advocate for BE 2.2.B enabling conditions that support electrification at the pace required to meet Town Manager's V„I state and local targets. Office ............................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................._ Cost Co-Benefits �"� Existing Resources or<$10K ��� GHG Emissions Reduction Q Equity Conservation �����u <$100K ���i Social Resilience °u Regional Collaboration � Biodiversity ��°�'��°�'�W $100K or more +������N� Infrastructural Resilience � Leading by Example Economic Resilience Q Health RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 17 I I��� ✓�{,. ��� ��i���� M •�,^"��'�'� ���; ���� WHAT'S INCLUDED n �� ����� `��f� �� ��'' �' � , � , ���� � �' ��� �� � , � q ,� e � ' ���� �I�'� Public safety and emergency ���� � � ,, � preparedness � s��. � "'� y �%� �I°°� ,,, ���` � ��a�� � � � Public health ' � � � , �y� � �, �� ����,�,; (access to health resources and services) � � � �'��, , r' i;-, �� � � i , i �w`'r�, I�, '�`/��%, i fL J t ' ;� ���� ' ;+' ���,�� �„� �;°�4 Indoor air quality y��/� ,,,� � � �; �i ,� ,�� �/,���, � � �����, �� ///////�/� � �i/, � ��/ �� ��� /�// �j��I� �j�i, ii%iiii� ��O�m y ,� � � �� , ��j r r� ,,,to �%, �n�� Food systems � ,� �/% %, '%��' �'%/�;o��� �� �j �, ��„ �u;tis� u� - � �:� � � � �,� %/ 1 � >» � ,/% � � 1 .�.,„ l .,,.. (� ,��%,/ ," .. I ,-�����,/,,. f��l..� i , .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Community Resilience ���Y�����i��«s�w�i�mmoum��i��i�i���Vl� Enhancing the health, safety, and well�being of Lexington residents thraugh climate preparedness and equitable access to resources and services. BY THE NUMBERS .... .... .... ....����0�����������������������.... .... .... .... .... .... ...iiii��a������������������������������������������� .... .... .... .... �l� � �l� of households in Lexington were of the 65+ population in Lexington lived alone.2 cost burdened (spending 30% or Ensuring access to medical assistance and more on housing costs)' other basic services, particularly during heat waves and extreme storms, is critical. 1 U.S.Census Bureau(2021).American Community Survey. 2 U.S.Census Bureau(2021).American Community Survey. /� %�r/�ir� � � �' i� MEASURING SUCCESS '%/,,, �� � �%///1�i ' ///i �;�, ; The following metrics will help Lexington monitor progress toward our goals for �����i!��, � ,,, ,, � �� Community Resilience. %,��, METRIC(UNIT) �� � � � � i � � �' �" � �,b";„ � Percent of total land that is at risk of flootling 2.55%' 2018 Monitor and reduce ��'"°� ` �" h�tt�:/lwwwJexi r�gtanma.gov/rod�red ......... ........---- ......... ........... Number of structures in flood areas 2672 2018 Monitor and reduce 1`1111111`�I�����I�1��l1`ll1\\\\\��11„l"11111����\\\\\`���������`11�,1�1"1�11��1��`1`�„"`11��\ 1 3 ����� �����,�II ��������� � � ���I 1�",������ l I ��� � Number of critical facilities exposed to flooding 35 2019 Monitor and reduce ,,,� ,,,,�, ,,,,�, ��` Heat-related emergency room visits 7.4° 2017 Reduce to 0 �11�1����1\��\������������11���������,11�� ���111���lll��1 �Sll 1��11� III��1�����ti l`1�11 �11�14 1 1 (�� � � � � � �� � 1 Resitlents signetl up for CodeRED phone alerts 65%5 2022 70% 100% � ��i��� �y ��,�� ``<,�l�l �� "� 4���� �; ���u����������v11�1 � �� ,�� ,� ��� ��� 1 Town of Lexington Hazard Mitigation Plan,2019 2 Town of Lexington Hazartl Mitigation Plan,2019 3 Town of Lexington Community Resilience Builtling Workshop Summary of Findings,2019 4 MA Environmental Health Tracker for Mitldlesex County , , � , 5 Town of Lexington CodeRED Emergency Notification System 18 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN �Ilti�lllll\1111����������������������������������������������������������� p� \ � �yy� � \ \ ������������������������ \ \ \ �41�1111�1111�1111�1111�1111�1111�1111�1111\�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��an���r�w���a��� �� �^���� ��� ��� COMMUNITY RESILIENCE �kflrq�nun!wua�m7�m��uu�'�'�. ���������������������������� ����������������� ������������������������������� � .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................��������������������������.�������������.���������������������� ' Goal CR 1: Lexington's infrastructure and services are prepared for and resilient to increasing climate change impacts. CR 1.1 Expand and increase the capacity of emergency preparedness communications and services. Create a promotional plan to increase the number of people signed up Director of �„�� O CR 1.1•A for CodeRED Alerts. ������ Communications ���� °"�" � � ���� � CR 1.1.B Pesp nse proceldures and I espons b I ties,includ g proc du eg fory FirH al ht Deublic �In �u,�� ,, ��1�����A climate emergencies. p Review existing emergency response plans to ensure the most Emergency CR 1.1.0 N�;„ �"�; „ ����Ib�, up-to-date information on climate impacts are integrated. ManagementTeam CR 1,2 Enhance the resilience of Lexington's physical assets and infrastructure to flooding,severe storms, and other climate impacts. Reduce the impacts to power infrastructure from climate impacts and Dept.of Public CR 1.2.A extreme weather,including by monitoring tree trimming guidelines and Works �'� ��t�ll� planting guidelines. CR 1.2.6 utilit��ies toencrelalse res��il ence dur�nglemerge cies oordination with Town�MaCeger's ��.ra�. ��,��� Consider flootl mitigation measures in capital planning and stormwater Dept.of Public ��N���, �,� 1'2' system maintenance. Works �'� Sustainability& CR 1.2.D Support regional ativocacy efforts to address gas leaks. �r� Q ��� Resilience ' Goal CR 2: Lexington provides equitable access to resources and services that prepare residents for climate-related threats to community health and well-being. CR 2.1 Increase resilience to climate-related threats at the neighborhood level. : g ( p ) Sustainabiliiy& pftt fn Enhance existin etlucational materials i.e.,web and rint on climate CR 2.1•A emergency preparetlness for residents. Resuience,Public �a°„�h Q Health Dept. CR 2.1.B sc�hool cumcula antltp og amstion modules about climate change into LH Stutlentss& °'�n ���` CR 2.2 Strengthen the resilience of the regional food system to help deliver healthy,local,low-carbon food options. ,.... _ Economic CR 2.2.q Facilitate partnerships between local farms antl local footl ventlors, Development, °��p�rri �,i";� restaurants,antl schools. ' Public Health ............................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................._ Cost Co-Benefits °;�,� Existing Resources or<$10K � GHG Emissions Reduction � Equity (� Conservation a�����"���+� <$100K ��' ��,�� Social Resilience ° Regional Collaboration � Biodiversity °,a�°;`����°!i��li� $100K or more ����,��� Infrastructural Resilience (� Leading by Example � Economic Resilience (� Health RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 19 , � �, , , ,� '�,' ��� ,n, ' , � , � ' WHAT'S INCLUDED ,�����,, , ,��� � ,�,�,�, ��,� �� !�, , ��� � , � ,'�i���i, ���!f�/���f�. � � �� � �� � ���" ^���;�� ,�'�����i�� �� Parks, o en s aces,trees,trails � i ii/%��� ���r!W�il t� �41�p�y"i'i�ii�ay Oi -i P � � � l . i �i / t /� i/ .i/ � � ������ ii/Gfr �„, /i� t �i�ir , ii�f i � �i � �� � ���l� `�'�r �i�/ i �i �1 �"'�'/ Dri /�d�'` �i % f �J /�fi/�N r` � i � �///// % i �i �� � ���' � �� i Er r %r � � � i��i��/o � � �y t, ���ti,,�,�,�, ,� � �,�Biodiversit and habitat ��,�� //�,,��,, ,nU y�,��r � , , ,r r d � „v��ty �o���r� Y /a�i���a��i i ii �� � �;��i�� i�yJ��i �r,,,ii,✓i r �i1Hr r� rr m.� r /ia�� r ''�>i�� �' i �i�/ 'a�7�� �,��le�'�!� �� ����,Y,���' ����� � �°��� '�� � (���Water(potable&stormwater) , y �J , � � � � r ,��%� � ��� Recreational land � ��� � , p � � � '� ��J�"��1�` �f�';� �'� � y�, ' , � , ,N y � � r� � ,r�,-,,i�� � ����` �� � ���� �� i", �'= yF� �� rr�"� �,��� �� �, JI !i�r��r�h� , �-� o� ��� �(m � r � � l�/l%U�ry'Il///l/l%�i� � �� � ' i I � �� u� � "� � J ��r, i �I �rr���`�` � �,, , Il F r I ���/��° , �,.. ��._.,.. �� ��'��,,,��.���,� ( .____ .____ .____ � .____ .____ .____ .____ ____ �%, J �,�'� Natural Resources ��,�,� �' "�'�� Protecting and enhancing the natural resources in Lexington to ensure clean water, air, and habitats, as well as accessible open spaces for all. BY THE NUMBERS Expanding access to green spaces and increasing tree canopy overall will enhance community health and resilience by providing natural cooling, reducing pollution, and mitigating flooding. ? � .... .... .... .... , .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... �,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,� �in .... .... .... .... , I ��� of Town-owned conservation of Lexington residents live within a and recreation land' 10-minute walk of a park2 1 Town of Lexington(2023).Open Space antl Recreation Plan. 2 Trust for Public Land.ParkScore. �, , Dl�,^,m w�lr , y�f�i,� � � "m"m""� "�y�°,�ir MEASURING SUCCESS � � ���'�� �� ,���%�� � �� '���"" ` '�°� ,��, � �� ��° fl �","` ,,�, ,.,� � �, ; , N� The following metrics will help Lexington monitor progress toward our goals for �� ��/�//a�i��i�i��, � Natural Resources. �� �;� � It����l '�1 METRIC(UNIT) �� � � � � ���"� r Percent of land covered by tree canopy 60%' 2023 60°/o www.lexi r�gtonrna.govlRairr Barrels 16%of Shawsheen Prevent further increases Percent of lantl coveretl by impervious surtaces River Watershed2 2016 and aim to reduce ��� � � �� a� � � W �� �m� � " �� �� � �x, 1 Tree Canopy Study,Lexington,MA(Univ.of Vermont) 2 Town of Lexington Open Space and Recreation Plan,2015 �� ��� i������� d, �„ � �� �� dt����� ��� va������ ��u, � � ��II& ���(Oi�JI� ��� m n� � � V6�'�, �� :11114� �, ✓Ni"w I I I I I �I����f I I �I II�� �� , 20 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111�)))))))))))))»>))))))))))�)))))))))))))))))))))))))))�1������������////////0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0 ��o,,,,l�, ��� / °r�� 6 �, ,�;'�� NATURAL RESOURCES �d ,- ��%,,,, �,,/r, "O��momiom�� ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................��������I�����I��������I ����������������������I����� �,�����I��I����I��I��I���I��I Goal NR 1: Lexington's public and private natural areas, habitats,and landscapes are biodiverse and resilient to climate change. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ NR 1.1 Protect and expand Lexington's tree canopy and open space. Identify and protect parcels of high conservation value in balance with NR 1.1.A other town neetls for land,and seek financial support for conservation antl Land Use,Housing& �{�{+F��, tree planting. Development Dept. Evaluate what a"no net loss of farmland and forest"policy would mean for �and use,Housing& NR 1.1•B Lexington,as proposed by the MA EEA's Resilient Lantls Initiative. Development Dept. '���'�� For all conservation areas,complete and implement management plans NR 1.1.0 that optimize public use,carbon sequestration,biodiversity,and community � Conservation Division � �5���,w �;�� �������� resilience. NR 1.1.D Develop antl implement an Urban Forest Master Plan with community input. Dept.of Public Works � p�rri°1ri � � �� NR 1.2 Manage landscapes and ecosystems with sustainable landscaping practices,invasive species management,and climate-adaptive planting. Collect and promote widely all existing resources related to sustainable and Conservation Division, NR 1.2•A �limate frientlly lantlscape best practices. Sustainability& �"� Q �� Resilience Launch a town witle residential sustainable lantlscape tlemonstration NR 1.2.B program to showcase best practices for tree care antl lantlscape in Dept.of Public Works G'����� Lexington. NR 1.3 Maximize protection and/or installation of trees and green space in development and redevelopment. Strengthen the existing tree bylaw to better protect large trees,require Dept.of Public works, NR 1.3.A more shade trees,set and maintain a tree canopy coverage goal,and Tree Committee N�" � mitigate for the loss of trees and green space from development. Goal NR 2: Lexington conserves water and works to ensure water infrastructure and resources are clean, protected, and resilient to climate change. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ NR 2.1 Enhance local water quality and manage stormwater flooding through installation of nature-based solutions. Research regulatory and staffing options to include residential development Dept.of Public works NR 2.1.A on properties under one aae in the Stormwater Management Bylaw. �and use,Housing,& �� ��;��� Development Dept. Itlentify priority locations and secure funding for green infrastructure NR 2.1•B projects on Town property. Dept.of Public Works �f����"� �I�«�C� NR 2.2 Reduce use of water in resitlential,commercial,and municipal properties. NR 2.2.q Review Lexington's policies on water use and facilitate implementation of Dept.of Public Works H''° conservation strategies(e.g.,rain barrels). ``� ............................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................._ Cost Co-Benefits 9�� Existing Resources or<$10K �� GHG Emissions Reduction Q Equity Conservation ����� <$100K ���P Social Resilience ° Regional Collaboration � Biodiversity a��°�;�aa;�� $100K or more �������� Infrastructural Resilience � Leading k�y Example � Economic Resilience Q Health RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 21 '� ( 1j / � / � I / r � f � � ��� ' WHAT'S INCLUDED ,�,°�,�,�,,; �� �;,;,;; O Public transportation & � , � �"�i%i ��'���� ,�1��� � �t��� multimodal transportation , , „, ��, �� , �^,rn ���� �, Parking � � o � �����%�����? O Active/alternative mobility �,� " ° ' � %� %;;,�% ����� (e.g.,walking, biking) . �i i"% ; �iii/ ` !���'� ������� O Electric vehides (E1� &EV infrastructure �,����i�i/��// /� //���i/%%��� ��/%i�j���i�f��/ J 1 i� a�l�/�/lO/�i/�l,' r � ii/%/j i�j/�iiiiii%i 1�i � ./, ,/ i/i� / �i//���/�i�// i,,/�i/�// ,,/� '; ' ��,� „ '��, % ,�,' ���'i��i�����i��,/��%%/�,�l�i�l��r�i�;�i �Zonin and land use /i �'� '/i i ..�!��% i. � / . ����/�i��%��/�%%%j������//f�j�j�������%/�� � �% �� 48mA81�b �% i r`/riij/� i ii�i i / � �� i // � �/�i� �i r���,�������% v °i !�„/�, ��:� :� //ri%%����,�„ �.,r. J r��%%/� ���fll%%�i/�/i��%� ��;i�i �//i Ji%�%%%���j/��i��//D%i�����% ,,.i„�i,,,, , ,�„ ,,,,� ,,,/i„,,///u�/ rv�/��i�/�/��/�F///���Ll� � � Transportation & Mobility Promating law�carbon transpartation mades uvhile ensuring a safe, accessible, and connected transportatian network. BY THE NUMBERS Transportation is the second largest contributor to Lexington's GHG emissions, most of which comes from vehicles driven around Lexington. Percent of Commuters ���,'��/a� CAR,TRUCK, OR VAN ALONE ���,$�/co WORK FROM HOME '��n��/� TRANSIT ��,��/� CARPOOL ��,2�/� WALK '��,2�/� BIKE �D�,��/au OTHER U.S.Census Bureau,American Community Survey(2021) ,i � �l�,�� ��n� �i�� ��r� , MEASURING SUCCESS � � �%��� �R�� � ; �, �;,;, � ;,, m � �a ���� The following metrics will help Lexington monitor progress toward our goals for ,�� °' Transportation&Mobility. � � ,� � i` METRIC(UNIT) �� � � � � � � � P� „ �l, � ��� , �� �� � );-,.; �,��i �DA �i%� ti, Share of passenger vehicles electrified o , o o ,/,� � ' �'��,� � lu%��%��»,�'� �`�u�. 12/o(hybrid or electric) 2022 19/a 100/a (%of registered vehicles) htt�:((wwwJexingttrnrna.gavlF3ike-Walk-Bus Single-occupancy vehicle mode share(°/a) 63%2 2021 53°/a 30°/a �� � � s � 1 MassVehicleCensus(2023) 2 U.S.Census Bureau,American Community Survey , /� � ' / / ' � � / f � i � g« 22 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN ��� MOBILITY & TRANSPORTATION '1 B B / 1 C Goal MT 1: Lexington residents take fewer car trips because there are sustainable and accessible mobility options for all ages and abilities. MT 1.1 Increase public transit ridership and prioritize high-capacity vehicles on roadways. Expand and promote Town policies on and strategies for transportation MT 1.1.A tlemand management(TDM)at schools and businesses,antl within Planning Dept. °;����� � ���� municipal operations. Identify opportunities to create high capacity vehicle preferences in high MT 1.1.B . Plannin Dept. d�w������ tlensity business tlistricts. _ . Drive regional collaboration to align Transportation Demand Management Planning Dept., MT 1.1.0 (TDM)policies and advocate to the State for TDM-enabling legislation Transportation ��� and more public transportation. Services ..................................... Carry forward the recommendations to enhance and expand public Plann�ng Dept., MT 1.1•D transitfrom LexingtonNEXT. Transportation d�rd�h�d�h� � ��,��� Services Examine parking regulations and fee structures to better incentive P. �s MT 1.1.E Planning Dept. G� �� alternative transportation. MT 1.2 Encourage diversity of housing types and development that increases walkability and bikeability and promotes connectivity to public transit. Prioritize higher density housing near current and potential new transit MT 1.2.A . Planning Dept. �IW Q locations. MT 1.3 Expand safe options for walking,biking,and rolling through road,streetscape,and bicycle trail improvements. MT 1.3.A Carry forwartl the recommended strategies in the Town-wide Bicycle planning Dept. ������m���m , Q ���� and Petlestrian Plan. Goal MT 2: Lexington reduces transportation-related emissions through acceleration of vehicle electrification. MT 2.1 Transition all purchased,leased,and contracted municipal vehicles and equipment to electric models. Provide information and training sessions for staff and ventlors on the Sustainability& MT 2.1.A availability,maintenance,and charging and other unique features of dr�'�� Q electric vehicles to promote a faster transition. Resilience p p _ _ MT 2.1.B Strengthen Fleet Electrification Policy to require consideration of available Sustainability& p,�� electric vehicle o tions at time of re lacement of Town-owned vehicles. Resilience Create antl implement a strategic roadmap for municipal EV charging Sustainability& ��g��� MT 2.1.0 . ��m°�m �� «u infrastructure. Resilience MT 2.2 Facilitate transition of private vehicles to electric models by expanding public infrastructure and increasing outreach. Create a ublic awareness cam ai n for electric vehicles and available in ili p p g Susta ab ty& MT 2.2.A �I� �1�«��� charging stations locally and throughout the region. Resilience _... �i �i MT 2.2.g Install EV charging stations in priority parking locations on-street and Sustainability& W�wW�W� ���,�I�� within public lots and garages. Resilience ............................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................._ Cost Co-Benefits %�� Existing Resources or<$10K � GHG Emissions Reduction Q Equity Conservation °����1{�ik <$100K �;� Social Resilience ° Regional Collaboration � Biodiversity ��ro�i{���� $100K or more +������{� Infrastructural Resilience (� Leading by Example � Economic Resilience Q Health RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 23 10��' . � ``� � � � (fll ���� 111 �,,���� ; ��,,,�„��,,,� �� ,m,,� o�� � ��,� � �'g, r � ,� � ��„�11� �� �,f, °, � � , �� �', � WHAT'S INCLUDED � � �' �;,,, „� ��,, f , � �' ��,,�/,/� � � ' / i ���� �i' u�'o „' � � � ����f//lrr ' �, �// �,,,,,�„ R ��t � � ,i�j����� �, ,� ��� ecyding and reuse � ` r'"'����,���n�„ � ,� i�a � i +l, i �� ��� �r , � �%���' � � „; � � � C�°r Composting and organic waste �% �'��" " ' � j � � , „�,�„�,��%/ % � ,`6'' � � i�'0�i Reduced consumption practices �%f� ���//��/i GI� � q m y i}iq�p poai dV,�llll�llV � Ui%//%%i rii� r%/� lr / //�ii /�l � 0 �I ��;�'i P � f��i iii�%r�%/%i���//,,,' r ������ �y�w '� N � Y �Jl1�p� A1D°� �y �^�� �� � � i��i Sustainable procurement �itr�a��i��� ���i//y//� /%�' � % . � ���� � ���a�ol�mU�l�U�� � �/aod/�oilrraii�% ��„ � ��i)�ti �„���,,,� , �� ` �;�'* � a ii�� Ur��� _ �ii / % � o� � N��TOXICS �� � � i// � i� � „��� 'o � �r��1 �% � 'J '� i� ��� i%�r��� '� % iu�� l ,, , , �� , / / „�,� l// j,j ���j �, 1, i��,i Extended producer responsibility „ ,,, < / `i�, 1,, � // i � ��' % �'' / � °�� ������ .�„�, ��w � � ���„�,��� r��, �s. `' �� 6�„s �w � � � JI /r l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ %,,, ; Waste �����,� ��°��'��� Transitioning to a zero-waste cammunity by reducing consumption and increasing opportunities far recycling and reuse. BY THE NUMBERS � �� participants jf�+�rrrr�l f fJ. 11 � ���1 � �I�>> �> �z � � �������������������������������������������� .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... rrrrrrrrr ...�rrrrrrrrr� .... .... ........ � �l� � �l� of households signed up for of households enrolled in weekly curbside compost pickup LexSORT Pilot program �y�Yl 0 . „ /� �r�✓Gj �9� ;�`�� MEASURING SUCCESS ' ,�, �� � �. �, , ��r �j�y ., , ;o ii�� The following metrics will help Lexington monitor progress toward our goals for Waste. ' ��;� � ���� ���� � �� � �; ;, '�,�r �� ��N���,'�� ' f� � �ii u ��� METRIC(UNIT) �• � � � i � �`,� �Kp ` �u ���i � �� � q I w a���� i, �"�i�'i9i Diversion Rate for householtl waste 61%' 2019 75% 100% � i � ����� Household Generation Rate(tons/household/year) 1.2� 2019 0.97 0.61 ��"' �'��" � �'"� `� ' � �' hYRp:(/www.lexi ngtonma.govlfo���cr�rrrpasTing 1 2019-2021 Municipal Solici Waste&Recycling Suruey Responses ��� � ��� �������� �������� �������J � � ��������������J�����JJ�� 2 2019-2021 Munici al Solid Waste&Rec clin Surve Res onses ��,f����� ��I, � (f1 '�����a,,, f(J: ��� ; f(f: p Y 9 Y p IIIIII��I�������,�����a�������J1���������1J1�������J�����a��a����IIIJ�������������ll /"���I��������������J�����������I������� ' ill1l�u�iillidluuilll,�i��iu���f�uu/i lll�J�lllr,�a/l� Ii����u�f���i���l��i���r��>>�� 1D�f0�"//�����/a'�u��1�,�,11���, ,�,�u't���u�� � � �� � ��� ,�� �1J������ � ��.�, �,�.������ �,. 1 24 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN � � � � � � � � � � �� ��io�,imi,o,,,,a / io 1� �������( % ,, ; , � WASTE ;,, ,;, � , ��,�— iilllliiii�oq��iip�u»>»»>����»ii�qiii �. �!iiu(�itu�ioil»ll �� «t««<;«<�IIII««<1««j�l«<q�llllllll�lllluull«���i ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ����������� iiii�iiiiiiill�iliii����fiii��iiiii�iillt(liil����������������������ll���������������l�iiil�iii�iii�lil���������������������l�ii�l�uulfffliiii���iiii6l�ii�iiii�iill��ll6lli�iii���� Goal WR 1:Lexington minimizes resource consumption to reduce emissions,water usage,and pollution. WR 1.1 Eliminate,to the extent possible,the use and disposal of single-use products and materials,plastic and otherwise. Establish a variable rate structure for the Town's waste collection Dept.of Public WR 1.1.A services based on quantity of waste to incentivize reduction in waste ��°��f� generation for resitlents. works Work with local restaurants and other retail establishments to find opportunities(e.g.,bulk procurement,joining Green Restaurant Sustainability& WR 1.1.B Association)to retluce waste by using reusable,recyclable,or Resilience, ��� Public Health compostable packaging. WR 1.2 Educate the community about opportunities and benefits of achieving zero waste. Launch a phased zero waste education campaign targetetl at resitlents, I Sustainability& �,�Q, WR 1.2.A businesses,antl Town staff. � Resilience �`����m Establish a Green Business program to recognize local businesses WR 1.2.B that have demonstrated leadership in sustainability,including waste Sustainability& ����� Resilience retluction and diversion. WR 1.2•C Townire zero waste stations at all events requiring a permit from the Town M�aCeger's G,,4 WR 1.3 Promote sustainable consumption by matching the consumption needs of businesses and Town operations with options that prioritize reuse,reduction,and minimization of toxins and waste. p p 9 p p g g p p, p y. � �y Q, e,,,, WR 1.3.A Ex and the Town s EPP ro ram throu h develo ment of a sustainable Susta�nabili & i � urchasin checklist,best ractice uide,and ado tion of an EPP olic Res�lience Goal WR 2: Waste is managed responsibly across the community and all possible recyclable and organic materials are diverted from disposal. WR 2.1 Work with contractors to recycle and reuse construction and demolition materials with significant potential value. Promote,antl explore avenues to regulate the recycling and reuse of I Environmental �, �, WR 2.1•A construction and tlemolition debris. �I Services Division "�"°�ro WR 2.1.B Compile a list of current facilities and resources in the region to find Environmental ��� �� existing opportunities for reuse of salvaged building materials. Services Division WR 2.2 Encourage residents and businesses to recyde and reuse materials through services and policies. � i emsf(e.gaybulky ems�,electron c�srbatter es)dditional hard to recycle I Ser ices�vnsaon �'°I"°°¢� "' � WR 2.2.A � 1 WR 2.2.B Secure funding to expand town-wide curbside composting program. Dept.of ,���m�,��,�,� �� Public Works Continue to evaluate current operations at Hartwell Composting Facility Environmental WR 2.2•C to ascertain if there are additional ways to reduce waste. Services�ivision ������ ............................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................._ Cost Co-Benefits n�r� Existing Resources or<$10K � GHG Emissions Reduction Q Equity Conservation �1��r� <$100K ��;�6 Social Resilience ° Regional Collaboration � Biodiversity "�w�ww�r� $100K or more +����� Infrastructural Resilience � Leading by Example � Economic Resilience Q Health RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 25 P,,,-:� ...'" f;.::.�. %/ ��% �,.;�I 1 /��� l� 1 �6 a � A �o��i� � re f/ ' � �/%/���ra� i I�' %�r/ /�a � �����i �F� � � �iiii//� � �l , i���ir� �P n , �i�Y' i .0 �fo����� � y' �/% °� ;,,; � i, � � / o r � i' /���� � �;� i�� ,;� ///� t ,/ � ,i/ i� ' ,/ �� � i a, /, � <a ��� � e i „, , 1 f , r„ � � i�, � � r�� ,% � � l� �,, � > f µ ; �� :- �<: „ , �,,., / , ,.; � ; , / � , � � �, ,,, � v i, , � ,,, / ,, „� ,,. � ��,, , .,, i , .,, ,,, /, , , � � , : �, i � i,. /� �, � / , ,; �/� ~ � i � /,, � ri �r/,i ,r „� �,ni% f�" �, ,, �" ,; i% � � ,i���i �- fr,�� ���,; ��� � �T l�yrd'�% �%f ' �,!,i ,r„ u.,�� � � �%'r%� ��f , ,�r � i,� , , r, �1��� , � ',� � � '�y`. f ,; ��,1; � ff` �� �r I,i% ,7j� F,�- ��, � �, � �u� i,,, , 'y ///ai�i� ��I��� ///o i���l�i+ �J ��Y'�%��/� � ��� '��dj���ft����l �, ;�'��rf� f � ,,,, `� , i i���f 26 �,, r ,��' ; �, � � � ;/,;i ���. � ��iii� ��/J,'' � l�,.� r ,�/iii � �, -, „� Y i� i �� �„ i/% �� � � � ;�l� � � � I � � � � This plan hi hli hts the urgent nee to take actian on climate change an the 56 actians that we are cammitting ta executing. The im lementation blueprir�ts that follaw autline how we will move a selectian of these actions forwar . Eac blue rint in icates a lead e ar�ment who p p will lea the wark im lementation ste s wit time-frames , p p and ke artners as uvell as considerations that shoul be Y � ' t k n int nt rin im I m nt ti n. a e a accou du e e a a 9 p �� °�� �� yj„/j� .: � RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 27 1� �r;rrt111111111`%%������I//� Jr � ,� � �//� /�,��oiii,� � ���°f '�'J � � ������///�/���� '�y, r :: � ,'�'� -�,a �af u��x� r ����j/� i � � �� " r��i��P M f fc�l �j�� . � �. u„ e � y � /l��i °r. �� ° 'o , i1 �," , . " �, �„ ' ' "�,,���t , �. ��� , �;:�� ��I�+ �� ��� G�ai��i� i � ii�ii° °"7' �9U � � �� ��� � �� �� �� �� BUILDINGS , ��, � ����;, % ����� , �� ..