HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-28-PBC-minPermanent Building Committee (PBC) 201 Bedford Street, Room 221 April 28, 2016 Members Present: Jon Himmel, Eric Brown, Peter Johnson, Phil Coleman, Chuck Favazzo, Lee Noel Chase, Edwin Goodell, Howard Hobbs, Bill Hurley. Members Absent: Dick Perry, Carl Oldenburg Guests: Angle Khazadian and Vivian Lowe - DiNisco Design Partnership; Mike Lambert, Dave Doherty and Bond Brothers; Emily Traversi -Hill International Lexington DPF: Patrick Goddard, Director of Public Facilities and Mark Barrett, RA Project Manager Recording Secretary: Ann Marie Ponzini Eric called the meeting to order at 7:OOpm 1. General Business • The members reviewed the PBC minutes dated April 141h, 2016. Motion to approve PBC Committee minutes dated March 14th, 2016 — APPROVED. It was announced that the purpose of tonight's meeting was to review and take action on the Clarke and Diamond Locker room GMP for Bond ($3,634,253) as well as the site enabling GMP ($12,047,613) pending approval of the town override vote on May 3rd 2. Discussion of Filed Sub Bid Results Hill distributed a copy of the Summary sheet for the Filed Sub Bid results for the locker room GMP work. Bond informed the committee that due to the timing of the bid relative to the start of summer there was a decrease in the number of sub - contractors available to bid on the summer work, resulting in an increased cost of $293,000 over the original estimates. • Electrical o A high bid was received from Losordo Electric, and it was the only bid for electrical for the summer work. Bond stated Griffin said the job was too small, referring to the locker room work. And that Anese was pre - qualified, however; bid came too late for summer work. Bond stated that there was not enough time to perform another round of sub bidding to try to improve numbers. o PBC asked if Losordo will be able to mobilize in 3 weeks. Bond is in the process of reviewing that but felt that Losordo was large enough to do so. o DPF commented that Losordo was used for the Cary Hall project and the guys did a good job. PBC Meeting 04.28.16 Page 1 PBC asked if Bond was worried about any of the low bidders especially if their bid seemed low. That discussion is outlined below. • Flooring o PBC asked if the flooring sub perhaps missed any scope since it does not seem to make sense, due to how much lower it is with respect to the estimate. Bond is investigating but believes there was a scope issue in the estimate and that the bid was fair, but will investigate. • Masonry o PBC mentioned the delta between bid and estimate on the masonry bid. o DiNisco stated they had conference calls with Costa to make sure the scope for the project is there. Bond will also follow up. 2. Clarke & Diamond GMP Review - Bond Bond distributed the GMP spreadsheet dated 04/27/16 for review of the costs from the 50% Construction Documents (CD) Budget to 100% CD with sub - contractor pricing on the locker room bids. Locker Room GMP General discussion focused on the abatement work that was not in the original 50% estimate as well as Bonds GC';s and GR "s which are higher than you would normally see on a 3.6 million project but required as it is part of the larger full project requiring more staff and more experienced staff on site. • It was asked if the vote does not pass on the balance of the full project would the staffing costs or GC's and GR's be reduced for just the locker room work. Bond replied that the staff assigned would remain as it was the only way the project scope would get completed with what time is left in the schedule. • DPF stated that $4.1 million has been appropriated, and if the vote passes, we can move forward with signing the GMP's for the summer project. If the vote fails, then we will work with Bond to reduce cost for the GMPs. • DPF stated there is a commitment from Bond to take $50k out, but would not affect the staffing for summer work. Site Enabling GMP General Discussion focused on the reduction in cost from the 50% to the 100% and the level of actual trade bids built into the current pricing versus budget numbers. • Bond informed that due to the timing of the bids, there has been a problem getting steel pricing due to the size of the job and lack of vendors that are available. However they are staying with it to obtain as much pricing as possible for competitive numbers. • PBC asked Bond if they feel comfortable with the documents. Bond replied in the affirmative and stated that that the window of risk is reducing and they have lowered the contingency line item values. • PBC inquired about an allowance for winter conditions and Bond stated winter conditions will be addressed. PBC Meeting 04.28.16 Page 2 • PBC inquired about timing issues. DiNisco estimates drawings will be at 90% by the beginning of June, reconciliation numbers should be by mid -June, and would need a couple of weeks to get the package to Bond. • PBC inquired about plumbing and electrical price reductions in the site enabling package. Bond explained that under slab work was included in the locker room GMP and other plumbing & electrical work will be included in the final GMP for the addition. • Part of the site enabling work did include some numbers for items like doors and frames as there is some of that work included in the site enabling phase to properly prepare for the additions. PBC Motion to approve $3,684,253 mini GMP for the locker room - APPROVED. PBC Motion to approve $12,047,613 Site Enabling mini -GMP (Site /Concrete /Steel) — APPROVED. 3. Steel column removal at Diamond General discussion on a prior request to obtain pricing to remove additional steel columns in the drama room at Diamond to open up the room more for use by removing more existing columns and adding additional steel beams. • Bond stated that they did not have a final figure yet on the potential costs to remove these columns referencing prior discussions about the difficulty currently in getting steel pricing. Their one steel vendor to date did not indicate a price on the alternate which is where this work is. Bond estimated it would be as much as 2 more weeks before we would have a hard number but would push for it sooner and they would price it themselves if they could not get someone to cost it. • It was asked if the design team had discussed this with the school. The design team responded Yes. • DiNisco informed the committee the columns size did get reduced from a 12x12 to 5 "x5 ", and went from an original 4 to 2 columns in the room. • Another PBC member felt there should be no additional cost incurred for removing the columns in what is considered a "practice room ". No performances will be held here. • DiNisco drew a rough sketch showing the drama room's size and placement of the columns, and discussed how the space is intended to be used. • DPF commented that it is a program issue and SC should be consulted if this were to be furthered, which would take more time to complete. PBC took a vote to see if there was support to recommend the removal of the columns to the School Committee; 7 - No & 1 — Yes, THE MOTION FAILED. PBC Meeting 04.28.16 Page 3 4. Clarke Stair Discussion Discussion on a prior request to price the savings of moving the main entry stair on the site and reducing the size or configuration of the canopy over the stair. PBC had prepared sketches showing the work and Bond was to prepare an estimate. Bond / DiNisco advised that a real estimate was not complete at this time and that they were still working on developing the costs. • PBC asked if the canopy has been pulled back. DiNisco stated "Yes" and the credit estimate at this time on the canopy was approximately $10,000 - $15,000. • PBC was unhappy that a full price was not estimated yet and that several members felt the overall entry way was not appealing, further that they felt costs in the neighborhood of $100,000 were being spent on the current design and that savings could be realized and appropriated more effectively inside the classrooms. • There was continued discussion on design approach to the stair location. Covering the stairs or not, safety, circulation etc. • There was additional discussion about the appropriate time in the process to weigh in on issues in the design, such as this. • The PBC ended the discussion with general consensus that the stair design issue be brought to the school committee and they should consider the stair & canopy changes and to realize what ever costs savings might come from it. 7. Next Meeting Date is Thursday May 12, 2016 at 7:OOpm Motion to adjourn was made and seconded: Meeting adjourned at 8:33pm. PBC Meeting 04.28.16 Page 4