HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-14-TREE-min A meeting of the Lexington Tree Committee was held on April 14, 2016, 7:30-9:30 am at the Samuel Hadley Public Services Building, Room 125. A quorum of seven was present. Members present: John Frey (chair), Jewel Kuljian, Karen Longeteig, Gerry Paul, Anne Senning, Nancy Sofen, Jim Wood Members absent: Chris Filadoro (Tree Warden), Suzie Barry (Selectman liaison), Ginna Johnson (Planning Board liaison) The meeting acted on the following items: Nancy Sofen was appointed as scribe 1.. The minutes of the March 10, 2016 meeting were approved. Bylaw tree removal applications and activity 2.: no action. Spring tree planting 3.: There is demand for small trees as many sites can’t take large trees. It was agreed that we should order 20 small trees instead of 10. Jim Wood called Len Blanchett at Wagon Wheel Nursery and confirmed order of 10 Pagoda dogwoods. Jim will call Wagon Wheel to order 10 of other species, from the list below (in order of preference): Halesia, Magnolia virginiana, Fringe tree, Centennial magnolia, Redbud (only if bare root). The order from Schicktel will be reduced by 10 trees, to keep the total at 70. Julie LaFlamme is keeping clear records of those who have requested setback trees. A printer issue has delayed printing maps, and Jewel Kuljian and Anne Senning each have other commitments that will constrain their time this month. Nancy Sofen will review process with Jewel so that she can make site visits. Setback trees will be promoted on the TMMA and Lexington listserves. Anne Senning will send articles to the Minuteman and Colonial Times. Tree inventory 4.: no action. Visitor Center tree replacement 5.: The committee agreed that they would like to replace the beech with a large focus tree that will tolerate compaction and poor drainage. Compaction could be minimized by the use of underground grates. The candidates discussed were American Sycamore, American Elm, London Plane Tree, Tulip Tree and Swamp White Oak. The two that best satisfy the criteria are American Sycamore and Swamp White Oak. Jim Wood will call Select Horticulture to ask for availability of a 4-5” DBH specimen tree. Jim Wood and Nancy Sofen will visit Select Horticulture to choose the tree. Arbor Day planning for Lincoln Park planting 6.: Chris Filadoro will stake location and Matt Foti will plant tree. Protecting trees at Farmer’s Market site from traffic root damage 7.: Gerry Paul spoke to Cathy Severance in the Town Manager’s office. Chris Filadoro will attend an ad hoc group’s meeting to discuss compaction at the market. Tree Committee Web Page 8.: Updates have been sent to Kathy Santos, who will get to them after Patriot’s Day. Commemorative tree plaques 9.: John Frey to call others to arrange time to tour plaques and see which need attention. Center Streetscape Design Review Ad Hoc Committee 10.: The committee agreed that in the future when it is asked to nominate a member to serve on an ad hoc committee it will send the name of only one person as the available representative. Tree Bylaw changes 11.: Karen Longeteig, Gerry Paul and Nancy Sofen were appointed as a subcommittee to work on the warrant article(s). MassAve. reconstruction in East Lexington 12..: The committee would like to review the locations of sidewalks and planting strips. Tree planting on Mass. Ave. between Bloomfield and Percy 13.: no action. Trees at 32 Muzzey St. 14.: Discussed email from Colin Smith regarding two silver maples, possible hazard trees. Speculated that one may be able to be saved by cabling. OTHER Antony Park 15.: Karen Longeteig and Gerry Paul reported on Town Meeting discussion of Antony Park project. Honoring Nell Walker 16.: Anne Senning reports that David Williams has had a sign made for the grove of striped maples in Lincoln Park that is named for Nell Walker. Anne took the sign to show Nell, who read it and was thankful. The sign will be installed this spring. Granite Park in Lincoln Park 17.: was approved by Town Meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:21 a.m. There was no remote participation. The meeting was not recorded. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Sofen, Scribe Next regular meeting: May 12, 7:30 am at Samuel Hadley Public Services Building, Room 125.