HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-26-TCC-min Town Celebrations Committee Minutes of Meeting April 26, 2023 By Zoom Teleconference Members Present Glen Bassett, Co-Chair; Steve Cole, Kevin Collins, Linda Dixon, Yifang Gong, Dabby Harter, Cerise Jalelian, Lorain Marquis, Sandy Podgorski, Sue Stering Members not Present Sudha Balasuryan, Dave Grabel, , Mary Hutton, , Gresh Lattimore, Sondra Lucente, Julie Miller, Geetha Padaki, Kristen Pulkkinen, Ashley Rooney, Hong Xie. Business • Co-Chair Glen Bassett opened the meeting,read the required Zoom language, and declared that a quorum was present. • The meeting minutes of April 12, 2023 were approved. Budget—Lorain Marquis • If we include sponsorship revenue of$19,700, our total parade expenses are about$2,000 over budget. • Total expenses for the year to date are $4,100 over budget. • Glen and committee extended kudos to Lorain for her excellent sponsorship results. Feedback and Discussion on Patriots' Day • Glen shared a chart summarizing committee feedback to date on lessons learned, things that could be improved, and ways to make the improvements in the many components making up Patriots' Day. • We engaged in a helpful discussion. • The chart will remain permanently in Google Sheets and can be added to at any time. Glen encouraged members to add any new thoughts and ideas over the next few months. He will resend the link. • This will be an extremely helpful planning tool for next year. • Glen will send a thank you note to Fire Chief Derek Sencabaugh for helping Parade Announcer Sharon Spaulding at the reviewing stand during the afternoon parade. Memorial Day Planning • The Select Board has approved the Memorial Day overall plan submitted by Glen. • Basic plan: small group lays wreath at Fire Station and Westview Cemetery, then heads up the Parade at 10:00 a.m. and visits the various war memorials, ending with a ceremony on the Green. • Sandy will request a bus from DPW to meet small group at Munroe Cemetery driveway, drive to fire station, Westview Cemetery, and return to Munroe driveway. • The wreaths are in the custody of the Minute Men. Kevin Collins will arrange for their delivery to Munroe Cemetery start point. Linda will give Kevin final count. • Kevin will remind Minute Men of need for musket company to fire one-round volley at each wreath laying, and 2 Minute Men to assist in wreath layings. • Glen will request police honor guard. • Glen will send letter to all veterans on our mailing list, encouraging them to attend the wreath layings and ceremony. • Linda will send Glen's letter to the Lexington Veterans membership list. • Cerise will arrange with Justin Aramati and the LHS band for two trumpeters to play Taps and Echo with the morning parade; and participation of full Band in the Ceremony. • Some Lexington students have formed the"Poppy Project" and propose to construct a poppy memorial at Emery Park, consisting of handmade poppies on sticks,placed in the ground in the shape of a heart. • They have asked that this memorial be included in the Memorial Day observance, and we are open to including them. • Linda will arrange a meeting and will invite Cristina Gamota, who has considerable experience in poppy memorials from her volunteer work on the 100th anniversary of the WWI Armistice. Discovery Day, Saturday, May 27 • Lorain announced that the Retailers Association will no longer provide tables and chairs for groups who sign up for Discovery Day. • Emphasis this year is on encouraging volunteerism, attracting new members. • The Monuments and Memorials Committee is interested in sharing a table with TCC. • After discussion, the committee voted not to participate in Discovery Day for 2023. Recruiting Non-Members to Perform Routine but Important Tasks • Cerise described a website called Signup Genius, where we would post a set of tasks that need doing for a certain event. Interested volunteers go to the site and sign up. Both the volunteer and TCC receive a confirmation. As the date approaches, the volunteer receives another reminder. • Members are asked to send Glen a list of specific tasks that can be performed by a non- committee member with little or no supervision. Glen will produce a master list of tasks and post it on Signup Genius. Upcoming Committee Business • June 14—vote for officers for 2023-24. • Next meetings to prepare for Memorial Day: May 3, May, 17, May 24. • Final wrap-up meeting for the year: June 14. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Dixon, member