HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-17-SBC-min d V 111J, [:::)ORE III... III....II°rTlE MEETING MINUTES Project: Lexington High School Project No: Subject: School Building Committee Meeting Meeting Date: 8/17/2023 Location: Hybrid (146 Maple Street&Zoom) Time: 2:00 PM Distribution: Attendees, Project File Prepared By: A. Place Name Affiliation Name Affiliation Katheleen Lenihan* SBC Chair and SC Member ✓ Mike Burton DWMP ✓ Michael Cronin* SBC Vice-Chair and LPS Facilities ✓ Christina Dell Angelo DWMP ✓ Julie Hackett* Superintendent of Schools ✓ Mike Cox DWMP ✓ Jim Malloy* Town Manager ✓ Steve Brown DWMP ✓ Joe Pato* Select Board Chair ✓ Aidan Place DWMP ✓ Mark Barrett* Public Facilities Project Manager ✓ Rachel Rincon DWMP ✓ Charles Favazzo Jr.* PBC Co-Chair Jason Boone DWMP ✓ Jonathan Himmel* PBC Chair Brad Dore DWMP ✓ Andrew Baker* Interim Lexington High School Principal Carolyn Kosnoff* Finance Assistant Town Manager ✓ Hsing Min Sha* Community Representative ✓ Kseniya Slaysky* Community Representative ✓ Charles Lamb Capital Expenditures Committee ✓ Alan Levine Appropriation Committee Dan Voss* Sustainable Lexington Committee Marie Cavanaugh ✓ Chris Schaffner Green Engineer * SBC Voting Member Verimoint I Massachusetts �Aia iiN.doirea� d�/vhilittiem.cornn Project: Lexington High School Meeting:School Building Committee Meeting No. 2-8/17/23 Page: 2 Item No. Description Action 2.1 Call to Order& Intro: 2:00 pm meeting was called to order by SBC Chair K. Record Lenihan with 10 of 13 voting members in attendance. 2.2 Previous Topics&Approval of July 20, 2023, Meeting Minutes: Record A motion to approve the 7/20/2023 meeting minutes as submitted made by K. Slaysky and seconded by J. Hackett. Discussion: None. Roll Call Vote: K. Lenihan -Yes- M. Cronin -Yes J. Hackett-Yes-J. Malloy- Yes -J. Pato -Yes- M. Barrett-Yes- C. Favazzo Jr. -Yes-A. Baker-Yes - H. Min Sha -Yes- K. Slaysky-Yes. Abstention: None. Motion passes, minutes approved, 10-0-0. 2.3 Designer RFS Process: Record M. Burton reviews the Designer Procurement Schedule in the slideshow.Talks about the Designers that submitted their proposals. Will provide sheet for information on each designer. Says they are not allowed to rank the designers but will create a summary sheet which will identify a pros and cons list and send it out to the committee. Talks about the DSP interview process. Says there will be applications review on 9/12 followed by DSP interviews on 10/3. After the designer is selected,they can begin contract negotiations. ➢ A. Levine asks about the confidentiality of the process. M. Burton responds saying it is all public information right now, however there is financial information that we would like to be treated respectfully and not broadcast. Will keep within the SBC but if someone asks,they will provide to them. ➢ K. Lenihan asks at what point do they talk about what LHS can look like? M. Burton says that happens during the PDP phase. C. Dell Angelo also responds saying the educational program drives the massing of the building as well. S. Brown also responds saying they will see distinct design approaches between designers. C. Dell Angelo says if they have comments they can direct them to M. Cronin and M. Baretts office to review with the DSP members. M. Burton says they will conduct reference checks as well. ➢ K. Slaysky discloses a family member of hers ended up as a subconsultant for one of the firms that submitted. She has no contact with them on it. ➢ J. Malloy talks about the Article 97 process. He says it's important to determine the footprint of the building and where it's going to be early on as the article 97 process could take up to 2 years. Page 2 of 8 Project: Lexington High School Meeting:School Building Committee Meeting No. 2-8/17/23 Page: 3 M. Cronin talks about the Article 97 process as well. Saying that they need to establish rough square footage estimate and does not have to be exact. ➢ S. Brown talks about the questions at the DSP interviews. Saying they email out a standard list of questions for the designer. This could be an opportunity to add a question about article 97. ➢ M. Burton asks which town meeting they would be trying to go to for article 97.J. Malloy says with something like this the select board would probably be able to set a special town meeting off cycle to move this forward. ➢ J. Hackett asks how M. Burton feels about all six designers that submitted. M. Burton responds saying they are all excellent firms, and they will have to dig into each of them to see which ones they want to advocate for. 2.4 IDP Project Target& Goals: Record M. Burton talks about the IDP(Integrated Design Policy) slide.Asks if this SBC is the stakeholder that's referenced in the IDP. H. Min Sha says they shaped the SBC to reflect all the representation needed. M. Burton says in order to establish the specific targets for the project the SBC would vote on it, then it would go to the school committee for a vote, then finally to the select board for a vote.J. Malloy says this is accurate for the process. ➢ C. Schaffner talks about the policy changes/clarifications. The first question is what level of resilience is required for LHS. ➢ J. Hackett asks if the