HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-28-HPB-min Lexington Housing Partnership Meeting Minutes for Thursday, April 28, 2016 Attendees: Harriet Cohen, Jeri Foutter, Bob Pressman, Melinda Walker, Betsey Weiss, Nancy Corcoran- Ronchetti, Wendy Manz Absent: Joe Pato, Paul Linton, Mary Haskell Desiree Pelletier Guests: The meeting was chaired by Melinda Walker and the minutes were taken by Harriet Cohen. The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm. 1.Approval of minutes of March 31, 2016 Mr. Pressman pointed out that a correction to the minutes was needed re Avalon affordable housing. The minutes were corrected. Ms. Corcoran-Ronchetti moved approval of the minutes as amended. Ms. Weiss seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 2.Update on fate of ATM Article 42, ‘Amend Zoning Bylaw, Two-Family Homes’/ Weiss Article 42 will be made a priority for next year. At Town Meeting, Charles Horning said the article was likely to come forward to Town Meeting next year. 3.Update on RPC / Foutter Most RPC-generated articles were welcomed by Town Meeting because of the in-depth nature of the presentation. The articles also generated substantial discussion, which was a benefit. The LHP members who are also Town Meeting Members praised the highly professional presentations at Town meeting by the RPC. 4.Discussion of ATM Article 45, ‘Amend Zoning Bylaw, Brookhaven’/Pressman In their presentation at the Planning Board, Brookhaven said they did not want to provide any affordable housing at their site. The Planning Board asked for a $2,000,000 payment on the thinking that that amount would pay for eight affordable units. Brookhaven suggested a payment of $250,000 over ten years. Negotiations are in progress between Brookhaven and the Board of Selectmen. 5.Discussion on Leary Land and LexHAB/Pressman The closure on the affordable house property at Keeler Farm by Todd Cataldo is pending the sale of the last market rate home. Mr. Cataldo is making the sale a condition of the purchase of the affordable housing land. Mr. Pressman provided an update on other affordable housing projects in Lexington: Fairview: a money dispute has developed between Carter Scott (the general contractor) and  some of the sub-contractors, so work is temporarily on hold. Completion is still anticipated for September. Busa: before LexHAB goes to the Department of Housing and Community Development  (DHCD), they need the engineer to do a site plan. This is best done after the water has receded some. That will take some time. Also, a public bidding process must be provided for Lexington Housing Partnership building the affordable units. Wright Farm: there is some discussion as to whether the land for the house meets zoning  requirements. Leary: LexHAB discussed movement on Leary at its April meeting.  The LHP thanked Mr. Pressman for his diligence in tracking all of these housing efforts and for keeping the LHP informed. 6.Lex Housing Authority Appointment to CPC/Walker Leo McSweeney has moved out of town, creating a vacancy on the Lexington Housing Authority. The plan is to appoint Dick Perry to the vacancy. Mr. McSweeney was the Lexington Housing Authority to the CPC, so the Lexington Housing Authority must decide who will take his place. 7.Discussion of Lexington Housing Foundation/Foutter, Haskell et al. Ms. Walker handed out copies of the letter resignation provided by Bob Bicknell from his role as President and Board member of the Lexington Housing Foundation. Further discussion will be tabled because Ms. Haskell is not available. 8.New Business The Armenian Sisters land on Pelham Street is being considered for purchase by the Town. One of the possible uses for the land is senior affordable housing. Another potential use is for school classrooms. Ms. Pelletier announced that the MetroWest Coffee to provide information on senior affordable housing will be held at the Senior Center on Oct. 4. Ms. Pelletier provided a copy of the flyer announcing the Dedham Senior Housing Information Session to give the LHP an idea of the announcement for the Lexington session. Prior to the next meeting, Ms. Walker will circulate a memo asking for input to the LHP recommendations to the Board of Selectmen goal setting process. 9.Set next meeting date The next LHP meeting will be on May 26, 2016. 10.Meeting adjournment Ms. Corcoran-Ronchetti moved that the meeting be adjourned and Ms. Weiss seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:57 pm.