HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-11-PBC-minPermanent Building Committee (PBC) 201 Bedford Street, Room 221 February 11, 2016 Members Present: Bill Hurley, Lee Noel Chase, Philip Coleman, Dick Perry, Chuck Favazzo, Eric Brown, Howard Hobbs & Ned Goodell Members Absent: Jon Himmel, Peter Johnson, Carl Oldenburg, Guests: Ken DiNisco and Angel Khazadian, DiNisco Design Partnership; Mike Lambert, Bond Brothers; Paul G. Kalous, Hill International Lexington DPF: Patrick Goddard, Director of Public Facilities and Mark Barrett, RA Project Manager Recording Secretary: Ann Marie Ponzini Eric called the Meeting to order at 7:OOp.m. 1. General Business • The members reviewed the PBC & School Committee Meeting minutes dated December 22, 2015 and the PBC Meeting minutes dated January 14, 2016. Motion to approve PBC & School Committee minutes dated December 22, 2015 — APPROVED. Motion to approve PBC Committee minutes dated January 14. 2016 — APPROVED. • It was discussed that the School Committee had appointed new members as building specific representatives which included Bill Hurley assigned to the Diamond School and Lee Noel Chase on the Clarke school with new members Howard Hobbs on Clarke and Ned Goodell on Diamond. The new members introduced themselves as did the balance of the PBC members. 2. Clarke and Diamond Updates • DiNisco provided an update on his 3rd meeting with Con Comm this past Tuesday, with the project being approved and stated he is expecting an Order of Conditions in about 2 weeks for Clarke. • There were concerns at the last hearing about the driveway behind the gym at Diamond regarding encroachment on the 25 ft wetlands buffer. Further discussion is needed and the hearing was extended. DiNisco expects this next hearing will be the last. • DiNisco stated that pulling back the pavement will work and meets the encroachment requirements and that a discussion would be held with the fire dept. to ensure their acceptance of any modifications to this access roadway. • A PBC Member asked if traffic patterns were a concern of Con Comm: Answer was No. 3. Hill Peer Review Updates • 22 items were vetted by the School Administration. • 2 main concerns were looked at. 1. Does the design meet the capacity expectations? 2. Are there better ways to design, or improve delivery, of this program for less money? • Hill stated that nothing was found to be wasteful, and that that the general consensus is DiNisco has provided a good design. PCB Meeting 02.11.16 Page 1 • It was also found that the design will meet capacity. • DPF handed out the Peer Report to the PBC Committee. • PBC asked for further information on the 2 items of concern. • DPF stated the 2 items regarded Clarke: 1. If TLP was moved from the 2nd floor to the 1St, there would be a potential savings of about $14,000, but the Principal had educational reasons for it to stay. 2. Bring Art up to the 2nd floor to reduce the amount of work in the Music Department. • PBC questioned why they had not seen the Peer Report ahead of time, and DPF stated Jon Himmel was PBC representative in all the meetings. • PBC asked if Jon had any concerns with the report. • It was stated that there were no open items /concerns other than the next time it should be done earlier in the process. • A copy of the report was available on the multiple projects website. 4. Overview and Discussion of the Schedule • March 7th Estimate due from the town. • DiNisco outlined that the Diamond's schedule goes out further due to the fact this project will take longer. • The next mile stone is a week from this Friday (2/12/16), which will be for documents for pricing to meet the 3/7 estimate date. • DiNisco informed PBC he is meeting with Building Officials in advance of the permit to review project specifics, we will be permitting under the current code before a new edition is released later in 2016. • May 3rd is the referendum vote. • The bid documents for the end the Summer Work should be available at the end of March. • Hill stated that the locker rooms work is a separate package along with early site work. The construction for the locker rooms should start early May if all goes well, and then site work starts at the close of school in June. • An overall phasing schedule should be developed and shared with the group. • PBC asked Bond if his schedule has the "Summer Slammer" work, and Bond responded that it does. 5. Aesthetics / Designs • PBC inquired about the design, colors and materials being used for Clarke and Diamond. • DiNisco stated that restraints from the existing building and budget have an effect on the design. • PBC asked if there is time for them to be involved with color selections and Bond answered Yes • PBC asked if they could see the design or some images. It was discussed to set up a time when some members of the PBC could meet with the architects to review in more detail the materials, samples, color schemes and general design options. It was agreed that such a meeting should be organized. • DiNisco will have a PowerPoint presentation for the next PBC meeting scheduled for Monday March 7th at 6:OOpm. • PBC (Ned) commented he was excited about the court yard at Diamond and asked how this will be designed. DiNisco responded the courtyard will be kept simple to easily care for it. • PBC asked to be sure on future projects that time for design review with the PBC is built into the project schedule so it can be at a time that affords the PBC to have more of an impact on the projects. PCB Meeting 02.11.16 Page 2 6. Sub - Contractor Prequalification Process • Qualifications should be finished in the next 2 months. • PBC asked if the RFQ's went out and Hill responded that they have. • Hill informed the board that 98 trades have sent in qualifications. This represents good coverage on the various trades. • PBC asked if they wanted to be involved with this. DPF sent out an email looking for volunteers, but no one was able to commit the time necessary at this time. DPF staff will participate in the process. 7. Bridge, Bowman & Fisk Updates • DPF advised that the School Comm. approved the budget for putting a pair of standard modular classrooms at each school (Bridge, Bowman, Fiske). DPF stated they would review these small projects with PBC to gauge their interest but recommend that DPF manage these projects while PBC focused on Clarke, Diamond and Hastings. PBC agreed with updates as needed. • DPF worked with the Principals and the architects to site the modulars for best educational use and constructability. 8. Hastings Update • DPF, Lexington is in the eligibility period, working with the School Committee and Building Committee to start a feasibility study agreement for the town manager to sign. • OPM selection is expected by May /June. • The OPM will then do a Design RFQ (summer of 2016). • Lexington is 1 of 8 of the 26 communities selected and allowed directly into the eligibility period. • On 2/22/16 there will be a vote to approve funding of $1,500,000 to be used for this process. • DPF distributed a copy of the school building committee to be sent to MSBA. 9. Next Meeting Date on Monday March 7th at 6:OOpm • All in favor of March 7th meeting day and time: Yes. Motion to adjourn was made and seconded: Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. PCB Meeting 02.11.16 Page 3