HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-07-27-HPB-min Meeting Minutes for July 27, 2023 Attendees: Attendees: Harriet Cohen (clerk), Jeri Foutter (chair), Jill Hai (Select Board Liaison), Charles Hornig (Planning Board), Paul Linton, Wendy Manz, Bob Pressman, Melanie Thompson, Betsey Weiss (vice-chair) Guests: Nanette Byrnes, Margaret Heitz, Robin Kutner, Jen Pontes (Regional Housing Services Office) Absent: Cindy Arens (Sustainable Lexington liaison), Sarah Morrison (LexHAB) The Housing Partnership Board (HPB) meeting was chaired by Jeri Foutter and minutes were taken by Harriet Cohen. 1. Call to Order: Housing Partnership Board Meeting Ms. Foutter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the roll was called. 2. Update and discussion of Land Acquisition Policy Recommendation Ms. Weiss presented the proposed Land Acquisition Policy and accompanying list of town purchased properties to the Recreation Committee, Conservation Commission, and School Committee. Ms. Weiss asked for a meeting with representatives of each of the Committees. The goal is to take the policy to the Select Board for approval after agreement by the stakeholders. 3. Vote for Reappointment of Betsey Weiss and Melanie Thompson Ms. Cohen moved that the HPB recommend to the Select Board that Ms. Thompson and Ms. Weiss be reappointed to the HPB. Mr. Litton seconded the motion. In favor: Harriet Cohen, Jeri Foutter, Charles Hornig, Paul Linton, Wendy Manz, Bob Pressman, Melanie Thompson, Betsey Weiss, John Zhao Against: none Abstaining: none 4. Review the RHSO Memo Re HOME Funds and Consider for Endorsement Ms. Foutter asked the HPB to review the memo regarding the RHSO proposed use of HOME funds in Lexington for a tenant-based rental assistance program. Ms. Pontes recapped the use and rationale for using HOME funds for rental assistance. This program offers initial move-in cost assistance (e.g., to help cover first month/last month deposits) for qualified tenants. The RHSO will vet renters who apply this assistance. This will be most beneficial for low-income households. Ms. Foutter informed the HPB that Ms. Pontes is requesting that the HPB recommend approval of this policy to the Select Board. Mr. Pressman asked whether parents of METCO children are encompassed by the “Lexington connection” described in the memo. Ms. Pontes said that her understanding is that priority goes to current Lexington residents or people moving to Lexington. In response to a question from Mr. Pressman, Ms. Pontes said that if the funds are not used, the funds will flow back into the RHSO consortium funds. Ms. Hai asked for clarification as to the disposition of funds that are returned to the RHSO consortium funds. Ms. Pontes said she would follow up on that question. Ms. Pontes will also follow up on several other questions and reissue the memo requesting approval of the RHSO funds, including the questions that were raised at the meeting. Ms. Weiss moved recommendation of the RHSO proposed use of HOME funds to the Select Board. Ms. Cohen seconded the motion. In favor: Harriet Cohen, Jeri Foutter, Paul Linton, Wendy Manz, Bob Pressman, Melanie Thompson, Betsey Weiss Against: none Abstaining: Charles Hornig, John Zhao 5. Real Estate Transfer Fee (RETF) Working Group Ms. Cohen provided an overview of the RETF and a summary of Lexington’s home rule petitions regarding real estate surcharges. Mr. Linton presented a spreadsheet analysis to provide insight as to the revenue that might be raised from the RETF. The HPB asked questions of clarifications about the RETF and as to the impact of the RETF on rental fees and commercial properties. The impact will depend on whether and how the RETF is implemented. It is possible to have a different RETF for different types of properties. The HPB also pointed out that the bill could change in small or large ways before it is passed (if it is), so it is premature to recommend specifics of implementation. The HPB also noted that the Town is not required to implement the RETF. The HPB asked for clarification as to what information or recommendation is being requested by the Select Board. Ms. Foutter will follow up with Mr. Pato for clarification. 6. Vote on Highlights of HPB Accomplishments, 2003 to present Ms. Kowalski asked what the HPB has accomplished from its creation to present. Ms. Weiss has prepared and circulated a list. Please send any updates to Ms. Weiss by end of day Friday, July 28. Ms. Weiss will follow up with Mr. Pressman regarding his additions to the list. 7. Board Member/Liaison Updates CPC: CPC met July 13. The CPC voted to hold an executive session on potential acquisition of real property. The CPC exited executive session and reconvened. The first item on the Select Board July 24 agenda was “Exemption 6: Potential Land Acquisition”, with the discussion held in executive session. The agenda tracker indicates that the Town has been approached by a resident seeking the Town’s interest in purchasing a portion of their property. Planning Board: The Planning Board is working on site plan review and other regulations for the new special residential developments and village