HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-12-07-AC-min 12/07/15 AC Minutes Minutes Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee December7, 2015 : Town OfficeBuilding, DawesRoom,6:30p.m. : Glenn Parker, Chair; John Bartenstein, Vice Chair and Secretary; Kate Colburn; Mollie Garberg; Alan Levine;Andrei Radulescu-Banu; Rob Addelson (non-voting, ex officio) Members Absent:Beth Masterman; Eric Michelson; Richard Neumeier Others Present: Carl Valente, Town Manager; Bob Pressman, Town Meeting Member The meetingwas calledto order at 7:39p.m. Update on Special Town Meeting(STM)#1 Article 2:Appropriate for School 1. Facilities Capital Projects: Mr. Parker reported that it is anticipated that Dawn McKenna, Town Meeting Member,will present an amendment to this article that would remove funding for the design and purchase of modular units for elementary schools. If this amendment fails and the main motion subsequently fails, the Board of Selectmen are prepared to submit an amendment that would essentially be equivalent to Ms. McKenna’s amendment. This is contingency planning for a scenario that is not expected. Should this transpire, this Committee would beasked to comment on the BoS amendment. In this event, it is likely that Town Meeting would recess to allow the finance committees timeto determine the positions they would take. Update on STM #1 Article 4: Appropriate for Engineering Study -20 Pelham Road: 2. Mr. Parker reported that themotion for Article 4 is requesting $150,000 for design and engineering fora second access road tothe20 PelhamRoadproperty that the Town is negotiating to purchase. The estimate for the feasibility portionisapproximately$66,000; the balance would be for final designs. There was considerable discussion about the need for the $150,000 at this time, prior to knowing whether the property would be purchased, and prior to knowing how the property would be used if the property is purchased.There were suggestions that only the feasibility portion should be funded at this time. Mr. Valente joined themeeting to review the logic for the full request, making the followingpoints: The feasibility portion is complex, partially because of the area’s topography and current road locations. It would include finding a second access road, most likely through the Community Center property, to Marrett Road and would likely include locating a sidewalk from Marrett Road to the Community Center. It would also include ensuring safe access to the property from Massachusetts Avenue (Mass. Ave.); the current configuration of the Mass. Ave./Pelham Road intersection is particularly problematic if 20 Pelham Road were to be used for a school. It is preferable to have one contract for the different stages of the project. Having the entire appropriation available avoids delays in pursuing the project. The results of the feasibility study might influence the Town’s desire to purchase the property but would not be likely to influence the negotiated price. 1 12/07/15 AC Minutes Mr. Bartenstein noted his concern that the Town should be cautious aboutspending funds too readily, particularly given the amounts that will be requested in the near future to build and renovate schools. He suggested that he could support $30,000 for a feasibility study and that additional funds could be requested at subsequent Town Meetings when requests to purchase the property are presented. A motion was made and seconded to support Article 2, as currently worded, for the $150,000. The vote was 3-3.\[Subsequently, at the Special Town Meeting, Mr. Neumeier joined the Committee and added a vote in favor, making the final vote 4-3 in support.\] Announcements: 3.Mr. Levine recommended that Committee members review a spreadsheet he recently distributed that identifies override and debt exclusion requestssince 1989. It can be used for entering anticipated override and debt exclusion requests. The meeting wasadjournedat 7:18p.m. The documentsused at the meeting arelistedbelow. Respectfully submitted, Sara Arnold Recording Secretary Approved January 19, 2016 Exhibits 1.Agenda,posted by Glenn Parker, Chair 2.Multiple School Project Costs Worksheet, updated November 18, 2015 2