� ,�� I�IIIIIIIIIIUIVI��� �� �l// � '� °°°'� ���"� w �� � � & ENERGY `��� �'� `�i������ �, �''°'�, � �,�oiiiO///////�� � �,,, l� �I�� ��. A�11�V�31� BE 1.1.B Engage developers to increase the share of low embodied- carbon construction materials ��� demonstrated by Environmental Product Declarations compiled t �� � � � � �����, , �a,d��� �� � � in building design specifications. u ���',��Rn �, ����d � � u �� ��,, ,,� �1 � � ' I _ _ _ _ __ Create the conditions for Lexington to begin incorporating embodied carbon in DESCRIPTION OF ACTION building and construction materials into considerations for new construction of municipal buildings and community-wide, with the aim of considering embodied carbon in building performance standards. _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Land Use, Housing & Development Department _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ' ' ' Built Environment + ' ' ' MCAN 1. Review similar initiatives under development by advocacy NEEP organizations and in other communities for examples of data 6 months ' collection and compliance processes to assess material ' American Institute ' selection. of Architects Sustainable Lexington ' ' ' Committee 2. Review and monitor updates to the federal government 6 months ' implementation of the Buy Clean provisions of the IRA to ensure standards are in line with definitions and terminology used in (concurrent - Federal policies. with step 1) 3. Review recent municipal building projects of all types and Department of catalog the quantity of different materials utilized in the 6 months Public Facilities construction process. Department of 4. Take a leadership role by monitoring embodied carbon during ' Public Facilities the construction and renovation of municipal and school Ongoing ' buildings. Permanent Building ' ' ' Committee 28 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS Sustainable Lexington Committee Planning Department 5. Hold and facilitate a series of roundtable discussions with Environmental Services developers and other key stakeholders in the building industry Division to understand barriers and opportunities to address embodied 6-12 months guilt Environment+ carbon in new development. MCAN ' ' ' NEEP ' American Institute ' ' ' of Architects , � � � i i i i ii i i ii i i i�r�i000ioi ooioiiioiiiooiioiii000iii iii i i i iii i ������ / �, // / / / / / / � /, ,,. , , .,., , //// / / / / , „ . , ,,, / f , t � t / �, ,,,��., „ � � �, ,,, � / , � � � ,. � , „ , � � , Il��lr«������<<�����<«���������«�r��iit��l����������r�������<<�������«�������������«���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� FI NANCIAL TOOLS ��� US Department of Energy, I�uiilldiirra�,� IF'uin��'iir�r� ' �IPlpa�r�t�airY�iki�� ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES ' � City of Seattle, IPric�iriity�r��in IE:ac����'i�ea� IPraaa�r�inn ' �� Building Transparency, Firr�b�aa�ii�� Q��rlba�at� iin G��irn�tira.uc;�ii�ir� �,�Il�u�ll�ta�r ,,,, Carbon Leadership Forum, IEnr�U��aa��i�a�� ��r'b�in� IF�a�lliasy ����;��u�s�ii�, °� USGBC, ��a���' �a� Ikna�vu„ �;�ir��n ���illa�ir�� ir�a;�n�iiveP �tr��eqii��,• v� Rocky Mountain Institute, IF�,��u��;iirnr� IE.ir�rlk�aar�ii�a� ��rk.��ir� iir� I��siill�'iir���a �, , � � � � � �� � � ����� ��� � � �� � ������������� ����������������������������������������� � �� �� ���� �� � �� � �� � � � � � � � ���� � � � � � � � , I , ll � 1 l l l 1 �, � t � t �l 1 „ � ,,�,. , < �, � ,�,, � � , � � , � , , r , , �, „ � � � � � l ' I»»>�»»,`1»»�1������»��»�11»»��1`1��»»l�l�1»»»>>���»»"`»1���1»��»»1r�1`»>�»»>���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 ' �f Align embodied carbon reduction efforts with ' ' consideration of diversity, equity, and inclusion in ' ' the green building industry. ' , � � � � � � i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i�r�a000ioiiiioioioiiiiiiiiioiiirrari aioo����000ioioioiiii0000iiiiaaoioiiiiiaaio iioioi000iiaaiooioaaii000ioiiiiiiiiiioiiioiioioiiiiiirrr i riii///i/ii i/ /oiiri� i//i/i iii/i i/i / i/i i /i/iiii/iii ii iiao � � � � � .� , r�� �� � �� � �� �� r �� �t � / / / / � / r / / / / � ,/ / � / , / / / / , � �� � � � / , � � �/ , , � /fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff�� J / / , , , / � , � , ,/, , ,,% //„ r „l_ � , , , , l � �, , , , l l � , ,, , �� , , , , �, � ,� , ,1,,, � � � ,,,, , ,, ,. / , f, �- ��, , �-, r,,,,,, i i� �, , � � � I � ��IIIImi��iilP�idlll�iiii�dfii�ii��l�amffiullluilillu�luulllllllmi���ii�f�rimuffffflmif�idfriiiiididlliiiifimilf�im�(fidriiiiiaf IIlli�idlfl�imu�(i��luuuVilliu�lu�fimulllmuuu�u�uliifdiili111�uuuiuuululmiuillllllml0u�lu�iiiffliulu�lulfiuu�ulliul�IlmimllfmulfiudilfludiilllllliiulfiulimdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffflU ' vl� Facilitate ongoing engagement with building ' vl� Develop and distribute dear, concise educational ' developers to understand challenges and barriers. ' materials to overcome awareness and educational ' ' barriers. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 29 �r;rrt111111111`%%������I//� Jr � ,� � �//� /�,��oiii,� � ���°f '�'J � � ������///�/���� '�y, r :: � ,'�'� -�,a �af u��x� r ����j/� i � � �� " r��i��P M f fc�l �j�� . � �. u„ e � y � /l��i °r. �� ° 'o , i1 �," , . " �, �„ ' ' "�,,���t , �. ��� , �;:�� ��I�+ �� ��� G�ai��i� i � ii�ii° °"7' �9U � � �� ��� � �� �� �� �� BUILDINGS , ��, � ����;, % ����� , �� ..� ,�� I�IIIIIIIIIIUIVI��� �� �l// � '� °°°'� ���"� w �� � � & ENERGY `��� �'� `�i������ �, �''°'�, � �,�oiiiO///////�� � �,,, l� �I�� ��. A�11�V�31� BE 2.1.A Prioritize and develop optimal solar installations on Town- � owned sites using return-on- investment criteria and a path to purchase systems long-term. � �6 ' ' '� 1 , l V i���,�iRh �, ����d � (f� u � !� r,��� ��� 1 � � _ _ _ _ __ Identify appropriate and optimal locations to install solar on Town-owned sites DESCRIPTION OF ACTION with the long-term goals of lowering energy costs and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Public Facilities Department _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Long (>3 years) _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS Engineering Division 1. Complete inventory of Town-owned roofs, parking lots, Conservation Department developed land, and undeveloped land. Characterize sites by Planning Department the potential system size it could accommodate, opportunities Sustainability and for aired stora e, site constraints associated with current use, 2 months P 9 ' Resilience tree coverage, or additional investment needed (e.g., parking lot Sustainable Lexington canopies). Rank sites according to the best project potentiaL Committee LexCAN 2. Complete detailed site assessment of the high ranking sites with 4 months ' Consultant ' the best project potentiaL ' ' ' Capital Expenditure ' ' ' Committee 3. Review current available financing tools (e.g., IRA, Eversource Sustainability and incentives). Establish criteria for project approvals, conditions 3 months Resilience for acquiring 3rd party systems, goals for storage/resiliency, and ' guidance for the ownership of renewable energy certificates. ' Sustainable Lexington ' ' ' Committee LexCAN 30 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 4. For each high priority site, create an installation schedule to Consultant optimize efficiency(e.g., pair work with any near-term projects 2 months ' or foreseeable maintenance work). Engineering Division ' ' ' Capital Expenditures 5. Prepare project plan for review by relevant boards/ Committee committees. Prepare for Town Meeting (assuming targeted 3 months Select Board funding is needed). Sustainability and ' ' ' Resilience 6. Implement project plan. 6-12 months Engineering Division , � ii i i i i ii uuiu r��iiioioioiiooiioiiiiioi000iaiiiii �r � �� � �,� � ��� �/ / /// // / / / / �/ / / // 1 l, / / / , ./„ , ,/ % // „ , � , � / , /,, � , l � �, f �, , � , � � i� , � „ � � � ,,, i � ,, , ,. r 1 II��I����������«�����r������������������rrt��f�������������r��������«���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� FI NANCIAL TOOLS ��� US Department of the Treasury, '1�Q�3 IPiraaa�ir�rmn° °l� MA Department of Revenue, IP�yirm��ir�t� ��r��p��i�ii�� IE:in�ra�y IF'ir��p�ir�y iir� IL.i�u� �af IFS.�ir���nr�l�ll� IE:irn�Vgy IPir�ap�ir�y 1��� Ilirr��r�tiv�; l���c�ir�;diit..� ' �f� MA Department of Energy Resources(DOER), UJ� Internal Revenue Code Section 48(e), �all�r I�;������;I�ua��tt� I��r���nr�wall�� l��rg�t ��IP��aIR:I�} IL.�yw-Ilin�airrra� �c�irr�irrnu�rui�ii�� I��airn�a:� �ir�dit �r�aa��r�irm IPir��gir�ar�r¶ � US Department of Energy (DOE), ' IL.a��irr G��u�ir�r�t�� IPir�ar�r�inn ' ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES ���������� � MA DOER, ���������� �� C40 Cities, �a�uid���� irm�ll�r��n��ir�� �c�ll�r IPV�frair Il�r��ll IP������Il��a��;t�� �a�ll�.ir IE.a��rm��;n���d� IF�i�I��> IL.�v�r� rt��a�r�rinrm�n��� ���� � MA Department of Public Utilities, II���� I\(I�;�t�iriiin� ������� � US DOE, �c�ll�� IF�a'��ror�ir irfl 1°a'.ruar��r�m�or�m�o�ain�i�ty:: �A�u�iic�� Pair Ilt.���ll gr�v�;�inrin�;rnt�o�irn Il���nr ��a iiincr�������a��� �� � C40 Cities, �call�r IPi���r� irrr��uinii��iiy��.11 Ibu�ill�'�iir��> �a��uiia�a� �irn�' c����ll��yirro�in� �aff��Il�ir IP�C ��a f��,iik�illiC��inc� �iir��ai���:i�ll.�ir��lly�i> '° Google Project Sunroof � > > � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � �� �� ����������������������������������111111111111��11111111������111��� � � � �� �, 1 1 �11� f � ��� �� 1 �� � �� l l �, � � � J��, , 1 J l 1 l l 1 � J , l I t �, � , , . , � ., 1 1 ,, , t ,, ,,,, �, �, , � , � 1„ � „ , r , � � I�III(imiiuP�iiii«1iillliiJlllhiff fff fVui��aiu��ilfiufiiiiiNiiIIIIV�ullliiuuhi(i««urilllid�riiuiirill�uiliuii���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������r ' � For applicable Town-owned sites, installation of ' �� At time of installation, prioritize hiring of local ' community solar may be an ideal option to provide ' minority-owned businesses. ' access to solar to households that cannot install ' ' on-site solar(e.g., renters, site restrictions). ' � , , � � � � � � � � � � � i i i i i i i i i i i ii i i Jii i ao i ii ioo a i ri o i o iiioio,ioiiioioiiiiiaiiiiiiiiaiii iiiiiiiiiii iioii,i aiaaaiaaiaiiiiaaaa aiaiaiaaiiaaaiiaaiaaiiiiaaoioaaoioiaiiiiiaaaoaiiaaaaaiiii it iiiiiii /ii o i/i// /oia/i i/ii ,i ii ii i ii �ii//ia/ii/i/i io/ i ii i i i i � � � �. t � � � � � � / /. / / � �„ �///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///��� � / . � r /, � // , , / ,< , , ,� „ . , , 1 , < /,, , � , , , // � r , , /, , , � / ,� , , , , � . , , , , , , ,, r l �� �, t� , , � , , �l �� l�, � 11 /� ,� , t I ��� r i l � , � �, , r , � �, , ,, � � �����1�J��111f1�������JJ�����1�������J�J1��1��lJJJJJJJ�����ll���li����)f1�111������J�JJJ��11���1111���1�J��1��JJJJJJ�f1���f1����������J�J1���1��1���JJ��1�����f�����J�l��J�111f������������J�J��I�JJJJJJ�I�J1���1����JJJ�1��1�111�����JI��J�����1111����J1�1�1l�1�lJJJJJ���J1�1����111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i ��� Engage with Historic District Commission on �� Consider a variety of ownership and financing ' potentially expanding allowable type/size/placement ' models, including direct ownership or third-party ' of panels in those districts. ' ownership using a power purchase agreement or ' ' lease, to overcome financial barriers. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 31 �r;rrt111111111`%%������I//� Jr � ,� � �//� /�,��oiii,� � ���°f '�'J � � ������///�/���� '�y, r :: � ,'�'� -�,a �af u��x� r ����j/� i � � �� " r��i��P M f fc�l �j�� . � �. u„ e � y � /l��i °r. �� ° 'o , i1 �," , . " �, �„ ' ' "�,,���t , �. ��� , �;:�� ��I�+ �� ��� G�ai��i� i � ii�ii° °"7' �9U � � �� ��� � �� �� �� �� BUILDINGS , ��, � ����;, % ����� , �� ..� ,�� I�IIIIIIIIIIUIVI��� �� �l// � '� °°°'� ���"� w �� � � & ENERGY `��� �'� `�i������ �, �''°'�, � �,�oiiiO///////�� � �,,, l� �I�� ��. A�11�V�31� BE 2.1.0 Re-establish solarize campaign and expand to include storage and other complementary ��� technologies. � �6 ' ' '� 1 , l V i���,�iRh �, ����d � (f� u � !� r,��� ��� 1 � � _ _ _ _ __ Launch a public campaign to increase adoption of solar and complementary DESCRIPTION OF ACTION technologies(e.g., battery storage, heat pumps, electric vehicles) by leveraging aggregated homeowner buying power to lower installation prices (i.e., community bulk purchasing) and by reaching out to commercial property owners. _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Sustainability& Resilience _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS Sustainable Lexington ' ' ' Committee 1. Evaluate breakdown of solar available space by residential, 2 months Planning Department commercial and municipal sectors and set sector-specific goals. Department of ' ' ' Public Facilities ' 2. Collaborate with the Fire Department to ensure goals around ' ' battery storage and other new technologies align with the Fire Fire Department Code and establish clear uidelines for what t es of s stems 2 months 9 YP Y Building Department are allowable. 3. Conduct a competitive bidding process to select an installer 6 months - or installers and negotiate discounted, tier pricing. ' ' ' Sustainable Lexington Committee 4. Identify outreach tactics(e.g., events, social media, mailers) ' LexCAN and partners, and develop educational and promotional 3 months Town Manager's Office ' materials. Outreach should reach commercial and residential ' property owners. Center Committee Economic Development Advisory Committee 32 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 5. Recruit volunteers to actively participate and promote 3 months the program. (concurrent with LexCAN step 4) LexCAN 6. Launch the Solarize campaign as part of the existing 6 months ' LexElectrify campaign. ' Clean Heat Outreach ' ' ' Specialist , „ � � � � � � � � i i i i ii i iiia i i iii i io i�rriiiioiii i iiiiiiiiii ai,iaaaii i iii i i i�i i i, ri , ii i ����� � / // // / / / / l , / , , . . � / , // ,/ / / //, / , , /, , , / �, � �,. f , � / �, , i� ,/,,,, , �, � ,,, r , , . , l , , i , � , Il��lr�������«<�����r�����N����r���ili��l������������r�������r����������«�����r������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ FI NANCIAL TOOLS ' �� IF�r��r°��II l��ac �irc��i� frar��'�Il�ir IF"Il�c���a�r�sll��i�� ' � MA Department of Revenue, IR�in��vv�l�ll� IElr��;rc�y IPir�ap�^ir�y 1��� Ilin�;�rnti�r� ��J US Department of the Treasury, 1�i�� IPira���ir�rm�° IP�yirm��;irnt� ��r�����i�ii�;� IE:irr�r�y IPira����;ir��y iir� IL.i�;�� �i �rJ� MA Department of Energy Resources(DOER), l��;t�ir��c�iik p �c�ll�r IP�������nu���tt� IF��r���nr�W�ll� l��r��k ��I��IF�11�} IPir��gir�rm� °�� US Department of Energy(DOE), IL.��ir� ��u�ir�r���� IPir��r�inn ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES ' �� Rocky Mountain Institute, Ilir�cllu�u�iitr�;�a�ll«�riz� �u�ia�� ' �f� MassCEC, ��Il�ariz�-I�N��t�im�ir� 1�a��IIIKik ' °l� U.S. Department of Energy, 1�N7�� �a�ll�iriz�^�uaii�'�bca�ak„ ' �c�irmi��rc�iniity�c�i�l�t� ��Illl��:�iiv� �s�air�lh��iina� �f r�;�iid�ir�tii�ll IPV�y�t�irr�� �, � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ����������������������������������������������������i�����? � ��� ���������� � �� �� �1 �� � � r � � � � � 1 � �, �� � �� , � � � ,� � 1 � � l � l 1 � � � , l t � � ..,„ .. l / 1 ,,, ,,�, ,�„ �:, , , / 1 , , ,. ,,,, r �, � � � � � �, „ � � , , � � � � � ��»»,»»»,�l»»JJJ»���l�t,��»tJ»»r,1�J»r»»»;»�,�»»,l,ttr»;»rrJ»t,��1,1JJ»»»�,trl»,l»»,r�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������% �'��� � Partner with community-based organizations for �'��� �� Undergo a community-driven installer selection ' decision-making and tailored community outreach. ' process. ��'�� � Secure additional funding to create low- to ��'�� � Conduct targeted outreach to low- to moderate- ' moderate-income specific incentives. ' income households that do not receive an electric ' ' bill for alternative options, such as community choice ' ' aggregation participation. , � � � � � i i i i � i i io o io 0 oi i i oi oi i oi ii iio iiiooi ii �i i oi i a iaoaaoiiiaoaaaaioaoaaiiiiiiiaaii i oiiiiiiiii iiooaiiioioi,rrrrrrrrrrrrriiaaaoio oaiaoaoaaaioiaoaoaaaoioiiiiii00000000iooaiaiaaoii i1 iiiiii iii /ii o/ ii/ii iii/i iii i/ ii i /i iii/ ii/ ioi/i�i ii i i i i i i i � � �� � �frf �� , �� � � � fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff// � � / � � / � / / � „ , , / , , , , �, , //,, , ,l , „ //, , , ,l � , , � � , , � l, , , , , t � 1 ,., , ,, , , J , , .,� ,, � � , � ,, , , � , , l, �� ,, ��� � t , , � ,. �, i r � i, , � �,i i � � , / � IIIIIImiiifiiilf�id1ff11�iiii�dfriilii111�aii�f�dfriil����ii�1«iilllllfaiii���lii�lrriiiirffffffaiiirf�dfriiiiididlliii«iiii(rraiiii�driiiiiaf IIlli�idlfl�iiiirl(friillJiiiiiiiliilriii��ii�r�iif��friiaiiiii�lii�aiildll�iiiiiriiiiididailiiif IIIllailrii��iilidffriifiii�l«Ifam�ulVul�IlliifVllmulfiudilfiuliiiilllllliulfiu�iuufffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff� °l� Work with the Fire Department to address °l� Consider implementing a program targeted for Fire Code's limitations on solar installations. commercial development and large developments ' ' that addresses split incentives. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 33 �� � � ����� � ��������u�uw� y,i y � � �� � ������ , ' � � ��a�; , , �� , �� � ' � ��� COMMUNITY ����� �� ���r� �� RESILIENCE . , ';;. P ,���; ��'�"� '�'i: � ��uu��d ,.,,, ` �� , . , � � ��������������' �; , ;� .� � 1�,. � �:, ' "�° '"" F �����3V� �� � �i �� ; % r; � � l� �, �, � ,, i. �, /1 ,„. , �%, , , ,,;,�,'� CR 1.1.0 % ���;i % � ' ,�� i%%� ;% !�i,+ > Review and update existing � !/', �i� ,,ii ' �ji��/� �f`� ` �� , . ,, - � �� ���;'����� �' /" ' ;:��; % %� � % emer enc res onse lans to � ����� , ��� � o � ��� �� //� � i 9 Y p p ��� ���. / � � � � � /�� , �H„�� ;� -� //' � � �� ��� �� 1� ,� � ensure the most up-to-date �E,,1 �. � � � ��� ��/% //,; � 1��,,,�F� J // � information on climate and �� ,rr°��;i'�� / � � /��j '� � ' health im acts are inte rated. �r�f //� , ii//�,� / p 9 ��rrr� ��/� � / �� � Ur. , l � �, /, % �� � 1 �f�� �� � , / �/,/�/, � � , � r /// ii i � // , � � , f � � , , / � , % � 1 , , , / , , �. � l , � � / , � , � � , � �� , , , � �� � , � � � � � 1 � , ���������Ilflll���i�����,��/,,,9%/�������,%�//�,��,���IKrI� �, .... .... .... .... _ _ _ _ __ Review all existing emergency response plans and guidance and update to ensure DESCRIPTION OF ACTION the health and safety of residents during extreme temperatures and weather conditions, with the goal of being able to provide essential services to residents throughout a 10-day disruption. .... .... .... .... _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Emergency Management Team .... .... .... .... _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) .... .... .... .... _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ' ' ' Public Schools ' ' ' Human Services Department 1. Bring together relevant staff to conduct an audit of existing Public Facilities emergency response plans and align on priorities for making 3-4 months Department updates. ' ' ' Innovation and Technology Department Sustainability&Resilience ' 2. Develop an evaluation framework that determines if dimate ' ' change and its variability are sufficiently integrated into Sustainability&Resilience Town lans and ro rams and rovides uidance on how to 3 months P P 9 P g LexCAN ' successfully incorporate climate considerations. ' ' ' ' ' Public Schools ' ' ' Human Services Department 3. Conduct tabletop exercise to test emergency response plans 6 months Public Facilities and identify weaknesses in terms of climate change integrations. Department ' ' ' Innovation and Technology Department Sustainability&Resilience 34 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4. Implement improvements to the evaluation framework based 2-3 months Sustainability&Resilience on weaknesses identified in step 3. ' 5. Integrate climate considerations into emergency response 4-5 months - ' plans based on the outcomes of the evaluation framework. ' ' ' ' Public Schools Human Services Department 6. Hold training sessions for staff to educate them on updates 4-5 months Public Facilities to emergency response plans and procedures. Department ' ' ' Innovation and Technology Department Sustainability& Resilience 7. Continue to evaluate the effectiveness of emergency Sustainability&Resilience response plans using the evaluation framework. Ongoing LexCAN ' 8. Share evaluation framework with other Town departments ' ' to use as a tool to integrate climate change into other plans 1-2 months Sustainability&Resilience and policies. �a���»>io�iiui ui »>�� »�� Atisstititi»»iAstititir��u��������»lio��11»l1sti��»»»l� v�l I��I v�1� ti51�� t I l 1� 11� v` I V � ti u ..,,,, ..,.,, � , � � � . � . �� , � �n m� ����„, m����1� mi „ �»�1���»,�����»�,��»,�,��,»,���;�,���»��`�,�,»,�„��,»,�',��»,����»�,�„������»�,»�»,�,��,»;��������1�����\���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� FI NANCIAL TOOLS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ' �f MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental ' v� Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency Affairs, I�iCIP��;�ii�r� �ir�n�s (MEMA), IErm��;�g�;r�a,y Ih���ir�����nroernt �r�ir�t IPr�c�rairm�s ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... � MEMA, IPll�m� �in� IF°II«�i��niiing �a��ii�a�.inc� °� MEMA, IL.���II IE.r���;rg�r��y I��.in���;rm�r�t IPll�rniniiin� �u�id�in�� ii»>��o»����1����»o���o»U�io tiss���o�a����1��������o»��o��o����»�������o��»>r»��stiii�»o0 �» iu » to � � � ` � v �t � s � ` 1 �1 � � � � ti � V 11 ` . 1 ,. .� � , .. .� ( � , 1 , � � �, � , �����.M IIU . fi➢flll ��� II ������ . 4II ,,, � , ��»,�„����»�,��»,���,������4»���»1�������,�����»�,����,��,��������»��»�»��»�»1��t»�„���1»l�,�ti����»��,�«�,���,���»������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ' UJ� Publicize the Town's use of the evaluation framework ' UJ� Conduct ongoing public outreach and education, ' to community stakeholders to showcase how the ' particularly with community groups such as social ' Town considers dimate change in existing programs ' services and faith institutions, to ensure residents are ' and services. ' aware of community emergency response procedures ' ' and services. ' �� Ensure vulnerable populations are considered in the ' ' evaluation including seniors, youth, and non-native ' English speakers. �»����as o��o »>i»>��oo��o»ti��i�����»�a»��»»»o»�iati���»»��ti»> »»���ti»�oo��»���»�»>i ssti��������i�o����iio�titititi5�l�ass�u»oo�u�i iti��»>���������i titi��o�»��ati»���i��lss�`»1 ll�tisti�`ti»����»>o��lsssti»>tissti�`ti���»>��»»>iii ti>»»ii sststi�������`l�s�`��oo»oo� ���ti> >v� � �U � � o�l »�iiss� � � 11 a � � o�� ti���ti> >> �1 � l 1 I �1�� � 1 �» l 1 1 l �1` 1 � � 1 ti � �1 1 � � � � l 1 ti � 1 1 � U 1 1 R ., 5 1 . � � � V � � �, � 1 � � , �� 1 , ����1l� ���� �� l �w �� � � � ���I 1� �1 �� ������� �}V� � � � � ll�� � ��� l��� � � �, �� �������������````�l\, ,� � ` I� II` ..., � ..^� � ... �I�I ...1III�II ��»� ����..^� .. III�II� I� � .. �„, m� mi �� m ait nu�i m � � i m l � I �111��1��1111�`1ti1�1115�`1�11�0�111��111�11�1�011�1111���1�o�S�1111��1��\111�1111�11�011�1111��1��1111�1111�1111�\111�011�1111�\111�1111�\11�11�011�1111��111\�11�011�1111�011�1111�1111�1111�011�011�1111��SS�1111�\111�1111�\111�1111�011�1111�`1111111��11��1����1�1111�011��111�1111�11����1��111��SS�1111�011�1111��11�o�ti���1�`111�011�11�`111�1111��111���ti�1�o��\111�1111��111�1111�`1111��111�011�01�1�0���1�o1S�`ti�o11�011�����1SS��1\111��11�1111�1111�1111�1111�1111�1111�1111\����������������������������������������������������������������� Seek regular feedback from Town staff to ensure the � Identify innovative solutions to encourage use of ' � framework is comprehensive and applicable to other ' the framework across Town departments, including departments for continued use. incentives or requirements as part of existing processes(e.g., budgeting, capital improvement plans). RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 35 .F��� � � �� bl�'t��'�I� �, � ,�di k�: , �,.� � ..q, , , , i� � ,. . � , �lll�lqlq�j� � r ����1��7 � �� � ����� NATURAL f� ih��, �, r y �lr�J� . �y��1 / /���J . „6 � / 1 � /e%i,/'��// � �i� t�����li/y/rl a � i � �l t ,�,,�r� %„�� ��, �„- 1��� � �,1 � � r ,� K „� � � ���� RESOURCES , , '�Y� J �� �1 � Y �/ �i� � � Xrkrl/�(�ii q/J"�j i � i��% / i � i�Y//M��� ���I%l���i�/lr/�%//OJ � i�'�; 11 ��/� u�� r i � � i /ri � ��i�i/i �//n 1�°i ,i��ii�i�i�� 1 0�ll�'"'", � '� �^� ri%r��r� �/� � � r �i Y�i^ � r 8 J�1 i� �. �il� // / i �i�� �'�✓�1 l/ i�' � //��i%/r%�jj �/ �i� f,� �r �� rt ��r1r�i � � , � ��N� li i i iiaf u Pll >>> tf///i J�w�t � ��i�D�/ /iii�r � i 1 i � 1 9 ��lo��f�T �g � /��,,,✓�i � ,4 r �" ti��� rd���� � rl�il 'o� ����'�a�� i°��J u�i � '��,. ��;`������ ��w�,w��,�,1,,�����i i N R 1 1 A � , , �� . . , < < �� �`�� P � �` ���� � Identify and protect parcels � �� 1 �� � � e � �°' � ' of high conservation value in 'i i � ` �1'���' '� �'� � �/��i i r U o ��� k � �iu�r�' ��rl , � ,��� t� � � ,� d ,��, �. �� balance with other town needs '"��,o �,�t�� `�r �`�� ���,��,�r° `' �hU,J' �„� for land, and seek financial , '�' ,�,� �°. �1r�;,���'` support for conservation and � � � �� "� �� � " �������� tree lantin �,,�,,,��,��r � , ����'i p g• / /,i,/ �,�� J �� � � �i ,,,vi��� �, � � %� I(�. , r �, � �,�,�,� ��o„��o r�i.,? ����� � ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Protect unprotected parcels with conservation value and develop ongoing communication with appropriate stakeholders. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ LEAD DEPARTMENT Land Use, Housing, and Development Department ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ..., 1. Identify and evaluate parcels of land for their conservation value. 3 months and Conservation Division ongoing GIS Administrator ' ' ' Conservation Division Recreation &Community Programs Department Planning Department 2. Coordinate with other Town interests to identify parcels Lexington Public Schools of mutual interest. Explore collaborative acquisition and/or 4 months Tree Committee address competing interests. Sustainable Lexington Committee LexCAN Lexington Living Landscapes 3. Establish conservation priorities and begin outreach 2-3 months and Conservation Division to landowners. ongoing 4. Work with receptive owners to establish conservation 6 months ' Conservation Division agreements. 36 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 months 5. Identify and acquire funds for parcel protection. (concurrent with Conservation Division step 4) 6. Formalize conservation agreements between interested parties. 6 months Conservation Division uui ui u uu »» r i��r � � �� � k � .,, ,'�,, ,.„ .,, I���� . � „ ��, I���, , �u� � ,,,, ��IuN�umo�llluo�mmmiiiil�i�nii��lllll�uiuuumi�mudfiullii�ii�uumii������������� 1 FI NANCIAL TOOLS .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................� '��� � Community Preservation Fund �'�� � Metropolitan Area Planning Council, � � ��i � . ���a�ll�r�tir�� �Iliirrr��t� IR��iilli�ina�y �r�irnt IF'r�gr�irm I�f� IG?ivii..:�ic�i�� r�i .�r�n,c-;rv�tiie�r� �.��;irvii��a IC3 � �ir��r�t;� �f MA Department of Conservation Resources, � MA DCS, IP�irll�ll�r��' ����ai�i�i�in� �rn�' IR�irnca�r��ii�r�� fs�ir U�rlk��-airn �airr� �".��rr�rr�aar�i��y IFr�ir�;�s��iry G�Il��llll�;r�a�� �ir�r���� �;�r7mr7n�air�i�i�: �IP�IRC�� �ir�r¶� ' ' �rJ� Charitable donations from landowners ' UJ� MassDevelopment, �e�nr�rr���ir�u�r��ll�ll� IF'll���� ' ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ,,,, I�V�w IEr�c�ll�ir�� IF�air���iry �=��uina���iir�irn v,» IL.�ind lf�ru����Illli�.r��;� � S'.���r��>�rv�tii�r� F���tir�ii��iie�ir� I�a�aria��nm F�r�a��r��irrn �� Trust for Public Land, IP�irl��a���r�e �� I�V��iicairop�ll C:�m��r�r��ii��ir� IE���irr��^n� I[����Ib��y� �� The Nature Conservancy, ��r��;ir��rir�t If����u�rc�� I�N�alk� uuui ui i�r � uu � � �, `�N. � , � � J �� ,., . � � re � �������������������'1�����lllli�������������������������"����������������������������������Ill�������Mt�������� I�I�I��� �lllllll�l�ll)llllll�l��l)llll)�)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))�������������/////////0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//� ' �� Consider distance and access to conservation land ' � Prioritize land parcels in areas that are currently ' across all neighborhoods. ' lacking access to open space, have higher percent impervious surfaces, or have historically seen limited � Balance the need for open space with other investment priority needs, such as affordable housing and ' solar development. ' ui�� i m uuuVNh iiii u �,�i + �y u � r�m �r uuuu� � r»i� �+ '� �{� �' �� � „ � � , ,, , ,, .