high school is a shelter. M. Cronin responds technically the high school is used as a shelter but doesn't meet all the qualifications of one. ➢ C. Schaffner says level 1 is a fire station, level 2 is the idea that people would be sheltering there. M. Burton says level 3 is continued operation, and level 4 is the fire alarm would work and to keep the building from freezing if shut down. ➢ C. Favazzo asks if the fire department has a say in it for determining its resilience. M. Cronin says yes, he is correct. ➢ C. Schaffner continues speaking to the slide. Says level 2 is town shelter which means full electrical and thermal power necessary for life safety. Also,food prep and refrigeration, and internet connectivity and charging stations. Level 3 Is continued operation, in this case as a school. Page 3 of 8 Project: Lexington High School Meeting:School Building Committee Meeting No. 2-8/17/23 Page:4 J. Hackett asks about FEMA and its regional location. M. Cronin responds saying this is a conversation to have with the fire chief and director of health services at the end of the month. ➢ M. Burton says they need help understanding who the key players are in order to understand more. C. Favazzo says in terms of setting goals there is a process/outline which has a form that has questions to the group to determine them. ➢ M. Burton says he wants to identify who the stakeholders and key people are. C. Favazzo responds saying he thought this group represented all the appropriate stakeholders. ➢ M. Cronin says they will bring the conversation back up on 9/14 at the next SBC meeting. A. Levine asks if the whole building has to be the same level. M. Cronin answers saying he doesn't know the answer but depends on how they segregate it. J. Himmel says they could consider a portion of this building a higher level than the rest of it. ➢ K. Slaysky asks about the financial aspect with reimbursement when sectioning off a portion for a higher level. M. Burton responds saying anything not defined in the educational program is not reimbursable. C. Schaffner talks about the second item on the checklist:ASHRAE 90.1. The recommendation would be to compare against the current MA Code/Stretch Code/Opt-in code which references 90.1-2019. ➢ J. Hackett asks if these questions need to be answered today, C. Schaffner says not today but wants to start discussing them. Need to be answered before they start design. ➢ Cindy Arens(Sustainable Chair) says yes, its certainly ASHRAE 90.1-2019, but it's an action item for whether its 2022 version or not. ➢ C. Schaffner talks about the third item/questions: "When cost effective" says need some guidance on what criteria and shall be used for determining cost effectiveness. ➢ M. Cronin responds they do want battery storage they just do not know what size. ➢ J. Himmel says cost effective is on there for examples when the cost and return on investment does not make sense for the project. ➢ H. Min Sha says there are two different types of cost effectiveness. One is from a quantitative perspective and the other is to just give them wiggle room. From his perspective cost effective means there is no other way the community can spend this money that would achieve as much benefits elsewhere. Page 4 of 8 Project: Lexington High School Meeting:School Building Committee Meeting No. 2-8/17/23 Page: 5 J. Hackett asks about the reimbursements and grants and if they play a role. C. Schaffner says they do and part of the design team process will be to do life cycle cost analysis for different systems. ➢ M. Burton says the goals they would like to establish are: o Resilience Level o LEED Certification o Energy Use Target o Overall Energy Use o Battery Storage M. Burton says if they achieve an EUI of 25 or better then, Eversource kicks in a lot of money for the job. ➢ C. Schaffner follows with more on the goals saying the IDP states the stakeholders should decide what these goals are. ➢ J. Hackett says the goal collectively is to be better than LEED Silver. ➢ M. Cronin says the goal in the IDP is LEED silver, and If they can do better that would be great. C.Arens comments that with all the checklist items on the IDP they would more than likely attain a higher level than silver.Thinks its worth for the PBC and SBC to put together something about what EUI they should have based on the current stretch code. C. Schaffner suggests having a separate meeting to go through the IDP line by line before the end of September. ➢ M. Cronin says it should be a joint meeting between the PBC and sustainable Lexington. ➢ C. Favazzo says it is a separate subcommittee going through the policy and the checklist to determine this. Before they have done a combined PBC and sustainable Lexington meeting. ➢ H. Sha Min says the best they can do is give a sense of the committee values but don't think they should be committing to EUI targets and such. ➢ K. Slaysky does not want to shortchange themselves in the feasibility stage. Says they would benefit from the design team studying how to implement energy efficient tools and strategies. ➢ J. Hackett says they don't have enough information to answer the questions today. They can revisit it at the next meeting. ➢ C. Schaffner continues talking