HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-03-01-ARTS-minLexington Council for the Arts Meeting Notes March 1,2023 7:00 PM–8:30 PM Location:Via Zoom.See below for remote participation instructions. Pre-Meeting Tasks Review of draft minutes from Febr uar y 1,2023 meeting Attendance: Present:David Hoose,Anwell Tsai,Steve Poltorzycki ,Marie Hewes,Shalini Kakar,Claudia Lach,Jessie Chen,Elizabeth Xu,Lisa Herbert Absent:Ashley Rooney,Doug Urban Guests:Doug Lucente Recording Secretary:Marie Hewes Meeting start time: •Call to order :7:05 PM •Secretary’s report (Marie):Approved unanimously •Treasurer’s repor t (Steve) Accounts: -Local account :$4,700.00 (rolls over)(Based on donation and contributions) -Town Account::$2,753..00 -Council program :$1,820.00 -MCC ARPA Grant :$6,000.00 Subtotal :$17,275.00 Applied to MCC Grant request (Festival and Projects):$2,500.00 Expenses :Fairy Homes/Bikeway:$3,000.00 Porchfest :$3,000.00 More Utility Boxes: Murals: Music project: •FY 2023 project discussion −Dance Around the World (Elsie/Ashley) This event will take place on Saturday,March 18th in the Lexington High School Gym at 7PM.This event is planned with the Celebration Committee. 11 dance g roups will be perfor ming (Indian,Chinese,Korean,Modern,Tap, Hip Hop and Jazz…) The program is all set but there are a few logistics details to finalize: -Restaurants need to apply for a food per mit. -The dancers need some time to rehearse so we need to request rehearsal time from the school. -We are still waiting for the g roups’MP3 that we keep on Google Drive. -The food will be sold by LexRep (which will get the profits) We might be over the budget by $300 (because of the extra hours necessary for rehearsals). Steve motioned to authorize the 300 dollars, seconded by Anwell.All in favor. −Porchfest (Steve) A small group met to discuss this project and the decision was to plan Porchfest in early Fall. The idea of porchfest is to walk from one end to the other during the afternoon. (We would have two bands per location and have a total of 20 bands).We need about 10 neighbors. Some options offered by different members:Winthrop,Slocum,(Doug’s neighborhood)which is also close to the Center.(Doug will talk to various neighbors). We will also need to get some website functionalities so bands can register directly on the website,but we already have a few bands interested. We are also considering having a semi professional band to close the day in a location that would welcome a larger crowd. Once we finalize these details,a budget will have to be voted on. Requirement for the homeowner: -Provide access to an electrical plug -If possible,allow musicians to access the bathroom. −Fair y Homes /Bikeway Colonies (Ashley/Steve) On Discovery Day we will present the Fairy houses.Later (in June)there will be some sculptures installed on trees along the Bikeway.We will be paying professional artists to represent miniature sculptures inspired by the Lexington architecture.We will need to talk to DPW as well as the Bicycle Advisor y Committee regarding safety on the bike path as well as signs.We will probably have to put 10 feet between the sculptures and the bike path itself. The Select Board also needs to approve. Proposal :Allocation of $3,000.00 for this project Motioned :steve Seconded:Shalini Approved. −Utility boxes We have enough cash to pay for more Utility Boxes.The previous ones were ver y well received.We should identify 3 Utility Boxes not located in the Historical Neighborhood. 4 Potential (2 in Lowell),one on Woburn and one on Allen (by the Meadow Golf Course,the last one is Spring Street0. Proposal :Allocation of $2,000.000 dollars for the Utility Boxes coming from the Local Account : Motioned :Steve Secunded :Anwell Unanimously approved. The Project Manager will submit the designs and the jury of 3 persons will select the 3 winning designs. −Other potential projects Musical perfor mance in Emery Park in the early Fall (Friday or saturday)Anwell will be monitoring that project. Some decisions need to be made regarding the number of perfor mances (4?) and how much to pay the performers. Steve and Marie will be helping with this project. •New business Mural project?Steve reached out to the Economic Development Committee which has funding for a facade improvement project and we would like to include a mural. Doug Lucente mentioned the Participator y budgeting :People should g o on the Town website and log on “Participatory Budget”where they can sug gest or participate in projects. Any meeting after March 30th needs to be in person.People can remotely participate but you need the majority of people to meet in person including the Chair. Our next meeting will have to be in person and we will have to figure out a location. The Town is preparing the rooms to be Hybrid ready..We can also meet in the Library as well as the Community Center. Meeting Adjourned at:8:15 Motioned by:Steve Seconded by:Lisa