„ x� � � � � wa ur m k as aw � i � � liii»»,»l�)li�)1�lJI,�,���;,,��;��,;;�;i,�,����,��,%/i„�lll/�i///9/,,,�„�ill��l/�,l//,l�iiillll)�,,,,�„�,,,,,;�„df���,,,�„�,l/J„�„lll�,,,;1/,�,��1����,,,,,�,,,,,,,,�1/i D�illl��l�;�,�,IJIi,;,,�i/������))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))�������������/////////0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//� °�� Connect with existing volunteer groups for outreach - Identify opportunities to use land parcels for climate ' and support. ' resiliency objectives (e.g., heat island amelioration, stormwater management)to gain additional buy-in UJ� Prioritize land parcels with high ecological and/or and get access to more funding opportunities. public recreational value to maximize benefits. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 37 ���, �o r , �� � "��� �� �� � ��N, �r , ,`V'i �, �o k, m ��ly� ��,� � � �� � K � y� e�oo =✓'� � �w � � I.�IUIWII��IU �L A ���/// �// �;���;, l , � � � ` �� NATURAL , , ,,,,,� � �,�t ,��� , ��j����� � /�il. �1J/��rr�� l '�// �; . r� ' � u � (�f�� � ��i„��i�,���, rJ ��r� �, �� ��� ti J r� �% i�� � �r �JI � /r , , ' `' � h,�, °'r��� ��U���%������ ��f,��f;,,,;,,��/� �l RESOURCES �� / 1 i %�%f � r�i�i� i� � u IIGi � � In � i ✓ r� � r�i7r'l� ��f � 1 .'i/����i �R � �� �'l��j�ii��� /���� � il�Ui/�//%ii�%iit%/�✓ � o ��� y er�y /���"�/��� �� %r ��i� �� l r�i �/�/�i � , I %� �Gir�i �� � �'��' dr i �i� �r/iii�/�'�%�� �i'' � � , ������r��� �����D�� �r r�d r �„����,,� ���;�w��` �b/ ��� ��„�raF ,�U�;, �r u�9� l . �� yr� �, r;�� tN, Jy,��� �, ,, � �,��; N R 1.3.A , � r „ ` ���"' �, ���� Strengthen the existing tree bylaw to �� , �� � ' !, ,� ,,, ° 1 % t �� , ,' � better protect large trees, require more � ���J t� '" �� �tr� � r`^�,� I���;���H shade trees, set and maintain a tree �rii�� � ��`'�� � � ���'� '%%,o ,,,, , y � '� � �� �� '�f ��� �,,,,,, � canopy coverage goal, and mitigate ����� ,��� , . � � � ��,�, '�` ��� � the loss of trees and greenspace from � ';;'J� '' � �,� f, ,����r ���'" development. � � �i/�f i , r ;%iro, ', �„ „,�,.�yod�i,,,,.ee��o�;a � r�o� ��1,, ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ Enhance local bylaws to prevent removal of large and heritage trees and to DESCRIPTION OF ACTION encourage additional shade trees in order to maintain or increase canopy along streets, sidewalks, and in other public spaces. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ LEAD DEPARTMENT Department of Public Works; Tree Committee ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................m,................................................................................................... 1. Conduct a review of tree bylaws in other jurisdictions that 3-4 months ' - ' could serve as best practice models. ' ' ' ' Recreation &Community Programs Department 2. Discuss potential bylaw changes with other committees and Planning Department local community groups. Examples of changes to consider Resilience&Sustainability include: requiring notifying Town staff about removal, requiring 2-4 months Department permits for tree removal, or implementing fees to cover the ' Conservation Division replacement value of removed trees. ' LexCAN Lexington Living Landscapes 3. Estimate costs around enforcement of bylaw and identify 2_3 months ' - funding sources. 4. Formalize recommendations into a proposed bylaw and 3-4 months ' - ' present them to Town Meeting for approvaL ' 38 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, LexCAN 5. Develop and disseminate communications materials to build Lexington Living greater community awareness about the importance of trees. Ongoing Landscapes Town Manager's Office uuu » �Q� m� r � � � � � � ''� . , a �' � , ,��,, I�� V.P II, . .. ,.,.` W..����, tt a �; m w. ��Iu��umiillllmollluuulluml Ilu�lllh�uu�ll��mm(�fuu�ulllu Ilil��ui� ���� 1 FI NANCIAL TOOLS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................w,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� � Operating capital budgets � IP�F� IC1����ir�irm�;irnt aa���rn��;ru�:�ii�air� � IF���:.ir��ti�ar� (IG��.�IF��, �ir��r� �ma�� �c�irr7irm��iniity IFa�yr��tr�y�I��Illl�ir���� �f lf�ra�� IF�uinr� �ir�r�l� ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES �,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� ��u Tree Preservation Bylaws in other Massachusetts UJ� MA DCR, towns(e.g., �.�irn��aire�, ��IIII�>Il�y, �,rlliirn�f��in) U�rlb�.ir� �ind ���rr�rr�uar�i�y IFc�ir���iry IF��;��7u�r�;�:� � S�smi�rtrillll� IL�.iri�����p� �l�irnc��ra�� �f American Forests, li�r�� IE:�,�uii�y ���sr� �n MA DCR, �n� Arbor Day Foundation, 4;a�uid� t�� ILca��ll 'lrlr����rc9iiin�n���� iiri� I'��s���l���u��t�� I�N�a�nr ���/�Cri��� I�u.urnii�;i�p�ll 'lrlr���r�diiir��r���: u � u 1 u u uuiuui iu iu� � , a �,, � �, �� ,,, �, ,, � � � o � ��������������������MI������������������������������������������������������������������'�III������������'����� �I I�I��� lllllllllllllllllllll�llllllll))�)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))�������������/////////0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//% ��� Burden may fall more heavily on some homeowners °� Ensure equitable distribution of street tree and tree ' than others, or some homeowners may have ' canopy placement across the entire town. ' extenuating circumstances. ' pluii Im �puuiuNnuu iiii �JJ r ����nuuil»�u�rm m �t �� 1 +�ryii i�u��mr�i ui pNiNqU,� I� ��t ��i�� � i�m�t ;�� . , ! .. W � � � � � � �, � � �, �A �� , �,, � �,� � ,,, � � � „ „ ,. Iuuuii�Vi�IIInIiuIIIl�ui�6d�u��Villliuimiiullli�Illlulllum��u�u�uu�Ihui�Iluuu�ulllluNlluui�uuu�u6uNuuui�Ill101uuu�iii`uM�uuui�m�liuiiilnlil�uuu"i1111uNllilu�uilitlllnluuuii"duuuil�fluliiuuuV��ui�li�illiifuilllililmu�dd�J)li»>i�)im»�i)))l�Jiii�ilJliiiii�,���1/�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������/� �'��� � Work with Town committees and community �'�� � Collaborate with local organizations to implement ' groups with sustainability missions to build ' Adopt-A-Tree programs. community support. UJ� Work with students and teacher groups to integrate ' ��u Engage the community and leverage existing ' tree benefits into school curricula and professional volunteer groups' support with planting, maintenance, '' development programs. ' and surveying. ' RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 39 � % % � I % � � �r. � � ! u m ' ._ � ,i���^ ... } � ; TRANSPORTATION }: ' ��""�:,,�` � � & MOBILITY � ; �o�, �� � �� ��� ���n,� A��"V�V� r, � �� � � -�� w� � ,; TM 1.1.A � � '��"� �� `'� Expand and promote Town � � � �� � � � �°' d; � policies on and strategies �,��'��'��/� � �� �,�, for transportation demand �4Ji/i�/��%/�i �� i � m�iii/�� �, y/,ii,/i,,,,,, , ,� �, � , ,,,, ,,,,,, ��„���/�;si; management (TDM) at schools i ��/�l �/�l�/%�ii ��i %��i/l�Lr ij/ i.i %�i�j/i%�i��jij%ij/�j i�� !��,!✓,,;i 'i r �� Ii i��J/�U/ �i-�/ /: ��%� �i�/i i .1:. �i!%i✓ %��ij//�%�����i/��%%I�%��f�% . . , ,j, � ,,, ,� , , , � , , � ����/ and businesses and within i/� ir: % W G�////../ /�j��i /y // ��� /r��ij�./i / �il!�/�%i��:� �i/li �� ��r %�����r/�����%�G�� r /� ,;,��� ��� �ja� i/��i����,!a ir ii� r / �i���i� ��� r i� f r� �i�%�i/��9��;!��//0/�i/�v/i%%' i�;„�r �r�'�� :�� t�,���,i�r,�kN ; � i �, % � ,:, ���,,:�,�� ; % � � ;',,�;�''%°,��i'r�,I,%�� municipal operations. �,,,�����/„.:,r,lri%I�i��/>�oi//���,/ir// �f,:�i:a,Ii��,%!�i�/% !��,�.�,CC�;,,�,,ir :�ri, ..,�., „/ �;.r%��/�/� i/�%/��/i//�i/����'% �v„i,��,�„r�.�,��a, ���01Gd1�.�Gr,�i/!io/� DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Expand the application of strategies and policies to reduce vehicle miles traveled and increase transportation efficiency town wide. LEAD DEPARTMENT Planning Department;Transportation Services OVERALL TIME FRAME Long (>3 years) TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 1. Update current regulations for the Hartwell Area Transportation Management Overlay District to better 3 months Planning Board reduce transportation demand. ' 2. Develop and implement Transportation Management ' ' Overlay District Plans for South Lexington District and 12 months Planning Board ' Forbes-Marrett District. ' ' 3. Evaluate existing regulations, bylaws, and parking fee ' structures to determine how the Town can compel ' Transportation Advisory Committee developers and business owners to participate in TDM 6 months Planning Board and to identify key gaps, limitations, and opportunities Town Counsel to reduce transportation demand. Economic Development Advisory Committee ' ' ' 128 Business Council 6 months Sustainable Lexington Committee 4. Engage with stakeholder groups to determine (concurrent Transportation Advisory Committee community barriers, interests, and opportunities. With above ) Greenways Corridor Committee Town Meeting Members ' ' ' Local Businesses Real Estate Developers 40 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 5. Draft, solicit feedback, and adopt an updated people- Select Board centric, multi-modal TDM policy and guidance Planning Board document that would advise developers, property 1 year Transportation Advisory Committee owners, and businesses on how they can reduce ' transportation demand. Economic Development ' Advisory Committee ' 6. Lead by example by developing and implementing ' ' formal Town and School TDM plans aligned with the 1 year Town Managers Office strategies outlined in the updated policies and guidance. Sustainable Lexington Committee 7. Market TDM concepts to businesses, using Town Human Services and school examples as a model. Conduct outreach Town Manager's Office though Town website, social media, Town newsletters, Ongoing Transportation Advisory Committee informational webinars, and attendance and business Economic Development community events. Advisory Committee Center Committee e� � FI NANCIAL TOOLS UJ� Il�i/IF����ii�r� �ir�mk� � TDM Mitigation Fund P� II����IC?G'J1��ir�r�t� � Traffic Mitigation Fund TECHNICAL RESOURCES ' �f Town of Lexington, Pedestrian Bike Plan ' � Metropolitan Area Planning Council, IP�irkiiir7c� �rn�' (to be completed in 2023) l�ir�r�s��ir'��a�i�r� IC1�ir�n�rn�' I��rna�.a���irrn�ir7� �'�� � Town of Lexington, TDM Policy �'�� � Metropolitan Area Planning Council, IF°�;r��;�t IFi� IF"�rkiir�r� ��iia�a� °° MassDOT, ' I���m��lhn�as�t�� ��:P�; IF�c��u��;s f:� �;c:h��r�>II IPir��ir�r�n ' �� League of American Bicyclists, IE�ii�;y�°II� IFri�i�mc�lly Q�c�irr7irr7�uiniitii�;� IR���a�,rt ��r� ��u Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, �:�srm�rrnuair�i�y l�ir�.r�yp�air��:ti�r� l���l�inii��ll A��;�;ii��ar��;�; IPr�>�r�.irm � . � . �� Ensure transportation and mobility solutions are �� Evaluate existing and proposed policies for their ' designed to provide equitable access to residents, ' impact on accessibility. visitors, and workers and people of all ages, abilities, ' and incomes. ' •�sre • • • a� • ' rf Continually seek feedback from residents, local ' �� Seek additional funding and/or staff capacity to ' businesses, and municipal staff to ensure mobility and ' support with TDM implementation and oversight. transportation needs are adequately addressed. ���� ���� �� Work with the state and regional entities to increase ��f Continue to work collaboratively with regional tourism ' transit and multimodal opportunities. services to promote mobility infrastructure and reduce '' vehicle miles traveled among visitors. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 41 � % % � I % � � �r. � � ! u m ' ._ � ,i���^ ... } � ; TRANSPORTATION }: ' ��""�:,,�` � � & MOBILITY � ; �o�, �� � �� ��� ���n,� A��"V�V� r, � �� � �,��' ;%w;,; � ,; TM 1.1.0 , Drive regional collaboration to �� � � �°' d; � align Transportation Demand ,,,,r;����i„ ,,�� Management (TDM) policies ����,�„i/i ''° �-0��������r�i��// m�ii/�� , „�„� � , „ ��/%sii and advocate to the State for i /ii/I �i/���rl� I i � �iliLr i/ ..l ��!j��l/�%��%�%/�%���i.. � ./r ��/lb���1�i U/i i� i i�/� �/i �/ i. i/r%�%%/j�j%����i�% �%�. �', ��,t,�, � ����,`%%���,,,,� � , , ,�, „�, , , ,��„� ,�„' �,���i,�����,il� 1,�� TDM-enabling legislation and i ir:; �1 �/�'...`4 i ////�../ /ii �� �l // �..[ /r��ii! �i ir �����,�� ,.il� /�:ii�r i�����!r/�/�%i%�%����, r�/� � � � �/iii��/,�,!�i�i q i r i //�,�i, ijl l r i r i % �i� ���i r�//�I�//�j�����v/i//��, �� , ��� �;,� �c����„�, ,�,,,,,��,, ; �,� ,�, , ,,��'�,�> >, , ,i� �,,,,�,�,�i����i�r;�,��i�i more public transportation. �i���f r�r�i���ilh%�/%,�j��i�"��� ��'/r�ii����I�� i/ j�ii /n� ��f�� �i � ,� i/%i�ji�%j�l����%1%r/�%�J��f' „�l,i��/�.�,,,lri/�/I�r„�°l//�i/��iu,,, ✓it, -.u.v.lk��%1/ii�,. „ L..,.�,(/��;,,!,r ,��i, ..,.� „/, vv�:�4�i/��.,r�.i.::od���0,/i/rd19.�iir�i/�/oi�G Utilize regional collaboration and state advocacy to push for legislation, services, DESCRIPTION OF ACTION and programs that will further enable Lexington to implement TDM strategies at the local level. LEAD DEPARTMENT Planning Department OVERALL TIME FRAME Long (>3 years) TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS Transportation Services 1. Engage with Metropolitan Planning Organizations on On oin regional TDM efforts. g g Transportation Advisory Committee 2. Advocate for statewide TDM implementation such as Metropolitan Area Planning more public transit, more bike accommodations, and Ongoing Council updated parking regulations. ' Select Board 3. Advocate for policies/legislation that would advance Metropolitan Area Planning a multimodal transportation network, require TDM Council statewide, and allow communities to assess mitigation Ongoing Select Board for traffic congestion. Transportation Services ' ' ' Transportation Services 4. Investigate possibility of setting aside a percentage of Select Board increased revenue from new developments to support 6 months public transportation services. Finance Town Counsel 5. Support the pending state legislation for Transportation Select Board Improvement Districts, which would enable communities Transportation Services to charge fees for transportation improvements upon Ongoing Transportation Advisory a 60 percent approval from property owners in the Committee district. Sustainable Lexington Committee 42 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN �. . FINANCIAL TOOLS ' vl» I`�i�IF'�9c�ii�air� G�;ir�r�t� ' ��, TDM Mitigation Fund �f� I'���:,IC1C�1�C'.�r�ir�k� °�� Traffic Mitigation Fund TECHNICAL RESOURCES ' ��� Town of Lexington, Pedestrian Bike Plan ' �� Metropolitan Area Planning Council, IF��irkiiins� �r��' (to be completed in 2023) �ir�ir�;��a�irk��ii�an� I[��rm�rn�' IPJfI�n����rm�n� ' Ul Town of Lexington, TDM Policy ' � Metropolitan Area Planning Council, IP�ir���t IFit IP�irkiiin� �u�ia��^ °° MassDOT, ' I`JB�s���,lrota��t�� ��f� I���aa��;� �a� ��;�naa�ll I�"ira'sqir�rmo ' � League of American Bicyclists, I�i�y�ll� IFiri�sinc�lly� �csirr�irrr�unii�ii�;�; IFK���a�r� ��r�' rJ Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, �a�rm�rm�uirmity l�r�ir����irt��ii�r� 1��;�l�inii��ll /��aii�:;t�rn��; IPra���r�tirr� A� fl� i 9 � Ensure transportation and mobility solutions are � Evaluate existing and proposed policies for their ' designed to provide equitable access to residents, ' impact on accessibility. ' visitors, and workers. ' •eBea • • • a� • ' �� Continually seek feedback from residents, local ' � Seek additional funding and/or staff capacity to ' businesses, and municipal staff to ensure mobility ' support with TDM implementation and oversight. ' and transportation needs are adequately addressed. ' ��f Continue to work collaboratively with regional tourism ' services to promote mobility infrastructure and reduce '' vehicle miles traveled among visitors. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 43 � % % � I % � � �r. � � ! u m ' ._ � ,i���^ ... } � ; TRANSPORTATION }: ' ��""�:,,�` � � & MOBILITY � ; �o�, �� � �� ��� ���n,� A��"V�V� r, � �� � �,��' ;%w;,; � ,; TM 2.2.A , µ Create a public awareness � � �� � � � �°' d; � campaign for electric ,,,,r;����i„ ,,�� vehicles (EV) and available ����,�„i/i ''° �-0��������r�i��// m�ii/�� , ,���,� � , �, ��/%sii charging stations locally and i /ii/I �i/���rl� I i � �iliLr i/ ..l ��!j��l/�%��%�%/�%���i.. � ��, r„���,,c� ���, ;� , ,�,, ,�, ,� , ,�,;�%�,�;���i%/; %�� throu(y hout the re(y ion. � i ��iji�l � , ,�i.��/l/��l�i-�/// l .... l /. �//� �i/i � 1 l:. � i!/%i✓�j�r%�/�O/j��i/�/1����1��f��� J J r✓�/, i� ' �� �� � ���%ii������iii�i �l /1 ��� /r��i���/��� i��ir/���i^`� �//i //i%i//%���%�%��%���i/l%�i�'%���? i/ � �i� ��/i �u�°�� �i�%��1� a r�, � ii� �, i i;�✓i�ii /� � �l �/� i� r�l�'i%/li�%�r����i�� �i��f r/�r�i� ilh%�//��iri�a" i � � i/�i � � i�i� /n� ei�� i f / �. i� � i/l��j �ii���i���l�.. �//�� �j �/> ��/i // �� �'/i i�i� /� �i ��� �i i,,ir :�ri, ..,�., „// v„,�`�rii%/�rl��c�i/�/���/��J��nr�%�� ,,,,��„i��,,,,l,iil�r�iii,i/,�;,c,r,,, ✓�t, uv�k �/liii,. ,, 1,. .�,C���,,,� Accelerate transportation electrification by expanding public awareness and DESCRIPTION OF ACTION education of EVs and charging stations, as well as addressing perceived barriers to increase EV adoption amongst Lexington's residents and businesses in order to reduce transportation-caused greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. LEAD DEPARTMENT Sustainability& Resilience OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 1. Identify target audiences. 1 month - ' ' ' Diversity, Equity&Inclusion Planning Department 2. Meet with Town staff who have led education or Human Services Department awareness campaigns to determine best practices to 2 months Public Health Department carry forward. Youth & Family Services Transportation Services Town Manager's Office LexCAN 3. Identify funding sources and organizations (e.g., Sustainable Lexington Committee nonprofits, private companies, universities)that can 3-6 months ' support administration of the campaign. ' Transportation Services Cary Library 4. Identify communication and engagement tactics(e.g., ride-and-drive events, signage, social media)to reach 2 months - target audiences. 44 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 5. Develop a package of coordinated outreach materials that can be deployed in different contexts to support 3-6 months Consultant/Graphic Designer identified tactics. This may include in-house resources or outsourced consultants. 6. Create a detailed plan and schedule for implementation 3 months Transportation Services of outreach tactics and dissemination of materials. •� • FI NANCIAL TOOLS �'�� � MA Department of Environmental Protection, '��� � IRS, IE:II�;���iri�V�;I�i�ll�;�1��� Ilir���;r��ti�r�;� I�����IEi/IIIP IP�ulk�llii�'������;� �I��irr�iiir7� Ilrn��in�iiv�� ' �J Center for Sustainable Energy, I�/fl�lf�-IEV ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES ' ��� US Department of Energy, ' UJ� Green Energy Consumers Alliance, IC1riv� �ir��n IE:II���irii�;il�Ih�i�llca �Ih�r�ir�� ���tia�rw IL.���tiaar7� � . � . ' vl� If purchasing new vehicles is out of reach for some ' UI Develop outreach materials that are indusive in ' residents, increase awareness of the growing used ' terms of language fluency and digital literacy. EV market and existing incentives for EV purchases. �� Include pointers to help with other forms of transportation (e.g., walk, bike, bus). •'a�' M b l� aB • ���� � Consider hosting Ride&Drive Events that provide test ''���� � As EV adoption increases, work with utilities to plan drive opportunities to help increase adoption rates. for increased electricity load. ' ��u Create a clear process/checklist for homeowners to ' UJ� Consider reaching out to neighboring municipalities ' follow for the installation of home charging. ' to encourage a regional approach to EV education to increase funding eligibility. ���� � Ensure education and messaging combats common ����� ' public perception barriers to EV adoption including ' ' perceived upfront cost, range anxiety, and lack of ' ' familiarity with EV performance and with vehicle ' options. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 45 uuuuuuuuuuuu � � Ur,����ii�r„p1�1� �� I , �f)+ ��u� � ����' N',��t�, ���`��U//a �,�ii ii :.� Ilfllll ihi pi�iiiDj�r�/%i 9 .� /1� �. � � irr��iii �M,`��/// ll �%4i / :./� � / ��/%%/%%�irrorrnii�iaii��� IQIIfUII ^�r �. �� � ��� 101ip�- ,"""'"' rnr� �% + / l i �i �l/i �I/���� ',.� f, r�vr., % ,; i r ,r il �� � � ///�j�, � �/ � ��� ' � . � , F I ' f�� G, �ff '�%/i�u� � %,,, Y,�,Jtr1���111„1f�1�„ ,,,,,,,�, , ,' r � 1 WASTE � �l � ,��,,,, � , . ��flin%,0l�6 � ����� �� i :,;� � /�i;, � , iq/� �� � �'64' j�j�� �' r ( /i , / s 1 �(( i� / i � l,r�i ���"d� � �J�� � �Ip � ' ������/�P00/1//���� �! �V� r� �� �,li' � �/j, � ���� � %�; �i ����1�// / % � „ %/ A�11�V�`31�' ii��i�i�%!i���J�J/ii�jj%l � � �/l' % �����'i���i�i��`��'������!�i�i o� /�� ��„e, � /"� ��iiii///lrr/��/p�� �i,�i . � � ■ ■ wiiiD o� /iii/ii l/ /� ���.r�°� ��. .. ���u�� � iil/��1�'�.,, i i � i i� iNwair�sr�rmr / /��Vuui�4il��� �' I ,�li i 07�iJ1/"J���l//////lll19'% ... � �� ,, ��o�y�,�,����� �%� Establish a variable rate J /��„ , ',�� ,�� ,,,i ` ���� structure for the Town's �' ' � �� ;% ' ;�: waste collection services '�� �� � ����� ' based on uantit of waste to i � /i%�%' ���;�, q y %„ �/ ` � ,, � incentivize reduction in waste �„i�d � ��y � � �' i % � � �'„ f,�� �i , � ���/ ,� f�� ,� , ' , ,J��� i ��� � generation for residents. ,III;� i//: ; , ��' �rrrrar� / �,; � f ��'r��,% r��� _ _ _ _ __ DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Implement a rate structure for collection of municipal solid waste to incentivize reduction of waste generation and an increase in reuse, recycling, and composting. _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Department of Public Works _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 1. Allocate funding for additional staff(i.e., waste reduction 6 months Finance Department champion). ' ' 2. Conduct research on rate structures in other communities, implementation models, data on existing recyding rates in 1-2 months ' Waste Reduction Task Force ' the community, potential for waste reduction, and available ' funding opportunities. 3. Draft amendments to the Town Bylaws that would eliminate Waste Reduction Task Force barriers to implementing a rate structure program (e.g., 2 months Sustainable Lexington eliminate the word "free", reduce the 6 barrel limit). ' Committee ' ' ' Waste Reduction Task Force 4. Adopt bylaw. 1 month Sustainable Lexington Committee Town Meeting Members ' ' ' Select Board ' ' ' Waste Reduction Task Force 5. Conduct public workshops to educate the public about 2_3 months the benefits of a rate structure and gather initial feedback. Lexington Zero Waste ' ' Collaborative LexCAN 46 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 6. Design rollout of new program structure and timeline e. biweekl trash weekl rec clin and com ost 4 months Waste Reduction Task Force � 9•, Y , Y Y 9 P )• ' ' ' Waste Reduction Task Force Sustainable Lexington Committee 7. Launch the program through an integrated marketing Human Services campaign utilizing: Town website, social media, Town 2-3 months Town Manager's Office newsletter, informational webinars, and press releases. LexCAN Lexington Zero Waste ' ' ' Collaborative LPS Green Teams ' 8. Manage the program, provide opportunities for ongoing ' ' community feedback, and continually track metrics of Ongoing - success. i i ii i i ii i i i i i i ii iii ii i i i iui ui i ui iiu �������u�����u >> >� »»>���, �������,�����������, � I � 1 , 1 I 1 111 1 , I1 1 l J J 1 1 1 ��J l ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ I . ,,. ) ) I� l , ) � , , , � „ � � i„ 1 , � � . , � � � � , t ���i, , � 1 , ,. � Ilull��mi��rami(um�mmff If Illirii�idllidiiiiidaiii��uulVumllullluVmi(rriiiiidaiii�ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff( FI NANCIAL TOOLS ' � MA Department of Environmental Protection ' �» MassDEP, 'T°��II�r7ii�;�ll �s�i�t�rn�� Cir�zn�� (MassDEP), �c.0���irn�lbll�; I����rii�ll�� IR��a�v�iry IPra�yr�ir� ��I�IF�IP} I�I�air�i�ii��ll �r�in� �,, MassDEP, �I°�I�IP I[�iviicN�n��'p I�°ir�r�r�irm7 ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES � MassDEP, � MassDEP, IP��r_��-�����l�lhir�rw„ �Airn Ilim��all�;i�m�;ir�t��ii�ir� �aallii�' "�Va�st� IPcallii�i�:�, �a�uid�in��� � IF��t �Slh����� �aaiic�c-; ��ar���Ilii�� VV��te U�irni�-13�����' IF"iri�:iirr�� IF�ir��ir�rr�a> �f US Environmental Protection Agency, IP�y_��-1�'�r�a�l�lr��r°���nr i iii i i i i i i uuuiuiiiiiiu»»»»iii i»»uiuiiuiiiii»iuiuiuuuuuiiiiiuuiuiuui»i»»ii l � � � � �� � 1 �� JJJJJ Il lI 1 1 11 +1 1 1 11 I 11 1 1J J , , ,,, , , , ,, ,.l I ), ) �„ 1 � � � � . � ,, � � � � �� � J � � � J � , i uuuluuu�t��iiii�ii++��ii���lliillllllliiiiiif mii�ittoi���iiiifiiiliiiii�f�iiiiididlliiiitttoif i���ii�iiiii�rittoiiliiiiii������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� UJ� Ensure that public outreach and educational UJ� Provide educational materials in a variety of formats ' campaigns include diverse stakeholders, particularly ' (e.g., audio, visual) as well as translation renters and low-income households. for non-English speakers. ' � Incorporate measures to minimize the impact of fees ' on low-income residents. � i � i � i ii i i i i i i i iu iu i i i i i i i ii iu i i i i i i »� ii iiiiiuui iu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuu iiiiii uuiuu uuuii ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii ii�iiiiiiiiii iiiii i»»»»i»»»ii>»iiiiiii uui ii u»»>ii>»>iuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii »»i uui uiu, iiiii �������»»>��� U111 1� llllJl 11 I 11U 1111 1,11 111111111 1 11 111 1 I 111 11 1 ll 1JJ11JJ, 1 1 1l 11 1JJJ I 1 l 1 1 ,J ! Jl J , J ! , 11 J JJ J , , ! J 1 J � 1 1 JI J f 1ff,, ,) I � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� + +++ I , 1 + ), , � I I , , � � +++ , � , ., . �, � . � �, � � , � � ,�� � � �, , � �� �, � � �, , � � � � � , , , r i, i � � � � , r � r. ,���� ����� � , � ,, r r � , � r i � � i Imm�ullllluffffff�iiii�(fullmfdi��ffiumflullm u�llull�ufmuulum��full�lumfff(fiuuufllu�uuiululllullumfflmiurulufu�iuui���uffff�iim��(u���iuuu�idVu�llull�ulitllluiiuuilllm�ulu(u�iifffruuuluuululufu�iuuifullm�llu�iulllmfull�uffiuu�(ulllulllllum�dllmidlluhdfiuliifiuuululllulmhffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff� ' �� Integrate circular economy concepts into broader ' �� Consider shifting to bi-weekly trash pickup and ' Resilient Lexington education and outreach efforts. ' weekly recycling and composting pickup to reduce operational costs and incentivize diversion from � Seek opportunities to reduce emissions through incineration. ' transitioning the municipal solid waste collection fleet ' to all electric vehicles, as well as ensuring maximum �� Provide updates to community members about ' efficiency for driving routes. ' the program's implementation through the Town's ' ' website, newsletters, public workshops, and Town ' ' Meetings. Ensure feedback from residents is ' ' incorporated into ongoing program evaluation. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 47 uuuuuuuuuuuu � � Ur,����ii�r„p1�1� �� I , �f)+ ��u� � ����' N',��t�, ���`��U//a �,�ii ii :.� Ilfllll ihi pi�iiiDj�r�/%i 9 .� /1� �. � � irr��iii �M,`��/// ll �%4i / :./� � / ��/%%/%%�irrorrnii�iaii��� IQIIfUII ^�r �. �� � ��� 101ip�- ,"""'"' rnr� �% + / l i �i �l/i �I/���� ',.� f, r�vr., % ,; i r ,r il �� � � ///�j�, � �/ � ��� ' � . � , F I ' f�� G, �ff '�%/i�u� � %,,, Y,�,Jtr1���111„1f�1�„ ,,,,,,,�, , ,' r � 1 WASTE � �l � ,��,,,, � , . ��flin%,0l�6 � ����� �� i :,;� � /�i;, � , iq/� �� � �'64' j�j�� �' r ( /i , / s 1 �(( i� / i � l,r�i ���"d� � �J�� � �Ip � ' ������/�P00/1//���� �! �V� r� �� �,li' � �/j, � ���� � %�; �i ����1�// / % � „ %/ A�11�V�`31�' ii��i�i�%!i���J�J/ii�jj%l � � �/l' % �����'i���i�i��`��'������!