overlay districts. The zoning changes need Attorney General approval, which is expected soon. The hearings were continued until August 9. The regulations might be adopted then. LexHAB: Ms. Morrison provided an email update. Ms. Foutter announced that was appointed by the Select Board to be a member of the HPB. Ms. Morrison was unable to attend the meeting but did provide updates via email: ▪ LexHAB purchased its 80th unit on July 7, a 2-bedroom unit at 93 Woburn Street. It was purchased with ARPA funds. LexHAB will apply for inclusion of this unit on the SHI. ▪ LexHAB is continuing energy efficiency retrofits through Mass Save. Over $60,000 worth of work has been completed to date ▪ LexHAB has hired a consultant to create a “Sustainability Roadmap” for all LexHAB properties. The consultant was hired with a grant from the Clean Energy Center. ▪ Work is ongoing in organizing an affordable housing workshop with METCO and the LABB Collaborative. ▪ There will be a juried art exhibit with a ‘Home’ theme along with an affordable housing panel discussion and fundraiser in collaboration with LexArt on October 28- November 19. Suggestions for housing roundtable panelists are welcomed. ▪ LexHAB is planning a tenant appreciation event in December focused on recreation resources in town. LexHAB is seeking donors and also recreation programs that would like to participate. ▪ Work is continuing with the Town and RHSO to draft an agreement on affordability restrictions in advance of LexHAB’s transition to a 501(c)(3) organization. LHA: No update. COA: Mr. Zhao said that the COA did not have a July meeting, so there is no update. Sustainable Lexington Committee: Ms. Arens provided an update via email: ▪ Ms. Arens and Maggie Peard are continuing to work with LexHAB on the energy efficiency upgrades reported by Ms. Morrison. ▪ Ms. Arens and Ms. Peard have been in contact with LexHAB and are working with them on getting no cost efficiency upgrades at Emerson Gardens, a property with a mix of LexHAB residents, renters and owners. ▪ Ms. Arens and Ms. Peard are working to ensure LexHAB residents are aware of utility discounts available to them. Affordable Housing Trust Board (AHTB): Ms. Foutter will reach out to Ms. Tung, the chair of the AHTB, to ask if they would be willing to provide a liaison to the HPB and whether it would be helpful to have a liaison from the HPB to the AHTB. Mr. Pressman advised the HPB that he has had two meetings with Ms. Tung and been working with her on various elements of the CPA. Mr. Pressman also showed Ms. Tung the chart from Ms. Kowalski showing the balances in the different accounts after the last Town Meeting. At the last AHTB meeting, Bill Erikson, a member of the AHTB, presented some concept drawings for different varieties of housing on the 3.1 acre site at North and Lowell Streets, if it became available for housing. The Select Board members are the road commissioners and could ask Town Meeting to make that land available. There is some interest in using that land for affordable housing. 8. Thank You Party Ms. Foutter said that she had not heard from all HPB members as to their availability for a party. Ms. Foutter suggest that the party be either at the end of September or the end of October. The HPB discussed dates. 9. Minutes for June 29 and July 12 Meeting Ms. Weiss moved approval of the June 29 and July 12 meeting minutes. Ms. Cohen seconded the minutes. In favor: Harriet Cohen, Jeri Foutter, Charles Hornig, Paul Linton, Wendy Manz, Bob Pressman, Melanie Thompson, Betsey Weiss, John Zhao Against: none Abstaining: none 10. New Business Ms. Foutter will send mail to the HPB regarding the use of the Lexington HOME funds and rental assistance for affordable housing. Please send questions to Ms. Foutter by noon on July 28. The short timeline is due to the need to provide information on the HOME funds to the Select Board quickly. 11. Set the Next Meeting Date The next meeting will be August 17, 2023 at 7:00. It will focus on the Real Estate Transfer Fee. Ms. Hai asked that any recommendation from the HPB include a recommendation as to the interplay of the RETF bill with the surcharge home rule petitions. If the HPB recommends the RETF, the HPB would need to say whether they recommend it as layered over the home rule petitions or whether you would like to see the board recommend it in lieu of the home rule petitions. Ms. Kutner encouraged the HPB to recommend that the Select Board endorse the statewide RETF legislation as an alternative to the home rule petitions which are complicated and hard to pass. The RETF bill would give towns the option of implementing the bill in the manner that is the best fit for each town. The point of having the Select Board make a statement is to put increased pressure on the legislature to get this passed. Many people and many organizations are supporting this bill. 12. Adjournment Ms. Weiss moved adjournment; Ms. Cohen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm. In favor: Harriet Cohen, Jeri Foutter, Charles Hornig, Paul Linton, Wendy Manz, Bob Pressman, Melanie Thompson, Betsey Weiss, John Zhao Against: none Abstaining: none