about the project goals to establish early on the slide. What he has heard is the want for the building to be net zero and the town wants battery storage. ➢ A. Levine asks about when the design team comes on.They will have lots of questions that they will have to investigate that will not involve details of this level. M. Burton says they are trying to follow the IDP and wanting to stick by the policy. Page 5 of 8 Project: Lexington High School Meeting:School Building Committee Meeting No. 2-8/17/23 Page: 6 C. Schaffner says there is some overlap,for example if one of the considerations is doing ground heating system you have to figure out where that goes and will impact where the building goes. M. Burton says the intent is to flesh these ideas out early to plan for them. K. Slaysky says an example of this is she is on a project where they are providing on site renewable energy generated from solar panels. If the town is only looking to cover the energy use for the building or to provide a surplus to go back to the grid. In another community she saw where that was not clear and had some effect on the process later. J. Himmel says the word integrated means the engineers are on It from the beginning. Says part of this reason for all the interaction they need is because they need to get a lot of things on the table early on, so they are not missed. ➢ S. Brown says determining whether it is a goal, or a functional requirement is a key difference. Says there is an opportunity to study these goals and see the benefits and consequences of them. 2.5 Article 97: Record ➢ Touched on earlier. M. Burton says the town has engaged with the town engineer to do a study to look at all the parcels of land. They will determine whose is what and how big it is. 2.6 Public Meeting: Record ➢ M. Burton talks about the community meeting on 9/14 at 6:OOPM at Cary Memorial Building. Shows the proposed agenda for the meeting on the slideshow,which is: o Welcome and Introductions o MSBA Process o Timeline o Designer RFS Process & Update o Website o Upcoming Meetings o Next Steps o Q&A ➢ C. Dell Angelo asks if they can do hybrid at the location and if they have a local access TV to broadcast it.They will create a postcard/flyer to be distributed throughout the community. ➢ M. Burton says in other communities they have created a communication working group to discuss these topics as well. Page 6 of 8 Project: Lexington High School Meeting:School Building Committee Meeting No. 2-8/17/23 Page: 7 J. Hackett says lead with the informational video that never got shown at the town meeting in the community meeting to inform public. ➢ J. Himmel says to tell the public when they can best provide information and when it's too late in the community forum as well. K. Lenihan says a communication subcommittee is a great idea. K. Slaysky says her and H. Min Sha,J. Pato want to be added to the group. ➢ C. Dell Angelo says she will schedule something for next week. 2.7 Upcoming Meetings: Record ➢ M. Burton goes over the upcoming meeting's slide. o SBC #3- 9/14 o Community Meeting#1 - 9/14 o SBC #4- 10/12/23 o SBC #5- 11/30/23 o Community Meeting#2 - November 2023 o SBC #6- 12/21/23 o SBC #7- 1/18/24 o SBC #8- 2/15/24 o SBC #9- 3/21/24 o SBC #10- 4/25/24 o SBC #11 - 5/16/24 ➢ K. Slaysky asks about the calendar invite for the community meetings. M. Burton says they will send out calendar invites soon. ➢ J. Himmel asks does it makes sense to have a community meeting the same day as the SBC? M. Burton says having the communications working group will help vet the presentation to be ready for it. 2.8 Q&A: Record ➢ A. Levine asks about the MSBA budget update and additional funding. M. Burton says it doesn't impact their reimbursement percentage. ➢ J. Himmel asks about attachment B with the IDP. The diagram that locates the SBC in the center and staff interfaces on the right and community participation on the left,wants to look at that and see if it needs to be refined. M. Burton says S....Brown looking at it now and analyzing it. 2.9 Other Topics not Reasonably Anticipated 48 hours prior to the Meeting: Record Page 7 of 8 Project: Lexington High School Meeting:School Building Committee Meeting No. 2-8/17/23 Page: 8 Y K. Slaysky asks about the lessons learned from Hasting's presentation. M. Burton says Mark. B has something put together and will present next time 2.10 Public Comment: Record ➢ B. Pressman of 22 Locust Ave makes public comment asks in D+W experience is it common for any members of the public to inquire about the cost of the project and how is that handled. M. Burton responds saying it's a bit early to talk about cost. Says that come community meeting#3 or#4 when they are getting towards the end of the PDP (Preliminary Design Program)they will have initial looks at cost. 2.11 Adjourn: 3:38 pm A motion was made by K. Slaysky and seconded by J. Malloy Record to adjourn the meeting, Discussion: None. Motion Passes, Meeting Adjourned. Sincerely, 11;3011::Z ;;;: °ii° ! III III1TIIIIE:IIG: Aidan Place Assistant Project Manager Cc:Attendees, File The above is my summation of our meeting. If you have any additions and/or corrections, please contact me for incorporation into these minutes. Page 8 of 8