�i�i o� /�� ��„e, 2 A ��iiii///lrr/��/p�� �i,�i . � � ■ ■ wiiiD o� /iii/ii l/ /� ���.r�°� ��. .. ���u�� � iil/��1�'�.,, i i � i i� iNwair�sr�rmr / /��Vuui�4il��� �' I ,�li i 07�i11/"J���l//////lll19'% ... � ��. �� ��o�ir�r�m,��;�� °'' Launch a phased zero waste J /��„ , ��� ,�� ,,,� ` ���� education campaign targeted ,/��' ' �� ;% ' ;�: at residents, businesses, and , f ,, i//„��', , ; � � �� � ����, �,�;� � Town staff. ; , �„�i�i1'' %� „'� i ', ;' , �' f�i/// ii � � ��'�,��i� ,I Il� U%: ; �� �rrrraf� , � � rll� �!'r!!!!!!!��% 1��� _ _ _ _ __ DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Expand existing waste education by using targeted approaches to reach everyone in the community. _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Sustainability& Resilience _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ' ' ' Environmental Services Division 1. Conduct an inventory of existing educational materials 1 month Waste Reduction Task Force around waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. Lexington Zero Waste ' ' ' Collaborative 2. Evaluate data to understand current community waste Waste Reduction Task Force and recycling practices, challenges, and opportunities. Specifically engage local retailers about willingness to 3 months Environmental Services Division offer packaging-free product options. Sustainable Lexington Committee ' ' ' Environmental Services Division 3. Survey community members and municipal staff to Public Schools understand perceived challenges and opportunities Public Library for waste reduction, as well as misconceptions around 3 months proper waste disposal practice. Lexington Zero Waste ' Collaborative Community Groups 4. Based on results of data review and surveying, Waste Reduction Task Force revise and/or develop new educational materials that 2-3 months Environmental Services Division encourage zero waste principles for residents and Lexington Zero Waste businesses. Collaborative 48 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ' ' ' Waste Reduction Task Force 5. Identify tactics to reach target audiences based on Environmental Services Division best practices for enacting behavior changes(e.g., 2-3 months Lexington Zero Waste training for businesses, community workshops). ' Collaborative ' ' ' Communications Director 6. Develop a calendar for phased launch of an 1 month ' Waste Reduction Task Force ' educational campaign. ' ' ' ' Waste Reduction Task Force ' ' ' Environmental Services Division Lexington Zero Waste 7. Implement the educational campaign. Continue to ' Collaborative track performance metrics and monitor the success Ongoing Sustainable Lexington Committee ' of the campaign. ' ' ' ' LexCAN LPS Green Teams ' LHS Teachers&Students iiii iii ii iu i iii iiu i ui iu �������u l l>I>� l �����lllll� l l�����lllll�l lllll� �� 1111 1111 I 1 111 1 1, 1 11 1 l J J 1 1 ! l .),�� . ,,, 1 , , �,,, � � � �, � � f � � � � � � � , ����, . � , ,. , � , � Il��ll�������r������r������«����11������1�iit��l������������r������tr«��������������������r������������111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111� FI NANCIAL TOOLS ��'�� �a MA Department of Environmental Protection '����; � MassDEP, 'T°��Il�nii��ll ��;�i��t�r��� ��air�n��� (MassDEP), ��u���irn�lbll� I����:rii�ll;� IR���r�a�iry IPr��r�ir�r (�IP�IF�IP} I�I�.air�i�;ii���ll Q�r�.... I� .. �� � � w• . na� ,a��,� e�ca r� u����ria�ttair� i�i.. � MassDEP, �I'�I�iIP ICDivii�'�r��'� IPir�a�r�ir� ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES � If��cy�lliinqt/tC�rlk� 10��.,���IV�u��;t�� l��a�ll�rriic�ll � Recycle Smart, �r�.rt IR�;a�rya�lliiin� G��uida� ' ����ii��t�rn�� � US EPA, �t/�.,��;VtCi��; �f, I����IC?IEIF' �r��in� 1��K:�irrr �ar�yr�.irr� ' � MassDEP, IF���y�lliiin� II� I'�ii� ' ii i i i i i i i ui i »i»i i »i> > > »i»i i » uuui ii ii i uuuui i i i� ii»ii i iiiii������»»»��i�����i i»>ii i� � ������ � � � ��� 1 �1 1 � � 11 1 1 I �� 1 1 1 1 � � 1 1J 1 I , ,.J+ ., , , ,)�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������j ��, �,r, �., , � � 1 1 � � � � J � � , r, 1. 1 ,� �, � � t , uum�muufiim�iilllii11�11idffffffraiir(fram�l il1�u��imifiullmi�mumVillluufffiuGilllullmi�iill�idraiidffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff((r vl� Provide educational materials in a variety of vl� Seek feedback from residents, local businesses, ' formats(e.g., audio, visual) as well as translation ' and municipal staff to ensure education materials ' for non-English speakers. ' are comprehensive and applicable to diverse ' ' stakeholders. � � i ii i i i u ii i i i iu i ii i u i iu u i ui u » i »i iu i iu i i i u i i i iiiii uiu i iiiiiiiiiiiii iiii iii iiiiiii uuiui i iiiiiii i i iiii ii»»>iiiiii i i i ui uuuu uiu i i uuuiuuuu,»»» ,ui »>uuui u uiuiiii iiiiiiiii»»»iiiiii�iiiiiiiii i i u i iiiiii ii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiuiu�i 11 1� ll. 11 11 111 11 1 11 111 111��11 111 1 �U �1 ! 11 Ul 1 y1 ,11 l�I!UI 11 11 11 11 U 11 I 1 ! 1 ! J 1 ! J I J � � 1JJ, J � +++ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ JJ ! J I l f , 1+, I . 1, , I l 1 + , + ) � , � �, 1� � , �,� ��,� , , � � ,� �, . � � � � � � f �, , � � � � f � � �r, r � � r � r , � r ���� ���� � J � , � ,, r r r 1 � , , r � � � ,, Immflullll�uffffff�iumf ullmfdi��ffiuu�fullm�u�llull�ufiuuulumfff��ull�lumfff(Oumrfu�uuiululllullum(Imuirulufuliuui���uffffff�iuu��(u��fluuu�idllulllull�ulidllufiuuillliu�ulii(ulufffffuuuluuululu(u�iuuifulllu�llu�iullliulull�uffimi�(idVol���»»JIJJJaiJ»lll»J»11J»J»11»»»l»lli»t»»iffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff� ��� Provide updates to community members about �� Leverage volunteers and community groups to zero waste strategies through the Town's website, support the dissemination of educational materials. newsletters, public workshops, and Town Meetings. �f Offer incentives or public recognition to businesses ' or organizations that display leadership or innovation ' ' in zero waste practices. ' RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 49 uuuuuuuuuuuu � � Ur,����ii�r„p1�1� �� I , �f)+ ��u� � ����' N',��t�, ���`��U//a �,�ii ii :.� Ilfllll ihi pi�iiiDj�r�/%i 9 .� /1� �. � � irr��iii �M,`��/// ll �%4i / :./� � / ��/%%/%%�irrorrnii�iaii��� IQIIfUII ^�r �. �� � ��� 101ip�- ,"""'"' rnr� �% + / l i �i �l/i �I/���� ',.� f, r�vr., % ,; i r ,r il �� � � ///�j�, � �/ � ��� ' � . � , F I ' f�� G, �ff '�%/i�u� � %,,, Y,�,Jtr1���111„1f�1�„ ,,,,,,,�, , ,' r � 1 WASTE � �l � ,��,,,, � , . ��flin%,0l�6 � ����� �� i :,;� � /�i;, � , iq/� �� � �'64' j�j�� �' r ( /i , / s 1 �(( i� / i � l,r�i ���"d� � �J�� � �Ip � ' ������/�P00/1//���� �! �V� r� �� �,li' � �/j, � ���� � %�; �i ����1�// / % � „ %/ A�11�V�`31�' ii��i�i�%!i���J�J/ii�jj%l � � �/l' % �����'i���i�i��`��'������!�i�i o� /�� ��„e, 1 11 ��iiii///lrr/��/p�� �i,�i . � � ■ ■ wiiiD o� //�ii/i%%�ili��' ����� ���� . ��� iN'�r�sr�rmr ' ��r i�� �. ' � ;�!' � � ' °'""''�G�l �%�l Promote, and explore ����������ir�Jm��m�� � � ������ � �� � ���� �� � avenues to regulate recycling ,� �,� �° ,���,;�,„ � � � 'I � r�r,�,�u i iii/ �,��"'' � j �`% ' ;�: and reuse of construction "' �� '� � �%����' � ' and demolition debris. � %„ ,,j ��ji� ���,� ," � � �,�� � � „��,,, �,, , ��,� ��, f,h �r �; �i �% ,/ !' ��/ �i % 'll� ��/�j/i ' i���', . . ,///� i . �i� ,�,�(!((�!� i. 'r,. � 1! .. r��JJJ��i.% �76i� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� .__ ..... _... .__ ..... _... .__ ..... _... .__ ..... _... .___... DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Promote resource efficiency and reduce waste generation associated with increased development and renovations. _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Environmental Services Division _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 1. Analyze waste generation associated with construction and demolition. Evaluate data based on project type to identify 2-3 months Waste Reduction Task Force areas for targeted improvement. 2. Conduct research on best practices for construction waste Building Department reduction, regional markets for recovered materials, cost 2-3 months benefit analyses, and funding opportunities and grants. Waste Reduction Task Force ' ' ' Building Department 3. Host and facilitate a series of roundtable discussions with Planning Department builders and developers to understand barriers to project 3-4 months ' waste management. ' Economic Development Developers 4. Identify non-disposal management options for materials Building Department with markets or high reuse potential. Explore policies to ' encourage source separation and diversion utilizing best 6-8 months Sustainable Lexington practice research and stakeholder feedback. Committee 5. Develop incentives(e.g., technical support, expedited Building Department permitting)for reducing, reusing, and recycling C&D 5-6 months ' materials. Planning Department 50 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS Building Department ' ' ' Waste Reduction Task Force 6. Develop and implement comprehensive outreach to ensure Planning Department residents, businesses, and developers are aware of the ' Ongoing impacts related to C&D waste management. Developers Lexington Zero Waste ' ' ' Collaborative i i iu uuiu i u u i i i uuu uuu i »»»»»i »uui i» ui ii i ii i iii ii i ii ii �� �� U� � �> > � > > 111 I I �11� 111„ 1 l l J J ,. .1��� , � � J����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� J11 � J J 1 , , „ �,. �, �, ,) , ,, �, � �, < < IIII �, � 11 � , ) IIiJl��mu(fomurfluuifimiffffim�o�ollfof000fouii(f�ouirflmuifliduulumi(000f�iihdfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff� FINANCIAL TOOLS ������� �� MA Department of Environmental Protection ����� � MassDEP, �1���;lr�r�iir�ll ��;�i��t�ir�c�; �ir�rn�t� (MassDEP), ��u���ii�ma�ll� Ih����v�i�.11; IF����or�;iry IF°ra��r�irrn ��al'�IR.IP� IM�uini�ii��ll �ir�r7� ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES UJ� US Environmental Protection Agency, �� �'�;�I[� If���y�lliirng �����i��iir�ir� ��a�t�iiin���ll� I`��n�ag�irr��irr� cr���ICb IM�t�irii�ll� ,�, I��:�;�«�rN��aus�;�t:� I�aa�rd �� I�tu�illc�iir�c� IF��c��ull��iic�ir�;��irrd °' RecyclingWorks Massachusetts, ���n��ir�'� ��IC1 I��ka�iri�ll�, ��uiid�rn�,� ' ��� US Green Building Council, ��.I��/k1��t� ��Il��ull��c�ir ' uui ui u uuuuuu ii i»uii uiu u iuuu i»»iuuui»»»»iiu»i»i iu i ii ii i»iiii i ii i ii �i i i i i i�i i i � i �i i i � � i � II �llll I + � , � � 1 1 1 I 1 � �. I 1 , , , , ,,,,, , ,, , ,,, J � � �„ �, I � � � � �� �, , � �, � � � � � � � , � � uuiuomiulimu(ullliulllllullllllliim(�iim�Iliilt�iil�iimfiiliiiii�Giiiiiifditiiiii���iidiill�ii��iimf�ilt�iuiim�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������f ��f Consider impacts to the timeline and cost of projects, '' particularly to low-income homeowners. i � , i � i ii i i i iii i i i i i i »ii uu i uui uuui i uui»ii»»»»»»»»i »»»i» »i uuuuuui ii i»»»»»i»»i i»»»»»»»»�i»»»»�»u »»>>i»>i»»»»»»»»»iiu uuuiuu»»»»»i»ii uui iu»»i»»i iiuuuuui ii iu i iiu i i »i �i iii iii ii i i i � i i i » i i i i i » 1 1 U u1 � � 1 1�1 �11 1,1 I�I �Ill d11 l�111 JJJ 1 J 11 1 1, � 111111, 1 1 1! y U 1 y I ! I J ! J 1 1 J , J J . 1 , J ! � � ��� ) 1 � � � 1� �� � 1 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ , � _+ + � � , IIII � � ,I � I + � � , , , � �, , 1 �,�, �,, , �,, � � � 1 � a � < < � � � � � , , o, �, � r r r t � � � � r r � � ,, , � , r, 1 i ��� ���1 � � r i IImil�iilll�idll�iuulllulllulill�iumllullmlli���u���uflluiuVuidff�u��IlumffffffluuulVu�uuululllulluu�(f�iudflil�idiiffiiiiii���id11f111iuu��fill�uiullilllulllu���uIIIIIVifuuu���iliiliufulii111(fluuuluuululu(uliuiufulllull�Vliullllulu���uffiuulfiullluffffiuuufiifffluulliulillmfu uuu ulllulluiiffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff( ' �f Lead by example by integrating circular economy ' � Establish connections with regional vendors to ' concepts into the Town's planning and development ' promote regional resource efficiency and sustainable processes. management. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 51 ,� ��/�'i ��%��'��%� %,,,,, �%ji �,,,,,,,,, .,,;,,,�% Follow Us! `���»>»�, t d�� � I/� ; �u�ruvv,.11��iiir����ir�ir��.,.���r�ll���iillii�ir��IL.��iiir����irn ��@��u��ly ` u�lll���l��uuiuiiuu�� L I N N ', �""�"� �iiiiu�l�������� �������������i������ ��iu°Il���llm����a��Suai���liun�ll�ll�If°u�b:�iii°� .. � � / , i ,� , / „ /, i „�f / � ,,,,,,f / � , / ,,,�������������������������� ,,,,,,, , % „ ,. .. f � / „ ,, , . � �/ , , , � ,� / i / � i , „� , ��� iiiiiiii. ��,,,,,, _ , �� � � / � i _ , /. � /. „ ii/�� /. i � _., �i.. i/" %/ _.,,�. . ,,,, , � � „ , / , � ����� _. � � i w / >,�,,,,,,,,,,,, � / � ii � , i / / iii �,,,,, � � � � ����i u,� , ,,,,,,, ,. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiri /// iii // � /,,,i, � _ � / ,, , � /f � . / � / / / ,,,,� . 1 � � _ / / / „��/ // / _,,,,,,,,,, , ,,„ a _ � .,f � / � � i „ / f / � � , i �� , � ,j, � ,,,% � i i, , / � ,, ,i ,, , / , �„ „ „ „,,, � , , _ � , ,,, „ „��. �� � ` aaaa/ „ , i �, i � ,, , , ,� _ , < ,,,�� ,, / . ,,,, / . i. /�� , „����iiii , ,,�%�, / �� i/ ;, , iii / „ _ i � �/. i/ _ ii _iii����i / _ �� � /�/ %% _ , � , � �, _�%i� _,,, i , . „�� � / ,.� , . ��i � / � � i %% __. _ ii_ ,, // ///% i / / ,,,,�/ _ / i /////�/// ,,,w„� �%�,,,,,,����viii%� w�. 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" �, �„ ' ' "�,,���t , �. ��� , �;:�� ��I�+ �� ��� G�ai��i� i � ii�ii° °"7' �9U � � �� ��� � �� �� �� �� BUILDINGS , ��, � ����;, % ����� , �� ..� ,�� I�IIIIIIIIIIUIVI��� �� �l// � '� °°°'� ���"� w �� � � & ENERGY `��� �'� `�i������ �, �''°'�, � �,�oiiiO///////�� � �,,, l� �I�� ��. A�11�V�31� BE 1.1.B Engage developers to increase the share of low embodied- carbon construction materials ��� demonstrated by Environmental Product Declarations compiled t �� � � � � �����, , �a,d��� �� � � in building design specifications. u ���',��Rn �, ����d � � u �� ��,, ,,� �1 � � ' I _ _ _ _ __ Create the conditions for Lexington to begin incorporating embodied carbon in DESCRIPTION OF ACTION building and construction materials into considerations for new construction of municipal buildings and community-wide, with the aim of considering embodied carbon in building performance standards. _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Land Use, Housing & Development Department _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ' ' ' Built Environment + ' ' ' MCAN 1. Review similar initiatives under development by advocacy NEEP organizations and in other communities for examples of data 6 months ' collection and compliance processes to assess material ' American Institute ' selection. of Architects Sustainable Lexington ' ' ' Committee 2. Review and monitor updates to the federal government 6 months ' implementation of the Buy Clean provisions of the IRA to ensure standards are in line with definitions and terminology used in (concurrent - Federal policies. with step 1) 3. Review recent municipal building projects of all types and Department of catalog the quantity of different materials utilized in the 6 months Public Facilities construction process. Department of 4. Take a leadership role by monitoring embodied carbon during ' Public Facilities the construction and renovation of municipal and school Ongoing ' buildings. Permanent Building ' ' ' Committee 28 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS Sustainable Lexington Committee Planning Department 5. Hold and facilitate a series of roundtable discussions with Environmental Services developers and other key stakeholders in the building industry Division to understand barriers and opportunities to address embodied 6-12 months guilt Environment+ carbon in new development. MCAN ' ' ' NEEP ' American Institute ' ' ' of Architects , � � � i i i i ii i i ii i i i�r�i000ioi ooioiiioiiiooiioiii000iii iii i i i iii i ������ / �, // / / / / / / � /, ,,. , , .,., , //// / / / / , „ . , ,,, / f , t � t / �, ,,,��., „ � � �, ,,, � / , � � � ,. � , „ , � � , Il��lr«������<<�����<«���������«�r��iit��l����������r�������<<�������«�������������«���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� FI NANCIAL TOOLS ��� US Department of Energy, I�uiilldiirra�,� IF'uin��'iir�r� ' �IPlpa�r�t�airY�iki�� ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES ' � City of Seattle, IPric�iriity�r��in IE:ac����'i�ea� IPraaa�r�inn ' �� Building Transparency, Firr�b�aa�ii�� Q��rlba�at� iin G��irn�tira.uc;�ii�ir� �,�Il�u�ll�ta�r ,,,, Carbon Leadership Forum, IEnr�U��aa��i�a�� ��r'b�in� IF�a�lliasy ����;��u�s�ii�, °� USGBC, ��a���' �a� Ikna�vu„ �;�ir��n ���illa�ir�� ir�a;�n�iiveP �tr��eqii��,• v� Rocky Mountain Institute, IF�,��u��;iirnr� IE.ir�rlk�aar�ii�a� ��rk.��ir� iir� I��siill�'iir���a �, , � � � � � �� � � ����� ��� � � �� � ������������� ����������������������������������������� � �� �� ���� �� � �� � �� � � � � � � � ���� � � � � � � � , I , ll � 1 l l l 1 �, � t � t �l 1 „ � ,,�,. , < �, � ,�,, � � , � � , � , , r , , �, „ � � � � � l ' I»»>�»»,`1»»�1������»��»�11»»��1`1��»»l�l�1»»»>>���»»"`»1���1»��»»1r�1`»>�»»>���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 ' �f Align embodied carbon reduction efforts with ' ' consideration of diversity, equity, and inclusion in ' ' the green building industry. ' , � � � � � � i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i�r�a000ioiiiioioioiiiiiiiiioiiirrari aioo����000ioioioiiii0000iiiiaaoioiiiiiaaio iioioi000iiaaiooioaaii000ioiiiiiiiiiioiiioiioioiiiiiirrr i riii///i/ii i/ /oiiri� i//i/i iii/i i/i / i/i i /i/iiii/iii ii iiao � � � � � .� , r�� �� � �� � �� �� r �� �t � / / / / � / r / / / / � ,/ / � / , / / / / , � �� � � � / , � � �/ , , � /fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff�� J / / , , , / � , � , ,/, , ,,% //„ r „l_ � , , , , l � �, , , , l l � , ,, , �� , , , , �, � ,� , ,1,,, � � � ,,,, , ,, ,. / , f, �- ��, , �-, r,,,,,, i i� �, , � � � I � ��IIIImi��iilP�idlll�iiii�dfii�ii��l�amffiullluilillu�luulllllllmi���ii�f�rimuffffflmif�idfriiiiididlliiiifimilf�im�(fidriiiiiaf IIlli�idlfl�imu�(i��luuuVilliu�lu�fimulllmuuu�u�uliifdiili111�uuuiuuululmiuillllllml0u�lu�iiiffliulu�lulfiuu�ulliul�IlmimllfmulfiudilfludiilllllliiulfiulimdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffflU ' vl� Facilitate ongoing engagement with building ' vl� Develop and distribute dear, concise educational ' developers to understand challenges and barriers. ' materials to overcome awareness and educational ' ' barriers. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 29 �r;rrt111111111`%%������I//� Jr � ,� � �//� /�,��oiii,� � ���°f '�'J � � ������///�/���� '�y, r :: � ,'�'� -�,a �af u��x� r ����j/� i � � �� " r��i��P M f fc�l �j�� . � �. u„ e � y � /l��i °r. �� ° 'o , i1 �," , . " �, �„ ' ' "�,,���t , �. ��� , �;:�� ��I�+ �� ��� G�ai��i� i � ii�ii° °"7' �9U � � �� ��� � �� �� �� �� BUILDINGS , ��, � ����;, % ����� , �� ..� ,�� I�IIIIIIIIIIUIVI��� �� �l// � '� °°°'� ���"� w �� � � & ENERGY `��� �'� `�i������ �, �''°'�, � �,�oiiiO///////�� � �,,, l� �I�� ��. A�11�V�31� BE 2.1.A Prioritize and develop optimal solar installations on Town- � owned sites using return-on- investment criteria and a path to purchase systems long-term. � �6 ' ' '� 1 , l V i���,�iRh �, ����d � (f� u � !� r,��� ��� 1 � � _ _ _ _ __ Identify appropriate and optimal locations to install solar on Town-owned sites DESCRIPTION OF ACTION with the long-term goals of lowering energy costs and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Public Facilities Department _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Long (>3 years) _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS Engineering Division 1. Complete inventory of Town-owned roofs, parking lots, Conservation Department developed land, and undeveloped land. Characterize sites by Planning Department the potential system size it could accommodate, opportunities Sustainability and for aired stora e, site constraints associated with current use, 2 months P 9 ' Resilience tree coverage, or additional investment needed (e.g., parking lot Sustainable Lexington canopies). Rank sites according to the best project potentiaL Committee LexCAN 2. Complete detailed site assessment of the high ranking sites with 4 months ' Consultant ' the best project potentiaL ' ' ' Capital Expenditure ' ' ' Committee 3. Review current available financing tools (e.g., IRA, Eversource Sustainability and incentives). Establish criteria for project approvals, conditions 3 months Resilience for acquiring 3rd party systems, goals for storage/resiliency, and ' guidance for the ownership of renewable energy certificates. ' Sustainable Lexington ' ' ' Committee LexCAN 30 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 4. For each high priority site, create an installation schedule to Consultant optimize efficiency(e.g., pair work with any near-term projects 2 months ' or foreseeable maintenance work). Engineering Division ' ' ' Capital Expenditures 5. Prepare project plan for review by relevant boards/ Committee committees. Prepare for Town Meeting (assuming targeted 3 months Select Board funding is needed). Sustainability and ' ' ' Resilience 6. Implement project plan. 6-12 months Engineering Division , � ii i i i i ii uuiu r��iiioioioiiooiioiiiiioi000iaiiiii �r � �� � �,� � ��� �/ / /// // / / / / �/ / / // 1 l, / / / , ./„ , ,/ % // „ , � , � / , /,, � , l � �, f �, , � , � � i� , � „ � � � ,,, i � ,, , ,. r 1 II��I����������«�����r������������������rrt��f�������������r��������«���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� FI NANCIAL TOOLS ��� US Department of the Treasury, '1�Q�3 IPiraaa�ir�rmn° °l� MA Department of Revenue, IP�yirm��ir�t� ��r��p��i�ii�� IE:in�ra�y IF'ir��p�ir�y iir� IL.i�u� �af IFS.�ir���nr�l�ll� IE:irn�Vgy IPir�ap�ir�y 1��� Ilirr��r�tiv�; l���c�ir�;diit..� ' �f� MA Department of Energy Resources(DOER), UJ� Internal Revenue Code Section 48(e), �all�r I�;������;I�ua��tt� I��r���nr�wall�� l��rg�t ��IP��aIR:I�} IL.�yw-Ilin�airrra� �c�irr�irrnu�rui�ii�� I��airn�a:� �ir�dit �r�aa��r�irm IPir��gir�ar�r¶ � US Department of Energy (DOE), ' IL.a��irr G��u�ir�r�t�� IPir�ar�r�inn ' ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES ���������� � MA DOER, ���������� �� C40 Cities, �a�uid���� irm�ll�r��n��ir�� �c�ll�r IPV�frair Il�r��ll IP������Il��a��;t�� �a�ll�.ir IE.a��rm��;n���d� IF�i�I��> IL.�v�r� rt��a�r�rinrm�n��� ���� � MA Department of Public Utilities, II���� I\(I�;�t�iriiin� ������� � US DOE, �c�ll�� IF�a'��ror�ir irfl 1°a'.ruar��r�m�or�m�o�ain�i�ty:: �A�u�iic�� Pair Ilt.���ll gr�v�;�inrin�;rnt�o�irn Il���nr ��a iiincr�������a��� �� � C40 Cities, �call�r IPi���r� irrr��uinii��iiy��.11 Ibu�ill�'�iir��> �a��uiia�a� �irn�' c����ll��yirro�in� �aff��Il�ir IP�C ��a f��,iik�illiC��inc� �iir��ai���:i�ll.�ir��lly�i> '° Google Project Sunroof � > > � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � �� �� ����������������������������������111111111111��11111111������111��� � � � �� �, 1 1 �11� f � ��� �� 1 �� � �� l l �, � � � J��, , 1 J l 1 l l 1 � J , l I t �, � , , . , � ., 1 1 ,, , t ,, ,,,, �, �, , � , � 1„ � „ , r , � � I�III(imiiuP�iiii«1iillliiJlllhiff fff fVui��aiu��ilfiufiiiiiNiiIIIIV�ullliiuuhi(i««urilllid�riiuiirill�uiliuii���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������r ' � For applicable Town-owned sites, installation of ' �� At time of installation, prioritize hiring of local ' community solar may be an ideal option to provide ' minority-owned businesses. ' access to solar to households that cannot install ' ' on-site solar(e.g., renters, site restrictions). ' � , , � � � � � � � � � � � i i i i i i i i i i i ii i i Jii i ao i ii ioo a i ri o i o iiioio,ioiiioioiiiiiaiiiiiiiiaiii iiiiiiiiiii iioii,i aiaaaiaaiaiiiiaaaa aiaiaiaaiiaaaiiaaiaaiiiiaaoioaaoioiaiiiiiaaaoaiiaaaaaiiii it iiiiiii /ii o i/i// /oia/i i/ii ,i ii ii i ii �ii//ia/ii/i/i io/ i ii i i i i � � � �. t � � � � � � / /. / / � �„ �///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///�///��� � / . � r /, � // , , / ,< , , ,� „ . , , 1 , < /,, , � , , , // � r , , /, , , � / ,� , , , , � . , , , , , , ,, r l �� �, t� , , � , , �l �� l�, � 11 /� ,� , t I ��� r i l � , � �, , r , � �, , ,, � � �����1�J��111f1�������JJ�����1�������J�J1��1��lJJJJJJJ�����ll���li����)f1�111������J�JJJ��11���1111���1�J��1��JJJJJJ�f1���f1����������J�J1���1��1���JJ��1�����f�����J�l��J�111f������������J�J��I�JJJJJJ�I�J1���1����JJJ�1��1�111�����JI��J�����1111����J1�1�1l�1�lJJJJJ���J1�1����111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i ��� Engage with Historic District Commission on �� Consider a variety of ownership and financing ' potentially expanding allowable type/size/placement ' models, including direct ownership or third-party ' of panels in those districts. ' ownership using a power purchase agreement or ' ' lease, to overcome financial barriers. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 31 �r;rrt111111111`%%������I//� Jr � ,� � �//� /�,��oiii,� � ���°f '�'J � � ������///�/���� '�y, r :: � ,'�'� -�,a �af u��x� r ����j/� i � � �� " r��i��P M f fc�l �j�� . � �. u„ e � y � /l��i °r. �� ° 'o , i1 �," , . " �, �„ ' ' "�,,���t , �. ��� , �;:�� ��I�+ �� ��� G�ai��i� i � ii�ii° °"7' �9U � � �� ��� � �� �� �� �� BUILDINGS , ��, � ����;, % ����� , �� ..� ,�� I�IIIIIIIIIIUIVI��� �� �l// � '� °°°'� ���"� w �� � � & ENERGY `��� �'� `�i������ �, �''°'�, � �,�oiiiO///////�� � �,,, l� �I�� ��. A�11�V�31� BE 2.1.0 Re-establish solarize campaign and expand to include storage and other complementary ��� technologies. � �6 ' ' '� 1 , l V i���,�iRh �, ����d � (f� u � !� r,��� ��� 1 � � _ _ _ _ __ Launch a public campaign to increase adoption of solar and complementary DESCRIPTION OF ACTION technologies(e.g., battery storage, heat pumps, electric vehicles) by leveraging aggregated homeowner buying power to lower installation prices (i.e., community bulk purchasing) and by reaching out to commercial property owners. _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Sustainability& Resilience _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS Sustainable Lexington ' ' ' Committee 1. Evaluate breakdown of solar available space by residential, 2 months Planning Department commercial and municipal sectors and set sector-specific goals. Department of ' ' ' Public Facilities ' 2. Collaborate with the Fire Department to ensure goals around ' ' battery storage and other new technologies align with the Fire Fire Department Code and establish clear uidelines for what t es of s stems 2 months 9 YP Y Building Department are allowable. 3. Conduct a competitive bidding process to select an installer 6 months - or installers and negotiate discounted, tier pricing. ' ' ' Sustainable Lexington Committee 4. Identify outreach tactics(e.g., events, social media, mailers) ' LexCAN and partners, and develop educational and promotional 3 months Town Manager's Office ' materials. Outreach should reach commercial and residential ' property owners. Center Committee Economic Development Advisory Committee 32 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 5. Recruit volunteers to actively participate and promote 3 months the program. (concurrent with LexCAN step 4) LexCAN 6. Launch the Solarize campaign as part of the existing 6 months ' LexElectrify campaign. ' Clean Heat Outreach ' ' ' Specialist , „ � � � � � � � � i i i i ii i iiia i i iii i io i�rriiiioiii i iiiiiiiiii ai,iaaaii i iii i i i�i i i, ri , ii i ����� � / // // / / / / l , / , , . . � / , // ,/ / / //, / , , /, , , / �, � �,. f , � / �, , i� ,/,,,, , �, � ,,, r , , . , l , , i , � , Il��lr�������«<�����r�����N����r���ili��l������������r�������r����������«�����r������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ FI NANCIAL TOOLS ' �� IF�r��r°��II l��ac �irc��i� frar��'�Il�ir IF"Il�c���a�r�sll��i�� ' � MA Department of Revenue, IR�in��vv�l�ll� IElr��;rc�y IPir�ap�^ir�y 1��� Ilin�;�rnti�r� ��J US Department of the Treasury, 1�i�� IPira���ir�rm�° IP�yirm��;irnt� ��r�����i�ii�;� IE:irr�r�y IPira����;ir��y iir� IL.i�;�� �i �rJ� MA Department of Energy Resources(DOER), l��;t�ir��c�iik p �c�ll�r IP�������nu���tt� IF��r���nr�W�ll� l��r��k ��I��IF�11�} IPir��gir�rm� °�� US Department of Energy(DOE), IL.��ir� ��u�ir�r���� IPir��r�inn ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES ' �� Rocky Mountain Institute, Ilir�cllu�u�iitr�;�a�ll«�riz� �u�ia�� ' �f� MassCEC, ��Il�ariz�-I�N��t�im�ir� 1�a��IIIKik ' °l� U.S. Department of Energy, 1�N7�� �a�ll�iriz�^�uaii�'�bca�ak„ ' �c�irmi��rc�iniity�c�i�l�t� ��Illl��:�iiv� �s�air�lh��iina� �f r�;�iid�ir�tii�ll IPV�y�t�irr�� �, � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ����������������������������������������������������i�����? � ��� ���������� � �� �� �1 �� � � r � � � � � 1 � �, �� � �� , � � � ,� � 1 � � l � l 1 � � � , l t � � ..,„ .. l / 1 ,,, ,,�, ,�„ �:, , , / 1 , , ,. ,,,, r �, � � � � � �, „ � � , , � � � � � ��»»,»»»,�l»»JJJ»���l�t,��»tJ»»r,1�J»r»»»;»�,�»»,l,ttr»;»rrJ»t,��1,1JJ»»»�,trl»,l»»,r�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������% �'��� � Partner with community-based organizations for �'��� �� Undergo a community-driven installer selection ' decision-making and tailored community outreach. ' process. ��'�� � Secure additional funding to create low- to ��'�� � Conduct targeted outreach to low- to moderate- ' moderate-income specific incentives. ' income households that do not receive an electric ' ' bill for alternative options, such as community choice ' ' aggregation participation. , � � � � � i i i i � i i io o io 0 oi i i oi oi i oi ii iio iiiooi ii �i i oi i a iaoaaoiiiaoaaaaioaoaaiiiiiiiaaii i oiiiiiiiii iiooaiiioioi,rrrrrrrrrrrrriiaaaoio oaiaoaoaaaioiaoaoaaaoioiiiiii00000000iooaiaiaaoii i1 iiiiii iii /ii o/ ii/ii iii/i iii i/ ii i /i iii/ ii/ ioi/i�i ii i i i i i i i � � �� � �frf �� , �� � � � fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff// � � / � � / � / / � „ , , / , , , , �, , //,, , ,l , „ //, , , ,l � , , � � , , � l, , , , , t � 1 ,., , ,, , , J , , .,� ,, � � , � ,, , , � , , l, �� ,, ��� � t , , � ,. �, i r � i, , � �,i i � � , / � IIIIIImiiifiiilf�id1ff11�iiii�dfriilii111�aii�f�dfriil����ii�1«iilllllfaiii���lii�lrriiiirffffffaiiirf�dfriiiiididlliii«iiii(rraiiii�driiiiiaf IIlli�idlfl�iiiirl(friillJiiiiiiiliilriii��ii�r�iif��friiaiiiii�lii�aiildll�iiiiiriiiiididailiiif IIIllailrii��iilidffriifiii�l«Ifam�ulVul�IlliifVllmulfiudilfiuliiiilllllliulfiu�iuufffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff� °l� Work with the Fire Department to address °l� Consider implementing a program targeted for Fire Code's limitations on solar installations. commercial development and large developments ' ' that addresses split incentives. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 33 �� � � ����� � ��������u�uw� y,i y � � �� � ������ , ' � � ��a�; , , �� , �� � ' � ��� COMMUNITY ����� �� ���r� �� RESILIENCE . , ';;. P ,���; ��'�"� '�'i: � ��uu��d ,.,,, ` �� , . , � � ��������������' �; , ;� .� � 1�,. � �:, ' "�° '"" F �����3V� �� � �i �� ; % r; � � l� �, �, � ,, i. �, /1 ,„. , �%, , , ,,;,�,'� CR 1.1.0 % ���;i % � ' ,�� i%%� ;% !�i,+ > Review and update existing � !/', �i� ,,ii ' �ji��/� �f`� ` �� , . ,, - � �� ���;'����� �' /" ' ;:��; % %� � % emer enc res onse lans to � ����� , ��� � o � ��� �� //� � i 9 Y p p ��� ���. / � � � � � /�� , �H„�� ;� -� //' � � �� ��� �� 1� ,� � ensure the most up-to-date �E,,1 �. � � � ��� ��/% //,; � 1��,,,�F� J // � information on climate and �� ,rr°��;i'�� / � � /��j '� � ' health im acts are inte rated. �r�f //� , ii//�,� / p 9 ��rrr� ��/� � / �� � Ur. , l � �, /, % �� � 1 �f�� �� � , / �/,/�/, � � , � r /// ii i � // , � � , f � � , , / � , % � 1 , , , / , , �. � l , � � / , � , � � , � �� , , , � �� � , � � � � � 1 � , ���������Ilflll���i�����,��/,,,9%/�������,%�//�,��,���IKrI� �, .... .... .... .... _ _ _ _ __ Review all existing emergency response plans and guidance and update to ensure DESCRIPTION OF ACTION the health and safety of residents during extreme temperatures and weather conditions, with the goal of being able to provide essential services to residents throughout a 10-day disruption. .... .... .... .... _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Emergency Management Team .... .... .... .... _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) .... .... .... .... _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ' ' ' Public Schools ' ' ' Human Services Department 1. Bring together relevant staff to conduct an audit of existing Public Facilities emergency response plans and align on priorities for making 3-4 months Department updates. ' ' ' Innovation and Technology Department Sustainability&Resilience ' 2. Develop an evaluation framework that determines if dimate ' ' change and its variability are sufficiently integrated into Sustainability&Resilience Town lans and ro rams and rovides uidance on how to 3 months P P 9 P g LexCAN ' successfully incorporate climate considerations. ' ' ' ' ' Public Schools ' ' ' Human Services Department 3. Conduct tabletop exercise to test emergency response plans 6 months Public Facilities and identify weaknesses in terms of climate change integrations. Department ' ' ' Innovation and Technology Department Sustainability&Resilience 34 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4. Implement improvements to the evaluation framework based 2-3 months Sustainability&Resilience on weaknesses identified in step 3. ' 5. Integrate climate considerations into emergency response 4-5 months - ' plans based on the outcomes of the evaluation framework. ' ' ' ' Public Schools Human Services Department 6. Hold training sessions for staff to educate them on updates 4-5 months Public Facilities to emergency response plans and procedures. Department ' ' ' Innovation and Technology Department Sustainability& Resilience 7. Continue to evaluate the effectiveness of emergency Sustainability&Resilience response plans using the evaluation framework. Ongoing LexCAN ' 8. Share evaluation framework with other Town departments ' ' to use as a tool to integrate climate change into other plans 1-2 months Sustainability&Resilience and policies. �a���»>io�iiui ui »>�� »�� Atisstititi»»iAstititir��u��������»lio��11»l1sti��»»»l� v�l I��I v�1� ti51�� t I l 1� 11� v` I V � ti u ..,,,, ..,.,, � , � � � . � . �� , � �n m� ����„, m����1� mi „ �»�1���»,�����»�,��»,�,��,»,���;�,���»��`�,�,»,�„��,»,�',��»,����»�,�„������»�,»�»,�,��,»;��������1�����\���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� FI NANCIAL TOOLS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ' �f MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental ' v� Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency Affairs, I�iCIP��;�ii�r� �ir�n�s (MEMA), IErm��;�g�;r�a,y Ih���ir�����nroernt �r�ir�t IPr�c�rairm�s ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... � MEMA, IPll�m� �in� IF°II«�i��niiing �a��ii�a�.inc� °� MEMA, IL.���II IE.r���;rg�r��y I��.in���;rm�r�t IPll�rniniiin� �u�id�in�� ii»>��o»����1����»o���o»U�io tiss���o�a����1��������o»��o��o����»�������o��»>r»��stiii�»o0 �» iu » to � � � ` � v �t � s � ` 1 �1 � � � � ti � V 11 ` . 1 ,. .� � , .. .� ( � , 1 , � � �, � , �����.M IIU . fi➢flll ��� II ������ . 4II ,,, � , ��»,�„����»�,��»,���,������4»���»1�������,�����»�,����,��,��������»��»�»��»�»1��t»�„���1»l�,�ti����»��,�«�,���,���»������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ' UJ� Publicize the Town's use of the evaluation framework ' UJ� Conduct ongoing public outreach and education, ' to community stakeholders to showcase how the ' particularly with community groups such as social ' Town considers dimate change in existing programs ' services and faith institutions, to ensure residents are ' and services. ' aware of community emergency response procedures ' ' and services. ' �� Ensure vulnerable populations are considered in the ' ' evaluation including seniors, youth, and non-native ' English speakers. �»����as o��o »>i»>��oo��o»ti��i�����»�a»��»»»o»�iati���»»��ti»> »»���ti»�oo��»���»�»>i ssti��������i�o����iio�titititi5�l�ass�u»oo�u�i iti��»>���������i titi��o�»��ati»���i��lss�`»1 ll�tisti�`ti»����»>o��lsssti»>tissti�`ti���»>��»»>iii ti>»»ii sststi�������`l�s�`��oo»oo� ���ti> >v� � �U � � o�l »�iiss� � � 11 a � � o�� ti���ti> >> �1 � l 1 I �1�� � 1 �» l 1 1 l �1` 1 � � 1 ti � �1 1 � � � � l 1 ti � 1 1 � U 1 1 R ., 5 1 . � � � V � � �, � 1 � � , �� 1 , ����1l� ���� �� l �w �� � � � ���I 1� �1 �� ������� �}V� � � � � ll�� � ��� l��� � � �, �� �������������````�l\, ,� � ` I� II` ..., � ..^� � ... �I�I ...1III�II ��»� ����..^� .. III�II� I� � .. �„, m� mi �� m ait nu�i m � � i m l � I �111��1��1111�`1ti1�1115�`1�11�0�111��111�11�1�011�1111���1�o�S�1111��1��\111�1111�11�011�1111��1��1111�1111�1111�\111�011�1111�\111�1111�\11�11�011�1111��111\�11�011�1111�011�1111�1111�1111�011�011�1111��SS�1111�\111�1111�\111�1111�011�1111�`1111111��11��1����1�1111�011��111�1111�11����1��111��SS�1111�011�1111��11�o�ti���1�`111�011�11�`111�1111��111���ti�1�o��\111�1111��111�1111�`1111��111�011�01�1�0���1�o1S�`ti�o11�011�����1SS��1\111��11�1111�1111�1111�1111�1111�1111�1111\����������������������������������������������������������������� Seek regular feedback from Town staff to ensure the � Identify innovative solutions to encourage use of ' � framework is comprehensive and applicable to other ' the framework across Town departments, including departments for continued use. incentives or requirements as part of existing processes(e.g., budgeting, capital improvement plans). RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 35 .F��� � � �� bl�'t��'�I� �, � ,�di k�: , �,.� � ..q, , , , i� � ,. . � , �lll�lqlq�j� � r ����1��7 � �� � ����� NATURAL f� ih��, �, r y �lr�J� . �y��1 / /���J . „6 � / 1 � /e%i,/'��// � �i� t�����li/y/rl a � i � �l t ,�,,�r� %„�� ��, �„- 1��� � �,1 � � r ,� K „� � � ���� RESOURCES , , '�Y� J �� �1 � Y �/ �i� � � Xrkrl/�(�ii q/J"�j i � i��% / i � i�Y//M��� ���I%l���i�/lr/�%//OJ � i�'�; 11 ��/� u�� r i � � i /ri � ��i�i/i �//n 1�°i ,i��ii�i�i�� 1 0�ll�'"'", � '� �^� ri%r��r� �/� � � r �i Y�i^ � r 8 J�1 i� �. �il� // / i �i�� �'�✓�1 l/ i�' � //��i%/r%�jj �/ �i� f,� �r �� rt ��r1r�i � � , � ��N� li i i iiaf u Pll >>> tf///i J�w�t � ��i�D�/ /iii�r � i 1 i � 1 9 ��lo��f�T �g � /��,,,✓�i � ,4 r �" ti��� rd���� � rl�il 'o� ����'�a�� i°��J u�i � '��,. ��;`������ ��w�,w��,�,1,,�����i i N R 1 1 A � , , �� . . , < < �� �`�� P � �` ���� � Identify and protect parcels � �� 1 �� � � e � �°' � ' of high conservation value in 'i i � ` �1'���' '� �'� � �/��i i r U o ��� k � �iu�r�' ��rl , � ,��� t� � � ,� d ,��, �. �� balance with other town needs '"��,o �,�t�� `�r �`�� ���,��,�r° `' �hU,J' �„� for land, and seek financial , '�' ,�,� �°. �1r�;,���'` support for conservation and � � � �� "� �� � " �������� tree lantin �,,�,,,��,��r � , ����'i p g• / /,i,/ �,�� J �� � � �i ,,,vi��� �, � � %� I(�. , r �, � �,�,�,� ��o„��o r�i.,? ����� � ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Protect unprotected parcels with conservation value and develop ongoing communication with appropriate stakeholders. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ LEAD DEPARTMENT Land Use, Housing, and Development Department ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ..., 1. Identify and evaluate parcels of land for their conservation value. 3 months and Conservation Division ongoing GIS Administrator ' ' ' Conservation Division Recreation &Community Programs Department Planning Department 2. Coordinate with other Town interests to identify parcels Lexington Public Schools of mutual interest. Explore collaborative acquisition and/or 4 months Tree Committee address competing interests. Sustainable Lexington Committee LexCAN Lexington Living Landscapes 3. Establish conservation priorities and begin outreach 2-3 months and Conservation Division to landowners. ongoing 4. Work with receptive owners to establish conservation 6 months ' Conservation Division agreements. 36 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 months 5. Identify and acquire funds for parcel protection. (concurrent with Conservation Division step 4) 6. Formalize conservation agreements between interested parties. 6 months Conservation Division uui ui u uu »» r i��r � � �� � k � .,, ,'�,, ,.„ .,, I���� . � „ ��, I���, , �u� � ,,,, ��IuN�umo�llluo�mmmiiiil�i�nii��lllll�uiuuumi�mudfiullii�ii�uumii������������� 1 FI NANCIAL TOOLS .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................� '��� � Community Preservation Fund �'�� � Metropolitan Area Planning Council, � � ��i � . ���a�ll�r�tir�� �Iliirrr��t� IR��iilli�ina�y �r�irnt IF'r�gr�irm I�f� IG?ivii..:�ic�i�� r�i .�r�n,c-;rv�tiie�r� �.��;irvii��a IC3 � �ir��r�t;� �f MA Department of Conservation Resources, � MA DCS, IP�irll�ll�r��' ����ai�i�i�in� �rn�' IR�irnca�r��ii�r�� fs�ir U�rlk��-airn �airr� �".��rr�rr�aar�i��y IFr�ir�;�s��iry G�Il��llll�;r�a�� �ir�r���� �;�r7mr7n�air�i�i�: �IP�IRC�� �ir�r¶� ' ' �rJ� Charitable donations from landowners ' UJ� MassDevelopment, �e�nr�rr���ir�u�r��ll�ll� IF'll���� ' ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ,,,, I�V�w IEr�c�ll�ir�� IF�air���iry �=��uina���iir�irn v,» IL.�ind lf�ru����Illli�.r��;� � S'.���r��>�rv�tii�r� F���tir�ii��iie�ir� I�a�aria��nm F�r�a��r��irrn �� Trust for Public Land, IP�irl��a���r�e �� I�V��iicairop�ll C:�m��r�r��ii��ir� IE���irr��^n� I[����Ib��y� �� The Nature Conservancy, ��r��;ir��rir�t If����u�rc�� I�N�alk� uuui ui i�r � uu � � �, `�N. � , � � J �� ,., . � � re � �������������������'1�����lllli�������������������������"����������������������������������Ill�������Mt�������� I�I�I��� �lllllll�l�ll)llllll�l��l)llll)�)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))�������������/////////0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//� ' �� Consider distance and access to conservation land ' � Prioritize land parcels in areas that are currently ' across all neighborhoods. ' lacking access to open space, have higher percent impervious surfaces, or have historically seen limited � Balance the need for open space with other investment priority needs, such as affordable housing and ' solar development. ' ui�� i m uuuVNh iiii u �,�i + �y u � r�m �r uuuu� � r»i� �+ '� �{� �' �� � „ � � , ,, , ,, .„ x� � � � � wa ur m k as aw � i � � liii»»,»l�)li�)1�lJI,�,���;,,��;��,;;�;i,�,����,��,%/i„�lll/�i///9/,,,�„�ill��l/�,l//,l�iiillll)�,,,,�„�,,,,,;�„df���,,,�„�,l/J„�„lll�,,,;1/,�,��1����,,,,,�,,,,,,,,�1/i D�illl��l�;�,�,IJIi,;,,�i/������))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))�������������/////////0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//� °�� Connect with existing volunteer groups for outreach - Identify opportunities to use land parcels for climate ' and support. ' resiliency objectives (e.g., heat island amelioration, stormwater management)to gain additional buy-in UJ� Prioritize land parcels with high ecological and/or and get access to more funding opportunities. public recreational value to maximize benefits. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 37 ���, �o r , �� � "��� �� �� � ��N, �r , ,`V'i �, �o k, m ��ly� ��,� � � �� � K � y� e�oo =✓'� � �w � � I.�IUIWII��IU �L A ���/// �// �;���;, l , � � � ` �� NATURAL , , ,,,,,� � �,�t ,��� , ��j����� � /�il. �1J/��rr�� l '�// �; . r� ' � u � (�f�� � ��i„��i�,���, rJ ��r� �, �� ��� ti J r� �% i�� � �r �JI � /r , , ' `' � h,�, °'r��� ��U���%������ ��f,��f;,,,;,,��/� �l RESOURCES �� / 1 i %�%f � r�i�i� i� � u IIGi � � In � i ✓ r� � r�i7r'l� ��f � 1 .'i/����i �R � �� �'l��j�ii��� /���� � il�Ui/�//%ii�%iit%/�✓ � o ��� y er�y /���"�/��� �� %r ��i� �� l r�i �/�/�i � , I %� �Gir�i �� � �'��' dr i �i� �r/iii�/�'�%�� �i'' � � , ������r��� �����D�� �r r�d r �„����,,� ���;�w��` �b/ ��� ��„�raF ,�U�;, �r u�9� l . �� yr� �, r;�� tN, Jy,��� �, ,, � �,��; N R 1.3.A , � r „ ` ���"' �, ���� Strengthen the existing tree bylaw to �� , �� � ' !, ,� ,,, ° 1 % t �� , ,' � better protect large trees, require more � ���J t� '" �� �tr� � r`^�,� I���;���H shade trees, set and maintain a tree �rii�� � ��`'�� � � ���'� '%%,o ,,,, , y � '� � �� �� '�f ��� �,,,,,, � canopy coverage goal, and mitigate ����� ,��� , . � � � ��,�, '�` ��� � the loss of trees and greenspace from � ';;'J� '' � �,� f, ,����r ���'" development. � � �i/�f i , r ;%iro, ', �„ „,�,.�yod�i,,,,.ee��o�;a � r�o� ��1,, ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ Enhance local bylaws to prevent removal of large and heritage trees and to DESCRIPTION OF ACTION encourage additional shade trees in order to maintain or increase canopy along streets, sidewalks, and in other public spaces. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ LEAD DEPARTMENT Department of Public Works; Tree Committee ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������, ����o _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................m,................................................................................................... 1. Conduct a review of tree bylaws in other jurisdictions that 3-4 months ' - ' could serve as best practice models. ' ' ' ' Recreation &Community Programs Department 2. Discuss potential bylaw changes with other committees and Planning Department local community groups. Examples of changes to consider Resilience&Sustainability include: requiring notifying Town staff about removal, requiring 2-4 months Department permits for tree removal, or implementing fees to cover the ' Conservation Division replacement value of removed trees. ' LexCAN Lexington Living Landscapes 3. Estimate costs around enforcement of bylaw and identify 2_3 months ' - funding sources. 4. Formalize recommendations into a proposed bylaw and 3-4 months ' - ' present them to Town Meeting for approvaL ' 38 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, LexCAN 5. Develop and disseminate communications materials to build Lexington Living greater community awareness about the importance of trees. Ongoing Landscapes Town Manager's Office uuu » �Q� m� r � � � � � � ''� . , a �' � , ,��,, I�� V.P II, . .. ,.,.` W..����, tt a �; m w. ��Iu��umiillllmollluuulluml Ilu�lllh�uu�ll��mm(�fuu�ulllu Ilil��ui� ���� 1 FI NANCIAL TOOLS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................w,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� � Operating capital budgets � IP�F� IC1����ir�irm�;irnt aa���rn��;ru�:�ii�air� � IF���:.ir��ti�ar� (IG��.�IF��, �ir��r� �ma�� �c�irr7irm��iniity IFa�yr��tr�y�I��Illl�ir���� �f lf�ra�� IF�uinr� �ir�r�l� ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES �,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� ��u Tree Preservation Bylaws in other Massachusetts UJ� MA DCR, towns(e.g., �.�irn��aire�, ��IIII�>Il�y, �,rlliirn�f��in) U�rlb�.ir� �ind ���rr�rr�uar�i�y IFc�ir���iry IF��;��7u�r�;�:� � S�smi�rtrillll� IL�.iri�����p� �l�irnc��ra�� �f American Forests, li�r�� IE:�,�uii�y ���sr� �n MA DCR, �n� Arbor Day Foundation, 4;a�uid� t�� ILca��ll 'lrlr����rc9iiin�n���� iiri� I'��s���l���u��t�� I�N�a�nr ���/�Cri��� I�u.urnii�;i�p�ll 'lrlr���r�diiir��r���: u � u 1 u u uuiuui iu iu� � , a �,, � �, �� ,,, �, ,, � � � o � ��������������������MI������������������������������������������������������������������'�III������������'����� �I I�I��� lllllllllllllllllllll�llllllll))�)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))�������������/////////0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//0//% ��� Burden may fall more heavily on some homeowners °� Ensure equitable distribution of street tree and tree ' than others, or some homeowners may have ' canopy placement across the entire town. ' extenuating circumstances. ' pluii Im �puuiuNnuu iiii �JJ r ����nuuil»�u�rm m �t �� 1 +�ryii i�u��mr�i ui pNiNqU,� I� ��t ��i�� � i�m�t ;�� . , ! .. W � � � � � � �, � � �, �A �� , �,, � �,� � ,,, � � � „ „ ,. Iuuuii�Vi�IIInIiuIIIl�ui�6d�u��Villliuimiiullli�Illlulllum��u�u�uu�Ihui�Iluuu�ulllluNlluui�uuu�u6uNuuui�Ill101uuu�iii`uM�uuui�m�liuiiilnlil�uuu"i1111uNllilu�uilitlllnluuuii"duuuil�fluliiuuuV��ui�li�illiifuilllililmu�dd�J)li»>i�)im»�i)))l�Jiii�ilJliiiii�,���1/�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������/� �'��� � Work with Town committees and community �'�� � Collaborate with local organizations to implement ' groups with sustainability missions to build ' Adopt-A-Tree programs. community support. UJ� Work with students and teacher groups to integrate ' ��u Engage the community and leverage existing ' tree benefits into school curricula and professional volunteer groups' support with planting, maintenance, '' development programs. ' and surveying. ' RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 39 � % % � I % � � �r. � � ! u m ' ._ � ,i���^ ... } � ; TRANSPORTATION }: ' ��""�:,,�` � � & MOBILITY � ; �o�, �� � �� ��� ���n,� A��"V�V� r, � �� � � -�� w� � ,; TM 1.1.A � � '��"� �� `'� Expand and promote Town � � � �� � � � �°' d; � policies on and strategies �,��'��'��/� � �� �,�, for transportation demand �4Ji/i�/��%/�i �� i � m�iii/�� �, y/,ii,/i,,,,,, , ,� �, � , ,,,, ,,,,,, ��„���/�;si; management (TDM) at schools i ��/�l �/�l�/%�ii ��i %��i/l�Lr ij/ i.i %�i�j/i%�i��jij%ij/�j i�� !��,!✓,,;i 'i r �� Ii i��J/�U/ �i-�/ /: ��%� �i�/i i .1:. �i!%i✓ %��ij//�%�����i/��%%I�%��f�% . . , ,j, � ,,, ,� , , , � , , � ����/ and businesses and within i/� ir: % W G�////../ /�j��i /y // ��� /r��ij�./i / �il!�/�%i��:� �i/li �� ��r %�����r/�����%�G�� r /� ,;,��� ��� �ja� i/��i����,!a ir ii� r / �i���i� ��� r i� f r� �i�%�i/��9��;!��//0/�i/�v/i%%' i�;„�r �r�'�� :�� t�,���,i�r,�kN ; � i �, % � ,:, ���,,:�,�� ; % � � ;',,�;�''%°,��i'r�,I,%�� municipal operations. �,,,�����/„.:,r,lri%I�i��/>�oi//���,/ir// �f,:�i:a,Ii��,%!�i�/% !��,�.�,CC�;,,�,,ir :�ri, ..,�., „/ �;.r%��/�/� i/�%/��/i//�i/����'% �v„i,��,�„r�.�,��a, ���01Gd1�.�Gr,�i/!io/� DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Expand the application of strategies and policies to reduce vehicle miles traveled and increase transportation efficiency town wide. LEAD DEPARTMENT Planning Department;Transportation Services OVERALL TIME FRAME Long (>3 years) TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 1. Update current regulations for the Hartwell Area Transportation Management Overlay District to better 3 months Planning Board reduce transportation demand. ' 2. Develop and implement Transportation Management ' ' Overlay District Plans for South Lexington District and 12 months Planning Board ' Forbes-Marrett District. ' ' 3. Evaluate existing regulations, bylaws, and parking fee ' structures to determine how the Town can compel ' Transportation Advisory Committee developers and business owners to participate in TDM 6 months Planning Board and to identify key gaps, limitations, and opportunities Town Counsel to reduce transportation demand. Economic Development Advisory Committee ' ' ' 128 Business Council 6 months Sustainable Lexington Committee 4. Engage with stakeholder groups to determine (concurrent Transportation Advisory Committee community barriers, interests, and opportunities. With above ) Greenways Corridor Committee Town Meeting Members ' ' ' Local Businesses Real Estate Developers 40 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 5. Draft, solicit feedback, and adopt an updated people- Select Board centric, multi-modal TDM policy and guidance Planning Board document that would advise developers, property 1 year Transportation Advisory Committee owners, and businesses on how they can reduce ' transportation demand. Economic Development ' Advisory Committee ' 6. Lead by example by developing and implementing ' ' formal Town and School TDM plans aligned with the 1 year Town Managers Office strategies outlined in the updated policies and guidance. Sustainable Lexington Committee 7. Market TDM concepts to businesses, using Town Human Services and school examples as a model. Conduct outreach Town Manager's Office though Town website, social media, Town newsletters, Ongoing Transportation Advisory Committee informational webinars, and attendance and business Economic Development community events. Advisory Committee Center Committee e� � FI NANCIAL TOOLS UJ� Il�i/IF����ii�r� �ir�mk� � TDM Mitigation Fund P� II����IC?G'J1��ir�r�t� � Traffic Mitigation Fund TECHNICAL RESOURCES ' �f Town of Lexington, Pedestrian Bike Plan ' � Metropolitan Area Planning Council, IP�irkiiir7c� �rn�' (to be completed in 2023) l�ir�r�s��ir'��a�i�r� IC1�ir�n�rn�' I��rna�.a���irrn�ir7� �'�� � Town of Lexington, TDM Policy �'�� � Metropolitan Area Planning Council, IF°�;r��;�t IFi� IF"�rkiir�r� ��iia�a� °° MassDOT, ' I���m��lhn�as�t�� ��:P�; IF�c��u��;s f:� �;c:h��r�>II IPir��ir�r�n ' �� League of American Bicyclists, IE�ii�;y�°II� IFri�i�mc�lly Q�c�irr7irr7�uiniitii�;� IR���a�,rt ��r� ��u Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, �:�srm�rrnuair�i�y l�ir�.r�yp�air��:ti�r� l���l�inii��ll A��;�;ii��ar��;�; IPr�>�r�.irm � . � . �� Ensure transportation and mobility solutions are �� Evaluate existing and proposed policies for their ' designed to provide equitable access to residents, ' impact on accessibility. visitors, and workers and people of all ages, abilities, ' and incomes. ' •�sre • • • a� • ' rf Continually seek feedback from residents, local ' �� Seek additional funding and/or staff capacity to ' businesses, and municipal staff to ensure mobility and ' support with TDM implementation and oversight. transportation needs are adequately addressed. ���� ���� �� Work with the state and regional entities to increase ��f Continue to work collaboratively with regional tourism ' transit and multimodal opportunities. services to promote mobility infrastructure and reduce '' vehicle miles traveled among visitors. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 41 � % % � I % � � �r. � � ! u m ' ._ � ,i���^ ... } � ; TRANSPORTATION }: ' ��""�:,,�` � � & MOBILITY � ; �o�, �� � �� ��� ���n,� A��"V�V� r, � �� � �,��' ;%w;,; � ,; TM 1.1.0 , Drive regional collaboration to �� � � �°' d; � align Transportation Demand ,,,,r;����i„ ,,�� Management (TDM) policies ����,�„i/i ''° �-0��������r�i��// m�ii/�� , „�„� � , „ ��/%sii and advocate to the State for i /ii/I �i/���rl� I i � �iliLr i/ ..l ��!j��l/�%��%�%/�%���i.. � ./r ��/lb���1�i U/i i� i i�/� �/i �/ i. i/r%�%%/j�j%����i�% �%�. �', ��,t,�, � ����,`%%���,,,,� � , , ,�, „�, , , ,��„� ,�„' �,���i,�����,il� 1,�� TDM-enabling legislation and i ir:; �1 �/�'...`4 i ////�../ /ii �� �l // �..[ /r��ii! �i ir �����,�� ,.il� /�:ii�r i�����!r/�/�%i%�%����, r�/� � � � �/iii��/,�,!�i�i q i r i //�,�i, ijl l r i r i % �i� ���i r�//�I�//�j�����v/i//��, �� , ��� �;,� �c����„�, ,�,,,,,��,, ; �,� ,�, , ,,��'�,�> >, , ,i� �,,,,�,�,�i����i�r;�,��i�i more public transportation. �i���f r�r�i���ilh%�/%,�j��i�"��� ��'/r�ii����I�� i/ j�ii /n� ��f�� �i � ,� i/%i�ji�%j�l����%1%r/�%�J��f' „�l,i��/�.�,,,lri/�/I�r„�°l//�i/��iu,,, ✓it, -.u.v.lk��%1/ii�,. „ L..,.�,(/��;,,!,r ,��i, ..,.� „/, vv�:�4�i/��.,r�.i.::od���0,/i/rd19.�iir�i/�/oi�G Utilize regional collaboration and state advocacy to push for legislation, services, DESCRIPTION OF ACTION and programs that will further enable Lexington to implement TDM strategies at the local level. LEAD DEPARTMENT Planning Department OVERALL TIME FRAME Long (>3 years) TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS Transportation Services 1. Engage with Metropolitan Planning Organizations on On oin regional TDM efforts. g g Transportation Advisory Committee 2. Advocate for statewide TDM implementation such as Metropolitan Area Planning more public transit, more bike accommodations, and Ongoing Council updated parking regulations. ' Select Board 3. Advocate for policies/legislation that would advance Metropolitan Area Planning a multimodal transportation network, require TDM Council statewide, and allow communities to assess mitigation Ongoing Select Board for traffic congestion. Transportation Services ' ' ' Transportation Services 4. Investigate possibility of setting aside a percentage of Select Board increased revenue from new developments to support 6 months public transportation services. Finance Town Counsel 5. Support the pending state legislation for Transportation Select Board Improvement Districts, which would enable communities Transportation Services to charge fees for transportation improvements upon Ongoing Transportation Advisory a 60 percent approval from property owners in the Committee district. Sustainable Lexington Committee 42 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN �. . FINANCIAL TOOLS ' vl» I`�i�IF'�9c�ii�air� G�;ir�r�t� ' ��, TDM Mitigation Fund �f� I'���:,IC1C�1�C'.�r�ir�k� °�� Traffic Mitigation Fund TECHNICAL RESOURCES ' ��� Town of Lexington, Pedestrian Bike Plan ' �� Metropolitan Area Planning Council, IF��irkiiins� �r��' (to be completed in 2023) �ir�ir�;��a�irk��ii�an� I[��rm�rn�' IPJfI�n����rm�n� ' Ul Town of Lexington, TDM Policy ' � Metropolitan Area Planning Council, IP�ir���t IFit IP�irkiiin� �u�ia��^ °° MassDOT, ' I`JB�s���,lrota��t�� ��f� I���aa��;� �a� ��;�naa�ll I�"ira'sqir�rmo ' � League of American Bicyclists, I�i�y�ll� IFiri�sinc�lly� �csirr�irrr�unii�ii�;�; IFK���a�r� ��r�' rJ Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, �a�rm�rm�uirmity l�r�ir����irt��ii�r� 1��;�l�inii��ll /��aii�:;t�rn��; IPra���r�tirr� A� fl� i 9 � Ensure transportation and mobility solutions are � Evaluate existing and proposed policies for their ' designed to provide equitable access to residents, ' impact on accessibility. ' visitors, and workers. ' •eBea • • • a� • ' �� Continually seek feedback from residents, local ' � Seek additional funding and/or staff capacity to ' businesses, and municipal staff to ensure mobility ' support with TDM implementation and oversight. ' and transportation needs are adequately addressed. ' ��f Continue to work collaboratively with regional tourism ' services to promote mobility infrastructure and reduce '' vehicle miles traveled among visitors. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 43 � % % � I % � � �r. � � ! u m ' ._ � ,i���^ ... } � ; TRANSPORTATION }: ' ��""�:,,�` � � & MOBILITY � ; �o�, �� � �� ��� ���n,� A��"V�V� r, � �� � �,��' ;%w;,; � ,; TM 2.2.A , µ Create a public awareness � � �� � � � �°' d; � campaign for electric ,,,,r;����i„ ,,�� vehicles (EV) and available ����,�„i/i ''° �-0��������r�i��// m�ii/�� , ,���,� � , �, ��/%sii charging stations locally and i /ii/I �i/���rl� I i � �iliLr i/ ..l ��!j��l/�%��%�%/�%���i.. � ��, r„���,,c� ���, ;� , ,�,, ,�, ,� , ,�,;�%�,�;���i%/; %�� throu(y hout the re(y ion. � i ��iji�l � , ,�i.��/l/��l�i-�/// l .... l /. �//� �i/i � 1 l:. � i!/%i✓�j�r%�/�O/j��i/�/1����1��f��� J J r✓�/, i� ' �� �� � ���%ii������iii�i �l /1 ��� /r��i���/��� i��ir/���i^`� �//i //i%i//%���%�%��%���i/l%�i�'%���? i/ � �i� ��/i �u�°�� �i�%��1� a r�, � ii� �, i i;�✓i�ii /� � �l �/� i� r�l�'i%/li�%�r����i�� �i��f r/�r�i� ilh%�//��iri�a" i � � i/�i � � i�i� /n� ei�� i f / �. i� � i/l��j �ii���i���l�.. �//�� �j �/> ��/i // �� �'/i i�i� /� �i ��� �i i,,ir :�ri, ..,�., „// v„,�`�rii%/�rl��c�i/�/���/��J��nr�%�� ,,,,��„i��,,,,l,iil�r�iii,i/,�;,c,r,,, ✓�t, uv�k �/liii,. ,, 1,. .�,C���,,,� Accelerate transportation electrification by expanding public awareness and DESCRIPTION OF ACTION education of EVs and charging stations, as well as addressing perceived barriers to increase EV adoption amongst Lexington's residents and businesses in order to reduce transportation-caused greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. LEAD DEPARTMENT Sustainability& Resilience OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 1. Identify target audiences. 1 month - ' ' ' Diversity, Equity&Inclusion Planning Department 2. Meet with Town staff who have led education or Human Services Department awareness campaigns to determine best practices to 2 months Public Health Department carry forward. Youth & Family Services Transportation Services Town Manager's Office LexCAN 3. Identify funding sources and organizations (e.g., Sustainable Lexington Committee nonprofits, private companies, universities)that can 3-6 months ' support administration of the campaign. ' Transportation Services Cary Library 4. Identify communication and engagement tactics(e.g., ride-and-drive events, signage, social media)to reach 2 months - target audiences. 44 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 5. Develop a package of coordinated outreach materials that can be deployed in different contexts to support 3-6 months Consultant/Graphic Designer identified tactics. This may include in-house resources or outsourced consultants. 6. Create a detailed plan and schedule for implementation 3 months Transportation Services of outreach tactics and dissemination of materials. •� • FI NANCIAL TOOLS �'�� � MA Department of Environmental Protection, '��� � IRS, IE:II�;���iri�V�;I�i�ll�;�1��� Ilir���;r��ti�r�;� I�����IEi/IIIP IP�ulk�llii�'������;� �I��irr�iiir7� Ilrn��in�iiv�� ' �J Center for Sustainable Energy, I�/fl�lf�-IEV ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES ' ��� US Department of Energy, ' UJ� Green Energy Consumers Alliance, IC1riv� �ir��n IE:II���irii�;il�Ih�i�llca �Ih�r�ir�� ���tia�rw IL.���tiaar7� � . � . ' vl� If purchasing new vehicles is out of reach for some ' UI Develop outreach materials that are indusive in ' residents, increase awareness of the growing used ' terms of language fluency and digital literacy. EV market and existing incentives for EV purchases. �� Include pointers to help with other forms of transportation (e.g., walk, bike, bus). •'a�' M b l� aB • ���� � Consider hosting Ride&Drive Events that provide test ''���� � As EV adoption increases, work with utilities to plan drive opportunities to help increase adoption rates. for increased electricity load. ' ��u Create a clear process/checklist for homeowners to ' UJ� Consider reaching out to neighboring municipalities ' follow for the installation of home charging. ' to encourage a regional approach to EV education to increase funding eligibility. ���� � Ensure education and messaging combats common ����� ' public perception barriers to EV adoption including ' ' perceived upfront cost, range anxiety, and lack of ' ' familiarity with EV performance and with vehicle ' options. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 45 uuuuuuuuuuuu � � Ur,����ii�r„p1�1� �� I , �f)+ ��u� � ����' N',��t�, ���`��U//a �,�ii ii :.� Ilfllll ihi pi�iiiDj�r�/%i 9 .� /1� �. � � irr��iii �M,`��/// ll �%4i / :./� � / ��/%%/%%�irrorrnii�iaii��� IQIIfUII ^�r �. �� � ��� 101ip�- ,"""'"' rnr� �% + / l i �i �l/i �I/���� ',.� f, r�vr., % ,; i r ,r il �� � � ///�j�, � �/ � ��� ' � . � , F I ' f�� G, �ff '�%/i�u� � %,,, Y,�,Jtr1���111„1f�1�„ ,,,,,,,�, , ,' r � 1 WASTE � �l � ,��,,,, � , . ��flin%,0l�6 � ����� �� i :,;� � /�i;, � , iq/� �� � �'64' j�j�� �' r ( /i , / s 1 �(( i� / i � l,r�i ���"d� � �J�� � �Ip � ' ������/�P00/1//���� �! �V� r� �� �,li' � �/j, � ���� � %�; �i ����1�// / % � „ %/ A�11�V�`31�' ii��i�i�%!i���J�J/ii�jj%l � � �/l' % �����'i���i�i��`��'������!�i�i o� /�� ��„e, � /"� ��iiii///lrr/��/p�� �i,�i . � � ■ ■ wiiiD o� /iii/ii l/ /� ���.r�°� ��. .. ���u�� � iil/��1�'�.,, i i � i i� iNwair�sr�rmr / /��Vuui�4il��� �' I ,�li i 07�iJ1/"J���l//////lll19'% ... � �� ,, ��o�y�,�,����� �%� Establish a variable rate J /��„ , ',�� ,�� ,,,i ` ���� structure for the Town's �' ' � �� ;% ' ;�: waste collection services '�� �� � ����� ' based on uantit of waste to i � /i%�%' ���;�, q y %„ �/ ` � ,, � incentivize reduction in waste �„i�d � ��y � � �' i % � � �'„ f,�� �i , � ���/ ,� f�� ,� , ' , ,J��� i ��� � generation for residents. ,III;� i//: ; , ��' �rrrrar� / �,; � f ��'r��,% r��� _ _ _ _ __ DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Implement a rate structure for collection of municipal solid waste to incentivize reduction of waste generation and an increase in reuse, recycling, and composting. _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Department of Public Works _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 1. Allocate funding for additional staff(i.e., waste reduction 6 months Finance Department champion). ' ' 2. Conduct research on rate structures in other communities, implementation models, data on existing recyding rates in 1-2 months ' Waste Reduction Task Force ' the community, potential for waste reduction, and available ' funding opportunities. 3. Draft amendments to the Town Bylaws that would eliminate Waste Reduction Task Force barriers to implementing a rate structure program (e.g., 2 months Sustainable Lexington eliminate the word "free", reduce the 6 barrel limit). ' Committee ' ' ' Waste Reduction Task Force 4. Adopt bylaw. 1 month Sustainable Lexington Committee Town Meeting Members ' ' ' Select Board ' ' ' Waste Reduction Task Force 5. Conduct public workshops to educate the public about 2_3 months the benefits of a rate structure and gather initial feedback. Lexington Zero Waste ' ' Collaborative LexCAN 46 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 6. Design rollout of new program structure and timeline e. biweekl trash weekl rec clin and com ost 4 months Waste Reduction Task Force � 9•, Y , Y Y 9 P )• ' ' ' Waste Reduction Task Force Sustainable Lexington Committee 7. Launch the program through an integrated marketing Human Services campaign utilizing: Town website, social media, Town 2-3 months Town Manager's Office newsletter, informational webinars, and press releases. LexCAN Lexington Zero Waste ' ' ' Collaborative LPS Green Teams ' 8. Manage the program, provide opportunities for ongoing ' ' community feedback, and continually track metrics of Ongoing - success. i i ii i i ii i i i i i i ii iii ii i i i iui ui i ui iiu �������u�����u >> >� »»>���, �������,�����������, � I � 1 , 1 I 1 111 1 , I1 1 l J J 1 1 1 ��J l ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ I . ,,. ) ) I� l , ) � , , , � „ � � i„ 1 , � � . , � � � � , t ���i, , � 1 , ,. � Ilull��mi��rami(um�mmff If Illirii�idllidiiiiidaiii��uulVumllullluVmi(rriiiiidaiii�ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff( FI NANCIAL TOOLS ' � MA Department of Environmental Protection ' �» MassDEP, 'T°��II�r7ii�;�ll �s�i�t�rn�� Cir�zn�� (MassDEP), �c.0���irn�lbll�; I����rii�ll�� IR��a�v�iry IPra�yr�ir� ��I�IF�IP} I�I�air�i�ii��ll �r�in� �,, MassDEP, �I°�I�IP I[�iviicN�n��'p I�°ir�r�r�irm7 ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES � MassDEP, � MassDEP, IP��r_��-�����l�lhir�rw„ �Airn Ilim��all�;i�m�;ir�t��ii�ir� �aallii�' "�Va�st� IPcallii�i�:�, �a�uid�in��� � IF��t �Slh����� �aaiic�c-; ��ar���Ilii�� VV��te U�irni�-13�����' IF"iri�:iirr�� IF�ir��ir�rr�a> �f US Environmental Protection Agency, IP�y_��-1�'�r�a�l�lr��r°���nr i iii i i i i i i uuuiuiiiiiiu»»»»iii i»»uiuiiuiiiii»iuiuiuuuuuiiiiiuuiuiuui»i»»ii l � � � � �� � 1 �� JJJJJ Il lI 1 1 11 +1 1 1 11 I 11 1 1J J , , ,,, , , , ,, ,.l I ), ) �„ 1 � � � � . � ,, � � � � �� � J � � � J � , i uuuluuu�t��iiii�ii++��ii���lliillllllliiiiiif mii�ittoi���iiiifiiiliiiii�f�iiiiididlliiiitttoif i���ii�iiiii�rittoiiliiiiii������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� UJ� Ensure that public outreach and educational UJ� Provide educational materials in a variety of formats ' campaigns include diverse stakeholders, particularly ' (e.g., audio, visual) as well as translation renters and low-income households. for non-English speakers. ' � Incorporate measures to minimize the impact of fees ' on low-income residents. � i � i � i ii i i i i i i i iu iu i i i i i i i ii iu i i i i i i »� ii iiiiiuui iu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuu iiiiii uuiuu uuuii ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii ii�iiiiiiiiii iiiii i»»»»i»»»ii>»iiiiiii uui ii u»»>ii>»>iuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii »»i uui uiu, iiiii �������»»>��� U111 1� llllJl 11 I 11U 1111 1,11 111111111 1 11 111 1 I 111 11 1 ll 1JJ11JJ, 1 1 1l 11 1JJJ I 1 l 1 1 ,J ! Jl J , J ! , 11 J JJ J , , ! J 1 J � 1 1 JI J f 1ff,, ,) I � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� + +++ I , 1 + ), , � I I , , � � +++ , � , ., . �, � . � �, � � , � � ,�� � � �, , � �� �, � � �, , � � � � � , , , r i, i � � � � , r � r. ,���� ����� � , � ,, r r � , � r i � � i Imm�ullllluffffff�iiii�(fullmfdi��ffiumflullm u�llull�ufmuulum��full�lumfff(fiuuufllu�uuiululllullumfflmiurulufu�iuui���uffff�iim��(u���iuuu�idVu�llull�ulitllluiiuuilllm�ulu(u�iifffruuuluuululufu�iuuifullm�llu�iulllmfull�uffiuu�(ulllulllllum�dllmidlluhdfiuliifiuuululllulmhffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff� ' �� Integrate circular economy concepts into broader ' �� Consider shifting to bi-weekly trash pickup and ' Resilient Lexington education and outreach efforts. ' weekly recycling and composting pickup to reduce operational costs and incentivize diversion from � Seek opportunities to reduce emissions through incineration. ' transitioning the municipal solid waste collection fleet ' to all electric vehicles, as well as ensuring maximum �� Provide updates to community members about ' efficiency for driving routes. ' the program's implementation through the Town's ' ' website, newsletters, public workshops, and Town ' ' Meetings. Ensure feedback from residents is ' ' incorporated into ongoing program evaluation. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 47 uuuuuuuuuuuu � � Ur,����ii�r„p1�1� �� I , �f)+ ��u� � ����' N',��t�, ���`��U//a �,�ii ii :.� Ilfllll ihi pi�iiiDj�r�/%i 9 .� /1� �. � � irr��iii �M,`��/// ll �%4i / :./� � / ��/%%/%%�irrorrnii�iaii��� IQIIfUII ^�r �. �� � ��� 101ip�- ,"""'"' rnr� �% + / l i �i �l/i �I/���� ',.� f, r�vr., % ,; i r ,r il �� � � ///�j�, � �/ � ��� ' � . � , F I ' f�� G, �ff '�%/i�u� � %,,, Y,�,Jtr1���111„1f�1�„ ,,,,,,,�, , ,' r � 1 WASTE � �l � ,��,,,, � , . ��flin%,0l�6 � ����� �� i :,;� � /�i;, � , iq/� �� � �'64' j�j�� �' r ( /i , / s 1 �(( i� / i � l,r�i ���"d� � �J�� � �Ip � ' ������/�P00/1//���� �! �V� r� �� �,li' � �/j, � ���� � %�; �i ����1�// / % � „ %/ A�11�V�`31�' ii��i�i�%!i���J�J/ii�jj%l � � �/l' % �����'i���i�i��`��'������!�i�i o� /�� ��„e, 2 A ��iiii///lrr/��/p�� �i,�i . � � ■ ■ wiiiD o� /iii/ii l/ /� ���.r�°� ��. .. ���u�� � iil/��1�'�.,, i i � i i� iNwair�sr�rmr / /��Vuui�4il��� �' I ,�li i 07�i11/"J���l//////lll19'% ... � ��. �� ��o�ir�r�m,��;�� °'' Launch a phased zero waste J /��„ , ��� ,�� ,,,� ` ���� education campaign targeted ,/��' ' �� ;% ' ;�: at residents, businesses, and , f ,, i//„��', , ; � � �� � ����, �,�;� � Town staff. ; , �„�i�i1'' %� „'� i ', ;' , �' f�i/// ii � � ��'�,��i� ,I Il� U%: ; �� �rrrraf� , � � rll� �!'r!!!!!!!��% 1��� _ _ _ _ __ DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Expand existing waste education by using targeted approaches to reach everyone in the community. _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Sustainability& Resilience _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ' ' ' Environmental Services Division 1. Conduct an inventory of existing educational materials 1 month Waste Reduction Task Force around waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. Lexington Zero Waste ' ' ' Collaborative 2. Evaluate data to understand current community waste Waste Reduction Task Force and recycling practices, challenges, and opportunities. Specifically engage local retailers about willingness to 3 months Environmental Services Division offer packaging-free product options. Sustainable Lexington Committee ' ' ' Environmental Services Division 3. Survey community members and municipal staff to Public Schools understand perceived challenges and opportunities Public Library for waste reduction, as well as misconceptions around 3 months proper waste disposal practice. Lexington Zero Waste ' Collaborative Community Groups 4. Based on results of data review and surveying, Waste Reduction Task Force revise and/or develop new educational materials that 2-3 months Environmental Services Division encourage zero waste principles for residents and Lexington Zero Waste businesses. Collaborative 48 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS ' ' ' Waste Reduction Task Force 5. Identify tactics to reach target audiences based on Environmental Services Division best practices for enacting behavior changes(e.g., 2-3 months Lexington Zero Waste training for businesses, community workshops). ' Collaborative ' ' ' Communications Director 6. Develop a calendar for phased launch of an 1 month ' Waste Reduction Task Force ' educational campaign. ' ' ' ' Waste Reduction Task Force ' ' ' Environmental Services Division Lexington Zero Waste 7. Implement the educational campaign. Continue to ' Collaborative track performance metrics and monitor the success Ongoing Sustainable Lexington Committee ' of the campaign. ' ' ' ' LexCAN LPS Green Teams ' LHS Teachers&Students iiii iii ii iu i iii iiu i ui iu �������u l l>I>� l �����lllll� l l�����lllll�l lllll� �� 1111 1111 I 1 111 1 1, 1 11 1 l J J 1 1 ! l .),�� . ,,, 1 , , �,,, � � � �, � � f � � � � � � � , ����, . � , ,. , � , � Il��ll�������r������r������«����11������1�iit��l������������r������tr«��������������������r������������111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111� FI NANCIAL TOOLS ��'�� �a MA Department of Environmental Protection '����; � MassDEP, 'T°��Il�nii��ll ��;�i��t�r��� ��air�n��� (MassDEP), ��u���irn�lbll� I����:rii�ll;� IR���r�a�iry IPr��r�ir�r (�IP�IF�IP} I�I�.air�i�;ii���ll Q�r�.... I� .. �� � � w• . na� ,a��,� e�ca r� u����ria�ttair� i�i.. � MassDEP, �I'�I�iIP ICDivii�'�r��'� IPir�a�r�ir� ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES � If��cy�lliinqt/tC�rlk� 10��.,���IV�u��;t�� l��a�ll�rriic�ll � Recycle Smart, �r�.rt IR�;a�rya�lliiin� G��uida� ' ����ii��t�rn�� � US EPA, �t/�.,��;VtCi��; �f, I����IC?IEIF' �r��in� 1��K:�irrr �ar�yr�.irr� ' � MassDEP, IF���y�lliiin� II� I'�ii� ' ii i i i i i i i ui i »i»i i »i> > > »i»i i » uuui ii ii i uuuui i i i� ii»ii i iiiii������»»»��i�����i i»>ii i� � ������ � � � ��� 1 �1 1 � � 11 1 1 I �� 1 1 1 1 � � 1 1J 1 I , ,.J+ ., , , ,)�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������j ��, �,r, �., , � � 1 1 � � � � J � � , r, 1. 1 ,� �, � � t , uum�muufiim�iilllii11�11idffffffraiir(fram�l il1�u��imifiullmi�mumVillluufffiuGilllullmi�iill�idraiidffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff((r vl� Provide educational materials in a variety of vl� Seek feedback from residents, local businesses, ' formats(e.g., audio, visual) as well as translation ' and municipal staff to ensure education materials ' for non-English speakers. ' are comprehensive and applicable to diverse ' ' stakeholders. � � i ii i i i u ii i i i iu i ii i u i iu u i ui u » i »i iu i iu i i i u i i i iiiii uiu i iiiiiiiiiiiii iiii iii iiiiiii uuiui i iiiiiii i i iiii ii»»>iiiiii i i i ui uuuu uiu i i uuuiuuuu,»»» ,ui »>uuui u uiuiiii iiiiiiiii»»»iiiiii�iiiiiiiii i i u i iiiiii ii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiuiu�i 11 1� ll. 11 11 111 11 1 11 111 111��11 111 1 �U �1 ! 11 Ul 1 y1 ,11 l�I!UI 11 11 11 11 U 11 I 1 ! 1 ! J 1 ! J I J � � 1JJ, J � +++ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ JJ ! J I l f , 1+, I . 1, , I l 1 + , + ) � , � �, 1� � , �,� ��,� , , � � ,� �, . � � � � � � f �, , � � � � f � � �r, r � � r � r , � r ���� ���� � J � , � ,, r r r 1 � , , r � � � ,, Immflullll�uffffff�iumf ullmfdi��ffiuu�fullm�u�llull�ufiuuulumfff��ull�lumfff(Oumrfu�uuiululllullum(Imuirulufuliuui���uffffff�iuu��(u��fluuu�idllulllull�ulidllufiuuillliu�ulii(ulufffffuuuluuululu(u�iuuifulllu�llu�iullliulull�uffimi�(idVol���»»JIJJJaiJ»lll»J»11J»J»11»»»l»lli»t»»iffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff� ��� Provide updates to community members about �� Leverage volunteers and community groups to zero waste strategies through the Town's website, support the dissemination of educational materials. newsletters, public workshops, and Town Meetings. �f Offer incentives or public recognition to businesses ' or organizations that display leadership or innovation ' ' in zero waste practices. ' RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 49 uuuuuuuuuuuu � � Ur,����ii�r„p1�1� �� I , �f)+ ��u� � ����' N',��t�, ���`��U//a �,�ii ii :.� Ilfllll ihi pi�iiiDj�r�/%i 9 .� /1� �. � � irr��iii �M,`��/// ll �%4i / :./� � / ��/%%/%%�irrorrnii�iaii��� IQIIfUII ^�r �. �� � ��� 101ip�- ,"""'"' rnr� �% + / l i �i �l/i �I/���� ',.� f, r�vr., % ,; i r ,r il �� � � ///�j�, � �/ � ��� ' � . � , F I ' f�� G, �ff '�%/i�u� � %,,, Y,�,Jtr1���111„1f�1�„ ,,,,,,,�, , ,' r � 1 WASTE � �l � ,��,,,, � , . ��flin%,0l�6 � ����� �� i :,;� � /�i;, � , iq/� �� � �'64' j�j�� �' r ( /i , / s 1 �(( i� / i � l,r�i ���"d� � �J�� � �Ip � ' ������/�P00/1//���� �! �V� r� �� �,li' � �/j, � ���� � %�; �i ����1�// / % � „ %/ A�11�V�`31�' ii��i�i�%!i���J�J/ii�jj%l � � �/l' % �����'i���i�i��`��'������!�i�i o� /�� ��„e, 1 11 ��iiii///lrr/��/p�� �i,�i . � � ■ ■ wiiiD o� //�ii/i%%�ili��' ����� ���� . ��� iN'�r�sr�rmr ' ��r i�� �. ' � ;�!' � � ' °'""''�G�l �%�l Promote, and explore ����������ir�Jm��m�� � � ������ � �� � ���� �� � avenues to regulate recycling ,� �,� �° ,���,;�,„ � � � 'I � r�r,�,�u i iii/ �,��"'' � j �`% ' ;�: and reuse of construction "' �� '� � �%����' � ' and demolition debris. � %„ ,,j ��ji� ���,� ," � � �,�� � � „��,,, �,, , ��,� ��, f,h �r �; �i �% ,/ !' ��/ �i % 'll� ��/�j/i ' i���', . . ,///� i . �i� ,�,�(!((�!� i. 'r,. � 1! .. r��JJJ��i.% �76i� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� .__ ..... _... .__ ..... _... .__ ..... _... .__ ..... _... .___... DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Promote resource efficiency and reduce waste generation associated with increased development and renovations. _ _ _ _ __ LEAD DEPARTMENT Environmental Services Division _ _ _ _ __ OVERALL TIME FRAME Medium (1-3 years) _ _ _ _ __ TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS 1. Analyze waste generation associated with construction and demolition. Evaluate data based on project type to identify 2-3 months Waste Reduction Task Force areas for targeted improvement. 2. Conduct research on best practices for construction waste Building Department reduction, regional markets for recovered materials, cost 2-3 months benefit analyses, and funding opportunities and grants. Waste Reduction Task Force ' ' ' Building Department 3. Host and facilitate a series of roundtable discussions with Planning Department builders and developers to understand barriers to project 3-4 months ' waste management. ' Economic Development Developers 4. Identify non-disposal management options for materials Building Department with markets or high reuse potential. Explore policies to ' encourage source separation and diversion utilizing best 6-8 months Sustainable Lexington practice research and stakeholder feedback. Committee 5. Develop incentives(e.g., technical support, expedited Building Department permitting)for reducing, reusing, and recycling C&D 5-6 months ' materials. Planning Department 50 RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACTION AND RESILIENCE PLAN TIME FRAME TO IMPLEMENTATION STEPS IMPLEMENT STEP COLLABORATORS Building Department ' ' ' Waste Reduction Task Force 6. Develop and implement comprehensive outreach to ensure Planning Department residents, businesses, and developers are aware of the ' Ongoing impacts related to C&D waste management. Developers Lexington Zero Waste ' ' ' Collaborative i i iu uuiu i u u i i i uuu uuu i »»»»»i »uui i» ui ii i ii i iii ii i ii ii �� �� U� � �> > � > > 111 I I �11� 111„ 1 l l J J ,. .1��� , � � J����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� J11 � J J 1 , , „ �,. �, �, ,) , ,, �, � �, < < IIII �, � 11 � , ) IIiJl��mu(fomurfluuifimiffffim�o�ollfof000fouii(f�ouirflmuifliduulumi(000f�iihdfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff� FINANCIAL TOOLS ������� �� MA Department of Environmental Protection ����� � MassDEP, �1���;lr�r�iir�ll ��;�i��t�ir�c�; �ir�rn�t� (MassDEP), ��u���ii�ma�ll� Ih����v�i�.11; IF����or�;iry IF°ra��r�irrn ��al'�IR.IP� IM�uini�ii��ll �ir�r7� ' TECHNICAL RESOURCES UJ� US Environmental Protection Agency, �� �'�;�I[� If���y�lliirng �����i��iir�ir� ��a�t�iiin���ll� I`��n�ag�irr��irr� cr���ICb IM�t�irii�ll� ,�, I��:�;�«�rN��aus�;�t:� I�aa�rd �� I�tu�illc�iir�c� IF��c��ull��iic�ir�;��irrd °' RecyclingWorks Massachusetts, ���n��ir�'� ��IC1 I��ka�iri�ll�, ��uiid�rn�,� ' ��� US Green Building Council, ��.I��/k1��t� ��Il��ull��c�ir ' uui ui u uuuuuu ii i»uii uiu u iuuu i»»iuuui»»»»iiu»i»i iu i ii ii i»iiii i ii i ii �i i i i i i�i i i � i �i i i � � i � II �llll I + � , � � 1 1 1 I 1 � �. I 1 , , , , ,,,,, , ,, , ,,, J � � �„ �, I � � � � �� �, , � �, � � � � � � � , � � uuiuomiulimu(ullliulllllullllllliim(�iim�Iliilt�iil�iimfiiliiiii�Giiiiiifditiiiii���iidiill�ii��iimf�ilt�iuiim�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������f ��f Consider impacts to the timeline and cost of projects, '' particularly to low-income homeowners. i � , i � i ii i i i iii i i i i i i »ii uu i uui uuui i uui»ii»»»»»»»»i »»»i» »i uuuuuui ii i»»»»»i»»i i»»»»»»»»�i»»»»�»u »»>>i»>i»»»»»»»»»iiu uuuiuu»»»»»i»ii uui iu»»i»»i iiuuuuui ii iu i iiu i i »i �i iii iii ii i i i � i i i » i i i i i » 1 1 U u1 � � 1 1�1 �11 1,1 I�I �Ill d11 l�111 JJJ 1 J 11 1 1, � 111111, 1 1 1! y U 1 y I ! I J ! J 1 1 J , J J . 1 , J ! � � ��� ) 1 � � � 1� �� � 1 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ , � _+ + � � , IIII � � ,I � I + � � , , , � �, , 1 �,�, �,, , �,, � � � 1 � a � < < � � � � � , , o, �, � r r r t � � � � r r � � ,, , � , r, 1 i ��� ���1 � � r i IImil�iilll�idll�iuulllulllulill�iumllullmlli���u���uflluiuVuidff�u��IlumffffffluuulVu�uuululllulluu�(f�iudflil�idiiffiiiiii���id11f111iuu��fill�uiullilllulllu���uIIIIIVifuuu���iliiliufulii111(fluuuluuululu(uliuiufulllull�Vliullllulu���uffiuulfiullluffffiuuufiifffluulliulillmfu uuu ulllulluiiffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff( ' �f Lead by example by integrating circular economy ' � Establish connections with regional vendors to ' concepts into the Town's planning and development ' promote regional resource efficiency and sustainable processes. management. RESILIENT LEXINGTON CLIMATE ACT10N AND RESILIENCE PLAN 51 ������������ '°' �i/'� >>,,,,�, ,�, ii�o„o,,,���r // ii�����,,,,, ;,,ri/////// oiit»�, ��i�i, %lli%ia%%,, �1// �, � L�X11'��TC�N ���I�a�������������u���'�in7i�l�����I����n°�� . i,'�/��u�������1116�f;;�; U��J �1�� re ared y i Lun ren ssociates, Inc. 2023 � iii�� �i���ir�����ltii�u��n�mm�mmm�mmm�m,m,w,w,w,waw4�¢rv¢ry4ry�ry�ry�ry����n�n�mm�mmm�mmm�mnm,w,w,w,wawa�4rv¢rv4ry4ry�ry�ry����n�n�n�mm�mmm�mmm�m,m,w,w,w,waw� I����II�����i�� II��������ir���,4Qw4�4rv4�4�e�e�a�a�a�a�mm�mmm�mmm�mmm�m�m,m,m,mQ4Q�4rv4rv4�4�e�a�a�a�a�ammm�mmm�mmm�mnm�m�m,m,m,4Qw� Fir��ir�y..............00,,,,,,aaaaaa...............................000,,,,,aaaaaaa...............................00,,,,,,aaaaaa... � Fll��tri�irty.............eeeeeeeee00000000000000000000000........,,,,,eeeeeeeee00000000000000000000000.........,,,,,eeeeeeeee � N�tu�ir�ll ��s .................aaa00000000000000000.................,,,,,,,,, � aa00000000000000000..........................aaa f O�n....r���' ��r�ir��p��t�ti��n eeaaa00000000000000000000.............. „eeeeeeeaa00000000000000000000.................eeeeeeaaa I.....��ir��k�in....lf���6�t�ir�� i���O��ll�� ................................................................................. � Oin....lf���� ...C�r�����irt�tii�� — Il�n....lf:��uin� Carr�ir��t6ir��........................................................ �' I�I��� ��ir�in�i� ...........................................................................................................1� I.....��'ir��tain....���r�t��' ��ir�insii� ....................00000000000000000eaa..........................00000000000000000aaa1l1 ��li�' UV��t� o00000000000nneeveeeaaa00000000000000......00000000000000nnneveeeeaa00000000000000......00000000000000nnneeveeeaa�� VV�t�r ��ir��timeir�t �ind I[:a�lluv�iry 44444444400000000000000000000000000,,,,,4444444444444400000000000000000000000000,,,,,�� VV��tew�t�r00000000000000000000aaa0004444444444444400000000000000000000000000aa0004444444444444400000000000000000000000000aa�� F:::iru���y �Is� .................................................................................. ............................� IF'rc����� �ir�� IF-Gu�irt6v�aaa..........................................aaaa....................................,,,,,,aaa..�� ��iri��ultu�ir�� IF-�ir��try, �ind �tl��ir Il....�in��' V���....................................................................1� T�wn af I....e�ingGon 2...019 CFiC Inv�ntary M�lhad��urnrrr�ry � . This document is meant to complement Lexington, MA's 2019 Community GHG Emissions Inventory Workbook by providing a technical overview of the data sources and methods used to perform the inventory. Detailed sources, lists of calculation equations, and reference data are not copied here, but available within the GHG inventory workbook. This summary documents KLA's GHG emission estimate inputs including the activity data and emission factors used to estimate emissions as well as descriptive notes and/or assumptions included with the calculations. This document is intended to assist Lexington, MA interpret the GHG Emissions Inventory results and identify how future updates can improve the inventory. The data used to generate community GHG emissions estimates were drawn from sources that capture activity data from multiple sectors across the Town of Lexington. This inventory uses 100- year horizon Global Warming Potential values from the IPCC 5th Assessment Report. Except where noted, this inventory follows methods and emissions factors sourced from the .lJ_5...._C_�.rin.im_u_n.i:ty .F'.ra:t_�_�ol.' and aligns with the reporting conventions defined by the.C.Vo_�a.�.V.._�ro:ta_�_�_I...:f_�_r.._C_�.rr:i_rin_aa.n.ii:t_� :�c�_I�.._�_�.i_s_�.i_o_r�_�...I_n v�.n:t o_r j_�_s...�_�_�:'_�..�:.2 . I tClCit Method: US Community Protocol BE.2.1 Data Sources: Mass Save Data Community Energy Use Activity Data: Electricity generated and used for residential and commercial facilities is tracked by Lexington using the Mass Save Data website, an online portal for utility electricity and natural gas in MA. Table 1:Town of Lexinqton 2019 Community Electricity Activity Data . Residential Electricity 101,678 kWh Mass Save Data Commercial Electricity 324,765 kWh Mass Save Data Emission Factors: The purchased electricity emissions factors utilized for the purpose of an inventory follow best practice guidance to utilize a'location-based'assessment of GHG emissions. The Town of Lexington has a successful Community Choice Aggregation. Benefits of the ...................................................................................................................................................... 'https://icleiusa.org/us-community-protocol/ 2 https://qhqprotocol.org/greenhouse-qas-protocol-accountingreporting-standard-cities C own crf I....e�eingtorr?.019 GNG Inv�n�ory�lethods�umm�ry � Community Choice Aggregation program are to be assessed as part of the reduction analysis of this project. Table 2:Town of Lexington 2019 Community Electricity GHG Emission Factors , _ , COz 0.287 Mt C0�/ MWh ISO 2019 New England Grid Power Average CHa 0.349 x 10-4 Mt CH4/ MWh EPA eGRID 2018, NEWE region N20 0.045 x 10-4 Mt N20/ MWh EPA eGRID 2018, NEWE region Methodology • Collect activity data from the Mass Save. • Multiply electricity consumption by ISO-NE and eGRID emission factors to estimate emissions. Notes: It should be noted that total electricity consumption for the residential and commercial sector were provided directly from the Mass Save Data program. The Mass Save Data portal does not provide consumer specific information to help the user analyze the average consumption per consumer or similar indicator metrics. In some cases, utility data aggregation may exclude large individual customers out of concern if their usage might be identifiable within the rest of the sample and therefore the total consumption value may be inaccurate. All things considered, the Mass Save Data portal appears to be a reliable source of consistent and accessible utility energy data. t r I Method: US Community Protocol BE.1 Data Sources: Mass Save Data Community Energy Use Activity Data: Natural Gas generated and used for residential and commercial facilities is tracked by Lexington using the Mass Save Data website, an online portal for utility electricity and natural gas in MA. Table 3:Town of Lexington 2019 Community Natural Gas Activity Data . Residential Natural Gas 7,239,502 Therms Mass Save Data Commercial Natural 7,417,550 Therms Gas Mass Save Data Methodology T�wn af I....exingtan�.019 CNC Inv�nlary I��thad��urnmary �o- • Obtain gas consumption data from Mass Save. • Multiple natural gas consumption by EPA emission factors. Table 4: Town of Lexington 2019 Community Natural Gas GHG Emissian Factors . . COz 5.31 Kg CO2/ Therm EPA GHG Emission Factors Hub CHa 0.10 x 10 6 Mt CH4/ Therm EPA GHG Emission Factors Hub N20 0.01 x 10 6 Mt Nz0/ Therm EPA GHG Emission Factors Hub Notes: It should be noted that total natural gas consumption for the residential and commercial sector were provided directly from the Mass Save Data program. The Mass Save Data portal does not provide consumer specific information to help the user analyze the average consumption per consumer or similar indicator metrics. In some cases, utility data aggregation may exclude large individual customers out of concern if their usage might be identifiable within the rest of the sample and therefore the total consumption value may be inaccurate. All things considered, the Mass Save Data portal provides the best source of information that is both consistent with other communities and more likely to be consistent over time than independent reports from Eversource. itiv t r I Method: US Community Protocol BE.1 Data Sources: Mass Save Data Community Energy Use Activity Data: Fugitive natural gas is estimated by applying the rate at which gas is lost in transmission and distribution to natural gas usage data. Table 1:Tawn of Lexington 2019 Community Fugitive Natural Gas Activity Data , Residential Natural Gas 7,239,502 Therms Mass Save Data Commercial Natural Gas 7,417,550 Therms Mass Save Data Residential Fugitive Natural Gas 409 Mt CH4 Calculated Commercial Fugitive Natural Gas 419 Mt CHa Calculated Methodology • Obtain gas consumption data from Mass Save. T�wn af I....exingtan�.019 CNC Inv�nlary I��thad��urnmary 5 • Multiply gas lost in transmission and distribution rate3(2.7%)by residential and commercial natural gas consumption. • Multiply estimated leakage by global warming potential for methane. Notes: This methodology provides an attribution of regional methane leakage to the community based the relative quantity of fossi I gas consumed.While 2.7% leakage rate is representative of the area, specific leakage within any geographic area is difficult to assess. Tracking progress on leak rate reduction should draw on a variety of sources including the number and approximate size of leaks reported and repaired. ti il ( r I il) Method: US Community Protocal BE.1 Data Sources: Lexington Assessor Database Activity Data: Lexington estimated its residential distillate Fuel Oil consumption using the Lexington Assessor Database. Table 2:Town of Lexington 2019 Community Fuel Oil Activity Data . Homes with Fuel Oil as Residential American Community Survey 5- 4,504 primary heating source Homes Year Estimates Average Home Fuel Oil 73 9 MMBtu/Household DOE RECs 2015 Table Consumption for heating Residential Fuel Oil Consumption 2,411,925 Gallons Calculated Emissions Factors: Fuel Oil emissions factors were selected from best practice guidance. Table 3:Town of Lexington 2019 Community Fuel Oil GHG Emission Factors . . COz 0.010 Mt COz/ Gallon EPA GHG Emission Factors Hub CHa 0.41 x 10-6 Mt CHa/ Gallon EPA GHG Emission Factors Hub Nz0 0.08 x 10-6 Mt N20/ Gallon EPA GHG Emission Factors Hub Methodology: ...................................................................................................................................................... 'Applied Economics Clinic Policy Brief:Fixing Massachusetts'Gas Leaks Pays Itself. https://staticl.squarespace.com/static/5936d98f6a4963bcd1ed94d3/t/5ceed28be5e5fOccf6d107d3/1559155339091/Fixing+MA+gas+le aks+pp�yys+for+itself_AEC_29May2019.pdf T�rvun af I....exingGan 2...019 CFiC Invent�ry Melhad��urnrrr�ry �i Residential • Obtain the estimated total number of households using natural gas, fuel oil, propane, and wood for heating from the ACS. • Obtain the estimated annual household energy use from fuel oil from the EIA Residential Energy Consumption Survey Table CE2.2. • Multiply total heating energy per household by the number of homes heated by fuel oil. • Multiply consumption estimates by EPA emission factors. Notes: This procedure was repeated for propane homes as well. No estimation was made for commercial facilities as top-down methods used in the residential sector were determined to be reliable when applied to a much smaller population of commercial structures in town, however some examples likely exist. Prior to future assessments and ongoing tracking Lexington Assessors processes should be updated to comprehensively capture and continuously update fuels used across properties within the Town and avoid estimations. Tawn�f I....e�ington�.019 CNC Inv�nl�ry I��thad��urnmary 7 �IIIII ��i ii��,. ���,. IIIII� I�IIIII IIIIIII I Illll�ln Illl�l�nll�IIII�I� III IIII��IIIII I�IIII IIII�101 III�01 �IIII�II I IIII III ml IIII III�II I�III Ill,,,,,,,��iiiiii°m ��iii°m��IIP'�� iii�����iii°° „ �Ill��iii�lll�°,�� Method: US Community Protocol TR.1.B Data Sources: Massachusetts Vehicle Census for 2014 Activity Data: On-road VMT reflects usage patterns for vehicles registered in Lexington by residents and businesses as reflected in the 2014 vehicle census. While slightly older, this data set provides the best estimate for vehicle activity by Lexington residents as opposed to all traffic that occurs on Lexington streets. Scaling data with proxy information to 2019 may not result in a more accurate estimation and could easily create a result that is further from actual VMT by Lexington residents. To avoid creating false precision, no adjustment was made for VMT. It is expected that the Vehicle Census will be updated in the future and Lexington may want to revisit these values as new data is published. Table 4:Town of Lexington 2019 Community On-Road Transportation Activity Data �� u � � �,.. Gasoline Light Trucks 69,090,325 VMT MAPC 2014 Vehicle Census Gasoline Passenger Vehicles 126,502,566 VMT MAPC 2014 Vehicle Census Diesel Heavy Trucks 521,221 VMT MAPC 2014 Vehicle Census Diesel Light Trucks 125,479 VMT MAPC 2014 Vehicle Census Electric Vehicles 1,913,741 VMT Estimated Table 5.VMT Vehicle Type Distributian Factars c��� � m IIII u m u �� a� � W� Gasoline Light Trucks 32.4% 34.8% Gasoline Passenger cars 59.9% 64.4% Diesel Heavy trucks 5.4% - Diesel Light trucks 1.3% Diesel Passenger cars 0.3% Electric Passenger cars 0.7% Emissions Factors: Because a specific characterization of the vehicle mix in Lexington is unavailable, national averages for the share of VMT by type of vehicle, average fuel economies for each vehicle type, and CH4 & Nz0 emissions factors were sourced from Table TR.1.3 of the US Community Protocol Appendix D. The Vehicle Census does provide a breakdown of vehicles by C�wn af I....exington .?...019 CNC Inven��ry I��thod.��umrrr�ry � resident versus commercial ownership. Rather than applying the average characterization across all miles in the community, residential miles were split between the relative portion of gasoline powered passenger vehicles and light trucks only. Commercial miles were split across the full mix of vehicle and fuel type combinations. One additional adjustment to resident miles was made to account for the growing portion of electric vehicles present in the community. It was assumed that 1% of vehicles registered in Lexington are electric vehicles. This assumption is based upon review of excise tax records from other similarly sized communities in Massachusetts. In total 172 electric vehicles out of 23,766 registered were counted, or 0.7% of vehicles. Electric Vehicle fuel economy of 100 miles per gallon of gasoline equivalent (MPGge) was used to convert EV miles to kWh and GHG's calculated using the same electric grid factors as were used to calculate GHG from building related electric use. Table 6:Community On-Road Transportation GHG Emission Factors �,�,,�, �, � � �� v v��� pis � � �w: � Gasoline Passenger Cars 2009-present 8.78 0.0173 0.0036 Gasoline Light-Duty Trucks 2008-present 8.78 0.0163 0.0066 Gasoline Heavy-Duty Vehicles 2008-present 8.78 0.0333 0.0134 Diesel Light-Duty Trucks 1996-present 10.21 0.001 0.0015 Diesel Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles 1960- 10.21 0.0051 0.0048 present Table 7:Default Fuel Economies by Vehicle Type . �, .. i � .. ���, �.. �.m , � . . ���� �. uu'., a ., � a� � Class 8 Truck - 6.0 Delivery Truck - 7�4 DOE Alternative Fuels Data Light Truck/Van 17.5 - Center Car 25.5 - Average of common models Electric Car 100 MPGge available �iii�,,,,,,llll����� ""IIII""iii��iii��lll���iii������a�iii� ,,,,,,, Illliii�,,,,,,ll[;���u�iii�� ��iii�miiir�°m��iiiiiii��°� Method: US Community Protacal TR.1.B Data Sources: US Census Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Survey Tawn�f I....e�ington�.019 CNC Inv�nl�ry I��thad��urnmary 9 Activity Data: To complement data on VMT from trips that originate within the community from Lexington-registered vehicles, in-bound commuting was added to account for a substantial portion of the trips that end in Lexington. The US Census Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Survey provides an estimate of the number of workers within Lexington by distance class from the community. Workers in each classification were assigned the mid-point distance in the class range (for example 17-mile one-way distance for workers in the 10-24-mile range). Workers that live and work within Lexington were excluded from this analysis since they are already included in the resident vehicle mix. In addition, it is known that a significant number of commuters in the Boston metro area use transit or active modes for travel. While it was not possible to completely account for this, some correction was made for commuters that travel from points to the east and southeast are most likely to use those options. The On-The-Map tool also categorizes workers by the principal direction they travel from. Workers within 10 miles coming from the east were reduced to 26.6% of their total to reflect the portion of Cambridge residents that travel by single occupancy vehicle. Workers within 10 miles coming from the southeast were reduced to 38.5% of their total to reflect the single occupancy mode share of Boston residents. While transit and active routes do extend in other directions,these were most readily available and represent the largest share of people using these modes. Overall,the correction resulted in a shift of less than 400 Mt COze from the total inventory. Each one-way distance was multiplied by the number of workers in the distance class for daily miles traveled and 240 workdays per year was assumed to estimate yearly miles traveled by in-bound commuters. Table 12:Town of Lexington 2019 Community On-Road Commuting Activity Data �� � � � ��w Gasoline Light Trucks- 10,140,252 VMT US Census LEHD Workers Report external/internal Gasoline Passenger Vehicles- 18,966,027 VMT US Census LEHD Workers Report external/internal Emissions Factors: In-bound commuters were assumed to have the same passenger vehicle and light truck split as was used for Lexington resident vehicles in the previous section. III��,,,III,,,, ,,,III,,,,iiim��iii°������ Method: US Community Protocol TR.4.A and TR.4.B Data Sources: MBTA Bus Ridership by Trip, Season, Route/Line, and Stop; Moovit Insights, MBTA MBTA Energy Efficiency by Mode. Tawn�f I....e�ington�.019 CNC Inv�nl�ry I��thad��urrimary 10 ACtivity Data: To estimate MBTA trip distances the either begin or end in Lexington, total daily "Ons"and"Offs"from every bus stop that is within Lexington were tabulated.This procedure multiplied the daily average for each route/stop combination times the number of stop occurrences for total daily On and Offs that occur in Lexington. Total passenger miles were estimated using an average distance of 3.73 miles reported by the Moovit Insights which is based on observations of MBTA riders who use the Moovit phone app. Table 13:Town of Lexington 2019 Cammunity MBTA Transit Activity Data . � � � � a� v :. MBTA Transit 1,319,200 Passenger MBTA Bus Ridership by Trip, Miles Season, Route/Line, and Stop Emissions Factors: Lexington is served by diesel buses. Fuel usage was estimated using average miles per gallon estimates for diesel transit buses.4 EPA emissions factors for buses was applied to calculate emissions from fuel usage.5 Notes: Utilizing a passenger-mile based approach for MBTA riders will facilitate more direct comparisons of the impact of individual choice than of the emissions of the particular lines that directly service Lexington. By accounting for both MBTA trips that begin or end in Lexington, roughly the same kinds of trips are estimated by on-road VMT from vehicles housed in Lexington and those that visit daily from commuters. Omitted from this analysis are pass-through trips and discretionary travel to Lexington which are either not directly influenced by the community or likely relatively small in comparison to other activities. Ill,,,,,,,��iii iii°�m�,����iii°�,,,,,,�Ill��iiir����,� „Ilf,,,�i��uiii��iii� Method: US Community Protocol TR.4.A and TR.4.B Data Sources: U.S. Department of Transportation Transit Agency Profile Activity Data: The Lexpress Transit Agency Profile provides annual vehicle revenue miles. Table 14:Town of Lexington 2019 Community Lexington-Operated Transit Activity Data � � Lexpress 146,916 Revenue Lexpress Transit Agency Profile Miles ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 https://afdc.enerqy.qov/data/10310 �https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2018-03/documents/emission-factors_mar_2018_O.pdf T�wn af I....exingtan�.019 CNC Inv�nlary I��thad��urnmary 1� Emissions Factors: Lexpress operates on gasoline. Fuel usage was estimated using average miles per gallon estimates for gasoline paratransit shuttles.6 EPA emissions factors for heavy duty vehicles was applied to calculate emissions from fuel usage.' ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 https://afdc.enerqy.qov/data/10310 'https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2018-03/documents/emission-factors_mar_2018_O.pdf T�wn af I....exingtan�.019 CNC Inv�nlary I��thad��urnmary 1� i ii i I�����I �l�� 1� 111 111 I� I I 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 I I 1 11 l 1 J J I ) ���� , )��� ���� ) � ��� , � � � ������ ��� �� �� � � ��, �� r � � J � � � � � � � � J � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � „ � J � �� �,, ,,, � J � , �����, I � ,� / � � � �. i � � i� / � I , i �� �� i , I � u I, f � � l �, i l � � II � »» U (I ��� ,, » �m����a///llm����i(((n���o���l+�����m�������llll��ll�(Ira�l)ll)�o�����mlllrm�«�rlrr��a��ra����i����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 Method: US Community Protocol SW.2.2 Data Sources: 2019 State of Massachusetts Solid Waste and Recycling Survey. Activity Data: Residential waste tonnages were sourced directly from the State of Massachusetts'2019 Municipal Solid Waste and Recycling Survey. Waste generated from households not served by municipal collection was estimated using per- household disposal rates derived from Lexington Households served by municipal collection. Per househould disposal rates were modified under the assumption that muitifamily households produce waste at a rate of 44% that of single-family households. Commercial waste was estimated based on the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance's Labor Market Information's estimated number of employees by sector in the city. These employment numbers were multiplied by CalRecycle's average waste disposed of per employee8, per sector, each year. The sum of these calculations equals Lexington's estimated commercial waste total. Yard waste was sourced directly from the State of Massachusetts'2019 Municipal Solid Waste and Recycling Survey. Table 15:Town of Lexington 2019 Community Solid Waste Activity Data �� ,,_ .��.�.��� k r� � ��� ���a� Residential Waste Incinerated 8,251 Tons Massachusetts Municipal Solid Waste & Recycling Survey Residential Waste Incinerated 532 Tons Calculated (not serviced by Lexington) Commercial Waste Incinerated 31,073 Tons Calculated Yard Waste Composted 2,569 Tons Massachusetts Municipal Solid Waste & Recycling Survey Food Waste Composted 705 Tons Massachusetts Municipal Solid Waste & Recycling Survey Emissions Factors: Waste generated in Lexington is ultimately disposed of via incineration in a waste to energy facility. Standard emissions factors for municipal solid waste from the US Community Protocol were used to estimate GHGs from this source. The composting emission factors for Lexington's yard waste were taken from the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories. ...................................................................................................................................................... e https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/WasteCharacterization/PubExtracts/2014/GenSummarypdf C�wn af I....exington .?...019 CNC Inven��ry I��thod.��umrrr�ry 13 Table 16:Town of Lexington 2019 Community Solid Waste GHG Emission Factors ��o��w r, '� '��� � COz 90.7 Kg CO2/ MMBtu US Community Protocol for GHG Inventories CH4 0.032 Kg CH4/ MMBtu US Community Protocol for GHG Inventories N20 0.004 Kg N20/ MMBtu US Community Protocol for GHG Inventories CO2e 0.389 MTCO2e / ton Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Composted Emission Inventories Tc�wn af I....e�ingGan 2...019 CFiC Inventary Melhad��urrirr7�ry 1�+ I i 11 1 111 I11 111 1111 1111111111111 11 11111J J JJJ 1 J ) 1 )) )) )) ) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � JJ ��� ��� � ���� ���� ���� ���� � ��� ��� �J J � � ��,��������� ������� ����������������� �������,���� � ����� , � ��������� J �� ����� �� ��� � ���� ��< � �� � J� �� � �� � � � ���� ��� ��� �� � ��� � � � � � � ��� / � � � J � � / � � , J � � � �, � 1 J , � � � � � � , , «� ,,, ���, � � , ,,,,, ������ ., ,,,,, � «„�� ,,,,, � , , � , , , , � � , „ � � � � � r , i , , „ �� , r � � I , , r , � , , , i , � ,, � Il , ,. ,,, i�,,, ,,, „ � », � ,,, �r IIII ,,, ,,, ,, � I����������������������rr«���I������«������������� lll�rrr��������r��������rr«����1�««���rrrr���tt�������r���������������111����«��I������������������11111111i���������������r��ttt���,������������««<������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Method: US Community Protocol BE.2.1 Data Sources: Massachusetts Water Resource Authority Consumption Reports Activity Data: Lexington estimated the amount of electricity needed to treat and deliver its water supply based on MWRA's reported values and the US Community Protocol's water to energy conversions for the residential and commercial sectors. Table 87:Town of Lexington 2019 Community Water Treatment and Delivery Activity Data ��=` �� �� ��� o Water Delivery Residential: Massachusetts Water Water 980,905,380 Gallons Resource Authority Water Delivery Residential: 1,373,268 kWh Calculated, US Community Energy Protocol Water Delivery Commercial: gg�,529,620 Gallons Massachusetts Water Water Resource Authority Water Delivery Commercial: Calculated, US Community 1,242,541 kWh Energy Protocol Emissions Factors: The electricity emissions factors used for building energy consumption were applied here. Methodology: • Obtain total annual water consumption in 2019 from MRWA Consumption Report. • Calculate residential water consumption by multiplying total use by the percent of residential usage.9 • Calculate a total energy intensity for water use by summing the mid-point energy intensities from the range of values for extraction, conveyance, treatment, and distribution of surface water from the U.S. Community Protocol. • Multiply estimated annual consumption by the calculated energy intensity to determine the total electricity used for water treatment and distribution. • Multiply electricity consumption by eGRID& ISO emission factors to estimate emissions. ...................................................................................................................................................... 9https://wwvv.mass.govldr�clresid�n.t.ial.:::yallons-��r::c�. it�.:::spreadsh7e�t 0/�1ou�rnload C�wn af I....exington .?...019 CNC Inven��ry I��thod.��umrrr�ry 1� � Method: US Community Protocol BE2.1, BE1.1 Data Sources: Massachusetts Water Resource Authority(MWRA) Activity Data: Lexington's share of Wastewater treatment emissions is estimated by calculating the percentage of its population to the total population of MRWA's service area and applied that to MWRA's reported GHG emissions. Table 98:Town of Lexington 2019 Community WastewaterActivity Data 6 Electricity 427 MTCO2e Calculated Natural Gas 210 MTCO2e Calculated FuelOil 199 MTCOze Calculated Gasoline 3 MTCOze Calculated Lexington Population 34,454 People U.S. Census Bureau Percentage of MWRA Service Area 1.38 % Calculated Methodology: • Obtain GHG emissions associated with energy sources for MWRA service area.,o • Calculate proportion of MWRA service area population in Lexington. • Calculate Lexington's share of GHG emissions associated with energy sources. Method: US Community Protocol WW.6,WW.7, WW.12 Data Sources: Town population, Massachusetts Water Resource Authority(MWRA) Activity Data: Process and fugitive emissions are estimated using the same method as described above. Table 109:Town of Lexington 2019 Community WastewaterActivity Data 6 Lexington Population 34,454 People U.S. Census Bureau Percentage of MWRA Service Area 1.38 % Calculated ...................................................................................................................................................... 'o ritt.ps.:/lwww.:mwra..roml.pu�i.l.i_cation.,,lc�y�(2006....2019....qh.q::::re. orp t.� C�wn af I....exington .?...019 CNC Inven��ry I��thod.��umrrr�ry 1� Process 109 MTCOze Calculated Fugitive 150 MTCO2e Calculated Methodology: • Populations contributing to advanced wastewater treatment plants in each jurisdiction were sourced from the US Census. • Populations were applied to standard methods for nitrogen from nitrification/denitrification treatments and effluent discharge. Tawn�f I....e�ington�.019 CNC Inv�nl�ry I��thad��urnmary 17 Agriculture, Forestry, �nd Uther Land Use Method: NA/Tree Cover Snapshot Data Sources: MassGIS Land Cover/ Land Use, 2016" Activity Data: MassGIS Landcover data was extracted and clipped to the Town's boundary. Forested land was isolated in order to calculate area of forested land. Methodology: • Obtain updated Land cover shapefiles from Massmapper. • Merge any tiled layers and clip the result to Lexington boundary. • Measure areas of resulting polygons and sum all forest types. • Multiply total area by removal factors. Table 2011:Town of Lexington 2019 Community Forestry Data Me�tri� �; �1/a�ue� �Ur��t ��� '�� S4ur�e Forested Land 5,021 Acres MassGIS Landcover 2016 Standing Carbon 572,604 MTCO2e Calculated Sequestration MTCO2e/ 22,800 Calculated Year Removal Factors: Table 2112:Town of Lexington 2019 Standing Carbon and Sequestration Emissions Factors12 Me�t�ric �Ta�n� ' ��letri� tons Standing Carbon / acre 125.7 114.0 Sequestration / acre/ year 5.0 4.5 Notes: **Results from sequestration should be treated as an information item only.** Massachusetts Landcover data set is published in a format that is convenient for analysis as vector data, however it only includes a snapshot of cover. A proper inventory of sequestration would look at net changes to tree cover over a period of time and include an ...................................................................................................................................................... p� �a�ssG�IIS. �d3�fa I..e�imeY �erv�r�Il.and l�se I..cayer. Ih�irr�s:��www.imass.gerv�iirnFa...�'�iraills�irn�a�ss�Pis...deara...2�1 l�...Ilairn�Y... cc�verlls�nd...usa� 1z ii..'�r�e�anaf,�Y�oimllBne Rorall. Il�rtp�rosa���s�mca�y.iRireeraalls.ar�� C�wn af I....exington .?...019 CNC Inven��ry I��thod.��umrrr�ry 1� assessment of tree cover lost as an emissions source. As-is, these results should help to inform future decisions regarding the amount of carbon released by conversion of forest land. Tc�wn af I....e�ingtan?.01�CFiC Inventary Melhad��urnrrr�ry 1� Appendix B: Getting to NetZero Roadmap and Resilient Lexington Crosswalk The Town's Getting to Net Zero (GTNZ) Roadmap and Recommendations was completed in 2018.There is overlap between the goals and actions of the two plans. Every effort was made to carry forward the actions of the GTNZ Roadmap in the Resilient Lexington plan. However, the GTNZ actions are not included word for word and have been combined, updated, and refined during the Resilient Lexington process to reflect progress made since 2018 as well as new developments at the local, state, and federal levels. See below for a list of actions included in the GTNZ Roadmap, along with which Resilient Lexington action covers it today. If the GTNZ action was completed before the Resilient Lexington Plan was developed,the action is marl<ed as DONE. While the Resilient Lexington plan incorporates and brings forward the recommendations from the GTNZ Roadmap,there are details in the GTNZ Roadmap that shall be reviewed during implementation of the Resilient Lexington actions. GTNZ Action Corresponding Resilient Lexington Action Residential Strategies Conduct a fuel oil survey to identify buildings that use fuel oil as a heat BE 1.2.A source. Establish a program to provide customers with an incentive to provide BE 1.2.A access to single family and small multifamily utility data. Develop a data-driven Strategic Retrofit Plan for existing buildings in BE 1.2.A Lexington. Implement a Building Energy Use and Disclosure Ordinance (BEUDO) and DONE processes to periodically analyze data Introduce a requirement for single-family homes to undergo energy BE 1.2.A audits at time of sale and/or renovation permit. Advocate for the State to investigate and implement support for fuel B.E 2.2.B switching, including approaches to mitigate potential increases in fuel costs. Promotion of Mass Save and other financial tools BE 1.2.A Establish multi-city partnership of Historic District Commissions to BE 1.2.E develop a state-wide strategy and guide to historic building retrofits Advocate for a roadmap to net zero emissions State building code before DONE 2030 in partnership with other communities. Promote audits and airtightness testing as a standard practice to reduce BE 1.2.A operating costs. Promote the use of electricity over oil and natural gas in new BE 1.1.A, BE 1.2.A construction. Establish a partnership with a third-party provider to offer and promote BE 2.1.C, BE 1.2.A, MT bundled solar, retrofit, and electric vehicle offering 2.2.B Advocate for State building code requirements to support readiness for DONE solar, storage, and EV charging in partnership with other communities. Advocate for the State to establish a green bank DONE Continue promoting benefits of 100% renewable energy Municipal BE 2.1.6 Aggregation option to eligible customers not currently enrolled Commercial Strategies Establish the Lexington Climate Accord to prompt and support action by Integrated throughout. sharing data, resources, lessons, ideas, and tools Implement a Building Energy Use and Disclosure Ordinance (BEUDO) and DONE processes to periodically analyze data. Analyze data collected through the BEUDO annually. DONE Develop a data-driven Strategic Retrofit Plan for existing buildings in BE 1.2.A Lexington. Advocate for a roadmap to net zero emissions State building code before DONE 2030 in partnership with other cities. Advocate for the State to investigate and implement support for fuel B.E 2.2.B switching, including approaches to mitigate potential increases in fuel costs. Act as a "market maker" by establishing network of businesses to prompt Integrated throughout. and support action and share resources, lessons, ideas, and tools. Promote envelope and mechanical commissioning and airtightness BE 1.2.A testing as a standard practice to reduce operating costs Promote the use of electricity over oil and natural gas BE 1.1.A, BE 1.2.A Engage owners of any large future developments regarding building all- BE 1.1.A, BE 1.2.A electric and/or to zero-emissions Identify and promote energy efficiency best practices for laboratories and BE 1.2.A manufacturing facilities. Promote available financial tools. BE 1.2.A Revise zoning to strategically promote net zero-emissions construction BE 1.1.A across all planned and existing Commercial and Industrial Districts. Implement a Building Energy Performance Standard (BEPS) Advocate for the State to establish a Green Bank. DONE Advocate for State building code requirements to support readiness for DONE solar, storage, and EV charging in partnership with other cities. Investigate zero-emissions microgrid pilot program in commercial and CR 1.2.B industrial zones (e.g. Hartwell Avenue). Target existing Commercial/Industrial District for an 'energy BE 1.2.D infrastructure overhaul,' prioritizing zero emissions and long-term resilience. Continue promoting benefits of 100% renewable energy Municipal BE 2.1.6 Aggregation option to eligible customers not currently enrolled. Municipal Buildings Strategies Adopt a Sustainable Building Design Policy for Municipal buildings DONE Develop and implement a Strategic Energy Management Plan for BE 1.2.0 municipal buildings Target 100% renewable energy for Municipal Operations Goal 2 Publicize and provide periodic community updates on the Town's BE 1.2.A and integrated commitment to eliminate GHG emissions from buildings. throughout Promote local energy and emission achievements and successful projects. BE 1.2.A BEUDO data can be used to help identify cases of substantial savings. � •� � � � � � Q � � �-�-+ O � � � � •� � � m � � � N U .� � O � � N � � . o O � �o Ja �' � .� � � � p � o J � U � � � O � � � _� O � `� � H � � � Z � ca _ O � � �„� � � N � � � � Q � .� V' � � � � i S C6 � O }' � �rn�� � a--+ .� N °� � � � �� �, „' i'�i �1 � � ,,,,, � � f� , r��'r ���j ��� , � � � . ' �' r��� � � � �, ����i ,,,, � �, � „ .. 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SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/16/2023 7:35pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ 1'���n a;r"��3.vr,a�sn}��;�>unllgvutta•a•(:"�narrrs�;u; ��rva•rr C"Ila:uncr NOISE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Members: 5 Appointed By: Board of Selectmen Length of A Member's Ter�n: 3 years, staggered Appointments Made: September 30 Meeting Times: As Posted Description: The Noise Advisory Committee shall advise the Selectmen on issues related to the noise by-law. The Committee is charged with annually reviewing the entire noise by-law, monitoring its efficacy and suggesting updates to the noise by-law and the regulatory process that would establish and maintain noise standards throughout the community; recommend amendments to the by-laws and regulations and, if required, propose appropriations so that the noise by-law and the related set of regulations can be effectively implemented and administered. The Noise Advisory Cormnittee shall work closely with other Town committees, town departments and with the neighborhoods dealing with noise related problems, including providing technical assistance where appropriate, and shall coordinate its efforts with the Hanscom Field Towns (HATS) Envuonmental Subcommittee on such issues as the location of Hanscom noise monitors and aircraft engine run-up problems. The Committee shall review on a quarterly basis all the recorded complaints and the �led complaint forms concerning disturbing noise, and report to the Selectmen areas of concern. The Selectmen inay refer to the committee for review all requests for exemptions and Special Permits, and after consultation with the Selectmen and proper notice by the Selectmen to the affected parties, hold public meetings, conduct site visits if appropriate, and make recommendations to the Board of Select�nen. Criteria for Membershib: The Noise Advisory Committee wi11 include five members at-large from the various geographic areas of the community and liaisons from the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, Board of Health, HATS Environmental Subcommittee and the Chalnber of Commerce, or their designee. Re£: Revised charge adopted by the Selectmen on Januaty 12, 2004. Board of Selectmen voted to designate as Special Municipal Employees on 1/18/06. Revised charge adopted by the Selectinen on December 21, 2011. Revised charge adopted by the Selectmen on January 23, 2012, revising membership to 5. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT SOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Special Town Meeting 2023-1 PRESENTER: ITEM Sheila Page,Assistant Planning NUMBER: Director; Sreeni Chippada, Petitioner; Jim Malloy, Town Manager 1'S SUMMARY: Category: Informing Sheila Page, Assistant Planning Director, will update the Select Board on Article 8:Appropriate for Speed Hump Pilot Program. Sreeni Chippada, Petitioner, will update the Select Board on Article 9:Authoi-ize Home Rule Petition for Special Legislation- Establishing the Election of Town Offices Using Ranlced Choice Voting(Citizen P etition). Jim Malloy, Town Manager, will update the Select Board on Article 10: Hayden Easement. The Select Board will review assigned article presenters and discuss articles and positions. 2023-1 Special Town Meeting Page on Town Website SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/16/2023 7:SSpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ f�rcu�a�Y� �nrurbn�rnu �:�;.7a;Cku�r Ca��ttda:un�ri ❑ /�uu�a°Nc°�=;��a:a:4l V�tiuupv��u�u.up�cr ���b a;c;uutati�rr� ❑ f\rc�ua,fl��s�sa;a.�;���u�av�r prua,a�,c���ouu�rnu If'�a ���nutati4sri, ❑ t�rcuua�lc,°�rcdanuV;a,ai a;V�iasrc;c��s�strasci. �:3c7a°Ikupm Cai��aua:unztl d F�u�q�•N4,�u��u:u�;a•�r�,I�a�ic��a��iu�u�^:�����s�auut�tia�n ���a�a�u�uG��tia�n ❑ f�,rc�ua,fl�fl�D II.0�}a�a rt�a;a�;�a�rcu uut u:��xt IF�r���c�i�m Mi�ou�°n-d«A1 � ��tiva�la���u�3[�r}a�a�n�<�.>e��at�an�au;a°nbanbuco�rb ��u� ,�,ndr,.;�r,.r��7. ❑ �a:lcc;d�::�Zsauua.��/rcsn'ncru�xr�9ssa��zutr���id ➢^�r�uti�r�r;"�'�'MI JQUZ:�..l �:?»;ia�Ck�i��m C�i�uda;u'i.i:1 Town of Lexington Motion Special Town Meeting 2023-1 ARTICLE 8 APPROPRIATE FOR SPEED HUMP PILOT PROGRAM MOTION: That the Town appropriate $101,000 for the purpose of piloting a speed hump pilot program, including the installation of temporary speed humps on Walnut Street; and all incidental costs related thereto, and that to meet this appropriation $101,000 be appropriated from the Traffic Mitigation Stabilization Fund. (10/13/2023) �����,���,� TOWN OF LEXINGTON ��`' � '����° TRANSPORTATIONSAFETY GROUP � � ��. � d� ��, ��� . �,� �(�� �. ��,i �, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue n �,� ��� , � ��p� Lexington,Massachusetts 02420 Contact: Sheila Page ���"����py�;��"''� 781-698-4560 Assistant Planning Director https://www.lexingtonma.gov/transportation-safet��rou� soa�e cr lexingtoiuna.gov Date: September 26, 2023 To: Jim Malloy, Town Manager Kelly Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Cc: Kim Katzenback, Executive Clerk Select Board Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager Dave Pinsonneault, Director of Public Works John Livsey, Town Engineer Chief Mike McLean, Police Carol Kowalski, Assistant Town Manager for Land Use Housing and Development Fr: Transportation Safety Group (TSG) - Sheila Page, Assistant Planning Director RE: STM-2023 Town Meeting Warrant Requested Action: Add speed hump pilot project budget request to the STM-2023 Warrant. Summary: The Transportation Safety Group (TSG)receives many requests for speed humps,bumps and tables as traffic calming measures. Although there are a few speed humps in town, Lexington has typically shied away from installing speed humps because of damage to town equipment,public safety response time, and neighborhood satisfaction. In addition, speed humps are not appropriate on all roads because of speed and roadway geometry. However, high speeds have been persistent on a few roads where speeds humps could make an impact. One of these roads is Walnut Street. TSG proposes a speed hump pilot project on Walnut Street. The pilot project entails design and installation of temporary rubber speed humps from April to October of 2024. The neighborhood and Lexington staff will be able to evaluate the effectiveness, and appropriateness of the location before constructing a permanent speed hump. Essentially, we get to test drive the speed humps before they become permanent. This pilot will help the town decide if it wants to use speed humps as a traffic calming tool and the criteria to determine their use. The rubber speed humps can be used at the next location should the pilot go we1L This is similar to how Salem implements speed humps: first temporary and then if the neighborhood and town agree a permanent one will be installed. 1 The budget request includes: • engineering study to determine number, location, and size of the speed humps • purchase of re-usable, temporary, rubber speed humps and warning signs • Installation and removal of speed humps and signs • Pre and post engineering, public safety and neighborhood evaluation The Select Board endorsement of the budget request would also be considered approval of temporary installation on Walnut Street. If it is determined that permanent speed humps are warranted, further permission from the Select Board and construction funding from Town Meeting would be needed. Why now? The funding requested is from the Traffic Mitigation Stabilization Fund rather than from the operating budget. Having the funding now, enables us to conduct the pilot for a full season, Api-il — October 2024. Speeds on Walnut Street, a narrow, tree-lined road, are concerning. Walnut is a cut-through road that could benefit from traffic calming measures such as speed humps. The lessons learned from this pilot project will help TSG and the Town make decisions on the many other speed hump requests. Timeframe: The design work will begin immediately. The equipment will be purchased this winter and installed in Apri12024. We expect to install the temporary speed humps for two seasons to allow time for evaluation, adjustment and construction of permanent speed humps if warranted. We expect the pilot project to be completed in two years. ���w��Us�il�� . � � �✓ �'.,,,,,' .. � � ro� ��l Vfil M� � � • ��. ,o;i:r,b;,Y �,�W „�� � � .. � „j,, . � �nw �� �/' � , � " �� ��rtvr,�.,,�ur����'1" '�rv. ��� . � � �P��� ' �" �� Walnut Street runs between ,t � � '°�` ,� - � Concord Avenue and the j la�,��'��;�.�Hi , , "" , '� , ,, ,: ' �'. Lexmgton town-line and � � �� ��� '� � � �� continues to Trapelo Road in p„ . �� � � �� Waltham t �� ,� „ , �, � , � �'��,�1'�1� �I���I�`� , "�^� �; �� D /�� U4BYII,.tN¢CuYd,#�V, � � tlk�;f M,u h 0✓�. %; — i� „� � `' �� � , ,., ; /�a% �..�' d i, � �A ',. .,,i, iii//////%�� �F��� ` .�. ;� %,�� � i ;% iiiiii u.e4�iNaPtihi4��'^a ","� � .. .,,. ; rri/i � 19,d IF1Y"p�u-0 ... �,,,, i�tu�x i,;�'���wroe�rnu aw.an rmreuu�� i�i.i o�w�i „ „ i.zi,�w+.,u r 2 � � � � � � O � � � � � � � M O N 0 N � � � � _ � N � � � O � � ~ � � N .� a � � _ � � � ._ � � � � � � � � � , � ,. l /l�r�r� N �,,,�,;�a�� ;�������,,,� ���� � �II�IIIO � , f��� �� � ; �� ;� � � � � � ca � � O � � � O tn — ._ � a � � N Q Q � o � � .� � _ � � ai � � � � O � � � � �--+ (� � � � � N � 'L �° c� � }' � U � � 00 � � •� N � � u� � � � -- � � � � � � � � � ._ � � � � � � � Q L u� � � O (� � � � � � � N � — � � � � � � � (n � � � C6 � � �--� � — � � -V � � (� � � � (� �O O �� ����� ��� �va � � � Z Z , , ������, � � I I I I � � � � ,� ��� l . . 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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: "An Act Establishing Rankecl Choice Voting for Certain Offices in the Town of Lexington" SECTION 1. Effectiveness of this Act This act shall take effect upon its passage, and elections for the Town offices described herein shall take place in accordance with this Act on or after January 1, 2025. The provisions of this Act shall supersede all inconsistent provisions of Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929 and of Chapter 753 of the Acts of 1968, as amended as of January l, 2025. SECTION 2. Definitions Chapter 753 of the Acts of 1968, as amended by Chapter 284 of the Acts of 1976, Chapter 120 of the Acts of 1985, Chapter 117 of the Acts of 2019, and Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020 is hereby amended by inserting Sections 1 A and 1 B as follows: Section lA The terms below shall have the following meanings for the purposes of Sections lA and 1B: `Batch eliinination,"the simultaneous defeat of multiple candidates, as provided in Section 1B(d). "Concluded ballot," a ballot that does not rank any continuing candidate or that contains an overvote at the highest-ranked continuing candidate. "Continuing candidate," a candidate who has not been defeated or elected. "Elected candidate," a candidate who has obtained sufficient votes to be elected, whether there are additional election rounds before the election has concluded, or the election concluded after the vote during which they were elected. "Election threshold," the number of votes sufficient for a candidate to be elected in a multi-seat 1 Town of Lexington Motion Special Town Meeting 2023-1 election. It is calculated by dividing the total number of votes counting for continuing candidates in the fust round by the sum of the number of seats to be elected plus one, disregarding any fractions, and then adding one. "Highest-ranked continuing candidate," the continuing candidate with the highest ranking on a voter's ballot. "Last-place candidate," (i) the candidate with the lowest vote total in a round of the ranked- choice voting tabulation; or (ii) a candidate that is defeated in batch elimination. "Overvote," a circumstance in which a voter ranks more than one candidate at the same ranking. "Plurality voting," the voting system in which the candidate receiving the most votes is declared the winner, even if such candidate does not receive a majority of the votes cast in the election. "Ranked choice voting," a method of casting and tabulating ballots in which voters rank candidates for office in order of preference. "Ranking,"means the number assigned on a ballot by a voter to a candidate to express the voter's preference for that candidate. Ranking number one shall be the highest ranking, ranking nuinber two shall be the next-highest ranking, and so on. "Skipped ranking," a circumstance in which a vote does not use a ranking and ranks a candidate with a subsequent ranl�ing (e.g., a voter casts their votes as follows: (1) Jane Doe; (2) Michael Smith; (4) Mary Johnson). "Surplus fraction,"the number equal to the difference between an elected candidate's vote total and the election threshold, divided by the candidate's vote total. "Transfer value," the proportion of a vote that a ballot will count to its highest-ranked continuing candidate. Each ballot shall begin with a transfer value of one. If a ballot counts to the election of a candidate under subsection 1B(d)(1), it receives a lower transfer value. Section 1B (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1, or any other special or general law to the contrary,on or after January 1,2025,the following town offices shall be elected by ranked choice voting, except for(1) a single-seat office when the number of certified candidates is less than or equal to two, or (2) a multi-seat office when the number of certified candidates is less than or equal to the number of seats to be elected,provided that this Section 1 B shall not affect the term of office of any such elected official or elected member of such board, committee or authority elected on or before December 31, 2024. (1) town meeting members; (2) moderator; (3) select board; (4) school committee; 2 Town of Lexington Motion Special Town Meeting 2023-1 (5) Lexington housing authority; and (6) planning board. (b) In any single-seat election, each round shall begin by counting the number of votes for each continuing candidate. Each ballot shall count as one vote for its highest-ranked continuing candidate. Concluded ballots shall not be counted for any continuing candidate. Each round shall end with one of the following two outcomes: (1) If there are more than two continuing candidates, no candidate may win the seat outright by a plurality or majority vote and instead, after a vote, (i) the last-place candidate shall be defeated; or (ii) the last-place candidates shall be defeated in batch elimination, and a new round shall begin; or (2) If there are two continuing candidates, the candidate with the fewest votes shall be defeated, the candidate with the most votes shall be elected, and tabulation shall be complete. (c) In any multi-seat election, each round shall begin by counting the number of votes for each continuing candidate. Each ballot sha11 count, at its current transfer value, for its highest-ranlced continuing candidate. Concluded ballots shall not count for any continuing candidate. In the first round only, the election threshold shall then be calculated. Each round shall proceed as follows: (1) Any continuing candidate who meets or exceeds the election threshold shall be elected. Each ballot counting for an elected candidate shall be assigned a new transfer value by multiplying the ballot's current transfer value by the surplus fraction for the candidate. Each elected candidate shall be deemed to have a number of votes equal to the election threshold in all future rounds, and a new round shall begin; each candidate having exceeded the Election Threshold in the initial ballot shall be removed or listed as"ELECTED"on all subsequent ballots for continuing candidates until the election is complete; (2) If no continuing candidate has more votes than the election threshold and the sum of the number of elected candidates and continuing candidates is more than the sum of the number of seats to be elected plus one, the last-place candidate sha11 be defeated or the last-place candidates shall be defeated in batch elimination, and a new round shall begin; or (3) If no continuing candidate has more votes than the election threshold and the sum of the number of elected candidates and continuing candidates is equal to the sum of the number of seats to be elected plus one,the continuing candidate with fewest votes shall be defeated, all other continuing candidates shall be elected, and the election is complete. (d) Batch elimination shall apply to the largest possible group of continuing candidates such that the sum of the votes for batch-eliminated candidates is less than the individual number of votes for every continuing candidate not in the group; provided that the number of continuing candidates not batch-eliminated is at least one more than the remaining number of positions to elect. (e) Ties shall be resolved as follows: 3 Town of Lexington Motion Special Town Meeting 2023-1 (1) If two or more last-place candidates are tied and batch elimination applies, each tied candidate to whom batch elimination applies shall be defeated accordingly. (2) If two or more continuing candidates are tied but are not in last place, the order of said tied continuing candidates shall be determined by the number of votes received by each tied candidate in the prior round; or (3) If two or inore last-place continuing candidates are tied and batch elimination does not apply, the continuing candidate with the fewest votes in the prior round shall be defeated. If two or more continuing candidates were also tied in the prior round (i.e., two continuing candidates were tied in the previous round, but batch elimination did not then apply), the continuing candidate with the fewest votes in the next-prior round shall be eliminated. If two last-place continuing candidates are tied at the end of the fi�st round and batch elimination does not apply, then the two tied continuing candidates shall have a run-off before the next round. The continuing candidate with fewer votes in the runoff will be defeated, and any remaining rounds in the election will proceed according to this Section 1B. This process shall be applied successively as many times as necessary, a tie shown in any prior round shall be decided by referring to the standing of the candidates in the round immediately preceding the tie. (� The Town Clerk may, at the Town Clerk's discretion, publish guidance or rules on the administration of elections conducted according to this Act; provided that any such guidance or rules shall be limited to logistical, accessibility, or other similar guidance or rules that are purely administrative in nature; and provided further that any guidance or rules hereunder published shall be as limited to ensuring the integrity and efficient functioning of the election. (g) In any election conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Section lA and Section 1B, the Town Clerk shall publish election results that show the tabulations by round, along with any additional information that may be required by applicable law. (09/26/2023) 4 � � � � = �= ,v♦ � � � y � � V ,� '`= `� y: � � � 4� � � ,� � � � � � o j � o � � � o � � � o �- � C� ;�- i � o •� ,�, ,o = O � �, �.. C� � � a � � _ a _ - � � � W � '— � °' � v � � � °' � � � o .� � _ � �, ,� N � �� � � � O y � W � Q '^ N NJ � . O . U � � � � � V '� � �■■r � � L L � � � O � � � � � � T M � � N �� n' N v �r � v � ^ � � O O � .� � � � � 3 � �' � ~ � � � � `� � � � �� 4� C� � '- � � � � �' >, �o � � � a� � � � � � � � a� a� � o � � c� � � � i � � � o �, > a� >, o � � � � . . . 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(Inse�ted by the Select Board) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unknown at press time DESCR1PT10N: An easement between the Hayden Recreation Centre and the Town of Lexington is proposed to formalize the agreement between the parties under which the Town has been maintaining and using certain sections of the Property for years to provide access between the Recreation Centre, the High School, and nearby athletic fields. • � � � � � � � � • \ ► � � • -���,,qwN�'.FtO C,q Y ��'rP.. 1 i ,. r�, �,* ItY.14e,If7ri \� �' � � ��\i ... � � izl ��� �� ��j� �p si i�vt t�rrnxawv� /�� !d°�;.. .t�a� 7��t�'4WP�`•' 9 .� ���{ ° -`", � 0�z,� 64'R� "E, ¢ ��a�� �p � � �� J'i/5�� J'�r 1 �k � ��Ry�;. s,...r 4 �....-µv @ � ��� � 1ry x .,,� �� Trtl ......,_ _,_ y--a- . _ ——...... .............— — _ ......., .�_— �4rvm tl n,§.,,~',"... • �,T.� ��°�—�"' "� �`}�y�y,�4 �����,wm�,� ° „,'` I �.�,��.. • ., �� � � d',. 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